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Discussion Why do race "realists" behave like aggressive niggers whenever their beliefs are challenged?

Nah, you're ugly just like most beaners! You thnink you're not ugly just because you like your ugly face in the mirror? Women are the ones who decide who's good looking, your own opinion is worthless.
You're ugly too. If you weren't ugly then white foids would pick you as a partner.
Both your genetics(main factor) & environment(secondary factor) determine your IQ, simple as that.

And if we go by the genetic argument, it would make sense that since races share different genotypes, alleles, etc. it to some degree has something to do with IQ. I'm not saying that any race deserves to be treated differently -aside from being barred & peacefully removed ideally- but how can we be guys claiming to believe in genetic determinism yet somehow go Reddit-mode on this?
If race did determine your IQ then your IQ wouldn't be able to change. We can clearly see that IQs are not fixed traits.
Nah, you're ugly just like most beaners! You thnk you're not ugly just because you like your ugly face in the mirror? Women are the ones who decide who's good looking, your own opinion is worthless.
Theres darker Hispanics who facially mog me even though I have more European Genes than them. Cope harder, you mentally ill loser.
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I think differences we notice are largely environmental.
You mean our environment has shaped us by forcing certain traits to be selected?
If race did determine your IQ then your IQ wouldn't be able to change. We can clearly see that IQs are not fixed traits.
This is what we call a "whataboutisms"

I never denied that environment can help, but IQ has a genetic ceiling
You mean our environment has shaped us by forcing certain traits to be selected?

This is what we call a "whataboutisms"

I never denied that environment can help, but IQ has a genetic ceiling
We don't know how high that genetic ceiling is. In other words, we don't know what the max IQ is for humans.
We don't know how high that genetic ceiling is. In other words, we don't know what the max IQ is for humans.
Again, this is what's called a "whataboutism"

And somehow my argument is weak & insufficient? Jfl
Again, this is what's called a "whataboutism"

And somehow my argument is weak & insufficient? Jfl
IQs are not fixed traits. They change along with environment. This is where race realism becomes less convincing
I used to obsess a lot about race when I was in my 20s. I lurked amren a lot and I enjoyed the racepilling and learning about things that were never taught to me.

I believe in the long run it doesn't make a difference as some time in the distant future, most of humanity will be mixed. Before, the barriers that divided humanity were geographic, cultural, and linguistic. Geographic has been eliminated by airplanes and language/culture is becoming more universal/monolithic by the day. And it's only a matter of time before nations and borders become less of a thing.

As for the short run I believe it matters. Forcing integration too quick can cause serious conflict and problems. If mixing is to occur it's suppose to happen very gradually and naturally.

Also I don't like that blacks and hispanics are so damn aggressive, stupid, and ghetto. They make life hellish here in CA. If more prisons were built specifically to imprison millions of aggressive and stupid blacks and hispanics I would be more favorable towards mixing. Imprisoning millions of them would improve the remaining black and hispanic population and make it easier for them to integrate. As the stigma of them being aggressive, stupid, ghetto, and violent would gradually go away.

Everywhere I go here in CA I see blacks and hispanics driving aggressively, doing illegal sideshows, littering, robbing stores, stealing cars, getting into fights, stabbing people, and shooting. We need far more new prisons specifically for them.
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I used to obsess a lot about race when I was in my 20s. I lurked amren a lot and I enjoyed the racepilling and learning about things that were never taught to me.

I believe in the long run it doesn't make a difference as some time in the distant future, most of humanity will be mixed. Before, the barriers that divided humanity were geographic, cultural, and linguistic. Geographic has been eliminated by airplanes and language/culture is becoming more universal/monolithic by the day. And it's only a matter of time before nations and borders become less of a thing.

As for the short run I believe it matters. Forcing integration too quick can cause serious conflict and problems. If mixing is to occur it's suppose to happen very gradually and naturally.

Also I don't like that blacks and hispanics are so damn aggressive, stupid, and ghetto. They make life hellish here in CA. If more prisons were built specifically to imprison millions of aggressive and stupid blacks and hispanics I would be more favorable towards mixing. Imprisoning millions of them would improve the remaining black and hispanic population and make it easier for them to integrate. As the stigma of them being aggressive, stupid, ghetto, and violent would gradually go away.

Everywhere I go here in CA I see blacks and hispanics driving aggressively, doing illegal sideshows, littering, robbing stores, stealing cars, getting into fights, stabbing people, and shooting. We need far more new prisons specifically for them.
As a Hispanic living in CA, I rarely come across violent Hispanics. Most of them are good people who don't cause problems..
IQs are not fixed traits. They change along with environment. This is where race realism becomes less convincing
1995 SAT vs Income Education

This paints a picture, since it shows us that even when certain economic factors are accounted for, we see a general increase in results sure but it stills shows a genetic "ceiling" can exist.

Also, as others pointed out in another thread, human IQs are actually stagnating & even decreasing. I ask you, as a self-proclaimed blackpiller, is the average person outside "intelligent" in really any metrics?
Here's some studies' I've mentioned
Despite repeated claims to the contrary, there has been no narrowing of the 15- to 18-point average IQ difference between Blacks and Whites (1.1standard deviations). The differences are as large today as when first measured nearly 100 years ago. Racial group differences, and the associated gaps in living standards, education levels etc., are rooted in factors that are largely heritable, not cultural. For example, Lynn and Vanhanen [32] found that national IQ scores correlate 0.68 with per capita income and rate of economic development. They further show that national IQs cause a number of other social phenomena, such as adult literacy(0.64), enrolment in tertiary education (0.75), lifeexpectancy (0.77), anddemocratization(0.57).Templer and Arikawa [63] found that per capita income and IQ were related to skin color in international comparisons. Subsequently, Templer [64]found that national IQs and skin predict infant mortality, fertility, and even HIV/AIDS rates.IQ differen ces are attributable more to differences in brain size than to social, economic, or political factors. There is little or no value in denying reality. Improving opportunities and removing arbitrary barriers is a worthy ethical goal. Equalopportunity is laudable. But we must realize that it will result in equitable, though unequal outcomes

A few prior, rather small studies have examined the heritability of brain size (or volume), finding very high values (about 90%). The matter is important because one can measure brain size with high precision using MRI data, and is measured on a ratio scale (cm³), so there cannot be any big measurement issues. The same kind of Jensen variance argument applies to brain size differences as it does to intelligence. Brain size differences by race show up even before birth, where most environmental factors cannot even theoretically be in play. The finding of a very high heritability within race makes it nearly certain that the race differences are also largely genetic in origin. To admit this would be defeat for egalitarians, because brain size is causally related to intelligence, and thus any genetic brain size differences must also result in genetic intelligence results unless there is a counteracting factor of at least equal force. The ABCD has some siblings, including twins, so it is possible to verify the previous estimates of the heritability of brain size:

As measures of intelligence, we examined both years of education (EduYears) and IQ. We designated EduYears as our primary measure because the attainable GWAS sample size for EduYears is currently larger than that for IQ. Previous studies have found a high genetic correlation (∼0.7) between IQ and EduYears, and the top SNPs identified in the respective GWAS of these traits show very strong concordance. Our two measures of brain size are adult intracranial volume (ICV) (Hibar et al., 2015) and infant head circumference (HC) (Taal et al., 2012). ICV is an excellent proxy for brain volume with the advantage that it does not decline sharply with age (Davis & Wright, 1977); thus, any correlation with intelligence cannot be explained by the effects of neural atrophy on cognitive decline. According to bivariate LD Score regression, adult ICV and infant HC show a genetic correlation of 0.75
IQ shows a significant genetic correlation with adult ICV (rg = 0.29, SE = 0.11), as does EduYears (rg = 0.41, SE = 0.08). These estimates are fully consistent with previous DNA-level studies, one of which used largely overlapping data to study IQ (Savage et al., 2018). The estimates are also consistent with previous twin studies. To give just one example, the HC-IQ genetic correlations based on the MCTFR (one of the datasets in Study 1) are 0.32 in the 11-year-old boys (CI95%: 0.14, 0.50), 0.28 in the 11-year-old girls (CI95%: 013, 0.46), 0.25 in the 17-year-old boys (CI95%: 0.10, 0.42), and 0.17 in the 17-year-old girls (CI95%: 0.04, 0.30) (Silventoinen et al., 2012).

rg ± SE​
Intracranial volume​
0.291 ± 0.107​
0.746 ± 0.146​
0.411 ± 0.077​
0.721 ± 0.174​
0.306 ± 0.083​
0.495 ± 0.137​
0.353 ± 0.064​
0.450 ± 0.136​

More stuff:

More stuff:
Genetic variants identified by three large genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of educational attainment (EA) were used to test a polygenic selection model. Weighted and unweighted polygenic scores (PGS) were calculated and compared across populations using data from the 1000 Genomes (n = 26), HGDP-CEPH (n = 52) and gnomAD (n = 8) datasets. The PGS from the largest EA GWAS was highly correlated to two previously published PGSs (r = 0.96–0.97, N = 26). These factors are both highly predictive of average population IQ (r = 0.9, N = 23) and Learning index (r = 0.8, N = 22) and are robust to tests of spatial autocorrelation. Monte Carlo simulations yielded highly significant p values. In the gnomAD samples, the correlation between PGS and IQ was almost perfect (r = 0.98, N = 8), and ANOVA showed significant population differences in allele frequencies with positive effect. Socioeconomic variables slightly improved the prediction accuracy of the model (from 78–80% to 85–89%), but the PGS explained twice as much of the variance in IQ compared to socioeconomic variables. In both 1000 Genomes and gnomAD, there was a weak trend for lower GWAS significance SNPs to be less predictive of population IQ. Additionally, a subset of SNPs were found in the HGDP-CEPH sample (N = 127). The analysis of this sample yielded a positive correlation with latitude and a low negative correlation with distance from East Africa. This study provides robust results after accounting for spatial autocorrelation with Fst distances and random noise via an empirical Monte Carlo simulation using null SNPs
Change the title you fucking racist cunt
because we're right and no amount of telling you our side will get you to believe us

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