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Why do most men say 30s and 40s were better than 20s?



Aug 10, 2019
Ive talked to numerous guys. Not only in their 30s or 40s who would be "coping" with saying things like: "Yeah this is the best time period bro!!". No, my grandpa on both sides, my oldest cousin who is like 47, my brother who is mid 30s, my Chadlord who is early 30s, some of his friends who are almost coming up to 40, my dad who is 56. So many men say that 30s and 40s were the best for them, Ive never heard one man saying 20s was his best decade.,

Why is this? As an incel, I tend to think 20s would be the best, and everything else is cope, but when I hear, again and again, even from OLD grandpa dudes, that 30s and 40s is where its at, I wonder, why is that? What is it with those two decades that makes them better for men?
Older people tend to get more authority/respect (not saying that’s a good or bad thing.)
Its more or less reasonable if you're poor and building up a life in your 20s. If you worked hard and had some luck you can still enjoy your 30s and 40s and more or less young man. If you postmaxx on fakecels.co on the other hand.... :feelsugh:
Read the whole post.
implying people here read more than 2 sentences
Its more or less reasonable if you're poor and building up a life in your 20s. If you worked hard and had some luck you can still enjoy your 30s and 40s and more or less young man. If you postmaxx on fakecels.co on the other hand.... :feelsugh:

implying people here read more than 2 sentences

Well his response shows clearly he didnt read it all.
Either coping or those men had to waste their youth moneymaxxing and can now live mediocre lives with some degree of self sufficiency after that
Most men betabuxx in their 30s or 40s, become fathers or raise another man's kid, and settle down with a woman.
Their normie brains are wired to accept this as normal, and just take it. They compare being alone and depressed in their 20s to being "happy" in their 30s and 40s, being a family man.
all the guys i know over 30 are isolated as fuck or raising a single mom's kids

most are broke

most people in the west are broke as fuck so don't cope and say "but u get rich in your 30s"
I think most of the ones who get married in their late 20s/early 30s end up having way more sex than they did when they were single and that's why they feel happier. Even the cucks who let their wives get railed by tyrone every night probably get a monthly pityfuck out of the deal, which is more than they would have gotten otherwise.
Funny I've actually heard that it's in their 60s that men are the happiest.

If you heard 30s/40s though I'm guessing it's because your 20s is a time of complete uncertainty and fuckery. You aren't really established in anything unless you're lucky/privileged as fuck. In your 30s and 40s this is less likely to be so (although not so much in these shit economy day). You're still technically young but you've been through enough shit to know what to expect is why I suppose the theory is.
Funny I've actually heard that it's in their 60s that men are the happiest.

If you heard 30s/40s though I'm guessing it's because your 20s is a time of complete uncertainty and fuckery. You aren't really established in anything unless you're lucky/privileged as fuck. In your 30s and 40s this is less likely to be so (although not so much in these shit economy day). You're still technically young but you've been through enough shit to know what to expect is why I suppose the theory is.

Yes many of them say that 20s were so uncertain with money, they were insecure, no self confidence, so much drama and shit. Then 30 or 35 they started to get their economy in check, got married, got kids and stability and a purpose etc.
Because people have more sex at 30s and 40s when foids start feeling the pressure of being mother's and settle with a betamale instead of riding chad cocks. But we won't have any sex so
Funny I've actually heard that it's in their 60s that men are the happiest.
I honestly can't imagine how anybody could be happy at that age. When you can look back on your young adult years and realize that the amount of time that's passed since then is greater than the amount of time until you die, how can anybody cope? Even if I was a foid or a chad I think that would drive me insane.
I honestly can't imagine how anybody could be happy at that age. When you can look back on your young adult years and realize that the amount of time that's passed since then is greater than the amount of time until you die, how can anybody cope? Even if I was a foid or a chad I think that would drive me insane.

Caues they have a family and something to feel comfort with, they have accomplished something. Kids, grandkids, all that shit.
Ive talked to numerous guys. Not only in their 30s or 40s who would be "coping" with saying things like: "Yeah this is the best time period bro!!". No, my grandpa on both sides, my oldest cousin who is like 47, my brother who is mid 30s, my Chadlord who is early 30s, some of his friends who are almost coming up to 40, my dad who is 56. So many men say that 30s and 40s were the best for them, Ive never heard one man saying 20s was his best decade.,

Why is this? As an incel, I tend to think 20s would be the best, and everything else is cope, but when I hear, again and again, even from OLD grandpa dudes, that 30s and 40s is where its at, I wonder, why is that? What is it with those two decades that makes them better for men?

I personally think men look better in their 40's mainly cause they got that wisdom and shit and they have life experience but foid's are all about what ever is big right here and know and the media supports youth as the beauty standard so older dudes look uglier
I honestly can't imagine how anybody could be happy at that age. When you can look back on your young adult years and realize that the amount of time that's passed since then is greater than the amount of time until you die, how can anybody cope? Even if I was a foid or a chad I think that would drive me insane.

I don't get it either. Perhaps it's because if things went remotely well then you are probably retired and can do whatever the fuck you want. Maybe more of a renown sense of youth where this was also the case. You're not quite old enough to be a decrepit senior but you're well old enough to know now that mostly anything you do doesn't really mean a whole lot of a fuck. If you die in your 60s you can say you mostly didn't miss out on much of anything in terms of youth. Of course this is not going to be the case of the incel.

Anyway I imagine it the Hawaiian shirt guy on a cruise who doesn't really have to give a shit about anything.
Yes many of them say that 20s were so uncertain with money, they were insecure, no self confidence, so much drama and shit. Then 30 or 35 they started to get their economy in check, got married, got kids and stability and a purpose etc.

That's the gist of it I think. The classic boomer case anyway
When you reach your 30s and 40s you supposed to have a decent job, a home and a car. Of course after grinding your incel ass for 30 fucking years on careermaxxing and moneymaxxing.

In the meantime, most women have already finished riding their fair share of cock-carousel and ready to settle down with a non-asshole guy. So you might start getting attentions from many near wall women.

Don't misunderstand it with your smv being went up.
I honestly can't imagine how anybody could be happy at that age. When you can look back on your young adult years and realize that the amount of time that's passed since then is greater than the amount of time until you die, how can anybody cope? Even if I was a foid or a chad I think that would drive me insane.
Maybe they moneymaxed and grinded hard in their 20s so they haven't got any fond memories about them.Also the fact that you established a family and have a stable income helps you cope i think.For non moneymaxed incels it's definitely harder since you actually have nothing to show for all those years spent here and are now headed towards the end of your life

realize that the amount of time that's passed since then is greater than the amount of time until you die
This is so suicide fuel thb i'm definitely gonna rope by that time
Because people have more sex at 30s and 40s when foids start feeling the pressure of being mother's and settle with a betamale instead of riding chad cocks. But we won't have any sex so
Probably this. Most men are bluepilled betabuxxers and the older generations haven't seen behind the curtains so to speak as much as we were able to.
Probably because you're more sure of yourself at that age. (Most) men by then have a career and a house. Drive a nice car an have money in their pocket.

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