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Venting Why am I always like this?


Doomer Guy

Deleted my account because this site is so dumb...
Aug 29, 2022
As I probably already said billions of times in this forum: I like nothing. Absolutely nothing. I have no hobby, no activity I like, I'm extremely lonely, I have no friend, no one who loves me, no one who cares about me or to care about, no sense of purpose, no reason whatsoever to wake up in the morning, I rarely get out of my house and never socialized in years, etc.

But that's not even the worst part about my life.

The worst part is that, I can't do what I'm supposed to do, because I can't find the necessary willpower to take action.

I'm supposed to study, to go to college, get a degree, and get a good job, and my ancestors (parents, grand-parents, etc.) pretty much all have or had high-paying jobs and university diplomas.

But everything looks like I'm destined to end up being the ultimate loser of my bloodline. I'm too weak physically and mentally for a dead-end minimum wage job, too heavily addicted and dopamine-fried to study, and too ugly to realistically not die a virgin. If I continue this path, I'm going to die as a love-deprived, homeless person full of shame and with no self-esteem. My only hope is to get an office job, because again I'm too weak physically to do anything physical, but I did very good at all exams I completed so far and there seems to be a history of above average IQ in my bloodline.

I don't want to end like that ultimate loser, obviously. I want to avoid that, to study, to get degrees. But I have zero motivation and zero discipline. I heard so many times people telling me "you need to get sad and furious at yourself for being such a loser and use the anger and sadness as a fuel to do the right things" but the problem is that, I feel ZERO emotion. Yes, I say I want to change, but in reality I have zero emotion associated with it. Not even anger or fear. I can't get angry myself, I swear I tried millions of times to feel that way... :feelsbadman:

And tbh, I feel nothing deep down inside, I don't feel like I absolutely have to study, tried making me feel that way but never worked, so instead I always return to my old habit of NEETmaxxing & LDARmaxxing. :feelscry:

Also, my parents are just making things WORSE. They seem to have zero empathy for me and keep harshly judging me for being this way. They're clearly indicating to me that I'm not entitled to be depressed or lonely and complain about anything because according to them I have no reason to be in pain since I have a roof above my head and food and anything I need to survive. In fact, according to them I'm not even entitled to have any negative thoughts of bad feelings in my life, ever. They're just trying to make me study by all cost by shouting at me, insulting me and beating me. It's not effecting at changing my behavior or at making me feel better, though.

Why can't I escape my addictions? Why do I feel so empty inside? Why all my attempts to feel any emotion, motivation or to get disciplined always fail? :cryfeels:
Why am I such a loser? What's missing for me? What's the one thing I need to solve all of these problems but that I can't find? Why none of my attempts to get up from this state are successful? Why even the extreme possibility of ending as a shameful homeless person isn't enough to make me angry or get me out of this state? :cryfeels:

I'm CONVINCED roping is my only option, because I'm in the state described above since roughly 5-6 years. :feelsrope:
I can't even IMAGINE not being like this, like I COMPLETELY forgot how it is to not be like this, it's part of my identity at this point.

@Tryna Ascend
you are literally me
Ok this time I can’t relate, sorry. I think a man can be unattractive to foids but he should have some hobbies or interests that he’s passionate about, even though foids and normies don’t give a shit.
also, we men need a family, there's no other cope to live, wake up in the morning and go to work, so we can provide our family, but it was taken from us, so the only cope is hobby bullshit or entertaiment, but seems it isn't enough, i feel i gonna rope soon too, what life have in store for us?
I can't even IMAGINE not being like this, like I COMPLETELY forgot how it is to not be like this, it's part of my identity at this point.
This actually struck me jfl. I only just realised I really don't know what it's like to be normal. + I'm definitely emotionless too. I really do not give a flying fuck about anyone, maybe it's me being edgy at 23 or genuine misanthropy.

Just save up and move out imo, it's what i'm trying to do
Ok this time I can’t relate, sorry. I think a man can be unattractive to foids but he should have some hobbies or interests that he’s passionate about, even though foids and normies don’t give a shit.
because of my depression i dont even have the will to draw anymore, that was the best thing in my life and i cant to that anymore
As I probably already said billions of times in this forum: I like nothing. Absolutely nothing. I have no hobby, no activity I like
i know that feel :feelsbadman::feelscry:
i also have no motivation to do anything . no hobbies ,no interst but i am a wageslave in a highly physical work. i don't feel motivated to work i feel like a slave
because of my depression i dont even have the will to draw anymore, that was the best thing in my life and i cant to that anymore
When I’m depressed I either sleep the whole day or dive really deep into my hobbies to forget about the reality. Not saying I’m any better tho since my hobbies are solitary and the broad society still considers me a creep/loser, kek
because of my depression i dont even have the will to draw anymore, that was the best thing in my life and i cant to that anymore
I used to love gaming but can't bother doing that anymore due to my depression
The worst part is that, I can't do what I'm supposed to do, because I can't find the necessary willpower to take action.

It seems you need a metabolic panel first.

My sample(Whole Genome Sequencing; I also need a larger monitor)
As I probably already said billions of times in this forum: I like nothing. Absolutely nothing. I have no hobby, no activity I like, I'm extremely lonely, I have no friend, no one who loves me, no one who cares about me or to care about, no sense of purpose, no reason whatsoever to wake up in the morning, I rarely get out of my house and never socialized in years, etc.

But that's not even the worst part about my life.

The worst part is that, I can't do what I'm supposed to do, because I can't find the necessary willpower to take action.

I'm supposed to study, to go to college, get a degree, and get a good job, and my ancestors (parents, grand-parents, etc.) pretty much all have or had high-paying jobs and university diplomas.

But everything looks like I'm destined to end up being the ultimate loser of my bloodline. I'm too weak physically and mentally for a dead-end minimum wage job, too heavily addicted and dopamine-fried to study, and too ugly to realistically not die a virgin. If I continue this path, I'm going to die as a love-deprived, homeless person full of shame and with no self-esteem. My only hope is to get an office job, because again I'm too weak physically to do anything physical, but I did very good at all exams I completed so far and there seems to be a history of above average IQ in my bloodline.

I don't want to end like that ultimate loser, obviously. I want to avoid that, to study, to get degrees. But I have zero motivation and zero discipline. I heard so many times people telling me "you need to get sad and furious at yourself for being such a loser and use the anger and sadness as a fuel to do the right things" but the problem is that, I feel ZERO emotion. Yes, I say I want to change, but in reality I have zero emotion associated with it. Not even anger or fear. I can't get angry myself, I swear I tried millions of times to feel that way... :feelsbadman:

And tbh, I feel nothing deep down inside, I don't feel like I absolutely have to study, tried making me feel that way but never worked, so instead I always return to my old habit of NEETmaxxing & LDARmaxxing. :feelscry:

Also, my parents are just making things WORSE. They seem to have zero empathy for me and keep harshly judging me for being this way. They're clearly indicating to me that I'm not entitled to be depressed or lonely and complain about anything because according to them I have no reason to be in pain since I have a roof above my head and food and anything I need to survive. In fact, according to them I'm not even entitled to have any negative thoughts of bad feelings in my life, ever. They're just trying to make me study by all cost by shouting at me, insulting me and beating me. It's not effecting at changing my behavior or at making me feel better, though.

Why can't I escape my addictions? Why do I feel so empty inside? Why all my attempts to feel any emotion, motivation or to get disciplined always fail? :cryfeels:
Why am I such a loser? What's missing for me? What's the one thing I need to solve all of these problems but that I can't find? Why none of my attempts to get up from this state are successful? Why even the extreme possibility of ending as a shameful homeless person isn't enough to make me angry or get me out of this state? :cryfeels:

I'm CONVINCED roping is my only option, because I'm in the state described above since roughly 5-6 years. :feelsrope:
I can't even IMAGINE not being like this, like I COMPLETELY forgot how it is to not be like this, it's part of my identity at this point.

You're autistic lol. Congrats, you've become a zombie. You're what society leeches upon for its benefit, the wageslave.

Realistically I would wait until 40 before roping, if you get a good job and economic stability you could atleast enjoy your luxuries abit. Otherwise, I don't have anything for you. I felt the same but personal experience kept me going with rage, mostly hate of other people that severely wronged me in the past.
I can relate actually. I have had similar experiences and still do.

So why are so many of us like this?


See, that's the difference between an incel, a normie, a Chad, and a foid. All of them received different increments of types of reinforcement.

The typical incel would grow up with his developing years filled with negative reinforcement (or sometimes none at all which is just as effective). Since he is likely unattractive and non-neurotypical, the horns effect comes into play even with his own parents. While they may not necessarily even be "abusive" in the typical sense (although some certainly are) and may not even be aware of what they are doing, they likely are negatively affecting their growing incel son. Every time day he wakes up he is greeted with negative reinforcement. Punished or yelled at for some minimal infraction, never praised or complimented by others, denied assistance when he needs help, or just altogether ignored in general. And best of all, he has nobody to run to. Few or no friends to vent to, no trustworthy family members that he can talk about a problem with.


Normies, Chads, and foids live a life of privilege. Looks privilege. And almost all of them are unaware of it. They grew up with no horns effect (and in Chad or Stacy's cases they get a halo effect). And therefore they were receiving positive reinforcement during their developing years. Stacy and Chad were even praised for just being themselves or just existing. Even for the smallest things they likely recieved compliments and praise. Literally life on tutorial mode. And you can imagine that even when they faced a problem they had plenty of trustworthy friends and family to run to for help and assistance.

So you see that when an incel has no motivation or ambition or drive, and he is always depressed and lacks interests and feels like a loser constantly. It is because everyone treated him like he was already a loser before he even knew it. The negative consequences from his horns effect snowballed and turned him into the subhuman wretch we all see in the mirror everyday.

And of course the positive consequences from Chad's halo effect snowballed as well, and this turned him into an demigod figure, who is praised even when he is a criminal like Jeremy Meeks.
On some level I feel your pain, but are you actively doing anything to try and get out of this situation such as getting involved in some kind of club/organization or experimenting with new hobbies?
On some level I feel your pain, but are you actively doing anything to try and get out of this situation such as getting involved in some kind of club/organization or experimenting with new hobbies?
Don't know any club/organization I could go to + there's not really any hobbies I could like and practice.
You are like me, after some point you just don't care you become basically a zombie in life
parents like this act surprised to find their son's brains all over the house jfl

what addictions? dont fucking say porn
Ok this time I can’t relate, sorry. I think a man can be unattractive to foids but he should have some hobbies or interests that he’s passionate about, even though foids and normies don’t give a shit.
also, we men need a family, there's no other cope to live, wake up in the morning and go to work, so we can provide our family, but it was taken from us, so the only cope is hobby bullshit or entertaiment, but seems it isn't enough, i feel i gonna rope soon too, what life have in store for us?
"god damn i love being incel"
As I probably already said billions of times in this forum: I like nothing. Absolutely nothing. I have no hobby, no activity I like, I'm extremely lonely, I have no friend, no one who loves me, no one who cares about me or to care about, no sense of purpose, no reason whatsoever to wake up in the morning, I rarely get out of my house and never socialized in years, etc.

But that's not even the worst part about my life.

The worst part is that, I can't do what I'm supposed to do, because I can't find the necessary willpower to take action.

I'm supposed to study, to go to college, get a degree, and get a good job, and my ancestors (parents, grand-parents, etc.) pretty much all have or had high-paying jobs and university diplomas.

But everything looks like I'm destined to end up being the ultimate loser of my bloodline. I'm too weak physically and mentally for a dead-end minimum wage job, too heavily addicted and dopamine-fried to study, and too ugly to realistically not die a virgin. If I continue this path, I'm going to die as a love-deprived, homeless person full of shame and with no self-esteem. My only hope is to get an office job, because again I'm too weak physically to do anything physical, but I did very good at all exams I completed so far and there seems to be a history of above average IQ in my bloodline.

I don't want to end like that ultimate loser, obviously. I want to avoid that, to study, to get degrees. But I have zero motivation and zero discipline. I heard so many times people telling me "you need to get sad and furious at yourself for being such a loser and use the anger and sadness as a fuel to do the right things" but the problem is that, I feel ZERO emotion. Yes, I say I want to change, but in reality I have zero emotion associated with it. Not even anger or fear. I can't get angry myself, I swear I tried millions of times to feel that way... :feelsbadman:

And tbh, I feel nothing deep down inside, I don't feel like I absolutely have to study, tried making me feel that way but never worked, so instead I always return to my old habit of NEETmaxxing & LDARmaxxing. :feelscry:

Also, my parents are just making things WORSE. They seem to have zero empathy for me and keep harshly judging me for being this way. They're clearly indicating to me that I'm not entitled to be depressed or lonely and complain about anything because according to them I have no reason to be in pain since I have a roof above my head and food and anything I need to survive. In fact, according to them I'm not even entitled to have any negative thoughts of bad feelings in my life, ever. They're just trying to make me study by all cost by shouting at me, insulting me and beating me. It's not effecting at changing my behavior or at making me feel better, though.

Why can't I escape my addictions? Why do I feel so empty inside? Why all my attempts to feel any emotion, motivation or to get disciplined always fail? :cryfeels:
Why am I such a loser? What's missing for me? What's the one thing I need to solve all of these problems but that I can't find? Why none of my attempts to get up from this state are successful? Why even the extreme possibility of ending as a shameful homeless person isn't enough to make me angry or get me out of this state? :cryfeels:

I'm CONVINCED roping is my only option, because I'm in the state described above since roughly 5-6 years. :feelsrope:
I can't even IMAGINE not being like this, like I COMPLETELY forgot how it is to not be like this, it's part of my identity at this point.

Go ER on parents
hav u found a solution yet
Fuck modern society tbh. I wish I was a simple farmer

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