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Serious Why Do Hebephiles & Pedophiles Refuse To Leave Their Home Countries To Go To Places With Lower Ages Of Consent?

Why Do You Think They Primarily Refuse To Change Countries?

  • Familial & Platonic Attachments

    Votes: 6 13.6%
  • Cultural Attachments

    Votes: 3 6.8%
  • Financial Stability (no job with comparable income exists there)

    Votes: 26 59.1%
  • Target Obessesion (Racial Preferences, Incest, etc)

    Votes: 9 20.5%

  • Total voters
Remember the movie Titanic? The chick in that movie loved Leonardo Dicaprio even though he was broke as a joke & that's real

1. Ironic example to use seeing as he died for her, so that only shows me how cucked a man has to be to let the concept of "love" influence his decisions, I was throwing her overboard and surviving JFL

2. What the hell do you mean by "that's real", she was attracted to his looks, how is that any less shallow and fake than being attracted to wealth and status?

The thing is you have almost moralized attraction based on physicality (as real) whilst vilifying attraction based on external factors (as fake), when both things are shallow and fake if you think about it, there is nothing deep and meaningful about physical attraction, its just as shallow

If he was not handsome but had the same personality, would she have had that "real love" for him?, No, because there's no such thing

"Unconditional Love" is a misnomer BECAUSE THERE IS ALWAYS A CONDITION

But the cucks paying for every little thing not just sex...that's called being used and abused idc how rich you are I don't like seeing that type of violence befall desperate dudes it's ugly

I hope one day women can gravitate toward a incel organically that would be nice

High Confusion

I think I'm starting to realize what I'm dealing with here JFL
1. Ironic example to use seeing as he died for her, so that only shows me how cucked a man has to be to let the concept of "love" influence his decisions, I was throwing her overboard and surviving JFL

2. What the hell do you mean by "that's real", she was attracted to his looks, how is that any less shallow and fake than being attracted to wealth and status?

The thing is you have almost moralized attraction based on physicality (as real) whilst vilifying attraction based on external factors (as fake), when both things are shallow and fake if you think about it, there is nothing deep and meaningful about physical attraction, its just as shallow

If he was not handsome but had the same personality, would she have had that "real love" for him?, No, because there's no such thing

"Unconditional Love" is a misnomer BECAUSE THERE IS ALWAYS A CONDITION

But the cucks paying for every little thing not just sex...that's called being used and abused idc how rich you are I don't like seeing that type of violence befall desperate dudes it's ugly

View attachment 292107

I think I'm starting to realize what I'm dealing with here JFL
What with that gif bro lol A nigga can't dream?
Lol, don't have dreams, have goals, you'll waste less time in life
Nah it's over buddy. Join the suicide cult that is the "it's over" espousers
Nah it's over buddy. Join the suicide cult that is the "it's over" espousers

Much rather join the serial rapist cult tbh if I decide to give up on life, see how high I can get my score and then blow my brains out before capture

Just killing yourself makes no sense at all, wanting to die is a license to do everything that you were afraid to do because of consequences
Much rather join the serial rapist cult tbh if I decide to give up on life, see how high I can get my score and then blow my brains out before capture

Just killing yourself makes no sense at all, wanting to die is a license to do everything that you were afraid to do because of consequences
LDAR is what I do. It's practical- no roping or prison time necessary.
LDAR is what I do. It's practical- no roping or prison time necessary.

There is nothing practical about wanting to kill yourself everyday lol

If I ever decided I was going to settle for the life I had now, I'd just kill myself and be done with it

No point in a slow suicide

No point waking up one day and contemplating the reality of being a 50 year old virgin

No point being on my death bed in some hospital with no one there and looking back on my life thinking - "I didn't even get to enjoy the bare essentials, it was as a complete waste"

Just click the Skip Scene button and be done with it JFL
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There is nothing practical about wanting to kill yourself everyday lol

If I ever decided I was going to settle for the life I had now, I'd just kill myself and be done with it

N point in a slow suicide

No point waking up one day and contemplating the reality of being a 50 year old virgin

No point being on my death bed in some hospital with no one there and looking back on my life thinking - "I didn't even get to enjoy the bare essentials, it was as a complete waste"

Just click the Skip Scene button and be done with it JFL
You're coping extremely hard rn wow. But it's all fine, I'm not gonna be salty about it. Might trigger someone but not me, it's your life.
You're coping extremely hard rn wow. But it's all fine, I'm not gonna be salty about it. Might trigger someone but not me, it's your life.

I don't see how me stating a harsh reality is coping

LDAR is just a slow suicide, you are basically not even alive, you literally JUST EXIST, whats the point

TBH I'd get bored of such an existence, I could never wake up everyday to do the same shit with no future prospects of anything else, as my body ages and I'm physically capable of enjoying less and less

Music becomes harder to hear
Movies and Tv shows become harder to watch

LDAR is just not sustainable unless you have an inheritance too, most NEETs are in for the reality check of their life in the next few years when their parents are dead and they have to pay the bills, cook their own meals, etc
This is something that always confuses me, the first time I heard about there being different ages of consent in different countries, this is one of the first few things that popped into my head

It really makes no sense to me

Are they so attached to where they were born that they are unwilling to leave to get what they want from life?

Are they seriously so attached that they'd risk imprisonment and being raped in jail when they could simply move and start over?

It just seems like backwards logic to me, to spend money on the deep web to get images and videos from other men online, to live vicariously through their actions, when you can simply move to a country with a lower age of consent and seek out what you want

Of course I'm not expecting all of these men to have the means and money to do so, but a lot of them usually do, a lot of these men are tech savvy, have good savings, have stable income, has other skills, etc, they could easily find a place to move to with a lower age of consent and a decent paying job

But ironically is like they are afraid to "uproot their lives" all while currently doing something that could land them in prison (which will uproot their lives) :feelsthink:

I just find it really ironic that they see uprooting their lives to go to a place where its legal as "risky" but staying where its illegal and can land you in jail to get raped everyday is an "acceptable risk" :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:, it just doesn't make sense

Of course I'm sure there are some who have done exactly as I said, and moved to such countries, but really and truly it should be a lot more, there should be entire forums dedicated to this, where to move, how much money you'll need, what kind of income you'll need, the ages of consent and the special laws and exceptions that determine their legality, etc

You'd think that such a useful loophole would be something they talked about often but I've never really heard of this at all, its as if most hebephiles and pedohpiles are dead set on staying where they are and risking ending their entire lives just to stay in that geographic region
I don’t know
I don't see how me stating a harsh reality is coping

LDAR is just a slow suicide, you are basically not even alive, you literally JUST EXIST, whats the point

TBH I'd get bored of such an existence, I could never wake up everyday to do the same shit with no future prospects of anything else, as my body ages and I'm physically capable of enjoying less and less

Music becomes harder to hear
Movies and Tv shows become harder to watch

LDAR is just not sustainable unless you have an inheritance too, most NEETs are in for the reality check of their life in the next few years when their parents are dead and they have to pay the bills, cook their own meals, etc
Hm you might have a point. I too have noticed the distinct dulling effect you refer to with music and such.
Most people can’t just uproot their lives and move to the other side of the world and start over. Most don’t have the money, they have friends/family here, they have a job here, and they don’t speak the other country’s language. Also no country has an age of consent that will fulfill pedophiles. The lowest age of consent AFAIK is puberty in some Muslim country. As far as ephebophiles aka normal men, there isn’t much difference between a 16 year old girl and an 18 year old girl. You could move states but there’s hardly any benefit since you wouldn’t be able to attract a 16 year old.
you totally ignore that many men might not like SEA women

personally i find rice women very ugly

1. Look at the poll, I did consider that fact

2. I'm sorry but there's no such thing as a kind of woman you don't like, you are just being picky, which is very ironic for an incel

Are you saying if a 10/10 Asian woman wanted to fuck you'd reject her just for "looking too asian", sorry that's volcel, and its idiotic

3. For the guys were talking about that aren't incels, it still sounds stupid to me, they need to decide what is it they like more, young looking women or "non-asian" women, if you value racial features more than feature of neoteny (child like features), then you aren't really a hebephile or pedophile, because your preference for specific races is override your preference for certain age groups

so whats next then? where else can you find those? Latin america? you wanna risk getting caught by locals and get your genitals literally eaten by dogs (and yes it happens, there are videos of those)?

Dude you can go to the domician republic, prostitution is completely legal and there's a known "red light district" (Sousa), you can fuck a bitch basically all day for like $40

for anyone who actually have normal beauty standard, and want prime white pussies, your thread doesnt address shit

>Normal beauty standards
>Will fuck ONLY white women

JFL what kind of backwards logic is this, the average (normal) man will fuck any woman of any race that is at least 5/10

You are projecting your ridiculous standards onto other men, white women aren't the only women on the planet

Imagine rejecting billions of women on the planet and calling yourself incel :feelskek:

fucking pathetic

Yes.................. like being an incel.................... or dying a virgin.................... or being sex starved for decades

Are you getting the point?

No matter what you do you're pathetic based on the cards you've been dealt as an incel

So you can be pathetic and have an enjoyable sex life, or you can be pathetic and be sex starved, but I guess for you the pats you give yourself on the back make up for that lol

Most people can’t just uproot their lives and move to the other side of the world and start over. Most don’t have the money

It depends on what job you have, I'm not expecting a lawyer to leave such a high paying job and go to a different country, but if you are just a cashier at a fast food restaurant you aren't leaving much income behind, you can be a wagecuck in your new country too lol

they have friends/family here, they have a job here, and they don’t speak the other country’s language

Abandon all of that shit, you aren't satisfied in life with it, so why do you think being without it would make your life less enjoyable?

Also JFL at saying all of this shit and not applying it to the fact that they are risking jail time in their home country

They have friends/family don't they?, so why don't they stop buying CP on the dark web?

I don't think you are getting the point of the thread, you didn't read it properly

A lot of the arguments you are going to make as to why they can't leave are pointless because they risk losing all these anyways things by staying and pursuing their desires

You get caught buying CP or having sex with a 15 year old (get a statutory rape charge) and:feelskek: JUST LIKE WITH LEAVING THE COUNTRY you will lost your friends, family, job ON TOP OF GOING TO JAIL TO GET RAPED

Now do you get my point?

They are taking risks anyways, but the other option at least has the comfort of legality

Also no country has an age of consent that will fulfill pedophiles.

Pedophilia (alternatively spelt paedophilia) is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children.[1][2] Although girls typically begin the process of puberty at age 10 or 11, and boys at age 11 or 12,[3] criteria for pedophilia extend the cut-off point for prepubescence to age 13

The lowest age of consent AFAIK is puberty in some Muslim country

You just said no country existed, yet now you are saying it does, saying its "some Muslim country" doesn't take away from it being an option, as if being a Christian is your priority while you are trying to diddle kids :feelskek: (having a "preferred moral code" while being a pedophile is ridiculous JFL). Just pretend to be muslim, learn arabic, do whatever it takes to get what you want, if not, you don't really want it all that badly
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JFL you think one can get 10/10 rice foids in SEA

I never said that, you said you find asian women very ugly

So I asked if you would not fuck a 10/10 asian woman, that's all?

I wanted to see if you'd reject her just on her being asian lol

Anyways your post boils down to "just fuck any women you can get bro"

More like "have realistic standards bro"

the thirst is real there. thats what makes it pathetic

It sounds like you are coping by creating this "low bar" achievement for yourself to feel proud about JFL

As if being an incel doesn't make you pathetic by default :feelskek:

You: "Well at least I'm not a "thirsty" incel, I've never paid for sex"

JFL ok, good for you, do you feel special now?

Have you magically become less pathetic for being a loser incel?

.......................... exactly, no

You are coping, its something I notice a lot of incels do, you create this low ass standard of a "pseudo achievement" of something that you can feel proud of, when in fact nothing about your "character" has improved by doing it

There is not one person on this planet that is proud of YOU for "not being thirst" or "not paying for sex", OTHER THAN YOU, because you need something to feel good about

you're acting like an enabler of gynocracy

If the gynocracy means a woman gagging on my dick then that's some kind of upside logic then, I enjoy that kind of gynocracy, I support it wholeheartedly

Please see the irony that the path you "enable" where unattractive men remain sex starved virgins till death is not what you would consider the gynocracy to desire, nope, the gynocracy in your backwards logic prefers that we get laid and feel sexually satisfied

Makes perfect sense :feelsthink:
Because they are larping and know jb will never date them.

You want what you want whether you think you can get it or not.

Even a mentally sane, heterosexual male will always wonder, long for what sex with a prime teenage female feels like. I hypothesise grown men above the age of 30 still creaming for jailbaits were sexless during their teens and didn't get any until their 20s. Or had fleeting girlfriends that were just plain fat and ugly.
The other extreme you get "pedos" devoided of any intimacy who seek sollace and they are the first to get snared by Internet "nonce catchers" so got nothing to lose by blinding agreeing to meet a 12 year old who turns out to be said "hunters".

The only other option is sex tourism to Colombia where, if you've got money and put out a word on the street, you can buy a girl's virginity. But as I said I have racial preferences and if I am being honest I don't want to spend £1000 on a flight getting there.

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Because a lot of them might actually be failed nomies who want a time machine way more instead. Beware of those who drone on about their lost high school years... major failed normie fakecel red flag imo

saying you're sad about missing out on young love is a fakecel trait? i don't get it. that's more of an incel trait
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saying you're sad about missing out on young love is a fakecel trait? i don't get it. that's more of an incel trait
Well it can imply having a shot at it in the first place depending on context. Plus it's undignified to make a ongoing issue of it. Mentioning it once or twice is OK I guess.
Well it can imply having a shot at it in the first place depending on context. Plus it's undignified to make a ongoing issue of it. Mentioning it once or twice is OK I guess.
i see
But the question addresses pedophiles and hebebiophiles. Who by your very own definition, are sickos
pedophilia is sick, i'm not sure about hebephilia

personally, I like girls 14+ for the most part. I'd be very happy with a 14 yo, is that sick to you? or is ephebophilia ok in your book?
saying you're sad about missing out on young love is a fakecel trait? i don't get it. that's more of an incel trait

Saying you believe in love is a blue pilled trait period, and definitely an indicator of being a fakecel, as you are still mentally operating under a normie blue pilled value system

personally, I like girls 14+ for the most part. I'd be very happy with a 14 yo

Completely arbitrary

What about 13 years old but the time is 11:59 PM and her birthday is tomorrow

Can I stick my dick in her at that moment or is it still sick?

pedophilia is sick, i'm not sure about hebephilia

Also the cutoff point for pedophilia is 13 years old if you look into it, so you are attracted to females only 1 year above that, are you really that far off from a pedophile?
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Completely arbitrary

Also the cutoff point for pedophilia is 13 years old if you look into it, so you are attracted to females only 1 year above that, are you really that far off from a pedophile?
btw, i like girls under 14, i'm just saying my PREFERENCES are for girls 14+

middle school foids are still attractive to me

and if pedophilia is defined as under 13, then i guess in that regard, I have some pedophilic tendencies
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Which is exactly my purpose of why I would want age of consent to be determined by polling the average age of losing ones virginity, because it holds a mirror up to society, if society doesn't want "innocent children" to be "violated", then it will need to raise those "innocent children" to not engage in sex acts until 18

If the law functioned this way, then society can only blame itself rather than using hebephiles as a villainous scapegoat

Create a society where women aren't whoring around from young, and your age of consent will be high

Create a society where women can whore around from young without punishment or determent, and your age of consent will be low
Hmm I agree. Its like they want children to fuck.
i see

pedophilia is sick, i'm not sure about hebephilia

personally, I like girls 14+ for the most part. I'd be very happy with a 14 yo, is that sick to you? or is ephebophilia ok in your book?
I was not calling anyone sick but responding to that other guy.

Personally I don't think anyone should be having sex with a 14 year old. Not an adult, not another teenager. Call me prudish I don't care. I stopped gaf about liberal morals long ago.
btw, i like girls under 14, i'm just saying my PREFERENCES are for girls 14+

middle school foids are still attractive to me

and if pedophilia is defined as under 13, then i guess in that regard, I have some pedophilic tendencies

I haven't seen enough 14 year old girls to establish that said age group is my preference lol, all I know is if they are cute I'm game :forcedsmile:

If there's saplings on the field its time to play :forcedsmile::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
What about 13 years old but the time is 11:59 PM and her birthday is tomorrow

Can I stick my dick in her at that moment or is it still sick?
Looks matter tbh, if someone looks like they are ready for having a baby(and if they are menstruating) its normal to be attracted by her.
I dont really like people younger than me but dont really want to talk about it here.

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