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Why do females never complement men?



Nov 8, 2017
Ive  honestly never heard of a female giving a man a complement.
They do. Only to a truly attractive, pulchritudinous male though.
You only complement people you either admire and or want something from. This is why cucks give women complements and why women don't have to except if it's Chad.
42cel_Alt#01 said:
You only complement people you either admire and or want something from. This is why cucks give women complements and why women don't have to except if it's Chad.

I was definitely complimented. I felt women felt sorry for me though.
I used to teach in college and some girls said I'm very cute. One turned to her friend and said I would almost ask him out. They probably wanted grades. 
A woman at work said I'm handsome
Two girls I went out with praised me to the stars. (they weren't that hot though). They both liked my eyes.

I have a weak chin and may even look feminine.

Yet I'm a virgin  :'(
They do it all the time. Just be good looking
They compliment Chads and normies, just not us
NYincel said:
I was definitely complimented. I felt women felt sorry for me though.
I used to teach in college and some girls said I'm very cute. One turned to her friend and said I would almost ask him out. They probably wanted grades. 
A woman at work said I'm handsome
Two girls I went out with praised me to the stars. (they weren't that hot though). They both liked my eyes.

I have a weak chin and may even look feminine.

Yet I'm a virgin  :'(

Are you just trying to trigger me or are you actually being serious?
NYincel said:
42cel_Alt#01 said:
You only complement people you either admire and or want something from. This is why cucks give women complements and why women don't have to except if it's Chad.
I was definitely complimented. I felt women felt sorry for me though.
I used to teach in college and some girls said I'm very cute. One turned to her friend and said I would almost ask him out. They probably wanted grades.
A woman at work said I'm handsome
Two girls I went out with praised me to the stars. (they weren't that hot though). They both liked my eyes.
I have a weak chin and may even look feminine.
Yet I'm a virgin :'(

If women your age gave you a genuine compliment on your looks, then you are a fakecel period.
I only got 2 compliments my whole life from women,both were elderly KEK.
Cynistic said:
If women your age gave you a genuine compliment on your looks, then you are a fakecel period.
I only got 2 compliments my whole life from women,both were elderly KEK.

My great-aunt said she could imagine me holding a female with my "broad shoulders"
NYincel said:
I was definitely complimented. I felt women felt sorry for me though.
I used to teach in college and some girls said I'm very cute. One turned to her friend and said I would almost ask him out. They probably wanted grades. 
A woman at work said I'm handsome
Two girls I went out with praised me to the stars. (they weren't that hot though). They both liked my eyes.

I have a weak chin and may even look feminine.

Yet I'm a virgin  :'(

confirmed normie troll
Kointo said:
Cynistic said:
If women your age gave you a genuine compliment on your looks, then you are a fakecel period.
I only got 2 compliments my whole life from women,both were elderly KEK.
My great-aunt said she could imagine me holding a female with my "broad shoulders"

Fakecels OUT!

jk, it never began.
Cynistic said:
Kointo said:
Cynistic said:
If women your age gave you a genuine compliment on your looks, then you are a fakecel period.
I only got 2 compliments my whole life from women,both were elderly KEK.
My great-aunt said she could imagine me holding a female with my "broad shoulders"
Fakecels OUT!
jk, it never began.
I don't even have broad shoulders too
Kointo said:
Cynistic said:
Kointo said:
Cynistic said:
If women your age gave you a genuine compliment on your looks, then you are a fakecel period.
I only got 2 compliments my whole life from women,both were elderly KEK.
My great-aunt said she could imagine me holding a female with my "broad shoulders"
Fakecels OUT!
jk, it never began.
I don't even have broad shoulders too

Just lift brah.
JK gymcel=cope
I think they do we just don't know about it
They do all the time even more so than men.
They compliment Chad extensively. I've a Chad's tinder and he had endless messages of women telling him how amazing he was.
Only for Chad. Otherwise it is always all about them.
Maeror said:
They do. Only to a truly attractive, pulchritudinous male though.

Legit, saw it in real life
Maeror said:
They do. Only to a truly attractive, pulchritudinous male though.

why are most autists walking thesauruses
Garbage said:
confirmed normie troll

It's extremely obvious that he's trolling us. Where are the mods ?
Are you serious? I've heard girls compliment guys on their eyes and how tall they are.
They complement Chads
I've had women compliment me, but only when wearing a toxido. The toxido aura is strong

just fucking lol. i bet many people here have been complimented here before but compliments don't mean shit. sometimes people just wanna be nice. nothing means shit unless you're actually in a relationship, and getting sex.

also this is giga-cope anyway, chad gets complimented about 30 times every time he steps foot outside his house (assuming he's ever inside it anyway)
They do compliment guys but the best ones when they are about your appearance

Dekim said:
I've had women compliment me, but only when wearing a toxido. The toxido aura is strong
lol at wearing a tux
Maeror said:
They do. Only to a truly attractive, pulchritudinous male though.
Twisted said:
Because the only men that are good looking enough for them to compliment don’t want to be anywhere near vermin like us.
rafaelvicuna3 said:
They complement Chads
BlackPill47 said:
Only for Chad. Otherwise it is always all about them.
Simp said:
They compliment Chad extensively. I've a Chad's tinder and he had endless messages of women telling him how amazing he was.
Juxtaposition6 said:
You ever seen chad?
Kointo said:
They compliment Chads and normies, just not us
They are narcissists.
WorldRulerAisha said:
lol at wearing a tux

It was a thing in my university, showing up at some important presentation or something, without a toxido was a suicide
Dekim said:
It was a thing in my university, showing up at some important presentation or something, without a toxido was a suicide

our life is suicide either way
Weightcel said:
Ive  honestly never heard of a female giving a man a complement.

It happens rarely I agree. They  compliment Good looking guys, but only when they purse them. On online dating sites you already match up so they know the guy like them already so they can be bold.
I've only ever seen it happen to chads, like they will have their blue eyes complimented
It happens all the time to chads.
The closest thing I got to a compliment from a girl is

"Wow, do you even like have a life outside the gym?"

I asked her does a home gym count and she laughed and fucked off.
whogivesafucc said:

just fucking lol. i bet many people here have been complimented here before but compliments don't mean shit. sometimes people just wanna be nice. nothing means shit unless you're actually in a relationship, and getting sex.

also this is giga-cope anyway, chad gets complimented about 30 times every time he steps foot outside his house (assuming he's ever inside it anyway)
Lmao women don't understand what is important in a person. They will never compliment you on your intelligence or anything else of value. They'll only ever compliment chad for his looks.

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