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Why aren’t short men treated as a vulnerable group just like how women are?

Clavicus Vile

Clavicus Vile

I sold your soul for a daedric fleshlight
Jan 14, 2024
When you’re below average height as a grown man and you are shorter than most men you will counter in the world, you’re pretty damn vulnerable.

Truth is that if you were backed into a tight room by a 6’7 man and you’re 5’4, you are pretty much fucked. Short men are just as vulnerable as women are.

Doesn’t matter how well you can fight, there’s an innate strength and size difference, fighting sports have weight classes for a reason. I’ve heard fucked up stories from prison, a 5’5 guy was trapped in a cell during lockdown with a 6’7 dude who was a faggot, started taking his clothes off, he raped the smaller guy, and it didn’t matter how much he fought back. He was knocked out, tied up and taken advantage of. It’s the harsh and honest truth, unless you’re willing to bite chunks of flesh out of someone then you’re done for.

Short men should a much easier time acquiring gun permits and should be allowed to stab tf out of any tree that steps out of line regardless of how non serious it may seem, a short man getting into a basic fist fight with someone much larger could mean death. We are literally just as vulnerable as a woman walking out alone at night.
Because we don't have a hole
Because no one wants to fuck a short man.
Because everybody hates short men
They need their outlet for humiliating and bullying. Lawmakers are human too and these are NT's nature. Short men, poor men, autists, incels and indians are the exception from actions against racism and human right violations.
Because of Christ cucks
Because of Christ cucks
Explain this one?
If anything Christ cucks would be the ones defending a manlets right to selfdefense?
Leftist foid would be like "nooo, I can't believe that manlet just shot chad even though he was trying to kill him, this is why guns need to be illegal"
Explain this one?
If anything Christ cucks would be the ones defending a manlets right to selfdefense?
Leftist foid would be like "nooo, I can't believe that manlet just shot chad even though he was trying to kill him, this is why guns need to be illegal"
No I’ve been bullied and accused of crazy shit by “liberal” Christ cucks they do nothing but defend rich white tall chad we need communism now I can’t wait until allahu akbar and shit skin hordes invade the USA and go on rape spree of blonde girl
No I’ve been bullied and accused of crazy shit by “liberal” Christ cucks they do nothing but defend rich white tall chad we need communism now I can’t wait until allahu akbar and shit skin hordes invade the USA and go on rape spree of blonde girl
I mean yeah, no love for incels anywhere, but I still think your odds are slightly better with Christ cucks than non-religious foids on this issue, at least, the "conservative" ones anyway.
And water, but it's ironic considering Jesus never had sex but some Christ cucks still shit on incels.
1. No money to be made of it
2. Doesn't help degenerate society like the Jewish Elite wants
Because men have no inherit value, unlike women
Because people don't want to fuck short men.
Foids have no inherit value either soyciety just sees it that way
Sperm is cheap, eggs are precious. You can build a civlisation with 1000 women and 10 men way faster than with 1000 men and 10 women
because normiescum and foids loves bullying short men.
because "men on average are strong". To a retards mind, a 5'4 man can easily fend off a roided meathead, while a woman with the relative same size of a man would have such a hard time against him. Because retards think biology is black and white, and unfortunately they are the ones that make rules, when they have no complex thoughts.

We are portrayed as attackers and creeps on media while 6'7 chadthunder cock is seen as the hero. Look at berserk, prime example. What is worse, is this is all for a foids sexual excitement for better men to attack us. Why do you think she does false accusations? in hopes for sexual stimulation for a man to dominate a other. And retards eat it up like some bullshit honor code. In short, our pain is a foids sexual gratification/excitement that appeals to the female gaze. While the males that go along with it also have enjoyment to harm someone who is defenseless while pertaining to some bullshit moral code. That's it, our existence is to be scapegoat for a sexual gratification of bleeding hole subhuman trash.

Also we don't have a pretty face, slender angelic bodies, or soft skin to make retards hearts melt. Funny enough, a passing troon would make a conservcuck reconsider ynbaw. Hole or not.
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