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Venting Why are NEETs Treated Worse Than Drug Addicts?



Incelius Savage is The Godfather of Inceldom
Jul 23, 2021
I asked my dad if he wanted to go to the movies with me because I have a ton of movie points and he literally threatened to beat me up if I asked him ever again because he feels ashamed of me being idle.
wagies hate us NEETS because their jealous
He also punched my jaw as a warning.
lmao they literally give away free drugs in some cities
are you sure? Isnt that place a freezing shithole for homeless drugcels?
I heard they give out real opioids in pill form. I'd def take a vacation there, just to score some pharma oxy.
I heard they give out real opioids in pill form. I'd def take a vacation there, just to score some pharma oxy.
yeah do it in summer. Sleeping on a field in some city park is oky when its like 25°clecius
It's like how drug addicts who try quitting at all are praised and even worshipped sometimes but a person who has never done drugs in their lives is just seen as a loser.

I hate people and it's all so tiring.
Men exist to slave and sacrifice.
People will never be okay with NEETs. People with jobs NEED to think that they are above the unemployed, otherwise their entire life's work gets shattered. Imagine investing years of your life and thousands of dollars into an education or a business, just for your life to be no better than the guy rotting in his room. It's one of the hardest pills to swallow, and most people will never break out of the illusion. They will at best recognize that working a 9-5 sucks, but will still chase money through some BS courses.
I asked my dad if he wanted to go to the movies with me because I have a ton of movie points and he literally threatened to beat me up if I asked him ever again because he feels ashamed of me being idle.
Because objectively neets don’t contribute to society. Would quite literally be impossible totally to neet if you lived in nature as you’d die from starvation and dehydration.

But I understand why some of you neet, as who wants to contribute so much hard work for so little when you have no love or sex? I’m a wagie and it’s hard as fuck. If you had love and sex from a good woman you’d naturally wanna work and be more useful.
Because objectively neets don’t contribute to society. Would quite literally be impossible totally to neet if you lived in nature as you’d die from starvation and dehydration.

But I understand why some of you neet, as who wants to contribute so much hard work for so little when you have no love or sex? I’m a wagie and it’s hard as fuck. If you had love and sex from a good woman you’d naturally wanna work and be more useful.
What sucks is that we are brought into this existence without our consent, get shit on, and then are expected to work hard just like the other people who had everything handed to them. It's like giving one car a lot of gas and the other no gas and expecting them to drive the same amount. Shits so unfair man and when you inevitably fall behind due to missing out on important milestones, your family, who should in theory love you, start resenting you and hating your guts. Now you're left with absolutely no one at all. Fuck this shitty life.
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What sucks is that we are brought into this existence without our consent, get shit on, and then are expected to work hard just like the other people who had everything handed to them. Shits so unfair man and when you inevitably fall behind due to missing out on important milestones your family, who should in theory love you, start resenting you can hating your guts. Now you're left with absolutely no one at all. Fuck this shitty life.
I know man, family even feels some resentment towards me for having issues even though I work too
Did you see the car analogy in my edit jfl
No but I looked now. Good analogy. Could also use oil change as an analogy, as a car without proper oil changes is gonna suffer and gradually get more damaged and poor working.
wagies hate us NEETS because their jealous
They also seem to think every neet is some able bodied normie who is just lazy when the majority are obviously mentally unfit for a job
Misery loves company. Wagies cope with their dull lives by pretending their work as value and means something. It doesn’t. They’re all crab in bucket Niggers and bootlickers.
Because objectively neets don’t contribute to society. Would quite literally be impossible totally to neet if you lived in nature as you’d die from starvation and dehydration.

But I understand why some of you neet, as who wants to contribute so much hard work for so little when you have no love or sex? I’m a wagie and it’s hard as fuck. If you had love and sex from a good woman you’d naturally wanna work and be more useful.
foids could be considered neets, all they had to do was give birth and take care of the offspring
foids could be considered neets, all they had to do was give birth and take care of the offspring
I certainly don’t disagree with that at all
I think you know what must be done to get back at your dad
Any sub 5 man not breaking his back for women and rich men is a disgusting piece of trash that must be discarded according to normies.
Btw no one made nothing anytime to remove me from NEET status, beginning from college """students"""/"""staff""" and finishing on my parents

When I ask why they don't want to help me, because I'm so fucked creature -
Look previous post and OP's citation
Most foids are NEETs, and the ones that aren't are mostly studying useless stuff, or working fake "girljobs" that add nothing to society. In the aggregate, males alone support society - males, foids, and kids. Foids, on aggregate, don't even support themselves.

The normie hates the male NEET because the normie's primary social instinct is to protect and provide resources for foids, and that includes conseserving social resources to enable foids to be NEET/girlbosses in greater numbers and/or with more security and comfort.

A male NEET is seen as using up resources that should go to foids instead, and that triggers normies' primary social instinct. A NEET male might as well be stealing food from foids and kids, that's how normies see NEET males.
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People will never be okay with NEETs. People with jobs NEED to think that they are above the unemployed, otherwise their entire life's work gets shattered. Imagine investing years of your life and thousands of dollars into an education or a business, just for your life to be no better than the guy rotting in his room. It's one of the hardest pills to swallow, and most people will never break out of the illusion. They will at best recognize that working a 9-5 sucks, but will still chase money through some BS courses.
Neet pilled
Most foids are NEETs, and the ones that aren't are mostly studying useless stuff, or working fake "girljobs" that add nothing to society. In the aggregate, males alone support society - males, foids, and kids. Foids, on aggregate, don't even support themselves.

The normie hates the male NEET because the normie's primary social instinct is to protect and provide resources for foids, and that includes conseserving social resources to enable foids to be NEET/girlbosses in greater numbers and/or with more security and comfort.

A male NEET is seen as using up resources that should go to foids instead, and that triggers normies' primary social instinct. A NEET male might as well be stealing food from foids and kids, that's how normies see NEET males.
High IQ take :bigbrain::bigbrain:
Most foids are NEETs, and the ones that aren't are mostly studying useless stuff, or working fake "girljobs" that add nothing to society. In the aggregate, males alone support society - males, foids, and kids. Foids, on aggregate, don't even support themselves.

The normie hates the male NEET because the normie's primary social instinct is to protect and provide resources for foids, and that includes conseserving social resources to enable foids to be NEET/girlbosses in greater numbers and/or with more security and comfort.

A male NEET is seen as using up resources that should go to foids instead, and that triggers normies' primary social instinct. A NEET male might as well be stealing food from foids and kids, that's how normies see NEET males.
This is by far the most accurate explanation. Females are human beings and men are human doings.
As a man, your entire purpose in this world is to build and maintain societies, and to provide for females and children in any way you can. If you don't you're not a man. Everyone knows it's true, it's always been like this and it will never change.

Females aren't expected to build and maintain literally everything around us, there's no pressure on them. Nowadays they're not even expected to marry, have kids and take care of the household. Men are still expected to be men, aka worker drones, builders, inventors, protectors etc.
It's nature and nature is never wrong, it just is.

To answer OP's question, drug addicts are temporarily disabled workers. Some drug addicts work, a lot of them go to rehab and go back to being wagies. Normies give them the benefit of the doubt. NEETs don't want to (or can't) work and they'll never want to work.
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Cause they have the same result as neets but work harder.
a 9/5 wagecuck doesn´t have much left at the end of the month anyways, isn´t it? just like neets but they dont work.
And if you are a lucky neet, you get neetbucks and label yourself as ´ mentally incapable´ or say that you have a physical disability.
The wagecuck digs his own grave by fueling society, the neet lets it all rot:bigbrain:
A NEET male might as well be stealing food from foids and kids, that's how normies see NEET males.
That's exactly what I'm doing, and it's my motivation.

When I was working I was being robbed. Tables are turned, fuckers.
The working class believes that you owe the average consumer your labor. That is literally it. They may insinuate that we act entitled towards having all this free time to doing whatever we want, but in reality, it is the other way around. It is nobody's job to provide you with work. You only have one life. Throwing all that time away for something that is mundane and dull is not an option to someone who wishes to live life to the fullest.
I've been able to neet off my employed brother and observing his life and some of his wagie friends i can atttest it's mostly true. They're mad not only they're sexless just like us but they have to work their ass off.
People will never be okay with NEETs. People with jobs NEED to think that they are above the unemployed, otherwise their entire life's work gets shattered. Imagine investing years of your life and thousands of dollars into an education or a business, just for your life to be no better than the guy rotting in his room. It's one of the hardest pills to swallow, and most people will never break out of the illusion. They will at best recognize that working a 9-5 sucks, but will still chase money through some BS courses.
Society. To them, if you aren't slaving away to some shitty corporate company, you're a loser.

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