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Why are most women so interested being in male spaces?



Nov 7, 2017
I remember when most of us on were on r/incels a lot of the femoids come over on there; every now and then we'd get FAwomen or lesbians wanting to join r/incels or become incels (as a scapegoat for their false-like depression/anxiety and of to fake victimhood; simply its a "falsehood" on their part because we know that femoids can't be incels). This happened in /r9k/ and r/Foreveralone; well, look at those places now? It's a total fucking train wreck.

Of course, its a part of human nature of wanting to be a part of smaller niche groups in order to gain more sympathy and remorse from overs, its more easier to get to know people personally in smaller groups. And we know for a fact, that these bitches are already getting plenty of sympathy/remorse/love/care/attention from others in real life e.g. friends, orbiters, boyfriends, husbands, normies, ...,etc. And yet they want to steal this from us, like fuck off, they already have everything and we don't!

It seems like anything they touch gets ruined, meaning that; they may not be actual of victims of social rejects. Allowing them to gain this space enables them to do a dismay for those that are actual victims of being unwanted from society. 

And of course to top it off with them wanting more attention and affection, whatever.
Because the only thing women hate more than men are other women. Women are just hateful creatures. They hate other women and want to be "one of the guys"; but once they're in, and the space is opened up for females, they lose interest in it again, because, well, now they'll have to deal with other women again!

Also, "shit tests" are real and not just a TRP meme. Women always try to fag men up and want to be put in their place by alpha Chad. The problem, of course is that putting them in their place is dangerous, you're always one step away from being a "rapist" etc., which I believe is one of the reasons why these shitcunts are so miserable and crazy these days.
IMO it's a recent trend and it's connected to social justice movement. Men are seen as "oppressors" and therefore are not allowed exclusive spaces (unlike the victim classes whose safe space hugboxes are sacrosanct). It didn't used to be like that, rewind 20-30 years and there were female spaces and male spaces, and nobody in their right mind would want to intrude.

But now any male-only space is seen as oppressive or breeding ground for wrongthink or whatnot, and therefore must be invaded by femoids, and subsequently ruined. Just look at what happened with video games.
knajjd said:
i hate those "im not like other girls" snowflakes trying to worm their way in much more than openly hostile females.

These openly hostile females are mostly an internet phenomenon anyway. The average girl these days is NOT a blue-haired major in lesbian dance therapy. Rather, the average girl will tell you something along the lines of "You know, I'm not a feminist, BUT..."

TRP et al. have created this boogeyman with the blue-haired tumblrina who hardly exists in RL. This might be one of the reasons why females get a pass so quickly - because they only have to be less shitty than this SJW stereotype, which isn't much of a challenge. 

The average normie girl, slightly overweight, with blonde streaks, a way too large scarf, making jokes about how you shouldn't see her in the morning before her coffee, whose hobbies are "travel" and "foreign cultures", and so on ... these "I'm not a feminist, but"-feminists ... they are the real problem in everyday life, not some disturbed girl on tumblr who is unironically confused about her gender.
Not even gay men(!) are allowed to be alone in fucking gay bars. This is how much power females have these days. They can take over ANY space ... and once they're in, they can throw the MEN out for being "misogynist":



Fucking shitcunts. Just seeing these faces. Women making "quirky" faces for pictures, I hate that shit. You fucking sluts are not funny.
Red Shambhala said:
Because the only thing women hate more than men are other women. Women are just hateful creatures. They hate other women and want to be "one of the guys"; but once they're in, and the space is opened up for females, they lose interest in it again, because, well, now they'll have to deal with other women again!
Also, "shit tests" are real and not just a TRP meme. Women always try to fag men up and want to be put in their place by alpha Chad. The problem, of course is that putting them in their place is dangerous, you're always one step away from being a "rapist" etc., which I believe is one of the reasons why these shitcunts are so miserable and crazy these days.
Most of their friendships/relationships are temporary; most women are unstable.

Most often and not, most women have the mob mentality (make-up and styling their hairs); like how many yoga pants wearing plain janes, do you see? Most of them are simply alike. When it comes to making decision; they sometimes let their friends decide and I'm 100% sure their friends want it worse for them and of course their much more likely to choose the worst decision, so they could see her fail and feel better about themselves.

Anyways, I don't care anymore; we're already to deep within future, might as well keep moving forward...

[quote pid='26543' dateline='1510849231']
Red Shambhala said:
These openly hostile females are mostly an internet phenomenon anyway. The average girl these days is NOT a blue-haired major in lesbian dance therapy. Rather, the average girl will tell you something along the lines of "You know, I'm not a feminist, BUT..."
TRP et al. have created this boogeyman with the blue-haired tumblrina who hardly exists in RL. This might be one of the reasons why females get a pass so quickly - because they only have to be less shitty than this SJW stereotype, which isn't much of a challenge.
The average normie girl, slightly overweight, with blonde streaks, a way too large scarf, making jokes about how you shouldn't see her in the morning before her coffee, whose hobbies are "travel" and "foreign cultures", and so on ... these "I'm not a feminist, but"-feminists ... they are the real problem in everyday life, not some disturbed girl on tumblr who is unironically confused about her gender.

RichCel said:
IMO it's a recent trend and it's connected to social justice movement. Men are seen as "oppressors" and therefore are not allowed exclusive spaces (unlike the victim classes whose safe space hugboxes are sacrosanct). It didn't used to be like that, rewind 20-30 years and there were female spaces and male spaces, and nobody in their right mind would want to intrude.
But now any male-only space is seen as oppressive or breeding ground for wrongthink or whatnot, and therefore must be invaded by femoids, and subsequently ruined. Just look at what happened with video games.
Red Shambhala said:
Not even gay men(!) are allowed to be alone in fucking gay bars. This is how much power females have these days. They can take over ANY space ... and once they're in, they can throw the MEN out for being "misogynist":

Fucking shitcunts. Just seeing these faces. Women making "quirky" faces for pictures, I hate that shit. You fucking sluts are not funny.
A lot of the girls, I've seen talk shit behind the backs of their gay buddies. I just want to a see gay guy steal a femoids dream bf or husbando.

knajjd said:
i hate those "im not like other girls" snowflakes trying to worm their way in much more than openly hostile females.
Females are really good at blending and being chameleons, I guess I'll give them that.

Also most females have fake hobbies; I've caught em, a few times when I asked questions about anime and music (because I thought we'd have a similar liking), I've also learnt that they prefer Chads like all of the others (sometimes they prefer own versions of Chads; emos, hipsters, animeenthuasists, ..., etc).
Penis envy

"Females are really good at blending and being chameleons, I guess I'll give them that."

This is biological and a survival strategy as they were violently upended from one tribe to the next, also why they have rape fantasies...this is all hard wired behavior.
Incel801 said:
Penis envy
Maybe, thats part of the reason why some of them want to turn themselves into Men? Especially, those that decide to become Trans (Female to Male transition). I've also seen some cosplay, where some women dressed as male anime characters lol?

I remember there was one girl (someone I know) and one guy, and a lesbian. The girl was interested in the guy. However, later on the lesbian became friends with her (because she was also interested in her). Later, on she confessed her feelings to her, and the straight girl then rejects her and went with the guy. The lesbian went on a tirade and tried spreading lies in hopes to ruin their relationship, but in fact it had gotten stronger and their still together. Guess what happened to the lesbian girl? She became a trans later on from that period.

The number one people that envies most men are lesbians, lol (however, most are faking lesbianism; as a coping mechanism for not attracting Chad anyways).
LOL, even fag spaces aren't safe!

It's funny how fags used to be the cornerstone of social justice, but now they completely got supplanted by trannies and muslims.
idkwattodowithlife said:
Maybe, thats part of the reason why some of them want to turn themselves into Men? Especially, those that decide to become Trans (Female to Male transition). I've also seen some cosplay, where some women dressed as male anime characters lol?

I remember there was one girl (someone I know) and one guy, and a lesbian. The girl was interested in the guy. However, later on the lesbian became friends with her (because she was also interested in her). Later, on she confessed her feelings to her, and the straight girl then rejects her and went with the guy. The lesbian went on a tirade and tried spreading lies in hopes to ruin their relationship, but in fact it had gotten stronger and their still together. Guess what happened to the lesbian girl? She became a trans later on from that period.

The number one people that envies most men are lesbians, lol (however, most are faking lesbianism; as a coping mechanism for not attracting Chad anyways).

There was a lezbo in our party group back when I was a druggy and she tried sooo hard to be a man.

she had the look down with baggy pants and collard shirts Butch hair..I saw pics of her nude and she had the most banging body..fuuuuck she hid it well but must have still been proud and slutty show it to men.

She was also really good at picking up women when we would go out. (I'm strait tee-hee)
Women are NEVER satisfied, they always want more attention, bigger chads with bigger dicks and thicker wrists
I only trust asexual women
The less women there are, the more attention they get.
they are the only ones who can truly be into 'personality'
I hate how they try to invade male pastimes like sports.

Even noncels want a break from their insufferable FHO.

More muh feminism and muh equality bullshit.
Because they're egotists and can't bear the thought that men can enjoy themselves without them.
Probably to have uncontested attention.

All those "fembot" threads on r9k is what drove me off.
Hades said:
Women are NEVER satisfied, they always want more attention, bigger chads with bigger dicks and thicker wrists
This Lookismfag is dropping a good fact :cool:

Lol, you've bumped a thread that was like three months ago.

_incelinside said:
I only trust asexual women
There's hardly ever "asexual women," most of them are just faking it. I've been to an asexual forum and asexuals get more action in the bedroom than us, people just say their "asexual," because a pretty person won't come along, and fuck them.

Cynistic said:
The less women there are, the more attention they get.
Yes, that in a way is true.

_incelinside said:
they are the only ones who can truly be into 'personality'
Personality had already been a meme, long ago.

BlackPill47 said:
I hate how they try to invade male pastimes like sports.
Even noncels want a break from their insufferable FHO.
More muh feminism and muh equality bullshit.
Yeah, we all do want to catch a break from females that bully us in real life, and online. My fucking goodness.

aut said:
Because they're egotists and can't bear the thought that men can enjoy themselves without them.
100% my man.

Copobalt said:
Probably to have uncontested attention.
All those "fembot" threads on r9k is what drove me off.
Also there's a bunch of failed normies, a lot of them like to talk about how they failed "socially," and wants to rub it on the face of real bots. Glad, I haven't been in that shit hole for years.
Because of muh gender equality. It's really that simple.
idkwattodowithlife said:
This Lookismfag is dropping a good fact :cool:

Lol, you've bumped a thread that was like three months ago.

There's hardly ever "asexual women," most of them are just faking it. I've been to an asexual forum and asexuals get more action in the bedroom than us, people just say their "asexual," because a pretty person won't come along, and fuck them.

Yes, that in a way is true.

Personality had already been a meme, long ago.

Yeah, we all do want to catch a break from females that bully us in real life, and online. My fucking goodness.

100% my man.

Also there's a bunch of failed normies, a lot of them like to talk about how they failed "socially," and wants to rub it on the face of real bots. Glad, I haven't been in that shit hole for years.

Legit asexual women definitely exist but are unicorns

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