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Venting Why are people so mean

Because almost all of them are normie tier rat racing scum.
because they can
Why is everyone such a vindictive cunt nowadays? I mean everyone’s always been like this, so I guess it’s not much of a “nowadays”, but whatever.

80% of the people I know outside of my immediate family, male and female at this point, just pounce on you whenever you expose the slightest vulnerability. Even asking for the time or stuttering on a single word is enough for these hyenas to seize on. It’s like that scene with the dog fight from Call of the Wild.

Since I never retaliate, people just call me freak openly in public now.

I’ve tried so hard to not LDAR, and even took a break from postmaxxing to try and salvage my life, but it’s all to no avail. The obvious answer is because I’m ugly and mentally ill, but they seem to cannibalizes each other too. This is a low IQ thread and probably belongs in offtopic, but I just had to let it out somewhere :cryfeels:
Surely there are othER ways to handle your frustration.
The truth is everyone is inherently selfish and people compete for everything. No one likes to have competition and people don't give a shit about you or anyone else if you're not an important person in their life. Some will use you as a punching bag because they personal issues.

Sure, people will work together to achieve certain things and we often do the bare minimum to help others in need, but it's never a truly selfless act. We are constantly looking for validation, acceptance and we want to appear good, strong and important.
We can't escape some of the more primitive traits we have such as putting down weaker members of the species, shutting down competition any way we can and so on.
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Why is everyone such a vindictive cunt nowadays? I mean everyone’s always been like this, so I guess it’s not much of a “nowadays”, but whatever.

80% of the people I know outside of my immediate family, male and female at this point, just pounce on you whenever you expose the slightest vulnerability. Even asking for the time or stuttering on a single word is enough for these hyenas to seize on. It’s like that scene with the dog fight from Call of the Wild.

Since I never retaliate, people just call me freak openly in public now.

I’ve tried so hard to not LDAR, and even took a break from postmaxxing to try and salvage my life, but it’s all to no avail. The obvious answer is because I’m ugly and mentally ill, but they seem to cannibalizes each other too. This is a low IQ thread and probably belongs in offtopic, but I just had to let it out somewhere :cryfeels:
Nah man it b good thread. My favourite threads are ones like these where people just let out what's in their mind cuz makes me feel less lonely in this shit n stuff.

I gigarelate to your situation. People openly comment on my appearance. I used to cry and feel like dying whenever it happened when I was 14-16 but now I'm just numb to it. Still makes me feel like shit but I just expect it to happen so I'm used to it in a way.

Also I get called on, on every tiny fucking thing I do. Cba to go into detail but it's so fucking annoying and I've beaten people up cuz of it. Also beaten up people who have made fun of my appearance.
The truth is everyone is inherently selfish and people compete for everything. No one likes to have competition and people don't give a shit about you or anyone else if you're not an important person in their life. Some will use you as a punching bag because they personal issues.

Sure, people will work together to achieve certain things and we often do the bare minimum to help others in need, but it's never a truly selfless act. We are constantly looking for validation, acceptance and we want to appear good, strong and important.
We can't escape some of the more primitive traits we have such as putting down weaker members of the species, shutting down competition any way we can and so on.
As an autist I completely lack those ''primitive traits'' I never bullied anyone etc. But was bullied just for existing and minding my own business.
Nah man it b good thread. My favourite threads are ones like these where people just let out what's in their mind cuz makes me feel less lonely in this shit n stuff.

I gigarelate to your situation. People openly comment on my appearance. I used to cry and feel like dying whenever it happened when I was 14-16 but now I'm just numb to it. Still makes me feel like shit but I just expect it to happen so I'm used to it in a way.

Also I get called on, on every tiny fucking thing I do. Cba to go into detail but it's so fucking annoying and I've beaten people up cuz of it. Also beaten up people who have made fun of my appearance.
Thank you brocel. No matter what IT or the media says, I think at the end of the day this really is a support forum. No one can really relate to what we experience except others of our kind.
As an autist I completely lack those ''primitive traits'' I never bullied anyone etc. But was bullied just for existing and minding my own business.
I definitely relate to this. I do have ambitions and goals and stuff, but I’ve never felt the primal urge to conquer my fellow man just because it gives me good tingles. I’m not doubting that most people are like this, just that it’s not really a compulsion I, or a lot of the spectrum guys I know, have.
People? Normies? Almost never chad. I assume most of them are virgins too since society acts like sub8 law isn’t reality, but I can’t fire back at them so it’s not like it matters.

I get freak or some variation there of much more often than I get virgin though. It’s kind of surprising because “Freak” seems kind of antiquated. I’d expect more “Retard”s than I actually get.

No, I mean who in your life? Just random people on the street?
No, I mean who in your life? Just random people on the street?
I don’t really go out much so the only people who really have the possibility to ridicule me are classmates and acquaintances
Being nice doesn't get you anywhere. The older you get, you think to yourself why do I bother with these people. They are not worth your time. People are judgemental too.
Being nice doesn't get you anywhere. The older you get, you think to yourself why do I bother with these people. They are not worth your time. People are judgemental too.
It’s not that people aren’t nice. I’m pretty apathetic myself. It’s that, in my experience, they are actively cruel and sadistic in a social sense.
Everyone is out for themselves nowadays, that's about the extent of it. I try to not stoop down to that level when I'm outside of my apartment, but it's really difficult to not throw vitriol at NTs in the comfort of my own abode when all they do is treat me like shit for being a genetic failure. Hell, some schizo called me a "fucking nerd" the other day while I was just trying to get back to work after trying to stomach down some lunch. People are pricks, man.
First we must draft a Declaration of Interdependence (lol) which systematizes society and its component parts.

Women are meant to complement men, and since we want men to advance civilization rather than revert to a primitive and ignoble state in which they trample over each other for a decadent perception of social status, and peacock for women who are more filthy than prostitutes, foids must be groomed into becoming the very waifus of culture who would please @Napoleon de Geso.

Men and women should distinguish themselves not based upon how much they can exploit others relative to being exploited, but how well they can come together for the sake of social prosperity and peace.

The upper echelons of society must be scrubbed clean of parasites and bloodsuckers, and led by those who shy away from power yet have the right instincts and intellects to set things in place (autists with comorbid OCD).
Based and NatSocPilled
Because that is human nature.
If you dont have the balls to fight back.at them try to not let it get to you. People lile that are worthless obstacles. If you can find a way to get ahead you'll put people like that behind you and move on while they remain stucl in their bitter ways
If you dont have the balls to fight back.at them try to not let it get to you. People lile that are worthless obstacles. If you can find a way to get ahead you'll put people like that behind you and move on while they remain stucl in their bitter ways
Thank you for the advice bro, I’ll take it to heart. It’s just always been hard for me to do either with my autism.
So like most people. Most people are not inherently mean
I’d like to think so. It’s just so disheartening how consistently people act like dick heads for little to no personal gain.
The world is a cruel place.
Because we haven't killed the jesuits
It is human nature to kick the weak, because they are the easiest target.
And this is why the "strong" deserve no sympathy when they fall at the hands of the "weak". Humanity brings destruction on itself.
It’s such a needlessly destructive thing. Everyone’s a fucking know it all too. If you even misstate the most minute fact be prepared for 4 jeopardy trivia-lords to explain in detail every bit of how “actually it’s this” even if they’re overtly wrong. Everybody has to have their fucking input.
They can't shut it, mouth goes open & blah blah
Idk, people are unhappy in general. I can't say if Chads and most foids are truly content and happy, cuz I have no experience of being neither. But most people here in Russia are ultra depressed. Like if you outside or use public transport people are so sad and literally look soulless. In a subway train is like a bunch of NPCs with preprogrammed reactions: some foids sit and joke around with each other and some kidcels playing on their phones or going to sports. Everybody else look like they are absolutely dead inside, and they don't really grasp where they are and why. Good-looking or bad looking people feel lost. It really fucks your brain, like when I'm on the subway, I feel like I can't just look at no one anymore they look so miserable that I get depressed, so I just listen to music and close my eyes

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