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Why do people care about Biden/Trump ?



Oct 2, 2019
You realize it's a farce for the public? They all fund Israel and they will fund Israel. I find it crazy how many people actually believe in the elections, especially in this day and age of disinformation. All of the platforms are owned by jews and you think you have a say in who gets to be the president? Why are people this blind? NOTHING will change with either of them elected, only thing that will be different is the face you see on your screen when the lies start coming.

All that's left to do is to wait for the inevitable collapse of everything, there is no hope. It's all predetermined by the ones in power. We are here along for the ride, not to make an influence.
I don’t but it’s a fun cope
Inceldom Discussion
Incels cope a lot with elections as if they matter I figured I don't have to specify I'm talking about INCELS when I bring this subject up.
idc politics are ghey
Because if biden croaks we get a foid president which is bad for incels.
Biden winning means the US is going more soy. The news, big tech, social media companies will all have carte blanche to ram identity politics and censorship down everyones throats.

They elected a tranny senator for fuck's sake.


How helpful do you think a tranny will be to anyone who isn't a LGBTQ+ club member, let alone incels who want to ban dating apps?
Biden winning means the US is going more soy. The news, big tech, social media companies will all have carte blanche to ram identity politics and censorship down everyones throats.

They elected a tranny senator for fuck's sake.


How helpful do you think a tranny will be to anyone who isn't a LGBTQ+ club member, let alone incels who want to ban dating apps?
Jews are pushing identity politics anyway, it hasn't slowed down in any shape or form. And they'll keep doing whatever the fuck they want. Regardless on who they place as the face of America for the next 4 years. You're talking about lgbtq+ shit but if you look back it was only 8 years ago that gay marriage was legalized in every state and look at the states now. Nobody can say shit about faggots on any social platform anywhere.

Stop being dumb Trump wont do shit and Biden wont be any different, the only difference is the side they're triggering. It's just polarizing the countries so they're easier to rule over. It's pointless to talk to people such as yourself so I won't bother further.

I'm glad I got an answer to my question though.
You realize it's a farce for the public? They all fund Israel and they will fund Israel. I find it crazy how many people actually believe in the elections, especially in this day and age of disinformation. All of the platforms are owned by jews and you think you have a say in who gets to be the president? Why are people this blind? NOTHING will change with either of them elected, only thing that will be different is the face you see on your screen when the lies start coming.

All that's left to do is to wait for the inevitable collapse of everything, there is no hope. It's all predetermined by the ones in power. We are here along for the ride, not to make an influence.
It is a farce, yes. It doesn't matter who wins the american elections. Both Trump and Biden are puppets. Your anti-semitism is unfounded, however.

There will be no collapse, the elites have unprecedented absolute control. The future will be BNW-style shit, except vast majority of males will be watching porn instead of copulating with their looksmatches. And yes, everything that you're seeing today was decided upon and put into motion decades ago; all is pre determined, and there is no escape.
It is a farce, yes. It doesn't matter who wins the american elections. Both Trump and Biden are puppets. Your anti-semitism is unfounded, however.

There will be no collapse, the elites have unprecedented absolute control. The future will be BNW-style shit, except vast majority of males will be watching porn instead of copulating with their looksmatches. And yes, everything that you're seeing today was decided upon and put into motion decades ago; all is pre determined, and there is no escape.

''Your antisemitism is unfounded''

Go ahead, challenge my antisemitism with arguments. I'm excited about it.
Jews are pushing identity politics anyway, it hasn't slowed down in any shape or form. And they'll keep doing whatever the fuck they want. Regardless on who they place as the face of America for the next 4 years. You're talking about lgbtq+ shit but if you look back it was only 8 years ago that gay marriage was legalized in every state and look at the states now. Nobody can say shit about faggots on any social platform anywhere.

Stop being dumb Trump wont do shit and Biden wont be any different, the only difference is the side they're triggering. It's just polarizing the countries so they're easier to rule over. It's pointless to talk to people such as yourself so I won't bother further.

I'm glad I got an answer to my question though.
The difference is these tech and news corporations will now have the wind at their backs and be able to oppress people totally unopposed. The censorship that Twitter and Facebook are doing recently will be normalized and get substantially worse.
The difference is these tech and news corporations will now have the wind at their backs and be able to oppress people totally unopposed. The censorship that Twitter and Facebook are doing recently will be normalized and get substantially worse.
Twitter and reddit more like it tbh

Facebook hasn't been as bad this election.
''Your antisemitism is unfounded''

Go ahead, challenge my antisemitism with arguments. I'm excited about it.
It's fucking retarded.
Yes, some of the elites are jewish. No, not all of the elites are jewish.
Plus, there are plenty of poor jews who are not rich or influential. Imagine hating them just because they belong to a certain race.
You think if you purge all the jews things will get better? Newsflash: they won't.
because you can map and project every other kind of tension you have in your life, be it racial, economic, homo, religious, etc. to your leaders. Having leaders that follow your core values is fundamental to one's well being. Elections are increasingly less about policy, and more about how you want your country to be branded
It's fucking retarded.
Yes, some of the elites are jewish. No, not all of the elites are jewish.
Plus, there are plenty of poor jews who are not rich or influential. Imagine hating them just because they belong to a certain race.
You think if you purge all the jews things will get better? Newsflash: they won't.
HAHA. Let's go, I love these low effort arguments.

''Some of the elites, not all'' is not a realistic representative is it?

Let's start with Social media, shall we?
I'll put a 1 for a jew and 0 for a non jew
Reddit - owned by 1
Facebook - owned by 1
Youtube - owned by 1
Instagram - owned by 1
Twitter - owned by 0

Written in the ''L.A Times'' , by a - you guessed it, a gloating jew https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2008-dec-19-oe-stein19-story.html

'' Only 22% of Americans now believe “the movie and television industries are pretty much run by Jews,” down from nearly 50% in 1964. The Anti-Defamation League, which released the poll results last month, sees in these numbers a victory against stereotyping. Actually, it just shows how dumb America has gotten. Jews totally run Hollywood. ''

'' The Jews are so dominant, I had to scour the trades to come up with six Gentiles in high positions at entertainment companies. When I called them to talk about their incredible advancement, five of them refused to talk to me, apparently out of fear of insulting Jews. The sixth, AMC President Charlie Collier, turned out to be Jewish. '' ( Gentiles stands for non jew )

'' “That’s a very dangerous phrase, ‘Jews control Hollywood.’ What is true is that there are a lot of Jews in Hollywood,” he said. Instead of “control,” Foxman would prefer people say that many executives in the industry “happen to be Jewish,” as in “all eight major film studios are run by men who happen to be Jewish.” ''

It just so happens :soy: doesn't it

Now we all know jews are pretty much primarily judges and lawyers so I won't bother bringing that up, same for being bankers

And regarding politics and elections

Now, keep in mind that they are a MASSIVE minority everywhere in the world except for Israel yet they hold so much power over us. I'm sure you're aware of what their holy book Talmud preaches about non-jews (goys) or you wouldn't even indulge into arguments with me? I can familiarize you with their holy book as well if you're interested :)
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I can't understand antisemitists,as misantropist can't argue tough.
HAHA. Let's go, I love these low effort arguments.

''Some of the elites, not all'' is not a realistic representative is it?

Let's start with Social media, shall we?
I'll put a 1 for a jew and 0 for a non jew
Reddit - owned by 1
Facebook - owned by 1
Youtube - owned by 1
Instagram - owned by 1
Twitter - owned by 0

Written in the ''L.A Times'' , by a - you guessed it, a gloating jew

'' Only 22% of Americans now believe “the movie and television industries are pretty much run by Jews,” down from nearly 50% in 1964. The Anti-Defamation League, which released the poll results last month, sees in these numbers a victory against stereotyping. Actually, it just shows how dumb America has gotten. Jews totally run Hollywood. ''

'' The Jews are so dominant, I had to scour the trades to come up with six Gentiles in high positions at entertainment companies. When I called them to talk about their incredible advancement, five of them refused to talk to me, apparently out of fear of insulting Jews. The sixth, AMC President Charlie Collier, turned out to be Jewish. '' ( Gentiles stands for non jew )

'' “That’s a very dangerous phrase, ‘Jews control Hollywood.’ What is true is that there are a lot of Jews in Hollywood,” he said. Instead of “control,” Foxman would prefer people say that many executives in the industry “happen to be Jewish,” as in “all eight major film studios are run by men who happen to be Jewish.” ''

It just so happens :soy: doesn't it

Now we all know jews are pretty much primarily judges and lawyers so I won't bother bringing that up, same for being bankers

And regarding politics and elections View attachment 366672

Now, keep in mind that they are a MASSIVE minority everywhere in the world except for Israel yet they hold so much power over us. I'm sure you're aware of what their holy book Talmud preaches about non-jews (goys) or you wouldn't even indulge into arguments with me? I can familiarize you with their holy book as well if you're interested :)
> muh meme /pol/ pics
Dude, come the fuck on.
If you unironically believe in some jewish conspiracy to rule the world, you are very low-IQ.
There are elites who are jewish. There are elites who are not jewish.
The vast majority of jews are not part of any "elite", and have no money or influence.
No, the elites don't gather every friday to decide on programs that better benefit "the jews" JFL. They care about power and influence for themselves, not for their race.
Because I don't have time for conspiracy theories. There are things actually happening that I have to fear. Things that Biden will bring because he said he would bring them. The sanity of this country going away. The radicals have to lose. That's why I vote.
Look dude, the country is skewing left wing and will be progressive inevitably, so why not just cut off your cock and go to the gas chambers now?
> muh meme /pol/ pics
Dude, come the fuck on.
If you unironically believe in some jewish conspiracy to rule the world, you are very low-IQ.
There are elites who are jewish. There are elites who are not jewish.
The vast majority of jews are not part of any "elite", and have no money or influence.
No, the elites don't gather every friday to decide on programs that better benefit "the jews" JFL. They care about power and influence for themselves, not for their race.
You haven't addressed ANY of the points I made here. You also completely ignored my final point about Talmud. But you bravely defend jerking ur dick off to 11 year old girls on other threads. Are you sure you dont have some of that shekel blood in u?
You haven't addressed ANY of the points I made here. You also completely ignored my final point about Talmud. But you bravely defend jerking ur dick off to 11 year old girls on other threads. Are you sure you dont have some of that shekel blood in u?
I didn't even read your post.
Because there's no point lmao. I used to have some anti-semitic views myself a few years ago, but stopped when I realized they were retarded.
Let me ask you this simple question:
Let's say you finally get to genocide that race you hate so much - what is the result?
Let me answer: a decent portion of the elites are removed. Not only are there plenty of evil surviving elites, the ones that were removed will simply be replaced with new ones from different backgrounds. A huge amount of innocent people (non-elites) are killed for no good reason, too. That's the result.
It's dumb as shit and extremely poor optics to be anti-semitic. The world controllers have much bigger links than race between them - money, power and influence. If you want to take a stand against evil, you take a stand against "the elites" - screeching about "muh jews" is about as stupid as it gets. No, jews are not out to get you.
I didn't even read your post.
Because there's no point lmao. I used to have some anti-semitic views myself a few years ago, but stopped when I realized they were retarded.
Let me ask you this simple question:
Let's say you finally get to genocide that race you hate so much - what is the result?
Let me answer: a decent portion of the elites are removed. Not only are there plenty of evil surviving elites, the ones that were removed will simply be replaced with new ones from different backgrounds. A huge amount of innocent people (non-elites) are killed for no good reason, too. That's the result.
It's dumb as shit and extremely poor optics to be anti-semitic. The world controllers have much bigger links than race between them - money, power and influence. If you want to take a stand against evil, you take a stand against "the elites" - screeching about "muh jews" is about as stupid as it gets. No, jews are not out to get you.

If all of them were eradicated, humanity would literally win. Sure, there'd still be some of them running rampant but jews have been doing this shit for thousands of years, since the execution of Jesus and before even that. They're the top reigning dog and they're the snake's head.
Based conspiracypilled graycel
OP is @Sparrow's Song's alt :feelskek:


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