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Serious why ALL OF YOU must have a female fb account.



Its not over - its just never began
Aug 13, 2018
couple of years ago i opened a fake facebook acount with female pics.

alot of times fb groups can be helpful and amazing source of information - like when im trying to find a good sale on X game, looking for recommendation of something etc etc...
the problem for us that people like us get 0 responses alot of times. also some of us are so high inhb that they dont want to post from their fb...
EVERYTIME i ask a question from my female account i get tons of responses and those WK do everything to help me:

i tried to find a good price for fifa so i asked in gamers group - tons of comments + private messages with links and even some offered me their free account with older version of fifa.

i asked in a hardware group what can i do if my fps suddenly drop and my cpu heat hard, boom tons of guides and WK's offers to help me with teamviewer.

i had a question about some course i was interested in - boom tons of WK sharing their experiences.

i had a question about renewing my license so i asked in a car related group - boom tons of messages with help and guide and tips.

i wanted to know experiences about X medication or procedure - boom tons of messages.

its amazing. sometimes some semi-incels people even comment "ofcourse she get tons of help and im not..." lmao.

u must try it. the 2 huge benefits are obivously:
1. you dont need to ask questions from ur real FB.
2. you get much much much more help and info.

1. sometimes FB detect you are using a fake account and they will demand a phone number, to avoid that better use the fake account in a different browser and not in the same time your other fb is open.
2. make everything in ur profile private - if they will see u got 0 likes on pics or 0 friends they will know its fake so u must avoid that.
3. use pics of random females from other country so no1 will detect you... i think its best to use 5-7/10 females.
OP: Genius level IQ
Use female pictures from 3rd world countries
I'm doing this shit for 12 years
I've had plenty of female FB accounts, but I don't need help with anything like you're suggesting. How do you not know to diagnose your PC yourself or find info to make purchasing decisions? Jfl relying on randos for help, in general people don't know shit and their opinions are worthless.
Having a fb account in 2018...
my goal is to make people give me money
This is a good idea, men are so desperate they come crawling out like cockroaches when they see the slightest chance to help a foid. It's pathetic and should be exploited.
I wonder if the normies that are reading this thread have the brain power to see the bigger picture.
I've always wanted to stacyfish for shits and giggles tbh.
my goal is to make people give me money
I've had plenty of female FB accounts, but I don't need help with anything like you're suggesting. How do you not know to diagnose your PC yourself or find info to make purchasing decisions? Jfl relying on randos for help, in general people don't know shit and their opinions are worthless.
lol? i got a specifc laptop so i asked in a group of owners of the same laptop so it helped me.
about deals? whats the problem theres tons of stores and shit so it really help and also alot of times they give me free coupons.
trust me when u go to a fb group about specifc product/service/field (AKA mazda 3, iphone 7 etc etc) the people there can really really help you.
u must try it. the 2 huge benefits are obivously:
1. you dont need to ask questions from ur real FB.
2. you get much much much more help and info.

1. sometimes FB detect you are using a fake account and they will demand a phone number, to avoid that better use the fake account in a different browser and not in the same time your other fb is open.
2. make everything in ur profile private - if they will see u got 0 likes on pics or 0 friends they will know its fake so u must avoid that.
3. use pics of random females from other country so no1 will detect you... i think its best to use 5-7/10 females.
I'm doing this shit for 12 years
my goal is to make people give me money
taking money from cucks is prestige tier awesome

Larping as a female on the internet is living on god mode. We should all create a female larping incel syndicate tbh. Project the sell-free-porn-to-cucks business on a whole new level.
I've larped as a foid in the past to troll orbiters.

Never pretend to be female online.

That level of blackpill is where your brain decays into mush.
Yep, I've been doing this online for years. Don't go full female, though. You never go full female. The pros never lie about their gender when trying to make real friends because that sends you down a rabbit hole that no sane person ever wants to go into.
My friend did this once. Hundreds of currycels tried to befriend the account. Currycels are the biggest cucks tbhtbhtbh.
I already know that women live their lives on easy mode. I do not need to do any Facebook or Tinder experiments for that.
I've had plenty of female FB accounts, but I don't need help with anything like you're suggesting. How do you not know to diagnose your PC yourself or find info to make purchasing decisions? Jfl relying on randos for help, in general people don't know shit and their opinions are worthless.
That’s not the point.
The point is foids have access to support and info, to the point others will do the grunt work for them.
I already know that women live their lives on easy mode. I do not need to do any Facebook or Tinder experiments for that.
its not experiments . its helping YOU with stuff you need
That’s not the point.
The point is foids have access to support and info, to the point others will do the grunt work for them.
OP contradicts that:
its not experiments . its helping YOU with stuff you need

If you need help or advice from people on the internet (white knights no less) then you have failed at life independently of being incel.
But that’s not the point, it’s not about moralizing the resource, it’s about JFL at chumps giving time an energy and using it.
But that’s not the point, it’s not about moralizing the resource, it’s about JFL at chumps giving time an energy and using it.
OP said the point is to get those resources for yourself... and I said if you need the kind of help white knights will give foids over the internet, the problem is you sucking at life.
OP said the point is to get those resources for yourself... and I said if you need the kind of help white knights will give foids over the internet, the problem is you sucking at life.
jesus how fooking stupid can you be
i gave an examples for when i used it and it only helped me
i looked for good deal for fifa - i got tons of links and free coupons and offer for free accounts with older versios of fifa
i had a fps drop and cpu heat in my laptop so i asked about it in a specifc fb group for that laptop. alot of people there got 0 answers but i got TONS of help and people offered to teamviewer to help me
couple of years ago i opened a fake facebook acount with female pics.

alot of times fb groups can be helpful and amazing source of information - like when im trying to find a good sale on X game, looking for recommendation of something etc etc...
the problem for us that people like us get 0 responses alot of times. also some of us are so high inhb that they dont want to post from their fb...
EVERYTIME i ask a question from my female account i get tons of responses and those WK do everything to help me:

i tried to find a good price for fifa so i asked in gamers group - tons of comments + private messages with links and even some offered me their free account with older version of fifa.

i asked in a hardware group what can i do if my fps suddenly drop and my cpu heat hard, boom tons of guides and WK's offers to help me with teamviewer.

i had a question about some course i was interested in - boom tons of WK sharing their experiences.

i had a question about renewing my license so i asked in a car related group - boom tons of messages with help and guide and tips.

i wanted to know experiences about X medication or procedure - boom tons of messages.

its amazing. sometimes some semi-incels people even comment "ofcourse she get tons of help and im not..." lmao.

u must try it. the 2 huge benefits are obivously:
1. you dont need to ask questions from ur real FB.
2. you get much much much more help and info.

1. sometimes FB detect you are using a fake account and they will demand a phone number, to avoid that better use the fake account in a different browser and not in the same time your other fb is open.
2. make everything in ur profile private - if they will see u got 0 likes on pics or 0 friends they will know its fake so u must avoid that.
3. use pics of random females from other country so no1 will detect you... i think its best to use 5-7/10 females.

Yeeeeeeeah, you know there's this thing called google, every problem or thing I was interested in, I got information and answers just by using it, didn't need to do any convoluted BS like you state here.

Also nobody on these sites can really help you with "fringe" things because they are all normies, want to learn how to browse the deep web, won't get much help there, want to know the most recent site to pirate movies and tv shows, won't get much help there either. If you learn how to use google search properly like how to struture the sentences, key words to use, etc (especially with filters e.g. "site:", "filetype:", etc), you can find basically anything online.

This entire thing you described here is absolutely useless, you could have just googled and gotten this shit quicker, just be honest with yourself and admit that it is a cope, and escape for you to feel wanted, admired and important, you are just getting off on larping as a female.
jesus how fooking stupid can you be
Not so stupid to need randos from Facebook to tell me "what can i do if my fps suddenly drop and my cpu heat hard".

i gave an examples for when i used it and it only helped me
I'm sure someone could help you if they tied your shoelaces for you, but you shouldn't need help with some things.

This entire thing you described here is absolutely useless, you could have just googled and gotten this shit quicker, just be honest with yourself and admit that it is a cope, and escape for you to feel wanted, admired and important, you are just getting off on larping as a female.
Yeeeeeeeah, you know there's this thing called google, every problem or thing I was interested in, I got information and answers just by using it, didn't need to do any convoluted BS like you state here.

Also nobody on these sites can really help you with "fringe" things because they are all normies, want to learn how to browse the deep web, won't get much help there, want to know the most recent site to pirate movies and tv shows, won't get much help there either. If you learn how to use google search properly like how to struture the sentences, key words to use, etc (especially with filters e.g. "site:", "filetype:", etc), you can find basically anything online.

This entire thing you described here is absolutely useless, you could have just googled and gotten this shit quicker, just be honest with yourself and admit that it is a cope, and escape for you to feel wanted, admired and important, you are just getting off on larping as a female.
strong BS
i used it for things google couldnt help. i larp as females on bumble not on FB... i use it on FB just to get shit.
i used it for things google couldnt help.

Like what?, give me some examples, because there's never been a problem I couldn't find a solution for using google. Down to fixing my computer, I used google on my phone to get my computer working again, come on, give me a few things that "google couldn't help" with.

If what I'm saying is such strong BS it should be easy to come up with some legitimate examples.
Reminds me of when I made female characters on mmos so I could get free shit.
Now I feel kinda bad because I might have been exploting other incels, but that's what they get for trying to place nice guy online.

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