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Why do moms raise their sons to be beta?



mentally crippled by lonely teen years
Dec 27, 2019
Mothers will never tell their sons the truths of female nature. They will never say "women like bad boys, they like high status men, tall men, will date a man for non-romantic reasons, etc."

Why though? Don't they want their sons to get girls? Certainly they must know that some guys will be losers while the others will be winners, so why not try to help their sons become winners by giving them intel on female psychology?

And before you say Mothers secretly hate their sons for being incel, when a boy is in middle school, it isn't 100% obvious he will be incel, so why not tell him the truth? Does the mom care more about the girls his son dates as opposed to her son himself?
They think they’re doing the right thing by feeding them bluepills
Foids want all males to do their bidding. They'll even tell their chad sons to go betabux a single mother if they're friends with the single mother's mother.
Foids want all males to do their bidding. They'll even tell their chad sons to go betabux a single mother if they're friends with the single mother's mother.

This tbh.
they see that their sons have subpar genetic quality and thus teach them their only way of possible ascension
Foids want all males to do their bidding. They'll even tell their chad sons to go betabux a single mother if they're friends with the single mother's mother.
High IQ as always. Women see their sons as disposable tools. You need to understand your mother doesn't want the best for you. She wants the best for the woman who will carry her grandchildren.
How can they believe this when they know the bluepill is BS?
They don’t want their sons to become bad boys or obsess over their looks , They just want him to be a “good man” and good betabuxx one day
they see that their sons have subpar genetic quality and thus teach them their only way of possible ascension

All moms say the same thing no matter the genetic quality, don't kid yourself.
OP needs to take the mompill. One of the blackest pills.
Foids want all males to do their bidding. They'll even tell their chad sons to go betabux a single mother if they're friends with the single mother's mother.

But the problem is that sons don't marry their mom, they marry a different foid, so why would they care about some random foid more than their own son.
OP needs to take the mompill. One of the blackest pills.

Explain the"mompill", first I've ever heard the term
they see that their sons have subpar genetic quality and thus teach them their only way of possible ascension
What selfish creatures, to not only bring genetic garbage to the world when they themselves would never have went for a guy like their son in their lifetime.

JFL at females having a guarantee of their genes getting passed on regardless of their genetic quality, meaning that even if no undesirable males passed on their genes at all there would still be a constant stream of incels due to their mother's shitty genes.
They are prepping their incel sons to prep the bull

In all honesty if I was told the truth at 12 I woulda roped
It has alot to do with the father not being present as an alpha male role model father figure. My nephew who is 3½ -yrs old fights alot and shouts at random people. Today he punched me in the groin and shouted random low IQ babble. He might be a bit retarded and low IQ, underdeveloped etc but i still love him.

His father is not very present while his mother tells him not to fight and colors his nails/tells him not to fight, feeds him vegans meals which is very beta.
What selfish creatures, to not only bring genetic garbage to the world when they themselves would never have went for a guy like their son in their lifetime.

JFL at females having a guarantee of their genes getting passed on regardless of their genetic quality, meaning that even if no undesirable males passed on their genes at all there would still be a constant stream of incels due to their mother's shitty genes.
all humans are selfish , when the chips are down all we care about is ourselves .
We are all opportunistic , but we like to tell ourselves that we are noble .
Foids want all males to do their bidding. They'll even tell their chad sons to go betabux a single mother if they're friends with the single mother's mother.
they want worker bee males and queen bee females thats the society females idealize
Explain the"mompill", first I've ever heard the term
See my first post
High IQ as always. Women see their sons as disposable tools. You need to understand your mother doesn't want the best for you. She wants the best for the woman who will carry her grandchildren.
Your mother cares more about other foids than she does about you.
JFL at asking moms for dating advice. You will always get the most bluepilled responses in existance. My mom has literally told me that my height isn't an issue jfl. Like I'm going to believe any of that.
JFL at asking moms for dating advice. You will always get the most bluepilled responses in existance. My mom has literally told me that my height isn't an issue jfl. Like I'm going to believe any of that.

You are right, but understand when you're in middle school you're very unaware of the dynamics of male-female sex/dating dynamics.
all humans are selfish , when the chips are down all we care about is ourselves .
We are all opportunistic , but we like to tell ourselves that we are noble .
Everyone is the hero of their own story.

An incel's story is the story of a man broken by a society that decides to swarm and destroy them, except incels don't get a happy ending. Incels are the villains of the story, for committing the heinous crime of being born while ugly.

No, incels are heroes, Byronic heroes that will fight despite having absolutely no chance of winning.

Because Foids are BETA!!!

Only Alpha males can teach young men to become alpha’s by example. If your learning how to act from a foid obviously you’re gonna learn nothing but beta behavior!
They don't want their sons to leave them
Women see all human beings as commodities and their sons as possessions, like a handbag or something to be kept as an accessory. Making your son a self sufficient human being detached from you requires a hurdle for women most single mothers aren't capable of, and thus the children of single mothers either stay massive pussy betas or try making the hurdle themselves in a dysfunctional way with no guidance and become little wigger gangsters.
Me too and I kinda hate my mother for this. I can never be mean to a foid outside my fantasies. Even hookers always tell me how nice I am. This niceness funnily never increased by attraction. It is not personality it is your attractiveness score which is relvant to a foid. If you are then nice to your foid is mostly up to the male (as observed in most relationships) as long as the male part still pays attention.
They don't want their sons to leave them
Women see all human beings as commodities and their sons as possessions, like a handbag or something to be kept as an accessory. Making your son a self sufficient human being detached from you requires a hurdle for women most single mothers aren't capable of, and thus the children of single mothers either stay massive pussy betas or try making the hurdle themselves in a dysfunctional way with no guidance and become little wigger gangsters.

Okay, in that case, I hear stories on this forum about women telling their oldcel sons to get girlfriends, why?
But their sons ended up losers because they lied to them!!!!!!
Don't expect logical consistency or long-term thinking out of a foid.
HER (in the possessive sense) son was her cute little child and she raised him as such, then suddenly her son became an adult and he was a fucking loser. She can't see more than 20 minutes into the future and nothing is ever her fault, but her son that belongs to her as her human accessory now suddenly sucks and she needs to do something about that.
I don't think you can be raised to be a beta: you're born a beta. Yes, now I know about femoids' true nature but that doesn't help me get laid. There's nothing I can do because my genetics are not good enough to help me attract a woman. I think knowing the truth will only make you more frustrated and angry. There are times I wish I had stayed bluepilled.
Don't expect logical consistency or long-term thinking out of a foid.
HER (in the possessive sense) son was her cute little child and she raised him as such, then suddenly her son became an adult and he was a fucking loser. She can't see more than 20 minutes into the future and nothing is ever her fault, but her son that belongs to her as her human accessory now suddenly sucks and she needs to do something about that.

Here's a serious question.

is this immoral? and how does it compare to drunk drivers who kill people
I don't think you can be raised to be a beta: you're born a beta. Yes, now I know about femoids' true nature but that doesn't help me get laid. There's nothing I can do because my genetics are not good enough to help me attract a woman. I think knowing the truth will only make you more frustrated and angry. There are times I wish I had stayed bluepilled.

That may be the case for you, but I became an incel due to acne, an environmental trait. I could've been a chadlite, but instead I'm on this forum because my face was destroyed
Because women are blissfully unaware of what they are actually attracted to. They really think they're helping their sons by bluepilling them when in reality it's all about looks.
Here's a serious question.

is this immoral? and how does it compare to drunk drivers who kill people

That may be the case for you, but I became an incel due to acne, an environmental trait. I could've been a chadlite, but instead I'm on this forum because my face was destroyed
You are right you know charles Bukowski? He was an incel too due to acne before he became a world famous writer and by then it was already too late
Here's a serious question.

is this immoral? and how does it compare to drunk drivers who kill people
I mean, it certainly fucks up the sons. You don't get good, successful men without fathers. Leave a boy alone with a single mother and you will get a failed or fundamentally broken man. It's actually very comparable to a drunk driver, because women are so fucking stupid they might as well be compared to inebriated people and giving them the proverbial wheel when a child is being raised will absolutely result in a disaster. Good analogy actually. They ABSOLUTELY need men to "drive" for them, not just for sons but also for daughters so the daughters don't become whores with daddy issues selling their feet pics and Tyrone sex tapes on twitter for venmo transactions.

Most cultures that are actually decent and produce conquerors, civilisation-builders, ect as opposed to being bumfuck village farmers in the mountains who avoided being conquered by superior cultures (Mosuo, Hopi Indians) or savages (Aborigines, Micronesians) stress the importance of paternity as opposed to maternity, and many (Indo-Europeans, Chinese, Semitic cultures) are accused by feminists of having treated women as being the property of their men in the past or in the present. I'll let you figure out why they spent thousands of years "oppressing" women like this even though cucks claim patriarchy is a stupid model.
They increasing their chances to reproduce. If you will grow as woman-hater and not as a woman-simp, you may have a chance to reproduce even by means of raising one or two Chad's bastards.
I recommend checking out Jesse Lee Peterson's online content for more information on this topic. He has a lot to say about it. It's basically his favorite thing to talk about.
Because they don't care about their sons
they want men to be their dogs. even their own son is to be their dog. listening to their every command, loving them despite abuse, completely emotionally dependent on them.
How can they believe this when they know the bluepill is BS?
I genuinely think they don’t know. Women think they prefer personality and have no idea how much their subconscious affects their dating patterns
I mean, it certainly fucks up the sons. You don't get good, successful men without fathers. Leave a boy alone with a single mother and you will get a failed or fundamentally broken man. It's actually very comparable to a drunk driver, because women are so fucking stupid they might as well be compared to inebriated people and giving them the proverbial wheel when a child is being raised will absolutely result in a disaster. Good analogy actually. They ABSOLUTELY need men to "drive" for them, not just for sons but also for daughters so the daughters don't become whores with daddy issues selling their feet pics and Tyrone sex tapes on twitter for venmo transactions.

Most cultures that are actually decent and produce conquerors, civilisation-builders, ect as opposed to being bumfuck village farmers in the mountains who avoided being conquered by superior cultures (Mosuo, Hopi Indians) or savages (Aborigines, Micronesians) stress the importance of paternity as opposed to maternity, and many (Indo-Europeans, Chinese, Semitic cultures) are accused by feminists of having treated women as being the property of their men in the past or in the present. I'll let you figure out why they spent thousands of years "oppressing" women like this even though cucks claim patriarchy is a stupid model.
i remember my mother getting moody and pissed when i first told her i was going to hang out with a girl (i was of course her emotional tampon beta friend)
How else can you explain their actions? They know what attracts women. Why would they lie? Because they don't care.

I think it's ego, they don't want to admit to themselves that they are attracted to the wrong type of man, so they lie to their ignorant son.
I think it's good for mum's to raise them to be beta if they have an alpha male dad who beats them but all father's are cucks these days
I think it's ego, they don't want to admit to themselves that they are attracted to the wrong type of man, so they lie to their ignorant son.
I don't know. I see mothers treat their attractive sons and daughters differently than their ugly sons.
I don't know. I see mothers treat their attractive sons and daughters differently than their ugly sons.

I was the only boy, so I don't know, plus my Mom died in middle school before my acne got too atrocious, so I haven't got the 100% experience.

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