Because all of modern post industrial society was molded and built on the idea that we are all equal, Jewish billionaires need a far larger supply of workers? Make the women work, give the women rights so you can remove the boundary between men and women and fully establish them as a workforce and to destroy the family next so they prioritize working more than they do reproducing, creating a culture of women that only seek their wants and not their biological obligation because they can rely on thwir boss instead of a husband.
Normies, specifically males, are so foolishly obsessed with defending women and feminism because this is an idea that was drilled into our minds and school systems for about 150 years, normie men believe they benefit from this exchange because they have never had the exoerience of loneliness nor have they the need to create a family, to them it's more of an option than an obligation like women,, because the goal was to make men like women. By making them equals feminism has essentially feminized men so normie men who fall for this defend their women as if it is a woman defending a fellow woman. Even from elementary school we were read feminist books and taught about the importance of civil writes and woman's suffrage, no doubt the textbooks and cirriculum were influenced by the same trilliondollar corporations that push feminism because they replace any natural logical notion of patriarchy with the false God of equality. Notice how after 5th grade it stops becoming girls vs. boys for children and they essentially think of themselves as the same? Hell they even sued boyscouts over this shit. Normie men defend normie women because they have been propagandized along with their parents to love feminism from birth.