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Serious Why are modern day Christians so fiercely against "pedophilia"?



May 2, 2018
I put it between quotation marks because it's not even actual pedophilia in most cases, but rather young adult to adult men wanting to fuck or even marry young sexually mature or at least maturing girls.

The Bible condemns like 99.999 things, but marrying a young girl surely ain't one. If you read what most Christian sites have to say about it, they just bring up adultery to justify condemning "pedophilia" so strongly, but it's obviously that 1) adultery is wrong according to Christianity regardless of the age of the person you commit adultery with and 2) if you were married to the girl it obviously wouldn't be adultery.

You could say "no pedo/hebe/ephebophile is marrying any of these girls nowadays (well, at least in the west), they just want sex", but that's just because they can't possibly pull off a marriage with an underage girl when even getting away with looking at pictures of them is already a feat. It's 100% impossible to pull off a successful marriage with an underage girl as an adult in the west nowadays.

Some people also bring up that passage where Jesus talks about not harming the little ones, but the notion that marrying a young pubescent or even post-pubescent but legally underage girl is harming her is a very modern one, based on the influence of feminist groups ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_consent_reform#United_States ) and extremely questionable psychological researches.

I think the best case scenario for a healthy society would be people marrying young, both women and men. But an adult man marrying a younger girl is still preferable than what happens nowadays, i.e. the cock carousel, hypergamy, inceldom, feminism, STDs, single motherhood, betabuxxing, etc, etc.

I don't say all of this only as a guy who wishes he could get a teenage girl as a partner, but also as a hypothetical father. If I had a teenage daughter, I'd much rather have the authority to marry her to one of my trustworthy friends my age than let her become young Chads' onahole and then a single mother/spinster.
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Christians are just being ad-hoc/cherrypicking to finding quotes from the Bible to justify something in the modern day
Oh no, marrying child is wrong, she must explore herself, to try different dicks, and of teen boys, not old pedos
Because no one holds any values of their own basically everyone has been indoctrinated since they were born to believe what is "right" and "wrong" i.e. the morals of society not themselves.

Religion itself is indoctrination they believe in a figment of their imagination because they have been brainwashed since birth to believe it to be the truth and since they live in this modern age where attraction to young girls is frowned upon they are now both brainwashed to believe not only religion is true but also that attraction to young girls is wrong even though it isn´t.

I hate humans no one has their own true beliefs like I do what people believe is just what they have been taught to believe.
Virtually all Christians construct their own morality independent from the Bible, and cherrypick what they want from the Bible to meet their own morality.

Your two reasons make sense, but I'd argue the real reason they do this IS BECAUSE THEY CAN, Christianity is no longer really a religion, its a virtue signalling club, you don't really have to follow the rules because they aren't really enforced, so essentially their God doesn't exist, compare this to Islam, its completely different, yeah there are different factions with slight differences in the rules, but they all follow the general rules "regligously"
1: it's impossible not to. The Bible is so contradictory, sometimes even within the same book, that forming a consistent morality solely from the Bible is actually impossible. No one really are "true Christians". Because of the contradictory and fallacious text that riddle the book, you have to "pick contextually", but that just means picking according to your own feeling of what is right, so we're back to square one.
You're not wrong about the difficulty to make sense out of the Bible, but while there are things that are indeed difficult to interpret and figure out, some things are very consistent through the Bible.

If you take eating pork for example, there's a lot of room for debate: some argue that it is still forbidden to modern day Christians, some argue that, while not forbidden, it's better not to, and some argue that it's ok for Christians to eat pork nowadays because of some passages from Corinthians which state that you do not become impure through eating some animal.

But things like homosexuality, for example, are impossible to defend under the light of the Bible. It's clear that adulterous sex is immoral, and gay sex is adulterous per se, Christian marriage can only happen between a man and a woman.

Now for sex with young girls: it isn't stated anywhere in the Bible that it's immoral, as long as you're married to the girl, of course. People just came up with this new notion that this is extremely immoral based on the aforementioned modern influences of feminism and psychology and Christians started following that quest against "pedophilia" with much more vehemence than they follow even the most basic Christians tenets.

tl;dr: I understand cherrypicking what to follow and what not to follow from the Bible, but I cannot understand coming up with completely new things and pretending they are core parts of Christianity.
Christians have totally adopted the modern Western cultural norms and take them for granted. It's especially like this since the Islam threat where Islam is this Other while Christianity represents the "civilized" West. Since Islam has child marriages, Christians feel like they should be especially against them.

You even have that traditionalist cardinal Sarah criticizing Islam for "muh child marriages". JFL at the state of Christianity in 2019.
Because they are retards. Recently I noticed that I am finding it incresingly difficult to hold onto any supposed morals, whether it is just " doing what is right" or religious teachings. Why should I even give any importance to be a good, just person while I live in a world where it is ok to be judged on exclusively based on your looks and status, where it is acceptable and encouraged to be a promiscuos degenerate, where cheating on your partner or even making him raise other man kid is not a rare occurence but wanting reciprocal love with young, virgin woman is not just frowned upon but even illegal
But that's just the point-homosexuality isn't cut and dry either. There's much historical evidence to show that Paul was the one who wrote homosexuality into the Bible. On top of that, homosexuality doesn't get much attention in the Bible-the Bible is far more focused on you not eating unleavened bread or mixing fabrics than it is homosexuality. Jesus never really cares about it that much and the main book it is decried in is the same book that decries mixing fabrics, shellfish and unleavened bread.
Yeah, if we get into the whole "what's canon/God's inspired and what's not", things get even much more complex.

But about the rules concerning mixing fabrics and other stuff that seem completely irrelevant for us, most, if not all of them, are from the old testament and concerned that specific covenant the Hebrews made with God. So one could argue they don't concern modern day Christians, though I could be wrong since I haven't read all the Bible yet nor am I a theologian.

The Bible condones slavery, condones child rape, (we're talking actual children here not 14 y.o.s) and pillaging cities and committing unspeakable acts of atrocities.
Well, if you take a look at the world, you can see it's a very harsh place, so I can actually see God condoning such stuff if it's against impious people(s). About the children, my only real problem with actual pedophilia is the biological fact they're not physically developed enough to take a cock, so it can end up in real, easily verifiable, serious damage. I'm also 100% against fucking little boys for several reasons.
I think a lot of it also has to do with the pedophilia scandals in the church that the media constantly goes on about with a clear agenda. Catholics get defensive and go out of their way to show that they're against anything perceived as pedophilia.

On the other hand, the age of consent in the Church for marriage is still 14 for women and 16 for men. The cucks want them to change to 18 but they won't do it.

You could get married to a 14 year old woman as a Catholic.
No, we should enforce monogamy among teenagers since teenagehood.
I think a lot of it also has to do with the pedophilia scandals in the church that the media constantly goes on about with a clear agenda. Catholics get defensive and go out of their way to show that they're against anything perceived as pedophilia.
The globalist media wildly exaggerates on pedophilia cases in the Catholic Church while conveniently overlooking or at least giving much less attention to other groups that commit it much more frequently, like public teachers, social assistants and especially homosexuals in general.

But you can't possibly compare fucking a 4 yo boy for example with marrying a 12 yo girl.

You could get married to a 14 year old woman as a Catholic.
I'd have to look it up to confirm it but I'm almost 100% sure it's already illegal in Brazil to marry people under 18.

No, we should enforce monogamy among teenagers since teenagehood.
Have you read it all? I actually agree that's the best thing to do.
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Virtually all Christians construct their own morality independent from the Bible, and cherrypick what they want from the Bible to meet their own morality. The reason for this is twofold;

1: it's impossible not to. The Bible is so contradictory, sometimes even within the same book, that forming a consistent morality solely from the Bible is actually impossible. No one really are "true Christians". Because of the contradictory and fallacious text that riddle the book, you have to "pick contextually", but that just means picking according to your own feeling of what is right, so we're back to square one.

2: The relationship with God is actually a profound relationship with the self, your ego. You are God. It's why he always agrees with your morality, why you'll go to heaven but God's wrath is just on all the people you disagree with. It's why religious people are personally offended when you challenge their beliefs, because you're challenging them, not God. What you think of as God is simply your own opinions and feelings manifested into a complex separate identity to give you comfort and feelings of security. But there is no God actually dictating edicts, only you.
/r/atheism tier cringe
The short story is,Most modern Christians condemn pedophilia for the same reason as why they condemn slavery;Socialism

Now i ask you;why do you condemn slavery? Most of you will answer that 'every man has the right to self determination and no man can own other one'.This is just standard socialism.
The belief that everyone is entitled to voluntary relationship and shit,and that slave contracts cannot be formed because it will violate one's freedom.That everyone has 'basic rights' and every relationship must be voluntarist in nature.

The same with this pedophilia shit.Most people will say that you cant have sex with a 14 y o foid because 'she cant consent'
Which means 'She cant form a voluntary sexual relationship with you' a.k.a 'having sex with her will violate her basic rights and freedom'

Now i'm not saying that this is inherently bad(unless you want to do pubescentmaxxing) or that this is an unnatural jewish conspiracy(this is the natural result of technological advance) but take in mind that this is not something that is inherently Christian or a part of the canon.Its just socialism enforced by our culture.

Also ignore all the screeching retards crying about 'cherry picking'.Their proof of Christians cherry picking verses consist of them cherry picking verses to paint Christian morality as hypocritical
They are cucks. The only thing that prevented them from being as cucked as Jesus was the few elements remaining from paganism.
Mary is a whore and Jesus is a white-knight. JFL at 'Saint Joseph', the supreme Cuck.
I'd have to look it up to confirm it but I'm almost 100% sure it's already illegal in Brazil to marry people under 18.

In the last decade, there was a lot of pressure in EU to move marriageable age to 18 and almost every country now has that age as well.

However you could theoretically get married in the Church without it being recognized by the secular civil authorities but it's still a valid marriage in the eyes of the Church. Some people (older than 18) actually do this if they don't want to go through paper work or don't have money and so on. It all depends on how the local Church authorities decide.

Technically, you could get a Catholic marriage in Brazil with a 14 year old girl. I don't know how the secular civil authorities would look at it and how they would react. In Europe, it could get you in trouble where the age of consent for sex is higher than that, unless you could convince them that your marriage is sexless I guess.
Saint Joseph is literally 'my wife's boyfriend son' story.
Christians have totally adopted the modern Western cultural norms and take them for granted. It's especially like this since the Islam threat where Islam is this Other while Christianity represents the "civilized" West. Since Islam has child marriages, Christians feel like they should be especially against them.

You even have that traditionalist cardinal Sarah criticizing Islam for "muh child marriages". JFL at the state of Christianity in 2019.

Welcome back dude! Missed your posts.
Christianity is a neutered religion only allowed to be assertive when it comes to fighting on behalf of the liberals that otherwise despise it, christians take this as a victory being the idiots they've always been
I don't care how harsh the world is, if I ever find myself standing before a god that condones slaughtering entire cities, and forcing the children into sexual slavery to the people who murdered their families, promotes the mutilation of little boy's genitals, and let's children die of malaria I will tell him to go fuck himself and that I'd rather worship Satan. He created the world, he created these problems, and he didn't solve them but made them worse. If the Christian God exists he deserves our unending hatred and revulsion.
Don't you fear God though?

I don't know how to respond to that, I don't see how fucking an 8 year old who could "take a cock" wouldn't cause irreparable mental damage. I also don't see how you can be 100% against fucking little boys and not 100% against fucking little girls (again, I'm talking under age 12-13).
Because I believe women's primary role is being mothers and wives. So even if you marry a 8 yo girl, the potential to constitute a family is there. Raping a little boy is just using an innocent and defenseless person for your pleasure, very likely scarring him because men aren't meant to be fucked in the ass like women are meant to be fucked in the vagina. But yeah, I support men waiting for puberty to fuck them in the vagina.

About the mental damage, I suggest you to actually read those studies that claim to prove all minor x adult sex causes irreparable mental damage. I actually did, I read like 3-4 of them. They cherrypick extreme cases (little children getting rough penetrative sex, all in which the perpetrator got caught and jailed), find correlations around 40% with permanent trauma and then expand that to ALL sex between minors and adults.

If you ask me, of course I'd be traumatized if a man had fucked my ass roughly when I was like 4, but I wouldn't be traumatized at all with a woman I liked kissing or fondling me, not even as a child, let alone at puberty or above.
All society is obsessed with paedophilia not only christians.
And if paedophilia gets approved , us incels will reamain incels. Always is chad the one that is winning with whatever is invented and already nowadays young foids are getting banged by chads of all ages, so it is better the actual state at least some chad can go to the jail.
All society is obsessed with paedophilia not only christians.
And if paedophilia gets approved , us incels will reamain incels. Always is chad the one that is winning with whatever is invented and already nowadays young foids are getting banged by chads of all ages, so it is better the actual state at least some chad can go to the jail.
That's why I don't support merely the lowering of AoC laws but also the enforcement of monogamy, young marriage and fathers having authority to pick husbands for their daughters.
That's why I don't support merely the lowering of AoC laws but also the enforcement of monogamy, young marriage and fathers having authority to pick husbands for their daughters.
yes, that is the most appropriate for us.
I remember a good thread a while ago: 'Christianity isn't a religion anymore, it's a virtue signalling club'. I send you off to it, everyone.
You're joking right?
No, anyways lets get this going, also i'll be using a direct literal translation (NASB), and taking a look at the full context of the verse, well lets get started.
"A generation goes and a generation comes,
But the earth remains forever." - Ecclesiastes 1:4
"But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat, and the earth and its works will be burned up." - 2 Peter 3:10
I mean am I missing something here? Is this is supposed to be in reference to The Earth Remains forever thing? The Context of Ecclesiastes 1 starts, "The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem." It's basically a soliloquy, i'd suggest reading the whole thing for context, yeah obviously the Earth wont be around forever, and hasn't been around forever in Biblical lore, they reference something that was here before the Earth, and they reference a New Earth.
"This is My covenant, which you shall keep, between Me and you and your descendants after you: every male among you shall be circumcised." - Genesis 17:10
“Behold I, Paul, say to you that if you receive circumcision, Christ will be of no benefit to you. " - Galatians 5:2
Yes, part of New Testament law is abolishing some old traditions and law, it even explains, I could explain in further in depth detail, but even just comparing the two verses in a literal translation, they're not contradictory, but if you want me to explain in further context, i'll do so.
23But if there is any further injury, then you shall appoint as a penalty life for life, 24eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, 25burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise. ” - Exodus 21:23-25
“But I say to you, do not resist an evil person; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. ” - Matthew 5:39
Ah the classic out of context "pacifist" verse. Well lets start with Exodus, and elaborate the context of those verses a little bit, if you are unaware, Exodus 20 is actually where the 10 Commandments are laid out, and then in Exodus 21, it's Ordinances for the people at the time, it is different from a Commandment, but in context it given from God it's still meant under a specific context for a specific people, and at verse 12 is when it goes into Ordinances relating to Personal Injuries, and even in verse 12-15 it goes into context of, "12He who strikes a man so that he dies shall surely be put to death. 13But if he did not lie in wait for him, but God let him fall into his hand, then I will appoint you a place to which he may flee. 14If, however, a man acts presumptuously toward his neighbor, so as to kill him craftily, you are to take him even from My altar, that he may die. "
Basically its saying that in some contexts its okay to kill someone, other verses go into more detail about this.

Also what people also forget is that before verse 23, there is verse 22, which goes into what this punishment is in relation to, and it's related to, "If men struggle with each other and strike a woman with child so that she gives birth prematurely, yet there is no injury, he shall surely be fined as the woman’s husband may demand of him, and he shall pay as the judges decide." and then it goes into the but if there is any further injury thing, so in context the verse is related to striking a woman with child causing her to Miscarriage basically.

Now onto Matthew, firstly even with this explanation of the context of Matthew this already disproves any contradictions but, i'll do it anyways to double down, since this is a pretty common out of context verse.

The first thing that should be recognized is that he's talking to specific individuals here, and also earlier in the chapter says, "Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill. For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished."

Starting from Verse 21, Jesus is explaining and elaborating on morality, using many examples to do so, the full context of 38-42 is basically trying to explain to some of his disciples that it's best for them to not be taken over by evil, but to try and fight/overcome evil with good.

Jesus wasn't a pacifist, he fought thieves who were stealing from a temple with a whip, he advocated people to buy a weapon if they don't have own, and then there's the fact that if you take into account what he said about not abolishing the law, such as the 10 Commandments for example, where it is explained later on in the bible the different between killing and murder. There are just killings, just wars, just fights, just battles.

Anyways I could elaborate quite a bit more on this aswell, but this is about contraditctions and the TL;DR on this one is that clearly there isn't one there. Time to move onto the next one.
“So Jacob named the place Peniel, for he said, “I have seen God face to face, yet my life has been preserved.”” - Genesis 32:30
“No one has seen God at any time; the only begotten God who is in the bosom of the Father, He has explained Him. ” - John 1:18
In context that's the words of John specifically who says that. For example there are some nasty people in the Bible, obviously John isn't a Nasty guy, but as an example, there are some Nasty people who are referenced who say bad things/things that are wrong and contradictory, why are we not taking their words out of context? Why is context applied to them but not to others?

INDIVIDUALS Can and do say incorrect things in The Bible, and what needs to be examined the context of who is saying what, to whom, and why, in what context.
christians are cucks nowadays
I put it between quotation marks because it's not even actual pedophilia in most cases, but rather young adult to adult men wanting to fuck or even marry young sexually mature or at least maturing girls.

The Bible condemns like 99.999 things, but marrying a young girl surely ain't one. If you read what most Christian sites have to say about it, they just bring up adultery to justify condemning "pedophilia" so strongly, but it's obviously that 1) adultery is wrong according to Christianity regardless of the age of the person you commit adultery with and 2) if you were married to the girl it obviously wouldn't be adultery.

You could say "no pedo/hebe/ephebophile is marrying any of these girls nowadays (well, at least in the west), they just want sex", but that's just because they can't possibly pull off a marriage with an underage girl when even getting away with looking at pictures of them is already a feat. It's 100% impossible to pull off a successful marriage with an underage girl as an adult in the west nowadays.

Some people also bring up that passage where Jesus talks about not harming the little ones, but the notion that marrying a young pubescent or even post-pubescent but legally underage girl is harming her is a very modern one, based on the influence of feminist groups ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_consent_reform#United_States ) and extremely questionable psychological researches.

I think the best case scenario for a healthy society would be people marrying young, both women and men. But an adult man marrying a younger girl is still preferable than what happens nowadays, i.e. the cock carousel, hypergamy, inceldom, feminism, STDs, single motherhood, betabuxxing, etc, etc.

I don't say all of this only as a guy who wishes he could get a teenage girl as a partner, but also as a hypothetical father. If I had a teenage daughter, I'd much rather have the authority to marry her to one of my trustworthy friends my age than let her become young Chads' onahole and then a single mother/spinster.
jfl they support pre marital sex which is a sin but not this
Just a little bump to let some bluepillers see it.
scared to anwser in this topic

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