Because women by and large seek to get attention for disorders that they read about online. The latest trend amongst whores is to have 'Anxiety' or 'Depression' or some form of self image issue. It helps to satiate their egos in the long run because do-gooder beta cucks will flock to provide her with ceaseless support and avenues for attention. It is the perfect scheme to get attention, pity, handouts and a myriad of other social perks all while being virtually untouchable because they can blame any latent personality issues on their 'disorder' and label anyone that dislikes them as an uncaring monster that is partially the cause of their issue.
It's become a fad, the old fad was women pretending to have been sexually abused in their previous relationships in order to remove the sitgma of them being a used up whore. "Oh I CAN'T be a whore because my previous relationship was abusive" as they would see it, they cannot be a slut because all previous sexual encounters were committed with an element of force or underhandedness on the part of the male thus rendering her, in the eyes of thirsty men, as pure as a virgin but with a neat little sob story to make them feel like heroes for 'saving her' or 'protecting' her from her sordid past...essentially the mentality that they have helped elevate the diamond in the rough, all while forgetting that she'll say the same thing about them once she finds someone better looking or more wealthy.
Time will move on and the mental health trend will die off when people start a movement to 'normalise' these skanks (much in the same way Slut Walks and various other social movements normalised being a whore so now women need not feel shame of being one since society has removed the need for them to excuse their vile behaviour). Once the party-line becomes "Women with Anxiety/Depression/Image issues are people also" then sluts will need to find a new avenue to stand out from the festering sea of attention starved parasites and thus a new trend will start that promotes some other issue that will garner attention.
Make no mistake, women do this because they know that they can rest easy knowing legions of men will rush to their aid. Look at all the Youtube personalities that crawled out of the woodwork to make 20 minute videos on how they're depressed because of a collection of arbitrary reasons they jotted down on a piece of paper after watching 4 episodes of Bojack Horseman during their weekly Netflix 'n Chad cock night. They have romanticised serious mental health issues and used them to further promote their own self image as a damaged yet attractive babe in the woods. Do not be fooled.