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RageFuel Why are women single?



Jul 14, 2021
Regardless of her looks, what the hell is a post 16/17 heck even 13/14 year old woman doing being single? NATURE. Post womanhood, why would they still be single at 21,22,23,27 etc? The fact that they are is the reason why we are, since women can Decide when they want to stop being single, seeing as no single man would reject a looksmatch or better or even slightly below himself if he´s single.

I think the reason why everyone aint matched up even despite there not being arranged marriages in the west is because of chads, they are the problem, their behaviour, women cant be blamed because they are just children in grown up bodies. When a woman monkeybranches to a better chad, she doesnt become single, her former man does in most cases (unless he instantly gets a new GF also, but thats off the point and rare). Which is why it is so weird that there are single women and single men, as there is almost 1:1 in gender ratio, meaning, it is mens fault, the (i generalize) stupid mediocre IQ, rich, 1,86, blonde western chads. Despite hypergamy existing, polygamy wouldnt be able to form if men just picked the most beautiful woman that accepted them and rejected all uglier women. It is the rich chads who facilitate todays circumstances, not the women themselves (duh, as if a toaster can think). Chads are the enemy. Not stacys, not your sisters or mum or normie men or other incels (ofc). Not even bankers, jews etc, as they are never chads, just rich. Its the good looking scandinavians, british, german, north european gene new worlders etc. They are the eternal enemies of people like us. They´re right now having people like us kill each other in ukraine. Since incels are the dumb and the smart ones in society i guess itsmostly the dumb ones being killed off, but we are equally ugly.
They choose to be single so they can wageslave for shekelstein.
It's also that foids are becoming increasingly full of themselves by putting shit on their face (makeup) and by forming communities with other lobotimized foids that keep lying to their faces telling them they are pretty and deserve better . Even the ugly ones are actively pursuing chad now , because they have become so delusional and entitled. Sadly it's over for us
They are brainwashed, thats why. Ive found/dispelled a list of hundreds of spells used against men and women sociosexually. Literally even the swedish alphabet phonetically:

In english, couldnt be bothered to translate what i wrote a while back so i just copypasted, it says:

well, the letters got scrambled when i pasted so it didnt work, but GHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV is phonetically:Go, Went, Go, Leave & Point out, Arrest, Thief, Cheat on Man (with higher man) - Its deep magic. When you speak G-V slowly, or fast idk, thats the messages that go through
Not enough chads to LTR every hole.
In swedish it makes sense if you´re smart. If you´re not swedish i guess it makes negative sense even, but within the swedish language phonetics/sound there is magic about leaving your husband.
It's a choice in 2022 a women can be single but have money and sex it's easy as hell if you a men you can but you have to try hard more in life even if you chad :feelsaww:
They are single so they can fuck around without any hesitation. Plus they are single until they finally found rich Gigachad. Typical. Some other foids stay single, fuck around, and turn lesbian a bit later cause they actually failed at finding rich Gigachad.
The only way to secure relationships is to refuse women the right to own any form of resources, then theyd be forced, as it should be, to bind themselves to a man. But women would rather work for a wage than be with non chads, it destroys societies. And no man should ever approach foids as the red pill so called coaches say. That places men in a desperate beggar situation. Instead,
just as with gorillas, it is and should be the females who approach the men and ask for permission to fuck with them as shown on nature shows. As morgan freeman says, just avoid the women and they´ll come, well not for us, but you´ll have a better chance at least to get with girls if you avoid them.
an approaching person is seen as desperate and by definition not worthy to women.
Chads are rare, when there are no chads around they take the best available, its the definition of hypergamy, chads hoarding all the women is a meme. Taking the responsibility away from foids i dont agree at all, current situation with the high standards is female fault. Reason why they are single and rather be single moms then get married is because they dont want to be controled and commitment, they want to be free to whore around without anyone judging them.
They have casual sex with the highest value men they have on hand. This is basic blackpill stuff.
nice take but i disagree. its chads and the womens fault. 50/50
How can it be womens fault if women are just the supported part of the yin yang human whole? The side car, the children. Blame the fucking pampered nobles of today. It was always and is the nobles in charge, just as in game of thrones, not the corporations or bankers as is told today much. Bezos, Gates, Musk, Kamprad etc are just front figures for power
There are too many chadsexuals nowaydays, you know.
Can't get Chad
not a big enough supply of chads for all the foids in this world so some are left behind to mate with us but they refuse
They are all taken by chad
they are the best ones to torment lol , tho they are also the most disgusting chewed meat
It's societys fault. Most ppl just behave based on their society's expectations and what it allows them to get away with. Women whore around because they can and because they're encouraged to do so. Chads fuck around because they can and because spreading ones seed is a male imperative.
It's also that foids are becoming increasingly full of themselves by putting shit on their face (makeup) and by forming communities with other lobotimized foids that keep lying to their faces telling them they are pretty and deserve better . Even the ugly ones are actively pursuing chad now , because they have become so delusional and entitled. Sadly it's over for us

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