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SuicideFuel Why are foids getting the last laugh?



Male Disposability Pill
Dec 1, 2023
No matter how many misogynistic posts you write on this pathetic forum, your situation is still the same. No matter how hateful you act, foids always win in the end. You won't ascend no matter how hard you postmaxx. For years, they mocked and belittled you, being dismissive as fuck of your struggle. But in the end, they are the ones getting laid. They are the ones enjoying life, not you. Justice has not been served! And it most likely never will.

No matter how bad foids fuck shit up, some Mr. SaveAHoe will always swoop in to save the day. No matter how much you improve, you'll still be a social reject, irrelevant, forgotten, thrown away like the lowliest of trash. Literal human garbage. It's over. Oh wait- No. It can't be over if it nevER began.

Being born with 2 sets of X chromosome is the greatest privilege one can have. Far greater than copes like rich parents :soy: or even funnier- JB (whatever race) :soy:

500 years ago, there were ups and downs to both genders. But ever since the rise of feminism, foids have gained power and became the privileged sex.

Don't believe me? Imagine there are two bowls. Each represents the sexes, blue for men, pink for women. At first, both bowls had equal weight. But foids kept eating from the blue bowl - while giving NONE back. This is all supported by corrupt jews and traitorous simps, ofc.

There is a serious power balance in this soyciety. Women control the dating market and they would soon take over the job market, too. Some of you soys might ask - B-buhhh dating isn't everything :soy::feels::feels: YES IT IS YOU STUPID NIGGER. Imagine 2 different species - species A is superior in all ways to species B. BUT - species A is infertile for most of its existence. Species B eventually out-breeds species A and kicks it out of it's habitat. Species A goes extinct. Look, someone like ER might have gone down in the history books - but the average oofy-doofy is FAR more successful from a biological standpoint. The ultimate goal of life is to procreate. Someone who has mated is INFINITELY more sucessful than say - a infertile rich jew.

In the olden days, men traded their wallets for pussy. But now, foids have infiltrated the job market and fillied it to the brim with immigrants and incompetent women. Soon, (by some sources this has already happened!) women would out-earn men. But foid standards would decrease, right? RIGHT?


When questioned, most foids wouldn't date below 6 ft. (Suifuel for 5'3 manlets like me :feelsrope:) Many foids have unreasonable standards like 666 (6 ft, 6 figures, 6 inches long)

In the past, foids would think twice before questioning the average man. Women were burnt alive for talking too much in those times! (This needs to be bought back ngl :feelsLSD:) But now, you would literally get pounced on and torn apart by legions of cucks for even questioning foid evils (Like abortion)

Foid's evil knows NO BOUNDS. Yet it has been allowed to run amok in this soyciety.
Love, lust and addiction for female sexuality destroyed us men.
@Uggo Mongo
Is this pin-worthy?
Fucking end them all and their entire families (in GTA)
Brutal. Absolutely brutal.
INWO (Incel New World Order) now.
Nature is a gynocentric piece of shit and thats why i hate it
But yeah, this is truly devastating. Feminism keeps spreading around the world in every fucking continent. Only a question of time, until humanity is either extinct or if the Jews will rule over the few, remaining humans
10% - DNRing in ID
Society is naturally biased towards females.
Women do not always get the last laugh.

They are happily increasing in the workforce, while they are taxed to pay for me to rot and buy fleshlights.
If you think 666 is the standard now you are coping. It’s slowly approaching 777.
idk and idc tbh
True but everything we can do to make the lives of foids worse and to accelerate towards societal collapse is a good thing. We are living in a topsy turvy upside down house of cards and all it would take is one good shove to crash it all down.

Covid lockdowns really radicalized me on this because that made me realize my paradise is a living hell for normies and when normie lives get worse, mine gets better. Both in the schadenfreude sense but alsi in a real material sense that my values/priorities/brain function are diametrically opposed to the norm.

We are rejects in the most thorough sense. Rejected from society. Rejected from women, sex, and procreation. Fundamentally marginalized from the sociocultural and biological systems that organize our species and the civilizations constructed by it.

If want a better future for ourselves then we need to destroy the whole damn thing and repudiate humanity itself. Either give me AI girlfriend digital paradise neet life or burn everything to the ground
No matter how many misogynistic posts you write on this pathetic forum, your situation is still the same. No matter how hateful you act, foids always win in the end. You won't ascend no matter how hard you postmaxx. For years, they mocked and belittled you, being dismissive as fuck of your struggle. But in the end, they are the ones getting laid. They are the ones enjoying life, not you. Justice has not been served! And it most likely never will.

No matter how bad foids fuck shit up, some Mr. SaveAHoe will always swoop in to save the day. No matter how much you improve, you'll still be a social reject, irrelevant, forgotten, thrown away like the lowliest of trash. Literal human garbage. It's over. Oh wait- No. It can't be over if it nevER began.

Being born with 2 sets of X chromosome is the greatest privilege one can have. Far greater than copes like rich parents :soy: or even funnier- JB (whatever race) :soy:

500 years ago, there were ups and downs to both genders. But ever since the rise of feminism, foids have gained power and became the privileged sex.

Don't believe me? Imagine there are two bowls. Each represents the sexes, blue for men, pink for women. At first, both bowls had equal weight. But foids kept eating from the blue bowl - while giving NONE back. This is all supported by corrupt jews and traitorous simps, ofc.

There is a serious power balance in this soyciety. Women control the dating market and they would soon take over the job market, too. Some of you soys might ask - B-buhhh dating isn't everything :soy::feels::feels: YES IT IS YOU STUPID NIGGER. Imagine 2 different species - species A is superior in all ways to species B. BUT - species A is infertile for most of its existence. Species B eventually out-breeds species A and kicks it out of it's habitat. Species A goes extinct. Look, someone like ER might have gone down in the history books - but the average oofy-doofy is FAR more successful from a biological standpoint. The ultimate goal of life is to procreate. Someone who has mated is INFINITELY more sucessful than say - a infertile rich jew.

In the olden days, men traded their wallets for pussy. But now, foids have infiltrated the job market and fillied it to the brim with immigrants and incompetent women. Soon, (by some sources this has already happened!) women would out-earn men. But foid standards would decrease, right? RIGHT?


When questioned, most foids wouldn't date below 6 ft. (Suifuel for 5'3 manlets like me :feelsrope:) Many foids have unreasonable standards like 666 (6 ft, 6 figures, 6 inches long)

In the past, foids would think twice before questioning the average man. Women were burnt alive for talking too much in those times! (This needs to be bought back ngl :feelsLSD:) But now, you would literally get pounced on and torn apart by legions of cucks for even questioning foid evils (Like abortion)

Foid's evil knows NO BOUNDS. Yet it has been allowed to run amok in this soyciety.
well we gotta vent somewhere
If you give them attention, yes they have the last laugh. If you don't acknowledge their existence, then they have no power over you. Peace and a quiet mind are superior to women's love.

Women ain't shit dude, what the fuck are you talking about? Are you a simp or a cuck masochist who loves to be cucked?
:feelsrope: Chads and foids always win
Women do not always get the last laugh.

They are happily increasing in the workforce, while they are taxed to pay for me to rot and buy fleshlights.
cope they are laughing at you even harder
If you give them attention, yes they have the last laugh. If you don't acknowledge their existence, then they have no power over you. Peace and a quiet mind are superior to women's love.

Women ain't shit dude, what the fuck are you talking about? Are you a simp or a cuck masochist who loves to be cucked?
just be asexual bro
they already do
I know they control humanity, but i mean that they'll reveal themselves so to speak, once all their opponents and threats are neutralised
People say females are the sexual selectors in our species, but if you strip away all of the layers of society and civilization - the social norms, the laws, the tribal rules - and leave everything to the base, natural state, there is a 0% chance that females get any kind of say in selecting who breeds them. Even up until the last 100 years or so, it was other men (fathers, brothers, relatives) who decided who breeds their women, and that was with ~10,000 years of civilization. In the rest of the years before that the men would kill each other to be the one who fucks the women and the women couldn't do shit about that. It was get fucked or die.

Men have (mistakenly) given women the opportunity to have the last laugh. Women have no idea how good they really have it in this period of human history.
They just have too much reproductive power with their eggs
They just have too much reproductive power with their eggs
Don't believe that bullshit. Value != Power, biologically speaking. Eggs are more valuable than sperm, but that doesn't mean eggs are more powerful than sperm.

Their reproductive power comes from men who've built civilization and created institutions to systematically give them power. Every feminist in the world should be greatly thankful of the patriarchy that blundered when it finally decided to allow them to have power.
Don't believe that bullshit. Value != Power, biologically speaking. Eggs are more valuable than sperm, but that doesn't mean eggs are more powerful than sperm.

Their reproductive power comes from men who've built civilization and created institutions to systematically give them power. Every feminist in the world should be greatly thankful of the patriarchy that blundered when it finally decided to allow them to have power.
Yeah, but the world is a shit hole, it's unfair
Yeah, but the world is a shit hole, it's unfair
Stop crying about unfairness. It's useless to focus on that. Life itself is inherently unfair by the simple fact that everyone has a different set of genes with different traits, with different advantages and disadvantages.
Stop crying about unfairness. It's useless to focus on that. Life itself is inherently unfair by the simple fact that everyone has a different set of genes with different traits, with different advantages and disadvantages.
Yeah, you got a point at least
Society allows them to win - to have the "last laugh" as you suggested, as well as the last word, the last punch to the face, etc. Foids are treated with such high-praise and almost "fear" from blue-pilled simps and red-pillers, that the mere audacity of one man to talk foul / dismiss said foids - is immediately put in his place. And what better way to put a man in his place but have a foid do it? It's this reverse psychological tactic that society does to banish those that dare speak blasphemous truths of the foid - It's why in entertainment (for example) they always have the foid smarter than the man, physically more powerful (note: just look at Kill Bill or Black Widow) than a man in order to push the narrative that foids are absolutely perfect and that all men are evil / and should be treated as such; as well as being pushovers. If you do not consent to this contractual (metaphorically) agreement, you will be off'd by the foids henchmen.

Gynocentrism is real and has been the basis of humanity forever, but only has grown worse since the enactment of feminism (which caused gay rights / multiculturalism - which has only caused shit to this world btw).
I remember realizing this back in my junior year. No matter what, these whores will end up winning, and we will always end up losing and getting thrown out of society's walls. Maybe some of these whores will end up becoming single mom losers, but most of them, being disgusting vile cockroaches in their nature, will find a way to pull through and to escape the consequences of their actions. It's crazy, but that's the world we live in. We are the first generation of men in a LONG TIME to realize why women can't have leeway in society and should only be in the home taking care of their kids.
Gynocentrism is real and has been the basis of humanity forever, but only has grown worse since the enactment of feminism (which caused gay rights / multiculturalism - which has only caused shit to this world btw).
Society allows them to win - to have the "last laugh" as you suggested, as well as the last word, the last punch to the face, etc. Foids are treated with such high-praise and almost "fear" from blue-pilled simps and red-pillers, that the mere audacity of one man to talk foul / dismiss said foids - is immediately put in his place. And what better way to put a man in his place but have a foid do it? It's this reverse psychological tactic that society does to banish those that dare speak blasphemous truths of the foid - It's why in entertainment (for example) they always have the foid smarter than the man, physically more powerful (note: just look at Kill Bill or Black Widow) than a man in order to push the narrative that foids are absolutely perfect and that all men are evil / and should be treated as such; as well as being pushovers. If you do not consent to this contractual (metaphorically) agreement, you will be off'd by the foids henchmen.

Gynocentrism is real and has been the basis of humanity forever, but only has grown worse since the enactment of feminism (which caused gay rights / multiculturalism - which has only caused shit to this world btw).
Best comment in the thread imho -- it wasn't us that altered society's norms and rules to enable all of this shit.

It was our predecessors and specifically the people with institutional power and real money that pushed all of these changes that have played out. This is why people blame the Jews so much because of people like Blackrock's Fink and the disproportionate holding of power in government/unis/big money that they have relative to their population size.

They themselves proudly display on social media themselves in their own videos how they pioneered feminism, civil rights, gay rights, etc. They also oppose free speech if it's ever used to criticize them -- because valid criticism is """""hate speech""""". No retards, people disagree with your shit politics and they're criticizing you for the laws and norms you pushed through, if that's hate speech that fucking any criticism or expressing of disagreement towards any group is "muh hate speech". Hate speech is such a cop out and is used to side step engaging with actually important problems. Incels as a group receive more vitriol and hate than basically any other group on earth at this point -- they think we don't know what it's like?

The problem is that all of the correcting mechanisms that western society used to have against nature's favoritism towards women were destroyed and now men are second class citizens. The reality is if you don't put reasonable limits on both male and female destructive inclinations then you get profoundly unfair outcomes like we see today. Women truly believe they were so oppressed in the past -- which is just unbelievable. Being a stay at home wife with your kids is WILDLY easier than working most soul crushing 9 to 5s and the divorce court laws meant if anything did go wrong you could always hit the eject button and get your kids and the house anyway so what was the problem? It's like there was this giant psyop top down to propagandize women into making their own lives worse -- to the benefit of the rich of course since doubling the labor market craters wages.

Think about the Walrus and how their mating/harems work -- people erroneously think humans are different but we're not so different after all. You can see this objectively in the data for online dating/speed dating statistics where humans make harems if there are no regulations on female mate selection (e.g. A small handful of top men share all of the young women between them).

There's an old expression father's often use that goes something like this:
> "If I didn't care about you I'd let you do whatever you want."

That applies to women in the modern day where society now lets them do whatever they feel like at everyone else's expense. Women are the net tax recipients, men are the net tax payers. Women have total dominance in the sex/dating market outside a miniscule handful of top men. Women are given priority in many professional fields via affirmative action (this is despite young women now out earning young men in aggregate and attending Uni at higher rates). Women are even GRADED easier going off a study that circulated some time ago for the same work. People are just nicer to them in all walks of life and they don't even realize it.

And women aren't even happy by and large -- they're all on fucking anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds and a huge number of them will wind up childless -- which doesn't bother them when they're young because they don't think about the future. Who wants to be old and alone and look back at their life amongst their cats? The core nuclear family structure with loving parents and a kids that you can work for and leave things to and raise is something human beings find more fulfilling that probably anything else in life and this is the first time ever that basically a huge percentage of the entire generation will not have their own homes and will not have their own families. All while selling their labor for scraps. It's honestly disgusting. The modern western world disgusts me and most of us will be serfs for the rest of our lives.
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No matter how many misogynistic posts you write on this pathetic forum, your situation is still the same. No matter how hateful you act, foids always win in the end. You won't ascend no matter how hard you postmaxx. For years, they mocked and belittled you, being dismissive as fuck of your struggle. But in the end, they are the ones getting laid. They are the ones enjoying life, not you. Justice has not been served! And it most likely never will.

No matter how bad foids fuck shit up, some Mr. SaveAHoe will always swoop in to save the day. No matter how much you improve, you'll still be a social reject, irrelevant, forgotten, thrown away like the lowliest of trash. Literal human garbage. It's over. Oh wait- No. It can't be over if it nevER began.

Being born with 2 sets of X chromosome is the greatest privilege one can have. Far greater than copes like rich parents :soy: or even funnier- JB (whatever race) :soy:

500 years ago, there were ups and downs to both genders. But ever since the rise of feminism, foids have gained power and became the privileged sex.

Don't believe me? Imagine there are two bowls. Each represents the sexes, blue for men, pink for women. At first, both bowls had equal weight. But foids kept eating from the blue bowl - while giving NONE back. This is all supported by corrupt jews and traitorous simps, ofc.

There is a serious power balance in this soyciety. Women control the dating market and they would soon take over the job market, too. Some of you soys might ask - B-buhhh dating isn't everything :soy::feels::feels: YES IT IS YOU STUPID NIGGER. Imagine 2 different species - species A is superior in all ways to species B. BUT - species A is infertile for most of its existence. Species B eventually out-breeds species A and kicks it out of it's habitat. Species A goes extinct. Look, someone like ER might have gone down in the history books - but the average oofy-doofy is FAR more successful from a biological standpoint. The ultimate goal of life is to procreate. Someone who has mated is INFINITELY more sucessful than say - a infertile rich jew.

In the olden days, men traded their wallets for pussy. But now, foids have infiltrated the job market and fillied it to the brim with immigrants and incompetent women. Soon, (by some sources this has already happened!) women would out-earn men. But foid standards would decrease, right? RIGHT?


When questioned, most foids wouldn't date below 6 ft. (Suifuel for 5'3 manlets like me :feelsrope:) Many foids have unreasonable standards like 666 (6 ft, 6 figures, 6 inches long)

In the past, foids would think twice before questioning the average man. Women were burnt alive for talking too much in those times! (This needs to be bought back ngl :feelsLSD:) But now, you would literally get pounced on and torn apart by legions of cucks for even questioning foid evils (Like abortion)

Foid's evil knows NO BOUNDS. Yet it has been allowed to run amok in this soyciety.
It’s all fun till based guy murdermaxx the foid
I remember realizing this back in my junior year. No matter what, these whores will end up winning, and we will always end up losing and getting thrown out of society's walls. Maybe some of these whores will end up becoming single mom losers, but most of them, being disgusting vile cockroaches in their nature, will find a way to pull through and to escape the consequences of their actions. It's crazy, but that's the world we live in. We are the first generation of men in a LONG TIME to realize why women can't have leeway in society and should only be in the home taking care of their kids.
Go ER on foids irl
All society rules and values are severely distorted in their favor
Best comment in the thread imho -- it wasn't us that altered society's norms and rules to enable all of this shit.

It was our predecessors and specifically the people with institutional power and real money that pushed all of these changes that have played out. This is why people blame the Jews so much because of people like Blackrock's Fink and the disproportionate holding of power in government/unis/big money that they have relative to their population size.

They themselves proudly display on social media themselves in their own videos how they pioneered feminism, civil rights, gay rights, etc. They also oppose free speech if it's ever used to criticize them -- because valid criticism is """""hate speech""""". No retards, people disagree with your shit politics and they're criticizing you for the laws and norms you pushed through, if that's hate speech that fucking any criticism or expressing of disagreement towards any group is "muh hate speech". Hate speech is such a cop out and is used to side step engaging with actually important problems. Incels as a group receive more vitriol and hate than basically any other group on earth at this point -- they think we don't know what it's like?

The problem is that all of the correcting mechanisms that western society used to have against nature's favoritism towards women were destroyed and now men are second class citizens. The reality is if you don't put reasonable limits on both male and female destructive inclinations then you get profoundly unfair outcomes like we see today. Women truly believe they were so oppressed in the past -- which is just unbelievable. Being a stay at home wife with your kids is WILDLY easier than working most soul crushing 9 to 5s and the divorce court laws meant if anything did go wrong you could always hit the eject button and get your kids and the house anyway so what was the problem? It's like there was this giant psyop top down to propagandize women into making their own lives worse -- to the benefit of the rich of course since doubling the labor market craters wages.

Think about the Walrus and how their mating/harems work -- people erroneously think humans are different but we're not so different after all. You can see this objectively in the data for online dating/speed dating statistics where humans make harems if there are no regulations on female mate selection (e.g. A small handful of top men share all of the young women between them).

There's an old expression father's often use that goes something like this:
> "If I didn't care about you I'd let you do whatever you want."

That applies to women in the modern day where society now lets them do whatever they feel like at everyone else's expense. Women are the net tax recipients, men are the net tax payers. Women have total dominance in the sex/dating market outside a miniscule handful of top men. Women are given priority in many professional fields via affirmative action (this is despite young women now out earning young men in aggregate and attending Uni at higher rates). Women are even GRADED easier going off a study that circulated some time ago for the same work. People are just nicer to them in all walks of life and they don't even realize it.

And women aren't even happy by and large -- they're all on fucking anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds and a huge number of them will wind up childless -- which doesn't bother them when they're young because they don't think about the future. Who wants to be old and alone and look back at their life amongst their cats? The core nuclear family structure with loving parents and a kids that you can work for and leave things to and raise is something human beings find more fulfilling that probably anything else in life and this is the first time ever that basically a huge percentage of the entire generation will not have their own homes and will not have their own families. All while selling their labor for scraps. It's honestly disgusting. The modern western world disgusts me and most of us will be serfs for the rest of our lives.
Don’t worry probably they will war-reset soon.

I am furious how there are still some idiots buying into the faggot Pinker idea of this society being the best and less violent. Fucking burn everything down
Don’t worry probably they will war-reset soon.

I am furious how there are still some idiots buying into the faggot Pinker idea of this society being the best and less violent. Fucking burn everything down
Stephen Pinker is just fucking hilarious to me. Like, he has an entire TED talk about how genetics are very impactful in terms of how people turn out. He covers twin studies in it for example where his conclusion is that your genetics make you who you are to a much bigger degree than most people acknowledge or realize.

But then that conclusion has huge implications when it comes to race and sex -- that of course he doesn't touch with a 10 foot pole -- because it would be career suicide and he knows. That or it's just your typical libshit cognitive dissonance.

That guy irritates me so much because on the one hand he's clearly intelligent and well researched, but he just ... ignores or side steps some incredibly important take aways to his own work.

He has another TED talk (probably the one you're referencing) where he talks about how "today's society is the best in history and things are way better now than ever!", but again he completely side steps some critical questions that undo his entire argument.

Yeah, no shit people have technology and advanced services (if you have money that is) and air conditioning. Yes we have a "fairly" stable societal structure depending on where you are, there are indeed good things about modern living (modern medicine being one of if not the biggest in my view). Indoor plumbing the list goes on, I agree with all of this.

"But" -- saying that these things mean people today live better more fulfilling lives is just not correct because it completely misses the key things humans need to be happy and content. What are some of those things?
1) You're own home
2) You're own family (loving loyal wife, your own children)
3) A profession in which you are respected and where you don't want to blow your brains out everyday
4) Enough disposable income where you're not constantly stressed out about losing everything in the future and where you're able to enjoy a modest amount of leisure

Think about how much modern society completely bombs into the ground on these fronts:
1) Homes are entirely out of reach for most people -- you can't just live in the woods or rural Missouri because you must live where you work, that's the reality
2) Male/female relations have probably never been worse -- I stand by that, in the past if things got this bad men would revolt and flip the board by force. But modern technology/indoctrination/power structures are incredibly effective at keeping young men "under control". Both men and women at rates probably never before seen will grow old and die childless. Men of course get by far the worse end of the stick here (e.g. Online dating/speed dating stats, men are basically doomed to die alone or be beta buxers for the most part).
3) Most jobs pay absolute shit, college degrees are more worthless than ever (because everyone has one) while being more expensive than ever, all the jobs I've ever had have made me actively want to kill myself and I have a pretty good degree. Even the process for applying and trying to get jobs now is pure misery (5 interview rounds, driving all over the place, hundreds of apps you do online, etc etc).
4) People are very poor by and large in the first world when you look at cost of living VS incomes. Articles paint this more positively than it really is by using "average" instead of "median". There are a few extraordinarily rich people who live lavish lives that are incredible -- but ordinary people are living pay check to paycheck doings jobs they hate with little time off (even compared to medieval serfs lol) making garbage for money and staring down the end of a barrel when they get home from work.

So no things are not good and Pinker in his ivory tower is a hack. Then you have retards like Neil Degrass Tyson whoo boy that guy is a fucking moron. Like, actual retard level moron. He was on the Sam Harris podcast and his core argument for why life today was better was because "being a woman and being black is better now than ever! Therefore society good!". It's all so tiresome -- it doesn't even occur to them that maybe just maybe women had their destructive impulses restrained somewhat in the past for the good of society and to avoid a lot of these negative outcomes I'm laying out. Life wasn't even bad for them back then, they got to be stay at home moms and raise their kids. That's good for society and it's way better than most 9 to 5s today. Men would gladly do that by and large except that women do not want men who don't work and provide simple as.
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Stephen Pinker is just fucking hilarious to me. Like, he has an entire TED talk about how genetics are very impactful in terms of how people turn out. He covers twin studies in it for example where his conclusion is that your genetics make you who you are to a much bigger degree than most people acknowledge or realize.

But then that conclusion has huge implications when it comes to race and sex -- that of course he doesn't touch with a 10 foot pole -- because it would be career suicide and he knows. That or it's just your typical libshit cognitive dissonance.

That guy irritates me so much because on the one hand he's clearly intelligent and well researched, but he just ... ignores or side steps some incredibly important take aways to his own work.

He has another TED talk (probably the one you're referencing) where he talks about how "today's society is the best in history and things are way better now than ever!", but again he completely side steps some critical questions that undo his entire argument.

Yeah, no shit people have technology and advanced services (if you have money that is) and air conditioning. Yes we have a "fairly" stable societal structure depending on where you are, there are indeed good things about modern living (modern medicine being one of if not the biggest in my view). Indoor plumbing the list goes on, I agree with all of this.

"But" -- saying that these things mean people today live better more fulfilling lives is just not correct because it completely misses the key things humans need to be happy and content. What are some of those things?
1) You're own home
2) You're own family (loving loyal wife, your own children)
3) A profession in which you are respected and where you don't want to blow your brains out everyday
4) Enough disposable income where you're not constantly stressed out about losing everything in the future and where you're able to enjoy a modest amount of leisure

Think about how much modern society completely bombs into the ground on these fronts:
1) Homes are entirely out of reach for most people -- you can't just live in the woods or rural Missouri because you must live where you work, that's the reality
2) Male/female relations have probably never been worse -- I stand by that, in the past if things got this bad men would revolt and flip the board by force. But modern technology/indoctrination/power structures are incredibly effective at keeping young men "under control". Both men and women at rates probably never before seen will grow old and die childless. Men of course get by far the worse end of the stick here (e.g. Online dating/speed dating stats, men are basically doomed to die alone or be beta buxers for the most part).
3) Most jobs pay absolute shit, college degrees are more worthless than ever (because everyone has one) while being more expensive than ever, all the jobs I've ever had have made me actively want to kill myself and I have a pretty good degree. Even the process for applying and trying to get jobs now is pure misery (5 interview rounds, driving all over the place, hundreds of apps you do online, etc etc).
4) People are very poor by and large in the first world when you look at cost of living VS incomes. Articles paint this more positively than it really is by using "average" instead of "median". There are a few extraordinarily rich people who live lavish lives that are incredible -- but ordinary people are living pay check to paycheck doings jobs they hate with little time off (even compared to medieval serfs lol) making garbage for money and staring down the end of a barrel when they get home from work.

So no things are not good and Pinker in his ivory tower is a hack. Then you have retards like Neil Degrass Tyson whoo boy that guy is a fucking moron. Like, actual retard level moron. He was on the Sam Harris podcast and his core argument for why life today was better was because "being a woman and being black is better now than ever! Therefore society good!". It's all so tiresome -- it doesn't even occur to them that maybe just maybe women had their destructive impulses restrained somewhat in the past for the good of society and to avoid a lot of these negative outcomes I'm laying out. Life wasn't even bad for them back then, they got to be stay at home moms and raise their kids. That's good for society and it's way better than most 9 to 5s today. Men would gladly do that by and large except that women do not want men who don't work and provide simple as.
I detached completely from any idiot who is part of the “scientific comunity”. Anyone with a decent awareness realized they are not there to investigate the truth but to defend a rotting collapsing status quo.

Dean Radin, Rupert Sheldrake, Patrizio Tressoldi have produced enormous amount of evidence supporting the idea that mind and matter DO interact hence suggesting the idea that our physical world is way different from what we were taught (with Tressoldi and Pederzolli even going as far as patenting technology explicitly made to function with this interaction
View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-W6SZ1fKFeY
). Do you think Sam Harris, Pinker et co care? No. They just have to defend the materialist-disenchanted liberal worldview of the status quo. They openly state that they think that is the MORAL way of looking at things, no matter the evidence.

There’s been staggering evidence about a spike in cancer, sudden deaths, clots etc since 2021. I wonder why. Situation is so bad it’s kinda comical and tragic at the same time. Yet do you think they care? No. Admitting WHAT 90% caused this would give brutal blow to big pharma and they cannot allow that.

There’s been staggering evidence that female nature+female emancipation cause havoc in the sexual market. The more you make women powerfull in terms of body, economy, status the worse it becomes. Do you think they care? No, because admitting that will obviously be a death sentence even to classical liberalism and its core values

We have to understand that
Natural science: metaphysics and spirit= social science: men and fathers

It’s all connected, it’s all aimed at creating a truman show and maintaining a very specific worldview alive; specifically spiritual materialism and cultural liberalism

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