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Discussion Why are curries in the West such cringy oofy doofy cucks?



What being ethnic does to a mf
Dec 20, 2022
Disclaimer: Not trying to rip on Curries in general, but as I was banned these last few days so I partially coped by YouTubemaxxing (Also went VR, that shiet is crazy yo!) While youtoobing, I came across this old classic:

View: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/yHOAjOnDBn4

Toilets and gentlemen, this is Roy. Roy is an American-born Indian-origin literal @currycuck (RIP nigga). For those who have never seen the full clip, this retard went to a Tesla Shareholders meeting in 2014 and during Q&A he asked Elon fucking Musk if he could be the Vice Chairman of Tesla. Said to Musk and I quote: "I'm a SUPERGENIUS LEVEL 2, just like you!". When people in the audience started laughing their asses off he looked surprised and stated he was deadserious and that "it would be a benefit to all Tesla shareholders".

When Musk awkwardly declined, the currycuck doubled down and said he also wouldn't mind just being on the Board of Directors. Audience started hysterically laughing and people behind literally facepalming. LMFAO. They then cut his mic and his public shame should have ended right there.

You think this is enough cringe for a lifetime, right? Just take the L and move the fuck on with your miserable life.

No, because Roy Philicuck is a literal delusional retard and started defending himself on YouTube against all the online trolling that ensued after the Tesla embarrasment was put online. Putting up hours long videos where he gave idiotic responses to "what actually happened" and why whole the world is against him and just stupid low iq rambling in general. Some examples:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FlQaap_IKM


View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgtOJj6hX8E

He even got bullied by :soy:REDDIT :foidSoy:soycucks and put a video up defending himself against them:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YNd3zfuL2M

I've watched all his videos by now (yeah FML) and what I notice is that NOT ONCE he talks about his curry origins or the fact that he is partly being bullied because he is a fat ugly oblivious curry operating in the west. He tries to take on this assimilated persona pretending as if all the trolling is a purely personal vendetta against him, absolutely nothing to do with his race or ethnicity.

He continues releasing idiotic videos on investing in stocks and crypto. In most videos he constantly says: "Is it a good investment? Maybe, maybe not" kek such supergeniusing level 2

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12fDKxs9_ZU


Latest video is him karaoke singing an Nsync song, not even lying:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_zvksuju0I

This nigga lost the plot long ago. To all curries in the west, please don't end up like him.

This is the problem with majority of ethnics in west. Being an oblivious bluepilled cuck and not once realising how out of touch and out of place they really are in soyciety. FUCK BEING ETHNIC IN WEST tbhtbh its never began.
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They never acquire any social experience at all during their lifetime cus they spend all their time studying and being pressured by overbearing parents

So they don't know how social interactions work and just have a basic idea that you should be nice/positive/polite/enthusiastic but it comes off as awkward and goofy af

Why are curries in the West such cringy oofy doofy cucks?​

Because we are a race with the least amount of awareness about our own subhumanity and position in the global dominance hierarchy.
They never acquire any social experience at all during their lifetime cus they spend all their time studying and being pressured by overbearing parents

So they don't know how social interactions work and just have a basic idea that you should be nice/positive/polite/enthusiastic but it comes off as awkward and goofy af
Please genocide us.
They never acquire any social experience at all during their lifetime cus they spend all their time studying and being pressured by overbearing parents

So they don't know how social interactions work and just have a basic idea that you should be nice/positive/polite/enthusiastic but it comes off as awkward and goofy af
Yeah, bluepilled by nature. Oblivious parenting is the worst crime you commit vs your child. Not preparing them for the reality of this harsh world. Reality as a Bollywoodmovie dreaming mofos
Because we are a race with the least amount of awareness about our own subhumanity and position in the global dominance hierarchy.
Man Gandhi was a curse for all curries ngl. Yall needed a literal hitler or something, not the complete opposite.
Yall needed a literal hitler or something, not the complete opposite.
We don't have it in our gene pool to be militaristic like that. The absolute best that we can ever hope for is to be an obedient and hard working slave.
Please genocide us.
But the weird thing is bhai, this nigga Roy is a 2nd generation Indian-American. His parents came to America and he basically grew up in an East coast big city. And still no progression in his attitude or selfawareness whatsoever. More regression.

2nd generations of other "races" do much better on a social level.
But the weird thing is bhai, this nigga Roy is a 2nd generation Indian-American. His parents came to America and he basically grew up in an East coast big city. And still no progression in his attitude or selfawareness whatsoever. More regression.
Nature > Nurture
2nd generations of other "races" do much better on a social level.
Not really.
Nature > Nurture

Not really.
Don't actually know about how it is in USA tbh. But here in wEurope arabs, turks and even africans are getting into national politics, doing well in sports and are being used a lot in PC commercials etc (mediamaxxing). Meanwhile curries, while there are a significant amount of them here, are always on the background, fitting in nowhere.
LMAO shameless self-bump, but just came across this:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwVKadeRX6A

Here he rambles and at times start laughing hysterically about having been abused by his local policeforce which caused him PTSD which in effect led him to spazz out at Tesla what the actual fuck bro. Got contacted by home security after that and he even curses them out in this vid. This nigga mang :giga:
MENAcels gotta cope with mogging curries for now because they can't get on the same levels as Whitey
It is harsh but I started out fairly by saying this was not to rip on all curries bro.

I hardly mog him tbh (would never go to or speak at a public shareholder's meeting let alone put my face on youtube), but his general lack of selfawareness stands out and is examplary for many curries in west.
He looks like a KHHV coping oldcel, even his channel looks like those oldcel channels you come across out of the blue, probably years of stem labour has destroyed his mind and his ability to stay sane or he just doesn't give a fk anymore
Don't actually know about how it is in USA tbh. But here in wEurope arabs, turks and even africans are getting into national politics, doing well in sports and are being used a lot in PC commercials etc (mediamaxxing). Meanwhile curries, while there are a significant amount of them here, are always on the background, fitting in nowhere.
Your average cucked white leftist soytard establishment and white women only respect extreme levels of violence and psychopathy, curries and ricecels are stem slaves and not thugmaxxed rapefugees so they can barely pull this stunt off
He looks like a KHHV coping oldcel, even his channel looks like those oldcel channels you come across out of the blue, probably years of stem labour has destroyed his mind and his ability to stay sane or he just doesn't give a fk anymore
Yeah he looks the khhv oldcel part, but I think he escaped inceldom by arrangemarriagemaxxing. One of his vids has his kid crying in another room and he goes to take care of him.

He is actually a college dropout and awarded himself a imaginary GED diploma, not even kidding.
JFL at thinking Muskerino is some sort of supergenius. He's not. He's just a conman.
His entire business model is just getting US government subsidies that is given to him for his EV ventures by climate soys and overpriced overvalued stocks, he barely makes anything or runs his company by selling cars, even there he'd be decimated by Japanese and German EV ventures if US government funds are withdrawn
His entire business model is just getting US government subsidies that is given to him for his EV ventures by climate soys and overpriced overvalued stocks, he barely makes anything or runs his company by selling cars, even there he'd be decimated by Japanese and German EV ventures if US government funds are withdrawn
They never acquire any social experience at all during their lifetime cus they spend all their time studying and being pressured by overbearing parents

So they don't know how social interactions work and just have a basic idea that you should be nice/positive/polite/enthusiastic but it comes off as awkward and goofy af
When I Hapamaxx and my future wife pops out little ERs and Maylis, I will train my sons in all the social and intellectual skills he needs to succeed. I'll have my daughter become a borderline retarded social recluse, because everybody likes when girls spill their spaghetti, but boys are held to harsher standards. Since I can't marry her off to a rich simp at the ripe age of 9, I'll have to settle for her being my house nigger until she turns 18 when she will either become my daughterwife or she marries an incel. I will not permit her to marry Chad.

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