whites look down on east asians for being short and black too. theyre the same thing as you lol. tell them to stay in their lane
Eh, bro, you can't generalize like that. I normally respect all people (woman aren't people), so long as they respect me.
Welp, the kikes are a different kind of animal though. At the very least I am suspiceous of them.
But color or height was never in my life a reason for me to think less of someone. I guess it is also partly because of my upbringing, but since I am a very logical person, it makes no sense to judge one based on appearance.
Of course that is a different story when it comes to sexual relationships.
While there are outliers, when it comes to what type of women I like, I, for the most part, prefer a white woman, yes.
If we're ralking about looks only.
But I've seen some asian women, some black women and goodness gracious, some latin american women who I too find attractive.
As for men, I have never treated anyone worse because of their racial or religeous background, not even kikes.
I just don't trust kikes, because of what they are known for, ans what I know em for.