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Venting Why are people so mean



「21st Century Schizoid Man」
Feb 11, 2020
Why is everyone such a vindictive cunt nowadays? I mean everyone’s always been like this, so I guess it’s not much of a “nowadays”, but whatever.

80% of the people I know outside of my immediate family, male and female at this point, just pounce on you whenever you expose the slightest vulnerability. Even asking for the time or stuttering on a single word is enough for these hyenas to seize on. It’s like that scene with the dog fight from Call of the Wild.

Since I never retaliate, people just call me freak openly in public now.

I’ve tried so hard to not LDAR, and even took a break from postmaxxing to try and salvage my life, but it’s all to no avail. The obvious answer is because I’m ugly and mentally ill, but they seem to cannibalizes each other too. This is a low IQ thread and probably belongs in offtopic, but I just had to let it out somewhere :cryfeels:
Cuase we are ugly.
Because the world is generally a shitty place and our only purpose is to get painfully mogged at basically everything
It is human nature to kick the weak, because they are the easiest target.
Cuase we are ugly.
Oh it’s definitely because I’m ugly, but I notice they do it to each other too. My theory is that they’re trying to one up to impress nonexistent pussy. But I’m retarded so take that with a grain of salt.
cuz its fun
I’ve always liked to be a man of peace and co-operation, but I may be the exception. I respect your opinion nonetheless brocel.
Because the world is generally a shitty place and our only purpose is to get painfully mogged at basically everything
I think this is pretty close to the truth.
euphorically rejoice
Why is everyone such a vindictive cunt nowadays? I mean everyone’s always been like this, so I guess it’s not much of a “nowadays”, but whatever.

80% of the people I know outside of my immediate family, male and female at this point, just pounce on you whenever you expose the slightest vulnerability. Even asking for the time or stuttering on a single word is enough for these hyenas to seize on. It’s like that scene with the dog fight from Call of the Wild.

Since I never retaliate, people just call me freak openly in public now.

I’ve tried so hard to not LDAR, and even took a break from postmaxxing to try and salvage my life, but it’s all to no avail. The obvious answer is because I’m ugly and mentally ill, but they seem to cannibalizes each other too. This is a low IQ thread and probably belongs in offtopic, but I just had to let it out somewhere :cryfeels:
I know what you mean. I see people treating each other so terribly and they arent even ugly. I never lived in the past, obviously, but it does seem that now it is more acceptable to treat others poorly in interpersonal situations than it used to be.

Every job i work, the bosses treat the employees like shit, every foid treats her boyfriend like shit, parents shit on their kids for making any mistakes. Basic decency is not really that common. Normies dont have it and they make up a majority of the population
I know what you mean. I see people treating each other so terribly and they arent even ugly. I never lived in the past, obviously, but it does seem that now it is more acceptable to treat others poorly in interpersonal situations than it used to be.

Every job i work, the bosses treat the employees like shit, every foid treats her boufriend like shit, parents shit on their kids for making any mistakes. Basic decency is not really that common. Normies dont have it and they make up a majority of the population
I think you’re spot on my friend. Even the people who I’d consider my “friends” will make fun of me the second a female human is in earshot. I try my best to treat people with respect, but it seems like there aren’t many norman’s who share our point of view.
Are you in school?
Life boils down to a giant mogging and dick measuring contest, normies want an opportunity to put you down so they move 1 spot ahead in the rat race
I think you’re spot on my friend. Even the people who I’d consider my “friends” will make fun of me the second a female human is in earshot. I try my best to treat people with respect, but it seems like there aren’t many norman’s who share our point of view.
You are exactly right. Even people on this board, who understand the struggle of being treated like shit, will treat others terribly and bully them. Most people dont think about how their actions affect other people and I dont think they even really understand it. Self interest is the first thing normies think about in every situation, and in a room full of people like that nothing good can happen
Are you in school?
Yes. I am in first year of uni, but I’m at the younger end of my age bracket so I could still pass for a high schooler in some regards.
Life boils down to a giant mogging and dick measuring contest, normies want an opportunity to put you down so they move 1 spot ahead in the rat race
That’s sad to think about, but true nonetheless :feelsbadman:
Our current soyciety encourages competition and exploitation rather than cooperation and solidarity, so antisocial tendencies in the population have become exaggerated.

If I were the ruler of society, I would reform the public school system such that psychopaths are identified and immediately euthanized ("b-but they can't be diagnosed until they turn 18 and have already ruined the lives of multiple people; and besides, psychopathy is a valid personaliteehee and mi'lady likes it so you can't just kill the heckin' bad bois":soy:), autists and non-NTs are identified, separated from the normgroids, and allowed to cultivate their special interests or proclivities in preparation for their ascendance into the nobility, the normgroid males are groomed to become dignified proletarians, and the foids are groomed to become cultured child-bearers.
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Our current soyciety stresses competition and exploitation rather than cooperation and solidarity, so antisocial tendencies in the population have become exaggerated.

If I were the ruler of society, I would reform the public school system such that psychopaths are identified and immediately euthanized ("b-but they can't be diagnosed until they turn 18 and have already ruined the lives of multiple people, and psychopathy is a valid personaliteehee and mi'lady likes it so you can't just kill the heckin' bad bois":soy:), autists and non-NTs are identified and separated from the normgroids and allowed to cultivate their special interests in preparation for their ascendance into the nobility, the normgroid males are groomed to be dignified workers, and the foids are groomed to be cultured child-bearers.
I like this. A nobility of autistic savants. Unfortunately I’m pretty sure the vent diagram of psychopaths and people with uteruses is concentric
Yes. I am in first year of uni, but I’m at the younger end of my age bracket so I could still pass for a high schooler in some regards.

Oh, I thought you were in high school or something, not college. Who and how are these people making fun of your stutter?
Oh, I thought you were in high school or something, not college. Who and how are these people making fun of your stutter?
Classmates and roommates mostly. I think the reason I am so victimized is because I have normie looks and am reasonably athletic, but am also cripplingly mentally ill (Paranoid Schizophrenia, ASD, etc. actually diagnosed, not self). So I provide a juicy target since I’m outwardly perceived by third parties as someone who should be able to defend themselves, when in reality I’m incapable of responding.

Just to give an example I was giving a presentation the other day for A class and I stuttered pretty hard on the word “Incriminate” and some cock head in the back yelled “out with it already!” and the whole class erupted in laughter.

I don’t mind the teasing about the stutter as much as I do them making fun of more personal things. Calling me virgin, freak, etc.

sorry I don’t mean to bitch and moan, I’m just venting a bit :feelsBox:
I like this. A nobility of autistic savants. Unfortunately I’m pretty sure the vent diagram of psychopaths and people with uteruses is concentric
Foids are only able to manipulate men insofar as they have social power over men, who are sexually immiserated.

Under my system, foids would have no social power over men, and would not have the ability to pick-and-choose their mates (namely, psychopaths who would traumatize them and fill them with vindictiveness).

Rather than compete with each other regarding how scantily they can dress and get away with being naked as part of their mating calls to Chad, they would compete with each other over how well they can cook, clean, play instruments, and make art as part of becoming the best wives they can be, for the autistic savants at the top of the male hierarchy and then the dignified proletarians at the bottom.
Foids are only able to manipulate men insofar as they have social power over men, who are sexually immiserated.

Under my system, foids would have no social power over men, and would not have the ability to pick-and-choose their mates (namely, psychopaths who would traumatize them and fill them with vindictiveness).

Rather than compete with each other regarding how scantily they can dress and get away with being naked as part of their mating calls to Chad, they would compete with each other over how well they can cook, clean, play instruments, and make art as part of becoming the best wives they can be, for the autistic savants at the top of the male hierarchy and then the dignified proletarians at the bottom.
This is very wise. Have you considered drafting a constitution?
Classmates and roommates mostly. I think the reason I am so victimized is because I have normie looks and am reasonably athletic, but am also cripplingly mentally ill (Paranoid Schizophrenia, ASD, etc. actually diagnosed, not self). So I provide a juicy target since I’m outwardly perceived by third parties as someone who should be able to defend themselves, when in reality I’m incapable of responding.

Just to give an example I was giving a presentation the other day for A class and I stuttered pretty hard on the word “Incriminate” and some cock head in the back yelled “out with it already!” and the whole class erupted in laughter.

I don’t mind the teasing about the stutter as much as I do them making fun of more personal things. Calling me virgin, freak, etc.

sorry I don’t mean to bitch and moan, I’m just venting a bit :feelsBox:

Who's calling you a virgin?
Normies are sociopaths and pounce on the weak for a mild ego /status boost.
Who's calling you a virgin?
People? Normies? Almost never chad. I assume most of them are virgins too since society acts like sub8 law isn’t reality, but I can’t fire back at them so it’s not like it matters.

I get freak or some variation there of much more often than I get virgin though. It’s kind of surprising because “Freak” seems kind of antiquated. I’d expect more “Retard”s than I actually get.
This a brutally competitive world where the stronger/more good looking you are, the better for you and the worst or weaker you are, the more people hate you.
Human nature.
This is very wise. Have you considered drafting a constitution?
First we must draft a Declaration of Interdependence (lol) which systematizes society and its component parts.

Women are meant to complement men, and since we want men to advance civilization rather than revert to a primitive and ignoble state in which they trample over each other for a decadent perception of social status, and peacock for women who are more filthy than prostitutes, foids must be groomed into becoming the very waifus of culture who would please @Napoleon de Geso.

Men and women should distinguish themselves not based upon how much they can exploit others relative to being exploited, but how well they can come together for the sake of social prosperity and peace.

The upper echelons of society must be scrubbed clean of parasites and bloodsuckers, and led by those who shy away from power yet have the right instincts and intellects to set things in place (autists with comorbid OCD).
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Problem is that nowadays normies think that the more rude person is "kool". Also nowadays fooling others is considered as "smart or intellegent". And I have noticed that my father's generation is not like this at all. They consider fooling others as a bad thing and don't give respect to that person. Don't know what happened nowadays
Problem is that nowadays normies think that the more rude person is "kool". Also nowadays fooling others is considered as "smart or intellegent".
It’s such a needlessly destructive thing. Everyone’s a fucking know it all too. If you even misstate the most minute fact be prepared for 4 jeopardy trivia-lords to explain in detail every bit of how “actually it’s this” even if they’re overtly wrong. Everybody has to have their fucking input.
My hp when I play Ornn in league of legends IQ
I played Ornn for a while. It became too much when my teammates started blood feuds for my master crafted items though.

"Everybody is awful these days. It's enough to make anyone crazy."

"Everybody just yells and screams at each other. Nobody's civil anymore. Nobody thinks what it's like to be the other guy."
I played Ornn for a while. It became too much when my teammates started blood feuds for my master crafted items though.
Yes. I vehemently spam ping and abuse my Ornn if he doesn’t give me my deathcrown pronto.
I honestly don't even think it's ugliness that causes people to be so cruel nowadays. Like that guy near the top of the thread said, everyone treats each other like crap. Bosses insult employees, teachers insult students and then the students insult the teachers same thing with parents and their children, everyone is looking to screw the other person over.
The modern world is pretty harsh, especially hostile to non-NT people.
Keep LDARing bro, it's literally useless to try as an incel
Keep LDARing bro, it's literally useless to try as an incel
I know. I usually LDAR and cope with books and writing, but sometimes I get brave enough to venture out. I get burned every time though.
Because this sort of behaviour is encouraged by society. People need to get beaten as children more honestly.

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