This is what I don’t get - why and how did the left manage to control the MSM so much? Right wing parties often win elections, and in my home country (UK) we’ve seen a surge in right-wing populist politics.
There are a few reasons why I think that is on the top of my head
1) The type of jobs that would attract leftists more are not as economical or business-related as the type of jobs that would attract right wingers. Only a liberal would go after a English or journalism degree the vast majority of the time, for example. When you think about their philosophy I can see why they would want to be more of a preacher type position rather than a business man. Business degrees, on the other hand, hold a far larger portion of right wingers.
2) Media position makes it far more beneficial to be a servile virtue signaler rather than a brave person willing to go outside of socially accepted standards and morals. Like racism is so psychotically taboo that questioning movements like black lives matter will do so much harm to you while going supporting it will win you far more support, and thus more power.
3) kind of goes along with #2, but social media is like that but on steroids. If you hold left wing beliefs a right wing employer wouldn't mind that much, especially if you just do your job. But if you hold right wing positions you are "racist/sexist" and you are a bad person / not representative of the company and you will not be able to get a job. Therefore right wing positions stay away from social media, which increases leftism, and the cycle continues negatively.
4) Apolitical people (large portion of who don't care enough to vote) are more likely to lean towards SJW beliefs than anti-SJW beliefs. So it still benefits leftist media that the crowd is more sjw.
5) leftists have a stranglehold on universities on general, and the explanation for that is similar to #1.