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Why are people saying the refugees refuse to work?

They’re merely slaves. When I went Dubai I saw curries getting treated like shit forced to work like dogs in 30 degree heat all day. I was asking a taxi driver about it but he got weird when I asked him if they took his passport and clocked it’s cuz there’s a camera recording. Arabs don’t see them as human. Muh one ummah
Is this a class divide or a race divide? I mean, do richer and ultra rich curries there also face shit from Arabs? Or do they get accepted?
why not be like the Gulf States and use immigrants for the express purpose of that by heavily limiting their freedoms and sending them back when they’ve outlived their usefulness?
if they work hard to contribute to the economy they deserve to be there. In other words, they earned the right to stay
Live in your jewish kikemaxxed buble where immigrants are the second coming of christ. Ill live in my bubble where immigrants are not needed at all here in Europoor.
keep coping whitecel
In-group preference obviously plays a role in your experience.

While there’s some truth to what you’re saying, it’s hardly a defense for the current model of immigration practiced in the West. If Western nations benefit from cheap labor, why not be like the Gulf States and use immigrants for the express purpose of that by heavily limiting their freedoms and sending them back when they’ve outlived their usefulness?
if i was white, asian, or black i would still be fine. I live in one of the most racially/ethnically diverse areas of the world. Ethnic tensions don't exist here
if they work hard to contribute to the economy they deserve to be there. In other words, they earned the right to stay
You do realize workers (including immigrant workers) receive monetary compensation for their labor? What they're owed is the salary they earn. That's it.
Ethnic tensions don't exist here
Ethnic tensions exist everywhere multiculturalism exists. Just because they aren't boiling over violently in a given area doesn't mean they're nonexistent
Is this the case even for other migrant Arabs like Egyptians there?
Idk, but I assume they receive some level of preferential treatment on the grounds of sharing a common language and religion
Is this a class divide or a race divide? I mean, do richer and ultra rich curries there also face shit from Arabs? Or do they get accepted?
They don't do slave labor, but they don't partake in Arab social circles either. They live well parallel to the Arabs, who are smart enough to stick to their own
Idk, but I assume they receive some level of preferential treatment on the grounds of sharing a common language and religion
Of course. But my question is do ultra rich curries there also face this marginalization?
They’re merely slaves. When I went Dubai I saw curries getting treated like shit forced to work like dogs in 30 degree heat all day. I was asking a taxi driver about it but he got weird when I asked him if they took his passport and clocked it’s cuz there’s a camera recording. Arabs don’t see them as human. Muh one ummah
“All Muslims are one family bro”
You do realize workers (including immigrant workers) receive monetary compensation for their labor? What they're owed is the salary they earn. That's it.
its fair that they stay in their new country rather than going back to their old country. The purpose of immigrating is to build a better life.
its fair that they stay in their new country rather than going back to their old country.
Fair to whom? Again, what they're owed is the value of their labor, aka whatever they're paid. If a plumber completes a job in my home, do I owe him the right to live with me (on top of the price of his work)?
The purpose of immigrating is to build a better life.
I don't see how this contradicts. First world currency goes a long way in developing nations. Look at Kerala, the highest HDI state in India. It's like that because curries from there work in the Gulf States and then come back with their foreign money
Fair to whom? Again, what they're owed is the value of their labor, aka whatever they're paid. If a plumber completes a job in my home, do I owe him the right to live with me (on top of the price of his work)?
your house is not a country. It makes sense to let people stay in a country as long as they work, pay taxes, start families, and contribute to the economy. Like I said, if someone wants to build a better life, they simply stay in their new country. If they want to go back to their old country then let them leave or they can stay.
Muh one ummah
"One Christendom/Ummah" has always been a big lie. Irl ethnic identity always takes precedence over religion. Even the Caliphates were not free of ethnic tension
your house is not a country.
How does the analogy not fit though? A house is a home just like a nation is a homeland, and a plumber is an outsider you pay to enter your home and complete a job you'd rather not do, just like an immigrant laborer. Neither the plumber nor the laborer are owed a place in the home for the work completed by them, they are only owed the monetarv compensation they receive for their labor.

I think we're just arguing how we each believe things should be governed, so I'll just throw out an objective judgement: immigration does provide some economic benefits in the form of cheap labor, but Western immigration policy is suicidal. The back-and-forth ends here
Is this a class divide or a race divide? I mean, do richer and ultra rich curries there also face shit from Arabs? Or do they get accepted?
Money talks, rich curries investing there will do fine. I was more talking about the poor curries that move to those countries looking for work, even amongst them there’s division. From what I saw, the light skin and taller Indians/pakis/bengalis are given “better” jobs like a hotel clerk, taxi driver, tour guide etc basically people who tourists will have to interact with. Whereas the darker skinned ones are given shit jobs like cleaners, manual labour, chef etc so behind the scenes stuff
I think we're just arguing how we each believe things should be governed, so I'll just throw out an objective judgement: immigration does provide some economic benefits in the form of cheap labor, but Western immigration policy is suicidal. The back-and-forth ends here
that's how immigration works. People move into a new country permanently to build a better life. If someone contributes their reward is a new country to call home. Hard-working immigrants are entitled to stay in their new country. I am okay with deporting the ones who do not work or commit crimes
It's true that most immigrants contribute to the economy. In the USA, immigrants work jobs that are not wanted by white people such as janitor jobs, picking fruits and vegetables in the fields, and construction.
eventually countries will need immigrants anyway, because they're feminist and their native population is in decline

the debate won't ultimately be about whether immigration is good or bad, but about whether to focus on getting highly-qualified immigrants and outsourcing menial work, or being more open to low-paid immigrants who can work for low wages and keep manufacturers in the country
the only people who would offer serious resistance to feminism are islamic immigrants
Nvm I misunderstood the context you were speaking in. I thought you were making an argument like left-wingers do and saying that all countries become more progressive with economic development and will thereby need to import immigrants to offset the declining birth rates caused by liberated:foidSoy: foids
How much are the kikes paying for you to write this shit??

The topic was about "asylum" refugees imbecile. Nobody talking shit about the immigrants who got families. we shit on "Asylum" PARASYTES who dont do shit get hosted on hotels paid by the tax payer and most of them are men in militar age whatsoever. Most of them commite crimes and contribute nothing to society and should all be deported.

And if you want to talk about muh immigrants, most of them are still unemployed, mostly military age men with no families who are parasytes and contribute nothing to society. Just see their contributions to Europe, really valuable people.

Yeah white people aint doing that shit because its called being a modern slave. I wont also work such tough job for pennys. So instead of paying the people you import thousands of negr0s so you can pay less and exploit the niggers while maximazing profit.

If not for muh le based immigrants whos going to give me my uber eats food??? :lul::lul:

>And without low wage workers, the consumers will have to pay more money for products.

Absolutely fake news buddy. While the number of niggers have been increasing exponentially the prices are still raising up asf, why is that tho? Guess 20 years ago i paid 3x more than today on groceries jfl. Thank god we have immigrants for them groceries are affordable.

> Immigrants are generally good for the economy.

YEs they are so good that house prices have gone thro the roof bc we all know before the poor immigrants nobody could afford an house but now we all have our own houses.

Go fuck yourself jewish kike fagg lover you fucking retard thanks to you we already live on a jewish dystopia. I hope the "commit less crime than the natives and its a proven fact" robb and stabs you fucking nigger.

Absolute fucking joke.
nigga what the fuck. Ara you a fucking sandnigger or gypsy or what? whats your fucking problem?
Many more are being placed in my town. They are all men and all benefit leeches.
There is no upside for bringing in these parasites
Many more are being placed in my town. They are all men and all benefit leeches.
There is no upside for bringing in these parasites
its over for UKcles

But do the refugees at least go to work? What about the ethnics who have been there for 10-20years do they work? or enjoy neetbuxx?
its over for UKcles

But do the refugees at least go to work? What about the ethnics who have been there for 10-20years do they work? or enjoy neetbuxx?
They are barely above being literate in their own language most of the time, they have no real education so even if they wanted to work they cannot do much.
Most just go in to crime or disappear into the ethnic overrun cities.
For long term ones any skills that they may obtain will be paid for by government schemes so it is still a net negative.
All services are free to them and so is housing and they never paid a penny into the system.
And apparently they are going to save the nation and we would all die without them.

And as it is all men, if any of them get a gf it will simply be one taken away from UKcuckcels.

They also have no issues trying to fuck school age girls, and these stupid holes love thug maxed older ethnic men so many get to fuck young white girls.
Obviously the police don't care.

All this may seem like exaggeration but it is the gist of the situation in UK.
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They are barely above being literate in their own language most of the time, they have no real education so even if they wanted to work they cannot do much.
Most just go in to crime or disappear into the ethnic overrun cities.
For long term ones any skills that they may obtain will be paid for by government schemes so it is still a net negative.
All services are free to them and so is housing and they never paid a penny into the system.
And apparently they are going to save the nation and we would all die without them.

And as it is all men, if any of them get a gf it will simply be one taken away from UKcuckcels.

They also have no issues trying to fuck school age girls, and these stupid holes love thug maxed older ethnic men so many get to fuck young white girls.
Obviously the police don't care.

All this may seem like exaggeration but it is the gist of the situation in UK.
sounds like your own government couldnt give a fuck about you UKcels. Bringing in low IQ refugees who can never be economically beneficial which means you lot have to now work more and harder to make up for the extra weight . They bring in only men causing more and more inceldom for UKcles, no affordable housing for UKcels but the refugees get nice cozy accommodation

But hey I guess Ukcels deserve it because I always native English on the front line fighting against anybody who tries to change this, so i guess UKcels must just accept it
sounds like your own government couldnt give a fuck about you UKcels. Bringing in low IQ refugees who can never be economically beneficial which means you lot have to now work more and harder to make up for the extra weight . They bring in only men causing more and more inceldom for UKcles, no affordable housing for UKcels but the refugees get nice cozy accommodation

But hey I guess Ukcels deserve it because I always native English on the front line fighting against anybody who tries to change this, so i guess UKcels must just accept it

This article is repeated across most towns and cities in UK, I would say that there are zero towns where 25-30%+ are not ethnics. In cities and larger towns they are pushing 50%.
Not all are illegals but anyone can move to UK legally easily and bring over extended family.

Yeah UK has been ruled by Kikes for 100s of years, The British Empire was basically Jew World Order.

Latest generation loves faggotry and white guilt, cannot blame them 100% as kikes have corrupted all media, education, culture, and even poisoned the food so they stood no chance.

This article is repeated across most towns and cities in UK, I would say that there are zero towns where 25-30%+ are not ethnics. In cities and larger towns they are pushing 50%.
Not all are illegals but anyone can move to UK legally easily and bring over extended family.

Yeah UK has been ruled by Kikes for 100s of years, The British Empire was basically Jew World Order.

Latest generation loves faggotry and white guilt, cannot blame them 100% as kikes have corrupted all media, education, culture, and even poisoned the food so they stood no chance.
-sounds like a shithole tbh. Imagine been surrounded by fucking all array of ethnics from currys, blacks, arabs, chinese, gypsies, different whites . What a nightmare:feelspuke::feelspuke::feelspuke:

But i guess thats how the English want it because they always fight for this including 2 world wars. I bet you if anything kicks in Europe in terms of kicking out ethnics then Brits will be ready to fight and die against the tyrant in Europe. Thats why i say they deserve it
in germany they also larp that every welfare recipient is jobless NEET who refuses to work. In reality the majority of them work, but need money to top off their minimum wage slave labor shekels, or they cant survive. The government pays part of their rent and shit. People that glorify living on welfare also ignore the social stigma, that its really not a lot of money for 1st world prices etc.
For example you get 560€ a month + they pay rent.
Do the math. A hyper isolated autist with no friends, sure he can easily live on that.
But now imagine a normie who has to keep up with social life:

- new clothes, new shoes, new phone, beauty products if foid, gym membership if guy idk
- eating out with colleagues and friends
- mandatory car insurance and petrol, if you have car, or pay for train tickets (I pay 50€ a month for train)
- groceries
- internet bill + phone bill
- TV license every 3 months, like 60€ (mandatory in germany, if you have registered residence, you have to pay broadcasting fees, even if you dont own any electronics)

If you have any social life and go out frequently, and especially if you like drinking, that money is gone after 2 weeks + everyone hates you for not working.
Wtf why isnt the tv license absolied they dont deserve tax payer money
Wtf why isnt the tv license absolied they dont deserve tax payer money
germany and belgium afaik have highest tax rate in europe, belgium has like 0.2 higher than germany or smn.
Its like 39% on average. They dont give a fuck, americans are right, europe is very socialist and we have very lumber-some bureaucracy where everything takes forever. We have mandatory health insurance, pension funds, accident insurance - but good luck getting that money.

For example pension funds are so shit, many old people suffer from poverty after retirement. I think it fucked itself in the ass, because the public fund was based based on germans demographics remaining pyramid structure, lots of kids on bottom paying into fund, smaller amount of old people on top.

However, pensions and welfare disincentivize people from having kids - do the math. Less kids = less taxes = less money for pensions. Idk thats just my amateur opinion of what happened but yeah.

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