Anything outside of that is abnormal, just like homosexuality. Only gays see women as more than man's basic needs.
I really don't like when people put in everything they dislike as "gay". IMHO the only thing which is gay is if you are attracted to the same sex, no other behaviour, even if abnormal, is gay.
Nature made women only to complement men and satisfy their desires
Complement men --> probably, but it does mean that both men and women have roles which complement each other, so in that sense men are "supposed" to help women where they can and women are "supposed" to help men where they can. This is an arguments against the forced equality of outcome (e.g. "we need 50% women in Job X"), but not even an argument against equality of opportunities.
Satisfy their desires --> not sure, why would nature care about the desire of men except for anything covered by the point above?
Lastly, I don't even like "Nature made XYZ" - nature has no intent, things just happen to be a way because it worked. You can say "Due to nature, women are often more suitable for XYZ", but that doesn't mean that they have to do exactly that. We live in different societies now, the talents needed as hunter-gatherers are not the same as we need now, so even if there was some role where men/women would have been perfect back then this role doesn't exist any more and I quite like the wealth we currently have, so don't want to go back to it.
Don't get me wrong, I wish that I could just have women satisfy my desires and that's it, but I am under no illusion that this is just a selfish wish and nothing I can back up with a consistent ideology.