Physical: Extremely short (5'7" on a good day), overall 4/10 face (small jaw and chin, eyes too big, crooked nose, forehead too large, etc.), small frame, little muscle and slow muscle-gaining ability, acne on my upper body (shoulders, upper back, upper chest, a bit on the face, the neck, and the arms), a hirsute body (e.g., Satyr legs), a very ugly smile when I flesh out my teeth (both the smile itself is ugly and the teeth are unappealing), a receding hairline, an annoying voice, no gigantic penis, neck too long (not St. Blackops2cel-tier, but still long), need to constantly pluck the hairs between my eyebrows to not look hideous, facial hair too sparse, skin doesn't look very good, no haircut really suits me, I probably need more tattoos and to stylemaxx better generally, and probably some more things.
Mental: Emotionally unstable, suffer some anxiety, have some streaks of BPD in my personality, prone to do impulsively stupid shit that hurts me in the long-term (quitting jobs on a whim, wasting money on things I don't need, etc.), lack proper anger management, too intelligent for foids to be able to connect with me, lack of self-esteem, crippling shyness, annoyed by 99% of people.
Lifestyle: No driving license, no apartment of my own, no real job, no higher education, poor, no prospect of getting a real profession any time soon, no friends, bad relations with most of my family, not hanging out where all the action is, not active on social media, living with mom at the age of 26.