Why does the capitalist system encourage competition, and many may see it as a threat.
Capitalism means high level of incomes for few and some remnants for the rest. The alternative is a system, where everyone is able to live, decently.
Capitalism is based on enslavement (by capitalists) the same as socialism or even social democracy (by state), taxation is also a form of enslavement. I do want to pay taxes for state, because I do not need a state and its "help". State should seek money somewhere else, then in taxation, for example in business. Who said, that private ownership should have monopoly? Mixed ownership, where individuals, cooperatives but also state provide businesses is the most optimal. Such competition on truly "free", also from taxation, market could bring the best benefits. Of course, some kind of taxation might be introduced, but income taxes or corporative taxes is an complete madness and literally, a robbery. People should not be robbed, they want to live on this, what they earned. Competition is the very basic of market economy. Enterprises should compete with one another to attract the client and to earn the money. From our, consumers side it is a great thing to have a wide spectrum of offers, with goods and services. We simply choose the best product, suitable for us. Without the competition, we would have one product on the shelf or maybe 2, just like it was under Socialism, in Socialist Poland, before 1988.
Capitalism is as idiotic as Socialism, I do not see any bigger differences between these 2, very similar to one another, systems. Both Capitalism and Socialism are based on the same, Marxist idea – Materialism. Remember, what Marx said "There is no God, everything is a Matter". I do not believe in God, nor in this Marxist bullshit. I believe in Nature and Natural Laws, which are "eternal".
Socialism or communism only the other side of the same coin. There is no difference between socialism and capitalism at all, because they are based on the social conflict, not on cooperation.
Solidarism, Catholic corporatism, distributism are these systems which are based exactly on cooperation.
Of course, it is exactly, what I am trying to say. That Capitalists are equally to blame for massive immigration, multi-culturalism like Marxists. In many ways, even more, because Capitalist economy, does not need workers, it needs slaves. And immigrants are first and foremost the worst-paid workers.
You promote dictatorship and totalitarian regimes over democracy.
Democracy works in countries like USA or rather it worked in 18th or 19th Century United States or in Ancient Greece. Today there is no democracy, but a system where small cliques, privileged by some "elites" rule under the sea of their slaves.
And I do not want to live like a slave in liberal democracy and capitalist-socialist system.
State investments to boost the economy are forced measures which people would not voluntarily make.
Such a policy, Socialism in practice is nothing more than a "steal and give" policy. Steal from the poor workers and give to poor lazybones. In Socialism, industrious beggars were feeding the indolent beggars. In Capitalism, industrious beggars are feeding the indolent exploiters and cynical, industrious Capitalists. In Corporatism, everyone works for oneself and the Family. I wonder, which country will be the first which embrace Corporatist policies of self-responsibility?
Capitalism is strictly correlated with globalization, so we have to be anti-globalist, to defend the population against multinational corporations who are the only ones who benefit from globalization. Socialism is similar system, to capitalism, where everything is dominated by the state, Eastern Europe and big part of Asia, had enough experience with that.
People in Europe are fed up with Capitalism, but also with Socialism. Both system, affected disastrous social-economic policies, effect of which is clearly visible in Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, France.
I could say, that reformed France, no matter by whom, could bring the positive change. France is nowadays dominated by so called "national champions", big groups, dominating its retail and vast sectors of economy. Small business is slowly being wiped out from the scene, by red tape, high taxes. France is a classical model of Socialist Capitalism, something what is visible also in Poland and what is the worst nightmare, one can imagine. Micro-entrepreneurs and ordinary workers are being treated like modern slaves by the State and the Capitalists.
For a long time after the WWII Western Europe constructed a model on which left and right found a consensus on fundamental things based on an idea of balancing social inequalities and with that to maintain social peace. The Swedish social-democracy was probably the best expression of that model.
And this, clearly socialist model has come to the end, just like in late 1980's, in Eastern Europe. If you criticize capitalism, you should better, start reading The Bible. Even if you’re an atheist. I am not interested in religion, but I've just found out, that The Bible is saying about everything or majority of things, happening today. Someone who wrote it, predicted everything. The Bible also is anti-capitalist, but socialist as many may think, it is pure corporatism.
The ECB was been the cash cow for everyone. Everyone wanted to milk only, no one wanted to feed.
Very well said. It only shows, that in capitalism, it is a socialism, in the heart of it. Everyone wants to get, none wants to give. In socialism, people wanted state to give, whatever they want. In capitalism, the owners, want more and more and more, they do not want to give, better salaries for example. It is strictly correlated with moral disaster of people. Lack of responsibility, lack of will to do something, not for oneself, for bigger cause, in collective way, lack of order. It's typical for liberal societies, where everyone thinks, that "should be given", people only want to get, new rights, more and more and more. There's too much personal rights and too little duties and responsibilities.
That's why I say, that liberalism and capitalism are self-destructible systems, like communism was. This system, will collapse, sooner or later and people who stand behind it, oligarchs will have to pay, not with money, but something what cannot be bought – with their own lives. Revolution is inevitable, but this time, capitalists and socialists will be together, defending their positions.
USA, indeed has problem with its "TOP 1%", but the source of it is...Wall Street. As long as Wall Street is the main source of the wealth accumulated, within the financial and services sector, mostly through ordinary speculative policies and actions, American-style Capitalism will be perceived as "inhumane". Without Wall Street, American-style Capitalism, would be the best form of Capitalist system, ever. Mostly, because of the American entrepreneurial spirit and big role of Christian values in American society.
Corporatism, based on the Christian, but also Platonist values is nothing else than Capitalism upside down, where it is the small entrepreneur and ordinary worker, instead of Big Business and Multinationals, creates the wealth of the Nation.
Sadly, majority of people in the West, do not realize this. Instead, they prefer to live as slaves of Consumptionism, as zombies, products of Capitalism and Materialism.
I blame Jews for support of Communism, Socialism and Capitalism, Liberalism. For nothing else.
I believe in something more than s...than money, career, consumption and the rest of the capitalist- consumptionist products, invented to make people mental slaves.
Capitalism is dominating the world and it is a system which is based on the principle of small monopolies. We live in Global Capitalism and thanks to Globalization, multi-national corporations are growing, wiping out small competition. It is 19-20th Century reminiscence but modern Capitalism is far worse. In 19-20th Century, technology was poor. Now, thanks to technology, World is a One Economy. So, we can say, that World is the Global Market. Who earns biggest profits? The biggest firms. Who benefits? Small elite.
What is the outcome? Global Enslavement, supported by Global institutions and projects like UN, NATO, EU, Eurasian Union, ASEAN, Mercosur, One Road-One Belt and many others.
What is the anti-Capitalism then? Socialism or Social Capitalism with open borders? No, it is Nationalism, National-Corporatism to be precise. Every country to be truly free must say no to Globalization and follow the anti-Globalist, Nationalist path.
Furthermore, Tea Party, because it is a libertarian, laissez-faire party, which wants to turn ordinary workers into slaves. I am diehard anti-capitalist, although I am an micro-entrepreneur. Poland and the rest of Eastern Europe, after the collapse of "real socialism", became an economic colony for Western capitalists. I already wrote it, but I repeat, one firm in Łódź, offered a job with wage...20-30 USD per months (20 cents per hour). This is not a joke, Poland is a low wage country and Polish capitalists, the same as Western, earn on it. We live in 19th Century America, mixed with neo-socialist measures. If someone is interested how life looked like in 19th Century industrialist states, should come to Poland, Romania, Bulgaria. Not to Warsaw or some bigger cities but on the province.
Sorry but I do not understand what it has to do with the Right of Left of the political spectrum. Both leftists and rightists, support the same, pathological Capitalist system. Difference lies in the form of it – Social or Liberal one. I am against Capitalism as a whole, because I support Natural Economy. Economy based on natural social- economic doctrine – Corporatism. Economy with low taxes, small state, dominated by family- and workers- owned firms. Where "everyone lives on its own", free of capitalist exploitation and socialist inefficiency.
Today there is no freedom at all. Crony Capitalism and de facto, lack of any changes in the ideology of the System (Socialism and Capitalism are the 2 sides of the same coin), have brough Eastern Europe on its knees. I am not surprised, that people are leaving, prospects for ordinary people look very bleak. Marxism is only one side of coin. Second one is Capitalism or Liberalism-Conservatism. Everyone who supports Capitalism, Liberalism or Conservativsm is a semi-Marxist. Why? Because Marxism is about the division, Marxism bases itself on the notion of division among the people. Division is something completely difference between the difference.
Problem is Globalization and Internationalism. Trump as an American Nationalists and supporters of protectionism, wants to the defend the American Working Class. If he succeeds, I am highly doubtful, yet he shows, that West needs and change and it is high time to embrace Economic Nationalism, Protectionism and Corporatism. Of course, foreign investors are important but interests of the domestic SME's, cooperative firms and its workers is the key.
Therefore, to truly heal the European Economies, one has to destroy EU itself which walks on the leash of Socialism and Global Capitalism. Socialism=Capitalism=poverty for the working people.
Globalism is a New Slavery, Globalism means enslavement of mankind. Everyone who support Globalism, support slavery.
You are a Capitalist then, a Neo-Liberal, who supports Global Capitalism and its Project Fear, then. Am I right?
The very fundamental basis for private economy development is stability of peace and money.
Of course. That's why Market Economy must be based on stable, stable governance and strong, competitive economy. Taxes must low, wages must be high, unemployment practically non-existent – only these 3 principles deliver "True Market". I am anti-Liberal, anti-Socialist, anti-Communist, anti-Globalist person, so you should not speak me about Liberal policies. I know, how economy works, I was working for my own, for several years, until Socialism and Liberalism, made me to be a part-time worker and a work-jumper, jumping from job to job and obeyed to pay for health insurance from my own cash. Poland is a perfect example, why Socialism and Liberalism do not work and I am not willing to speak about it, any more.
And I do agree, that decent, intelligent people should better do something not to help committing the same mistakes, all the time. Problem is, that they are also loosing, because majority of people prefers moral and mental slavery than a freedom. Modern people, all across the world are nothing more than slaves of the political-social-economic system, we live in. It is high time to destroy it, not to "reform it".
I've never supported economic liberals nor socialists, for me capitalism is the same slavish system as socialism. In capitalism, person is a slave of greedy capitalists, in socialism of greedy state and useless officials who live on the cost of the worker.
So, choice today is very simple: Nationalism or Liberalism/Marxism. You can also put in, in social-economic meaning: National-Syndicalist Corporatism or Liberal Capitalism/Socialism-Communism. I've chosen Nationalism, because of social-economic doctrine, long time ago. I simply treat both Marxism and Capitalism with complete disdain as totally inhumane social-economic systems, transforming people into sub-humans.
Liberal Democracy+Capitalism+Marxism=Plutocratic Oligarkhy.
And we, ordinary "citizens" are noone else, than slaves. Question is, do you accept, being a slave?