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Blackpill Why did autists became more common, generalizing inceldom even further

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The harbinger of Truth
Mar 28, 2020
Many intellectuals and researchers got ther heads around solving what was causing a continuous increase and some recent peak in children born with autism and asperger's syndrome. From the conspiracy of vaccines to television widespread during the 80's (proposed by Michael Waldmann from Cornell University, https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=989648) no theory has yet satisfactory answered the main cause of this increase, although most involved people tend to think it as a spread of acknowledgement of the syndrome, thus increase in reported cases. I beg to differ.

Neuroscientist Simon Baron Cohen (Sacha's cousin btw) is one of the most important names in this field of research, pointing out to his breakthrough in identifying high levels of testosterone in amniotic liquid of autistic babies, he proposes that aspergers and autism are masculine brains, shaped by this very hormone. Important to point here that empathy is usually divided in emotional and cognitive empathy, which the first is being able to put yourself in someone else's shoes.The latter is identifying people's emotional response and reading body and face language intuitively. Autists normally have very acute emotional empathy but really suck at reading other people, while psychopaths are just the opposite. A feminine brain would be more leaning to borderline than psychos but thats another subject. There is also problems in autists in acting through body and face language in manner that corresponds to their feelings, which also psychopaths are mostly really good at doing, since they are perceived as not getting nervous by stressful and performance requiring situations. Back to the theory at hand;

In 1988 Marilyn Warring released a book called "If women counted" advocating for a GDP accounting that considered domestic labor done by women as housewives such as cleaning, cooking, raising children etc. From this period until 1994, her work "persuaded the United Nations to redefine gross domestic product, inspired new accounting methods in dozens of countries and became the founding document of the discipline of feminist economics"(wiki).

The thing is, during 93-95 when this became worldwidely established, there was a considerable increase in inflation levels around the globe ( https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/FP.CPI.TOTL.ZG?end=2018&start=1988 ), mainly in commodities which might have been fostered by this new economic policy, which in turn made families with a single source of income pass more difficult times to make ends meet. More and more women, including those from more traditional upbringings and gender roles, had to search for remunerated jobs outside the home. Facing new challenges, these women were getting stressed from new demands from the workplace, orders from the boss, coming late at home and still doing home chores or having extra expenses for a nanny and/or housecleaner.

The stress hormone, Cortisol, is produced by our body in fight-flee situations or long-term generalized stress. When it is released in our system, testosterone production is halted, which if this situation is prolonged enough, might cause growth, reproductive problems and many others. Testosterone is produced by sexual organs (testicules or ovaries) and suprarenal gland in lesser quantities. I think you already get where i'm pointing. My hypothesis is that when women during pregnancy, are exposed to stressful situations, her remaining circulating testosterone is allocated towards her uterus, in a similar manner in which fat mothers tend to have children more predisposed to increased body fat levels. The mecanism in which this happens might be a adaptative one to prevent bigger problems to the fetus, or even a non designed physiological push of such liquids. The uterus works as a filter in which sperm is pulled towards the egg, filtering and disposing of malfuctioning ones, contrary to popular belief that sperm run towards them in a race ( for instance:"The idea that sperm race to the egg is just another macho myth | Aeon Essays" ).

Although classical autism has very identifiable symptoms, aspergers might go unnoticed for many years or whole lives. Savant sterreotypes such as sheldon cooper, "The good doctor" and so on only represent a portion of this population, which only makes identifying it harder for the person and close ones. The term incel is a social engineering propaganda trigger which made eugenistic behaviour in women partner-choosing far more accepted. There's missing information between the incel wiki pages from different languages.In portuguese wiki there's this mention: In march 5th, 2004, a Brian G. Gilmartin letter, known for his extensive male incel research, which he named "shy lovers", has noticed that at least 40% of these males could be diagnosed as Aspergers, according to his 1987 book "Shyness and love".
@Atavistic Autist
@Ap0calypse Is this theory scientifically sound?
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Because marriages were arranged in the past so you didn't have to be NT and able to socialize. Thus they would have went under the radar and not been counted.
Based. Good reading.
I am trying to get diagnosed, and my mother had a job when she was pregnant of me. Who knows.

Important to point here that empathy is usually divided in emotional and cognitive empathy, which the first is being able to put yourself in someone else's shoes.The latter is identifying people's emotional response and reading body and face language intuitively. Autists normally have very acute emotional empathy but really suck at reading other people, while psychopaths are just the opposite.

Is this theory scientifically sound?
You should take a big sample (like a thousand) of pregnant foids, half of them living stress free lives, and the other half employed, and check if the kids of the stressed ones show more symptoms of aspergers spectrum. Maybe it has been already done.

"shy lovers"
I remember when there were two narratives about the nature of this social class of sexless male outcasts, the blackpilled one and the "shy lovers" one. I joined their forum for a while, but people were brutally bluepilled. Cant find their web, theres a fucking porn actress called shy love lmao.
The incel one seems to be spreading while the shyboi narrative is in decline
I am trying to get diagnosed, and my mother had a job when she was pregnant of me.
My mother was cheering and screaming while pregnant because of the 94' world cup JFL. The uneasyness might have caused it in me.
There have historically been psychologists who made an intuitively correct, if factually inaccurate, association between autism and the maladaptive social environment fostered by feminism, most notably (((Bruno Bettelheim))), who argued that so-called refrigerator mothers* are too busy being "liberated" at the capitalist workplace to adequately nurture their children, and emotionally damage them as a consequence, which presents as autism.
*Notice: it's the inverse of the idea, often promoted among normies, that overbearing, helicopter parents who nurture their children too much cause autism.

While there certainly is a basis for mother issues during childhood in the psychopathology of autists, especially as it concerns comorbid avoidant personality disorder or borderline personality disorder* (in which "switching," or the love-hate cycle, is a manifestation of both over-dependence upon the mother and resentment towards her for failing to be dependable, and naturally carries along with it sexual implications), it obviously does not explain autism itself.
*Borderline personality disorder is not a reflection of a feminine mind so much as a vulnerable mind, and so it is often comorbid with autism; and the masculine trait of systemizing is observed at elevated levels in both conditions! In confirmation of (((Simon Baron-Cohen)))'s theory, both conditions share similar issues with cognitive empathy as well!

And this is where your theory about stressful pregnancies comes into play and is so interesting to me. Because I appear to offer anecdotal evidence in support of it! When my mother had me, she was studying to be a nurse, and related how she would place her textbook on her pregnant stomach while studying. It was, by her own admission, a highly stressful time for her, and it completely stands to reason that it affected her hormone levels and thus my own prenatal hormone levels.

The exact physiological process of how the hormones are altered stands to question, but I have seen research indicating that what happens is that the pregnant mother's body actually produces too much estrogen, which then gets converted to testosterone and saturates the womb. In any case, this would certainly go a long way towards explaining not only the etiology of autism but also the sexual paraphilias that are often seen along with it, inasmuch as the primary function of hormones is to regulate sexuality, and irregular prenatal hormone levels have been linked to the development of homosexuality in sons.

Fun fact: Ted Kaczynski's mother suspect him of having autism, and interviewed (((Bruno Bettelheim))) to see if he should examine her son, but decided against it because (((Bettelheim))), the proponent of the refrigerator mother theory of autism, was too "cold" and condescending for her tastes. Maybe he was just projecting himself into his theories, like a true (((Freudian))) would :feelskek: :feelskek:

Kaczynski, it should be noted, struggled with a sexual rejection from his oneitis and autogynephilia before turning to hERoism, which perhaps is indicative of mother issues and (prenatal) hormonal irregularities, respectively.
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There have historically been psychologists who made an intuitively correct, if factually inaccurate, association between autism and the maladaptive social environment fostered by feminism, most notably (((Bruno Bettelheim))), who argued that so-called refrigerator mothers* are too busy being "liberated" at the capitalist workplace to adequately nurture their children, and emotionally damage them as a consequence, which presents as autism.
*Notice: it's the inverse of the idea, often promoted among normies, that overbearing, helicopter parents who nurture their children too much cause autism.

While there certainly is a basis for mother issues during childhood in the psychopathology of autists, especially as it concerns comorbid avoidant personality disorder or borderline personality disorder* (in which "switching," or the love-hate cycle, is a manifestation of both over-dependence upon the mother and resentment towards her for failing to be dependable, and naturally carries along with it sexual implications), it obviously does not explain autism itself.
*Borderline personality disorder is not a reflection of a feminine mind so much as a vulnerable mind, and so it is often comorbid with autism; and the masculine trait of systemizing is observed at elevated levels in both conditions! In confirmation of (((Simon Baron-Cohen)))'s theory, both conditions share similar issues with cognitive empathy as well!

And this is where your theory about stressful pregnancies comes into play and is so interesting to me. Because I appear to offer anecdotal evidence in support of it! When my mother had me, she was studying to be a nurse, and related how she would place her textbook on her pregnant stomach while studying. It was, by her own admission, a highly stressful time for her, and it completely stands to reason that it affected her hormone levels and thus my own prenatal hormone levels.

The exact physiological process of how the hormones are altered stands to question, but I have seen research indicating that what happens is that the pregnant mother's body actually produces too much estrogen, which then gets converted to testosterone and saturates the womb. In any case, this would certainly go a long way towards explaining not only the etiology of autism but also the sexual paraphilias that are often seen along with it, inasmuch as the primary function of hormones is to regulate sexuality, and irregular prenatal hormone levels have been linked to the development of homosexuality in sons.

Fun fact: Ted Kaczynski's mother suspect him of having autism, and interviewed (((Bruno Bettelheim))) to see if he should examine her son, but decided against it because (((Bettelheim))), the proponent of the refrigerator mother theory of autism, was too "cold" and condescending for her tastes. Maybe he was just projecting himself into his theories, like a true (((Freudian))) would :feelskek: :feelskek:

Kaczynski, it should be noted, struggled with a sexual rejection from his oneitis and autogynephilia before turning to hERoism, which perhaps is indicative of mother issues and (prenatal) hormonal irregularities, respectively.

Very interesting, thanks for sharing
Good read, as autism is a combination of both epigenetic and genetic factors. Also could the number of autistic people be in proportion to the average amount of stress in the society that people experience? I have Asperger's.

Also this says from your cited source "Shy Lovers" that autism is a killer for a man's romantic life, which this somewhat succinct explanation is a good proponent for taking away women's rights so less autistic men can be born and suffer and stay at home.
That’s really interesting
You may be onto something mate.
Bumping my own thread while postmaxxing fuck it
my theory is that in the past unhealthy woman couldn't reproduce because marriage was a familial agreement. if the woman had some sort of a eating disorder or were in poor physical shape it would lower their chances of getting married.
remember that men had to pay a certain amount of money to marry, usually in the form of assets and contracts. and marriage back then was big deal.

and yes im aware that most woman reproduced in the past and men haven't. but you also have to take into consideration that harems usually had the best woman, while the rest of woman were forced to reproduce with criminals and beggars, which lowered the prospect of healthy births
therefore autists and spergs died more often, and healthy children were a product of harems and nobles
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