I agree, yes we die, and of 99 % certainty everyone (who isnt brainwashed by religion) knows that you are dead, all of the thoughts, experiences everything you ever did, achieved, whatever will perish. BUT, its the fact that we have to suffer through this shithole of a life we call existence at the current point in time.
Like i accept death, im fine with the concept and simply not existing anymore, but f i was attractive or at least average,( im sure id have the same mindset because ive rejected religion from a very young age) id be living in the moment, id be enjoying life, id be living a better life than living a life of being ugly and lonely which is the life i am sadly living at this current moment and will until i cark it
Because our pathetic human brains crave companionship from the opposite sex which we are denied and the denial of a basic necessity drives you to insanity. Forgot to mention we fantasize about how reality should be(at least according to us) which creates "Hope" and from there you keep going down a well of more and more cope/insanity.
Ah yes this is what i was trying to put in words. You put it very well.
Oh and,
to all of the sjw cucks out there
ASEXUALITY IS COPE. Humans, especially males, are biologically wired to seek out a femoid to either fuck her or date her, or both,
Everything is ephemeral. Our thinking system, our beliefs, our words. What we said years ago, in the future will never matter. Only if you are a celebrity, and we all know celebrities, nowadays are much more dumber than the average person.
People in 2019 shit on their mouths, not on their ass. And we have a lot of examples, such as SJWs. Even their opinions won't matter in the future. No one will ever know what we did, staying anonymously and crying our existence.
We feel pain in our souls, and we want to think that others feel our pain, and by empathy from the others, we need salvation from the depression. But depression, once installed, cannot be cure even by introducing your penis in a vagina. Because, after a while, your sexual urges will return like wolves in a few days. And what are you going to do? Pay the whores every time to bust your nut on their face?
Masturbation is much more viable, and it will save you from the crazy bitches.
yea which is why i just fucking lol so hard at all of the sjws these days who get their knickers and diapers in a knot over little trivial things that literally will not matter to them in less than a centuries time.
Its just baffling that people waste their lives to commit themselves to some dumb shitty cause that isnt gonna do anything, its still got stay the same, its still gonna happen, while you will eventually die and everything you say and did is worthless
Im looking at you ( the extreme preachy)vegans, sjw cucks, feminists, environmentalists etc