Because you seek approval from others by being incel. And you offer them friend/ compassion capital in the hopes that htey will be drawn to you from such pathetic measures.
But in reality you don't want friends. You just want to level up your position from incel to being included in some rank and file. Part of our evolutionary pressures.
This applies to most all mankind. People want prominence/ conquest. It's a part of the self centric stream of spirit. We will always ditch/ derogate/ betray people once we feel that our inner sense of primality upscaling is present. Which it usually become when people do it to US. When we ultimately realize, through pain or prominence/ affluence/ logic that people are not looking for genuine friendship. That people are looking for higher and higher social/ hierarchical/ primarchical capital. Hence why people buy cars/ buy makeup/ buy cosmetic surgery. Because all inclusion/ positivity is only based genuinely on rank and file markers of prominence and judgment. OF BEING A SUPERIOR HUMAN BEING. And that is quantified not really by your good nature. The moralarchy is one of the least prominent hierarchies for most people in affluence like most people in the 1st world. The hierarchy quantifier is based on our primal nature (I.E. primarchy) and loves the dominarchs. The most dominant/ eerily ethereally eminent people in the world. Who always retain that position of being the strongest presence in the room. Accessorized by their looks, charms, powers, presence, shadows, genes, family ,etc. etc. etc. they have all of this. And keeps the maws of societies open in amazement like a deer in the headlights of his glory.
It's not even just "looks". Although they are a major component, and the markers of mankind's value can probably be mostly determined by the looks chart. As unproducible features... (insofar as we know) the inbornarchy, are a more/ most difficult medium of gaining value. Aside from being a world leader... but even then the fact that with enough power/ determination/ cunning/ skill/ crudeness that there are mediums to seizing the power of the powerful... makes it less of an ethereal eminence. When you are good looking you have lineal/ natural force/ universal legacy command over women. And they lust after that.
The thing is, status, money, looks, prominence, prowess, power, etc. these are substances that create hormonal harmony with women. One they hunger for. While it's not dependent on looks... the main thing is that no matter WHAT base criteria a girl has, it's this.
Their base criteria is predicated primarily on a man having all of the features she wants in perfect blend with her hormonal/ financial/ life position hungerment/ desire. And the thing is, is that none of those characteristics on the checklist are common. They're supposed to be the exceptions in the rough. Women are creatures of refinement. Only the bargain basement bitches (and trust me, ONLY... ONLY those who can't get any in this internet/ tinder age) will pick men with characteristics that are common. Because their loneliness and low self esteem will just be happy with anyone who can have the right amount of a certain thing, whether common or not, to fulfill her hormonal hunger. Usually girls who feel lonely and worthless will like any guy who courts them. Or just those who need any substance at all.
All of the cahracteristics that pose up one's true individual definement. Any individual can get a charizard card. But it's the more rare/ difficult to attain/ exclusive to you traits that women desire.
Women have a more broad ranging criteria the more unimportant they feel. And women have a more perfect footing requirement the higher they feel about themselves, or inspite of their feelings/ perceptions... the more they feel they deserve. Many women will try for it, but many of them will think they're too unworthy and will just quit. The more value a woman has, the more likely they're willing to predicate their criteria on men who have distinctive/ individual-inborn-genetic dependent traits of value.