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Serious Why are we wasting time when we can become gods?

Robo Sapien

Robo Sapien

Jun 9, 2018
I get it guys. I'm junecel faggot or whatever, but I just really don't care at this point. I see a lot of guys here letting themselves rot and get consumed by grief. I just don't want to see so many young men wasting their fucking lives on bullshit. Please don't do the stupid shit that I did. I know not having female validation and the respect of your male peers is fucking devastating. Trust me, I've spent years languishing in this purgatory. Nevertheless, the best revenge is to fucking win. Foids aren't fucking sad when guys go ER and blast their heads off in a mall. That just confirms their fucking suspicions about incels. Women expect men to go berserk when they can't get female attention. They don't expect men to move on and transcend them. That shit legitimately terrifies them because they know that without men they'd fucking die. Women are simply weaker and dumber. There's no getting around this fact.

What truly terrifies Femoids is not talking about going ER. Its talk about sex robots, artificial wombs, and immortality. Because in that future we simply don't need them. Women are afraid that MEN will win, and we will. But not by fucking overvaluing worthless meatbag women. They just don't offer shit other than a pretty fucking smile and got lips to suck cock.

Why are we wasting our energy and talent on ruthless foids? Why not use what little mental power we have that isn't being consumed by depression to fix our fucking lives? I understand that we may not get to fully utilize sex robots until our 30s, 40s, or 50s. But it's still worth fixing a deep societal problem that won't fucking go away. We can permanently fix the problems that are causing incels. We can END inceldom FOREVER.

ETA: I just wanted to add some words from Saint Elliot

The Most Honorable Elliot Rodger said:

And that is how my tragic life ends. Who would have thought my life will turn out this way? I didn’t. There was a time when I thought this world was a good and happy place. As a child, my whole world was innocent. It wasn’t until I went through puberty and started desiring girls that my whole life turned into a living hell. I desired girls, but girls never desired me back. There is something very wrong with that. It is an injustice that cannot go unpunished. There is no way I could live a happy life with such a scenario.

Not only did I have to waste my entire youth suffering in loneliness and unfulfilled desire, but I had to live with the knowledge that other boys my age were able to have all of the experiences I craved for. It is absolutely unfair and unjust. In addition, I had to suffer the shame of other boys respecting me less because I didn’t get any girls. Everyone knew I was a virgin. Everyone knew how undesirable I was to girls, and I hated everyone just for knowing it. I want people to think that girls adore me. I want to feel worthy. There is no pride in living as a lonely, unwanted outcast. I wouldn’t even call it living.

I am not meant to live such a pathetic, miserable life. That is not my place in this world. I will not bow down and accept such a horrific fate. If humanity will not give me a worthy place among them, then I will destroy them all. I am better than all of them. I am a god. Exacting my Retribution is my way of proving my true worth to the world.

In the midst of my suffering, I have been able to see the world much clearer than others. I have vision that other people lack. Through my suffering, I have been able to see just how twisted and wrong this world really is. The current state of humanity is what makes it wrong. I look at the human race and I see only vileness and depravity, all because of an act known as... sexuality...

Sex is by far the most evil concept in existence. The fact that life itself exists through sex just proves that life is flawed. The act of sex gives human beings a tremendous amount of pleasure. Pleasure they don’t deserve. No one deserves to experience so much pleasure, especially since some humans get to experience it while some are denied it. When a man has sex with a beautiful woman, he probably feels like he is in heaven. But the world is not supposed to be heaven. For some humans to actually be able to feel such heights of heavenly pleasure is selfish and hedonistic.

The ultimate evil behind sexuality is the human female. They are the main instigators of sex. They control which men get it and which men don’t. Women are flawed creatures, and my mistreatment at their hands has made me realize this sad truth. There is something very twisted and wrong with the way their brains are wired. They think like beasts, and in truth, they are beasts. Women are incapable of having morals or thinking rationally. They are completely controlled by their depraved emotions and vile sexual impulses. Because of this, the men who do get to experience the pleasures of sex and the privilege of breeding are the men who women are sexually attracted to... the stupid, degenerate, obnoxious men. I have observed this all my life. The most beautiful of women choose to mate with the most brutal of men, instead of magnificent gentlemen like myself.

Women should not have the right to choose who to mate and breed with. That decision should be made for them by rational men of intelligence. If women continue to have rights, they will only hinder the advancement of the human race by breeding with degenerate men and creating stupid, degenerate offspring. This will cause humanity to become even more depraved with each generation. Women have more power in human society than they deserve, all because of sex. There is no creature more evil and depraved than the human female.

Women are like a plague. They don’t deserve to have any rights. Their wickedness must be contained in order prevent future generations from falling to degeneracy. Women are vicious, evil, barbaric animals, and they need to be treated as such.

In fully realizing these truths about the world, I have created the ultimate and perfect ideology of how a fair and pure world would work. In an ideal world, sexuality would not exist. It must be outlawed. In a world without sex, humanity will be pure and civilized. Men will grow up healthily, without having to worry about such a barbaric act. All men will grow up fair and equal, because no man will be able to experience the pleasures of sex while others are denied it. The human race will evolve to an entirely new level of civilization, completely devoid of all the impurity and degeneracy that exists today.

In order to completely abolish sex, women themselves would have to be abolished. All women must be quarantined like the plague they are, so that they can be used in a manner that actually benefits a civilized society. In order carry this out, there must exist a new and powerful type of government, under the control of one divine ruler, such as myself. The ruler that establishes this new order would have complete control over every aspect of society, in order to direct it towards a good and pure place. At the disposal of this government, there needs to be a highly trained army of fanatically loyal troops, in order to enforce such revolutionary laws.

The first strike against women will be to quarantine all of them in concentration camps. At these camps, the vast majority of the female population will be deliberately starved to death. That would be an efficient and fitting way to kill them all off. I would take great pleasure and satisfaction in condemning every single woman on earth to starve to death. I would have an enormous tower built just for myself, where I can oversee the entire concentration camp and gleefully watch them all die. If I can’t have them, no one will, I’d imagine thinking to myself as I oversee this. Women represent everything that is unfair with this world, and in order to make the world a fair place, they must all be eradicated.

A few women would be spared, however, for the sake of reproduction. These women would be kept and bred in secret labs. There, they will be artificially inseminated with sperm samples in order to produce offspring. Their depraved nature will slowly be bred out of them in time.
Future generations of men would be oblivious to these remaining women’s existence, and that is for the best. If a man grows up without knowing of the existence of women, there will be no desire for sex. Sexuality will completely cease to exist. Love will cease to exist. There will no longer be any imprint of such concepts in the human psyche. It is the only way to purify the world.

In such a pure world, the man’s mind can develop to greater heights than ever before. Future generations will live their lives free of having to worry about the barbarity of sex and women, which will enable them to expand their intelligence and advance the human race to a state of perfect civilization.

It is such a shameful pity that my ideal world cannot be created. I realized long ago that there is no way I could possibly rise to such a level of power in my lifetime, with the way the world is now. Such a thing will never become a reality for me, but it did give me something to fantasize about as I burned with hatred towards all women for rejecting me throughout the years. This whole viewpoint and ideology of abolishing sex stems from being deprived of it all my life. If I cannot have it, I will do everything I can to DESTROY IT.

My orchestration of the Day of Retribution is my attempt to do everything, in my power, to destroy everything I cannot have. All of those beautiful girls I’ve desired so much in my life, but can never have because they despise and loathe me, I will destroy. All of those popular people who live hedonistic lives of pleasure, I will destroy, because they never accepted me as one of them. I will kill them all and make them suffer, just as they have made me suffer. It is only fair.

Why do things have to be this way? I’m sure that is the question everyone will be asking after the Day of Retribution is over. They will all be asking why. Indeed, why? That is the question I’ve had for everyone throughout all my years of suffering. Why was I condemned to live a life of misery and worthlessness while other men were able to experience the pleasures of sex and love with women? Why do things have to be this way? I ask all of you.

All I ever wanted was to love women, and in turn to be loved by them back. Their behavior towards me has only earned my hatred, and rightfully so! I am the true victim in all of this. I am the good guy. Humanity struck at me first by condemning me to experience so much suffering. I didn’t ask for this. I didn’t want this. I didn’t start this war... I wasn’t the one who struck first... But I will finish it by striking back. I will punish everyone. And it will be beautiful. Finally, at long last, I can show the world my true worth.

In this epilogue, Elliot told us the real reasons why we suffer as men, women. We can overcome all of this bullshit and achieve Elliot's fucking vision. His version of this world wasn't practical, but the idea of replacing women is incredibly fucking practical. With Sex Robots and or asexual reproduction, we can truly achieve what the fuck he was talking about man.
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Hello, fellow MGTOW.
Why not use what little mental power we have that isn't being consumed by depression to fix our fucking lives?

Good luck, everyone here is more interested in rotting and doing nothing productive. If you suggest trying to move up they'll call you a coper lmao.
What you've described is basically just MGTOW. Which is also a viable alternative to immerse yourself in, seeing as it promotes positive lifestyles and preaches the same hatred for foids.
I'm 31 fukmylyf. It's over for me. It's not fucking over for you man.
I'm 32 but I'm still trying to south east asia max. Your post seems very mgtow, and you used the word meatbag like tfm. I think sexbots will replace femoids too, to me they're hotter than at least 20% of them already.
Huge cope.
How? the emergent field of robotics pretty much makes the possibility of having a mechanical female mate within the next 30 years a distinct possibility.
I'm 32 but I'm still trying to south east asia max. Your post seems very mgtow, and you used the word meatbag like tfm. I think sexbots will replace femoids too, to me they're hotter than at least 20% of them already.
Sex robots legitimately fix the issue forever. We won't need or want for foids after their existence. I support you going to SEA and maxxing bro. I'm just saying for those who don't want to do that, there's always this option.
The sexbot must be very real to give a convincing illusion of a real girl. We are still very far from it. Sexbots it's not a urgency worldwide. Not only that, it has the loser label, so, it will take long to get really good.
The sexbot must be very real to give a convincing illusion of a real girl. We are still very far from it. Sexbots it's not a urgency worldwide. Not only that, it has the loser label, so, it will take long to get really good.
And Robotics races everyday toward the goal of realism. Who cares if sexbots aren't an urgency? So weren't computers. The free market works via demand, not urgency. There is tremendous demand in the west and in China for female replacements.

Who cares about the loser label? Women will be forced to compete for Chad and many of them will be left out in the cold when they fail to snag them. Women will die alone with the fucking cats. That's revenge.
High I.Q post

But a lot of us (like me) have no talents + are the perfects failures and we can't think positively when we have nothing in our hands, it's also fucking depressive to know we PROBABLY gonna have sexbots when the females who ruins our lifes already have profit of they lifes, have childrens and are happy, some of us (if it's not all of us) gonna die before the creation of a real and perfect sexbot + they don't gonna give us validation, it's just bot
High I.Q post

But a lot of us (like me) have no talents + are the perfects failures and we can't think positively when we have nothing in our hands, it's also fucking depressive to know we PROBABLY gonna have sexbots when the females who ruins our lifes already have profit of they lifes, have childrens and are happy, some of us (if it's not all of us) gonna die before the creation of a real and perfect sexbot + they don't gonna give us validation, it's just bot

The last part about women is grossly overexaggerated. Most women I know even now in my 30s are overweight divorced single moms who can't get the fucking men they want. They fucked up their lives and now they're bitching about how men are dogs and pigs when in fact they chose to fuck Tyrone and Chad. It's almost like a hilarious slow moving Othello-style drama where everyone in the femoid cares about dies. In the end, the only women who when are women who are disciplined enough to ignore their hypergamous instincts. And those women are a very distinct and completely random minority.
repeat pls

how do i bacome a god?
im too lazy for that
YES, I totally believe in applying the maximum resources to develop realistic sexrobots, I understand that I will never be able to live until this age, it will take us another century to achieve interesting results, but dedicating efforts to help incels in the future is something that is totally valid, I want incel men to reach the male sexual revolution, it will take longer to be socially acceptable, since the vast majority of men would have to accept the idea of having a robot woman
i didnt even read the post because of how badly it REEKED of shirk.

what the hell are you thinking with the phrase "i can become God?" you must not associate partners with Allah swt. i may guide you properly in PM if u wish.
And Robotics races everyday toward the goal of realism. Who cares if sexbots aren't an urgency? So weren't computers. The free market works via demand, not urgency. There is tremendous demand in the west and in China for female replacements.

Who cares about the loser label? Women will be forced to compete for Chad and many of them will be left out in the cold when they fail to snag them. Women will die alone with the fucking cats. That's revenge.
False equivalency. The Space Race was the reason that computer technology evolved. The demand is not that strong, that's why the "loser label" is important. Example: a lot of countries still outlaw prostitution. There's a huge demand for it, yet, it's outlaw even in the land of freedom.
dude I want to fucking die so badly. I missed out on my youth, the best years of life
You are really not looking at the whole picture. I know it's a meme that Chad and Tyrone always win, but no one fucking sees the other side of being Chad or Tyrone. I'm a genetic accident in a relatively attractive family. Most of my male family members are above six foot and have very proportional faces. I happened to be the one freak accident.

Anyway, I can't tell you how fucked up their lives are. How many of them have child support. Two of my uncles had their kids fucking taken from them never to be seen again. One of my uncles was accused of raping his daughter which we all knew was fucking bullshit. One of my uncles had half of his fucking estate ripped from him by a foid. I know this sounds copish, but dude. Women are fucking wastes of space. They do nothing but take and destroy. That's all they can do.

That's why the metaphor from the bible about Eve being created from Adam's rib is so fucking powerful. Because you have to give a piece of your self just to having a fucking foid in your life.
False equivalency. The Space Race was the reason that computer technology evolved. The demand is not that strong, that's why the "loser label" is important. Example: a lot of countries still outlaw prostitution. There's a huge demand for it, yet, it's outlaw even in the land of freedom.

And there is huge fucking market to take care of the elderly. The need to have machines that can wash and bond with the elderly is through the roof. This shit alone will lead to sexbots. There's no way the government can stop it. Just like they can't fucking stop prostitution. Just because it's not legal doesn't mean there won't be a thriving market.

And all you guys saying cope, continue to be cucks for women who wouldn't even piss on you to put out fire. Continue to want for women who enjoy torturing and subjugating you. YOU continue to do it. I WON'T.
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Just think about what the world would be like if we could asexually reproduce. It would be terrible
Just think about what the world would be like if we could asexually reproduce. It would be terrible

That's your personal opinion based on your emotional attachment to remaining a male utility. If that's what you want be my guest.
That's your personal opinion based on your emotional attachment to remaining a male utility. If that's what you want be my guest.
We take up a bunch of resources even though we reproduce sexually, and if we could reproduce asexually there would be more humans taking up more resources
We take up a bunch of resources even though we reproduce sexually, and if we could reproduce asexually there would be more humans taking up more resources

So why not kys if that's how you feel? Why worry about foids at all?
I already did like 4 hours of cs231nceling today.
I already did like 4 hours of cs231nceling today.

That's the spirit boyo. Each line of code is another sentence in the doom of foids. This is how we get revenge gentleman.
One person dying isn’t gonna change anything

So you're not going to kys, or end sexual reproduction via immortality. Again, why are you here?
I want a sex bot very badly, but in the meantime I need real girls. I have a to-do list of a million hours fucking every girl in every way possible. What the hell else is worth doing in life?
I want a sex bot very badly, but in the meantime I need real girls. I have a to-do list of a million hours fucking every girl in every way possible. What the hell else is worth doing in life?

Why is fucking foids so important? Just humor me for a moment please.
Very well developed and sophisticated cope

still cope though
Very well developed and sophisticated cope

still cope though

How is it cope when it solves the issue of inceldom? A cope by definition is something used to justify inceldom as something righteous or mundane to mask the pain of loneliness. I'm not saying that inceldom is insignificant, nor am I justifying being alone. I'm saying we can now fix the issue and move on. Nothing copish about it.
Why is fucking foids so important? Just humor me for a moment please.
Why is anything important?

I hate to answer a question with another question, but really I have no explanation. I've grown cynical, and given up on intellectual pursuits as a source of pleasure. What I am left with are basic natural directives. Sleep. Eat. Fuck. Those things feel good, and they are reliable. Everything else seems to have nebulous value, meaning the pleasure gained is not clear cut or consistent.

I tried to live in the realm of the mind, but I failed. I'm dumb. I've done a 180, and now value 'beastly' pleasures above all others. If I can subdue these cravings enough to feel satiated, maybe then I'll open up to other ways to spend my time on this rotten planet.
How is it cope when it solves the issue of inceldom? A cope by definition is something used to justify inceldom as something righteous or mundane to mask the pain of loneliness. I'm not saying that inceldom is insignificant, nor am I justifying being alone. I'm saying we can now fix the issue and move on. Nothing copish about it.
because it wont solve the issue, we will die virgins because we're ugly. no way around it
because it wont solve the issue, we will die virgins because we're ugly. no way around it

What will be the difference between a femoid and something that perfectly matches her pound for pound?
How is it cope when it solves the issue of inceldom? A cope by definition is something used to justify inceldom as something righteous or mundane to mask the pain of loneliness. I'm not saying that inceldom is insignificant, nor am I justifying being alone. I'm saying we can now fix the issue and move on. Nothing copish about it.
Lol you cannot fix it

not in 100 years

you can go ahead and think fucking some doll that is still 100 miles aways from being close to real thing fixing it
but it's cope though
"Why are we wasting our time when we could become gods"?

Good question, if for no other reason than its a time-honored one. Humanity has been asking itself that same question as long as there have been human beings capable of doing so. Why be content with the constraints Nature has placed upon us if there's some way of slipping them. We may not be the sturdiest of Creation's children. Quite to the contrary, actually. When compared to many of Her other children, we're almost absurdly fragile. Yet, for all of that, we are without a doubt Her most clever offspring. We'll never be able to take Heaven by storm, to be sure, but there's always that dream of using our ingenuity to quietly slip through its gates; a fantasy so very compelling because, given our relative sophistication, it almost seems attainable.

We've aspired to become gods for a very long time, in almost every place we recognized the fundamental distinction between the mortal and divine. The Greek poets composed their lyrics about the dread halls of Hades where men, having given up their vitality, sank below and languished as mere shadows of what they once were. The ancient Hebrews, just as pessimistic as the pagans they reviled, shuddered at the thought of dim Sheol where the only thing remaining to the Dead were the fading memories of Life's beauty that had forever been lost to them. There may have been gods celebrating upon Olympus and Yahweh may have reigned in Heaven serenaded by hosts of angels, but the eternal joys allotted for Zeus and El were not meant for men.

Not a nice thought, is it?

Well, our race has always been one of exceptionally desperate dreamers. Shamans have ingested toxic plants, replete with substances with the power to kill if used with the slightest lack of care, for the sake of snatching just a glimpse of realms reserved for the spirits. Ascetics have relegated themselves to the harsh isolation of the wilderness hoping that, in extremis, they could hear a single note of the music the nymphs lavish upon the gods. The Christian martyrs, shuddering in anticipation of the frigid darkness of Hell, were willing to endure tortures far worse than those suffered by their deity if it meant the slightest chance of taking a place by his side.

Mortal men have their dreams of Paradise, and unlovable monsters have theirs. Both aspire to cheat the lot assigned to them by Nature, the former attempting to find some way of becoming like gods and the latter of experiencing what human beings take for granted. In both cases, failure is the only possible outcome. The shaman who tries to slip uninvited into the World of the Spirits is ultimately nothing more than a man hallucinating as he poisons himself with dangerous drugs. He may try to convince himself the glossolalia streaming from his lips is the language of angels but, when all is said and done, all that's actually issuing from his throat is gibberish and the vomit he'll eventually choke to death on. The monster can use all of his ingenuity to fashion an artificial mate. He'll swear with tears in his eyes he's finally achieved what every actual man takes for granted, that he at long last knows what it is to be desired, to hold and to be held with passion. Confronted with such a sight, humanity as a whole will look upon the pitiful display of a grotesque thing fucking an expensive doll, pretending to love and to be loved, and respond with collective laughter. Which is to be expected, I suppose. Just as human tragedy is regarded by the divine as comedy, so too is the humiliating agony of abominations a well-spring of mirth for men.

The gods were meant for Heaven, men for Earth and we monsters for Hell. Nature would never permit anything else. Sometimes, as the tiniest consolation, She'll provide us fleeting reveries, flights of fantasy during which we can imagine otherwise. If one can take brief solace in his drugs and dreams, whether he be man or monster, so be it. But never forget that every dream has to end, with each of one us waking up precisely where he belongs.
now I see why incels shit on MGTOW.
Lol you cannot fix it

not in 100 years

you can go ahead and think fucking some doll that is still 100 miles aways from being close to real thing fixing it
but it's cope though

First and foremost, they already have robots which have damn near human like movement. We are no more than 35 years away from good robotics tech. Secondly people who have HAD sex with real women and the dolls have said that the does feel EXACTLY like real women. Nothing is cope about having sex with a doll. It's better than waiting around for foids to fuck you.

We are winning.
First and foremost, they already have robots which have damn near human like movement. We are no more than 35 years away from good robotics tech. Secondly people who have HAD sex with real women and the dolls have said that the does feel EXACTLY like real women. Nothing is cope about having sex with a doll. It's better than waiting around for foids to fuck you.

(spoilers: it's cope)
now I see why incels shit on MGTOW.

Honestly fukmylyf, goodbye dude. I won't bother you anymore. I will leave your threads and let you be. The mods have given me 10% and I just don't want to get kicked off this forum. I feel like I have a greater purpose here even if I'm a social leper. I respect my place as a gadfly and will continue to promote my ideas. If you want to LDAR or rope that's on you. I will continue to build a future where men no longer have to suffer at the hands of female choice. Good sir

(spoilers: it's cope)

Okay, goodbye sir. Good luck man. I wish you the best. I'm not going to fight anymore. I'm just going to push forward with robotics.
Honestly fukmylyf, goodbye dude. I won't bother you anymore. I will leave your threads and let you be. The mods have given me 10% and I just don't want to get kicked off this forum. I feel like I have a greater purpose here even if I'm a social leper. I respect my place as a gadfly and will continue to promote my ideas. If you want to LDAR or rope that's on you. I will continue to build a future where men no longer have to suffer at the hands of female choice. Good sir
I wouldn't mind if you didn't trivialize our problems and tell people to kill themselves.
I wouldn't mind if you didn't trivialize our problems and tell people to kill themselves.

When did I tell anyone to hurt themselves? If this was a perception then I"m sorry. I've never meant to promote this bs man. I just want you to be fucking free fukmylyf. Do not fucking allow yourself to rot like I did. Be fucking free young man. Fly man. Soar and see all. Don't be afraid to be bold and move forward. Good luck man. I really can't afford anymore strikes against me.
Why is anything important?

I hate to answer a question with another question, but really I have no explanation. I've grown cynical, and given up on intellectual pursuits as a source of pleasure. What I am left with are basic natural directives. Sleep. Eat. Fuck. Those things feel good, and they are reliable. Everything else seems to have nebulous value, meaning the pleasure gained is not clear cut or consistent.

I tried to live in the realm of the mind, but I failed. I'm dumb. I've done a 180, and now value 'beastly' pleasures above all others. If I can subdue these cravings enough to feel satiated, maybe then I'll open up to other ways to spend my time on this rotten planet.

The purpose of everything is the continuation of itself. Nothing exists to die, and yet everything does. These two statements seem trivial on the surface, and yet they get at the heart of why all of us care about sex. Incels in particular are painfully aware of the fragility of life. We all know that we have an expiration date. We recognize that sex is not simply sex. It is representative of legacy, which itself is representative of immortality.

Why then should we note devote ourselves to the highest intellectual pursuit? The continuation of self. Why not create that which will free all men forever? Why not actually become immortal instead of achieving a faux-immortality via mating?
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You are really not looking at the whole picture. I know it's a meme that Chad and Tyrone always win, but no one fucking sees the other side of being Chad or Tyrone. I'm a genetic accident in a relatively attractive family. Most of my male family members are above six foot and have very proportional faces. I happened to be the one freak accident.

Anyway, I can't tell you how fucked up their lives are. How many of them have child support. Two of my uncles had their kids fucking taken from them never to be seen again. One of my uncles was accused of raping his daughter which we all knew was fucking bullshit. One of my uncles had half of his fucking estate ripped from him by a foid. I know this sounds copish, but dude. Women are fucking wastes of space. They do nothing but take and destroy. That's all they can do.

That's why the metaphor from the bible about Eve being created from Adam's rib is so fucking powerful. Because you have to give a piece of your self just to having a fucking foid in your life.

And there is huge fucking market to take care of the elderly. The need to have machines that can wash and bond with the elderly is through the roof. This shit alone will lead to sexbots. There's no way the government can stop it. Just like they can't fucking stop prostitution. Just because it's not legal doesn't mean there won't be a thriving market.

And all you guys saying cope, continue to be cucks for women who wouldn't even piss on you to put out fire. Continue to want for women who enjoy torturing and subjugating you. YOU continue to do it. I WON'T.
Nigga, no one here wants to continue to want women. I'm just saying that it's not very close to happen. I really wish that you were right.
Nigga, no one here wants to continue to want women. I'm just saying that it's not very close to happen. I really wish that you were right.

Even if it is not close. This is what I will dedicate my life to. I truly hope you find happiness in this life man. My life will be to make sure that no other person has to live the pathetic and passionless existence that I was forced to endure.

We are winning.

Yep, neural nets are the future. We will create something new and beautiful. A technological renaissance will blossom. There will truly be peace on Earth.
Even if it is not close. This is what I will dedicate my life to. I truly hope you find happiness in this life man. My life will be to make sure that no other person has to live the pathetic and passionless existence that I was forced to endure.

Yep, neural nets are the future. We will create something new and beautiful. A technological renaissance will blossom. There will truly be peace on Earth.

What's your progress? I'm still hopelessly a noob but I understand the basics pretty well.
What's your progress? I'm still hopelessly a noob but I understand the basics pretty well.

I'm personally not pursuing the neural net route, even though I think it's a very important subject. I would agree with other users, that if we're trying to program personalities that could take 100 years or more. What's not going to take 100 years is getting robots to twerk, smell like booty sweat or healthy pussy juice, breath, and maintain eye contact. All the body language things that we as men crave. To me, this aspect of sex robotics is 30 years away. And will significantly improve the mental health of men everywhere.

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