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Venting Why do men date single moms?



Sep 18, 2018
At all? I mean it's even worse if the woman is young (as in early 20's) and already is a single mom. These kinds of women are almost never intelligent (it's actually been proven that women with higher IQ have children later and only a fewer number) and it blows my mind any man could be so fucking stupid and brainwashed as to believe that he isn't automatically screwing himself over by becoming anywhere near such a hoe.

I have a childhood friend who got married some years ago to some stupid fat bitch that already had not 1 but 2 children by the time she was in her late early 20's and he thought it was a good idea to marry her. LMAOOOOOOOO! He is going to have a bad case of buyers remorse later down the line.

Are guys just desperate or stupid or both?
I would answer but you have me on ignore so :kys:
Desperation, thinks she is more likely to not shop around for an "upgrade".
Desperation like @The Abyss said, they know it's over deep down and they lower themselves to that level.
Take a wild guess
Mommy-daughter threesome
They aren't "men" they are cucks. some chemical fuck up that lays in between Men & Women.
It's funny but just 50 years ago Men would never even consider marrying a single mom and they would only pump and dump them at the local bar and even then they had to keep that shit a secret because people look down on everybody that associated with single moms as they were seen as a plague on society similar to the deadbeat dads and people on food stamps even though single moms are way worse than them.

It just shows how fucked up and skewered the sexual Market is in women's favor at the very existence of single moms.
But is the sex even any good? When I saw my mate's wife for the first time she was already fat and I bet she is probably obese by now. Women looking for betabux husbands (and that is probably what 90% of single moms are) arne't looking for sex. They just want money. And thus, they don't give a shit about what they look like. Anybody who chooses to date some obese single mom is a fucking moron that is shooting himself in the foot.

But what angers me the most is the dysgenetic effect of single mothers. These low IQ retards breed more than smart women (whom in many case don't even breed at all) and that means that a few generations from now whites will have the same average IQ as the brownies do. Western civilization will be even more fucked.
Because they have zero testosterone, zero dignity, zero self-respect, low IQ, and probably a touch of homosexuality mixed in as well.
Desperation, thinks she is more likely to not shop around for an "upgrade".
LMFAO its the complete opposite really. women who have kids are even more entitled and think they deserves the for "mE aNd MuH bAbieS" than women who don't have kids. They expext everyone to worship them and bend over backwards just because they got creamed in by chad and produced chads snott nosed offspring. No one cares about your fucking gay ass constant pictures of your faggot kids with captions like "LuH dEm" or "mUh bAyBeEeS r MuH wOrLd" while they leave to some cuck to watch them while they're out having 3 somes and blowing coke off chads cock
Men who date single moms are desperate incels who wants attention and wants to get laid. I have an acquaintance who ascended and afterwards he became incel/volcel for 14 years or so then he met a single mom and now he is like a betabux/cuck to her. He have only dated single moms in his adult life. She is also a race mixer. It's pathetic. The absolute last resort.
The majority of men are uneducated creatures ruled by their biology. They roam the world looking for a moist hole to plug, no matter the woman it is attached to or the consequences for their future.

In short, it is because most men are horny and stupid.
Some are pedo's who date them to gain access to their children. Others are just cucks.
I think that in the beginning they are just thirsty, but they get married because they are presured to do it. They follow life script to 100%. Get educated, find someone(doesn't matter if you really like her) get married, have some kids and work almost till your death. They are living on the autopilot, never really having deep thoughts.
But sometimes, late in night, when they can't sleep I suspect those thougts creeps in. They know they fucked it up. But the only thing left is just going the same path, because they are too affraid. Some of them gonna cope with gambling, alcohol, drugs, porn etc.
Don't forget that basically we are a little bit more developed monkeys. Most of humans are not fucking Stephen Hawking but dumb fucks. Monkey wants to fucks, monkey will do everything to fuck, even if that means monkey will screw up his life
Pussy is a pussy boyo, I have no problem seeing a guy fucking a single mom as long as you are not marrying her or going LTR.

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