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Why Do Incels Refuse To Meet Up In Person?



Dec 21, 2017
r/incels was described as a support group and we claim to be part of an incel community but nobody here will meet up in person. If you are from a major city in the West like NYC, Toronto or London there are many posters on here and other incel boards who live locally and you could easily meet up with them. A lot of you guys are NEETS and LDAR all day so there really is no reason for you not to meet up with other incels. A lot of incels have no friends and social interaction and it would be nice if we could meet up and hang out.
Too high chance of getting doxed by the cucks
With the amount of fucked up people here would suggest it's not a great idea.
Why is this even a question

z2020 said:
With the amount of fucked up people here would suggest it's not a great idea.

Including you?
Incels are not exactly the type of people you ever want to meet in life. Just look at how much we are avoided already.
I have nothing to gain from it. "So, what games/apps do you play to cope?" "Let's see who gets fauxflirted with more!"
Twisted said:
Because if we did, the like of IT would probably also turn up as well seen as they love to harass us.
You are scared of IT? You really think they are gangstas who will jump you? They are SJW cucks they won't hurt a fly lol
I'm in NYC. Waddup people.

Serious answer though, to me it isn't worth meeting up unless it's a woman looking to give me sex.
Most don't want to get doxxed. I don't care about that, but I still have no interest.

There's nothing to gain from meeting up with other incels.

The only human interaction I want is sex with a female.
Zielony4 said:
I'm in NYC. Waddup people.

Serious answer though, to me it isn't worth meeting up unless it's a woman looking to give me sex.

Would you agree with me that it's a top two city for hypergamy?
Lmfao, an incels.is meetup would be so fucking autistic.
maybe because i dont want a target on my head... and because im a complete shut in.
SOMCEL said:
Lmfao, an incels.is meetup would be so fucking autistic.
No Mentalcels Allowed
z2020 said:
With the amount of fucked up people here would suggest it's not a great idea.

Most ppl on this site cheer at violence/rape, so i would rather not come near any of you with a 10ft pole.
Because I don't like people. I would be a reject in a FUCKING INCEL meet up lol
Cynistic said:
Most ppl on this site cheer at violence/rape, so i would rather not come near any of you with a 10ft pole.
You are a midgetcel so I'm not surprised
I don't want to know anyone.
NeverSubmit said:
Cynistic said:
Most ppl on this site cheer at violence/rape, so i would rather not come near any of you with a 10ft pole.
You are a midgetcel so I'm not surprised

I only trust my fellow midgetcels, so all sub 6 foot cels, Tallfags GTFO.
nobody should ever want themselves associated with this site IRL.

especially those with a slight piece of hope. imagine anyone ever leaving inceldom, doing well in politics or a company, and this shit backfires on you.

only true rotters like @Grotesque who have nothing to lose anymore openly post incels content with their own faces/IDs

also i would probably be bullied by other incels for being mentalcel
you know what they did when ROOSHV hosted a meetup in Canada, they called him a rapist and got him shut down

Even though he never raped anyone.

They will also take picture of your face and show it to your employer so you will get fired. that's what they did to the Alt-right protest and got those guys fired!
ghostcell said:
nobody should ever want themselves associated with this site IRL.

especially those with a slight piece of hope. imagine anyone ever leaving inceldom, doing well in politics or a company, and this shit backfires on you.

only true rotters like @Grotesque who have nothing to lose anymore openly post incels content with their own faces/IDs

also i would probably be bullied by other incels for being mentalcel

You can't live your life in fear.
Because alot of incels are racists and i like to beat up racists.
NeverSubmit said:
r/incels was described as a support group and we claim to be part of an incel community but nobody here will meet up in person. If you are from a major city in the West like NYC, Toronto or London there are many posters on here and other incel boards who live locally and you could easily meet up with them. A lot of you guys are NEETS and LDAR all day so there really is no reason for you not to meet up with other incels. A lot of incels have no friends and social interaction and it would be nice if we could meet up and hang out.

Risk for our lives. If cucktears caught wind of an incel meetup we'd be swatted or attacked by a mob
KV3 said:
Risk for our lives. If cucktears caught wind of an incel meetup we'd be swatted or attacked by a mob
One thing I learned about incels today you guys are real pussies. Imagine being scared of a bunch of feminazi sjws this is not the Mexican Mafia here
TheRealChincel said:
Would you agree with me that it's a top two city for hypergamy?

True. Where is the other, California?

At least in NYC, there are mostly single attractive women, but that really means nothing, since they all want chad.
Imagine we meetup and one of the retards decides it's a good time to go ER
TheRealChincel said:
You can't live your life in fear.

what if i ever get a GF?? if i ever get a normal job? literally everything could be lost with one google search linking me to this website if i were to post my private info

Mutationcel said:
Imagine we meetup and one of the retards decides it's a good time to go ER

what if its like an inceltears extremist, who poses as an incel, then kills like 15 incels at the meetup. fuck that shit

in reality it would probably be a bunch of guys who arent THAT ugly but kind of awkward and weird meeting up and not doing shit tbh
Zielony4 said:
True. Where is the other, California?

At least in NYC, there are mostly single attractive women, but that really means nothing, since they all want chad.

Yeah, SoCal.

ghostcell said:
what if i ever get a GF?? if i ever get a normal job? literally everything could be lost with one google search linking me to this website if i were to post my private info

The GF wasn't that into you then. You shouldn't be going for a normal job, office politics gets our kind either unable to ascend in promotions or fired.
I met up with an incel from a forum once
Twisted said:
Because if we did, the like of IT would probably also turn up as well seen as they love to harass us.
I still wanna meet up one day tbh

Imagine a blackpilled version of this.

I wouldn't mind meeting up with incels like @ghostcell @incel_dikshit @Cynistic but they would probably all take pictures of me and make fun of me, posting them on the internet and stuff. In fact, ghostcell lives where I live, lol.
Any midwestcels?
Schizoidcel said:

Imagine a blackpilled version of this.


Round face and other feminine features, ovER for him.
Only incels I would maybe trust IRL are @RREEEEEEEEE @Weed @SunnyBunny @rafaelvicuna3 @KyloRen @Zyros
Nautica1983 said:
Only incels I would maybe trust IRL are @RREEEEEEEEE @Weed @SunnyBunny @rafaelvicuna3 @KyloRen @Zyros

<3 I'd meet up with you for sure.
because we need to have more in common than just being incel, thats not even fun to talk about irl, just depressing, id gladly meet up with an incel for other reasons, in fact I've hung out with someone I met on r9k before (before the selfie ban)to play smash4
I wouldn't mind meeting up with incels like @ghostcell @incel_dikshit @Cynistic but they would probably all take pictures of me and make fun of me, posting them on the internet and stuff. In fact, ghostcell lives where I live, lol.

Also @Suicel
Also @Suicel

Thanks m8ey. I'm probably also too paranoid to meet up IRL.
don't want guy friends. Want a girlfriend.
If I were to personally join a meet up fbi informants would crash it. I'm on a terrorist watch list.
z2020 said:
With the amount of fucked up people here would suggest it's not a great idea.

i meet people like me before. as hypocritical as it is, i realized i can't be around people that look lost lol. i actually went on a diet and and combed my hair for a year after that shit lol
I read the title as "Why do incels refuse to meet up in PRISON?"

Zielony4 said:
I'm in NYC. Waddup people.
Serious answer though, to me it isn't worth meeting up unless it's a woman looking to give me sex.

im in brooklyn, fuck this place literal hellhole shit
id be willing to meet some of the currycels here
I would like to, in fact i posted a meetup tvread month ago.

Doxxing is a cope excuse, its perfectly possible to arrange incel meetup with selected trusted members without any cuck knowing about it. In fact its possible to meet without the other guys even knowing where exactly you live (except for like country but we mostly disclose it even here).

Truth is incels are asocial avpd spergy weirdos who dont want human contact. In other words, the same ttaits that make us incel also make us not want to meet up.

If we wanted to meetup we would be normies.
Imagine if someone from IT came and tried to be all intimidating and shit.
"Guys, just respect women ok? Last chance"

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