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Serious Why all incels should support Hamas

  • Thread starter Darth_Homosexualis
  • Start date
if you support a bunch of kykes over jihadists, you are NOT an incel, GO HAVE SEX
Based and mashallahpilled. It boggles my mind that there are users on this site that support kikeland
In nations where Hamas is considered a terrorist group, it is illegal to support them and display their insignia.
stil lwont get laid, even if israel is returned to your brethren. Keep coping.
Amazing thread!
Exactly. The cultural and moral dichotomy between the jews and the Palestinian Arabs is perfectly encapsulated by that video which shows jew sluts dancing in a drug induced state of hedonic euphoria awaiting chads cock whilst our honorable and heroic brothers in Jihad descend upon them in hang gliders to bring the wrath of Allah upon such debauchery. Incel Hamas warriors murdering filthy hedonic jew whores; is this not the greatest thing you have ever beheld?
The thing is this just one of the various and overwhelming reasons against the existence of Israel. Palestine is an actual country with an actual population that had its territory taken and given to a hostile people. Of course the entire region was going to become unstable. Again the British fuck the world. They are right behind the j00s.
I hate jews so much its unreal. Best part is that I used to be a Israel simp some 10 years ago, but as soon as I started to read and educate myself on the Jewish Question made me flip completely.
What made you change your mind?
1. Israel is an illegal state whose only justification for existing is that the British decided to turn what was then known as British Mandatory Palestine over to the jews as a means of compensating them for the collective loss they endured during the Holocaust.

2. The land which Israel occupies was, is and always will be, the ancestral homeland of the Palestinian Arabs and other Islamic people. The jews themselves were expelled from this land by the Assyrians under Nebuchadnezzar and a small and insular minority of them was subjugated and ruled over by the Roman Empire but the land itself was CONTINUOUSLY inhabited by Arabic peoples, before, during and after the jewish captivity.

3. Jewish claims of right to inhabit this land arise exclusively from a theological precedent which only has any meaning if you ascribe some moral, legal and metaphysical veracity to the text of the Pentateuch (Torah) which the ancient hebrews conveniently wrote for themselves precisely to serve as a justification and divine warrant for them to dispossess the Canaanites and Mideonites of the land they wanted for their covetous jewish selves.

4. Hamas, Hezbollah, the PLO, Islamic Jihad and all other true believers and genuine followers of the Prophet Mohammed, Blessings be upon Him, are all extremely reactionary, traditionalist and conservative in their cultural sensibilities, moral inclinations and their adherence to and enforcement of the Sharia. In Palestine, as in all other majority Muslim nations which respect the laws of Allah, women are relegated to subservient positions, made to serve their male overlords and are punished severely for any act of promiscuity or immodesty.

5. Israel represents the apotheosis of western materialism, moral debauchery, sexual licentiousness and whorish promiscuity. Just look at the contrast between those jew whores at their drug addled and sex fueled rave party in the desert, desecrating the Holy lands of Dar al Islam with their filthy western ways and the Holy Islamic Mujahedeen who were likely mostly incel type men themselves that brought righteous death and destruction upon the jews from their paragliders. See below for footage.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZ83Q7tM4A0


Palestine is ROMAN land, and as such it belongs to the Holy See. Jews and arabs can kill themselves elsewhere. #FreePalestine
You're german?

I hate jews so much its unreal. Best part is that I used to be a Israel simp some 10 years ago, but as soon as I started to read and educate myself on the Jewish Question made me flip completely.
I would unironically fight for Germany if I could go back in time. But of course, if I could go back in time I would kill that fat anglo Churchill before he could become Prime Minister, as well as killing the cripple kike puppet Roosevelt.

Fuck the jews, fuck degeneracy, fuck Israel, fuck women, fuck simps.
I'm from a mixed German-Romanian-Croatian heritage, though I most readily identify with my Germanic ancestry for obvious reasons And yes, the jews are masterful at spreading their vile, pro-israel propaganda and indoctrinating the heats and minds of all westerners with the notion that they somehow deserve their place in the desert and are the most expedient means of fighting terrorism in the place where it typically originates. Of course people are too ignorant, credulous and misinformed to bother to do their own diligence and discover for themselves that the original sin in the middle east was the usurpation of Arabic land by the UK and the subsequent granting of that land to jew who had no right to be there. Everything that has happened subsequently is merely a proximate and causal result of that inexorable historical truth.

BTW, I too fantasize about having been born about a hundred years ago and then serving as an officer either in the SS guarding the extermination camps or superintending the activities of the Einsatzgruppen. I would have raped, defiled and beaten to death many jew whores in much the same way as Amon Goeth (my SS officer hero from Schindlers List) treated his jew slaves.
Based and mashallahpilled. It boggles my mind that there are users on this site that support kikeland
Thank you brother, Blessings of Allah be upon you this day. Inshallah.
Jews play stupid games
Jews, that's wht they're lame.
What made you change your mind?
I was a neoconservative who hated degeneracy, and here in my country being Anti-Israel is a leftist position, for all the wrong (anti-colonialism, anti-white, anti-western) reasons.
I obviously hated the Left, as they promoted degeneracy and every social ill that has ever existed, and thus when I would see someone criticizing Israel, I would then assume they were leftists.
I unironically had a folder full of those cringe pro-Israel facebook political cartoons

But based people would obviously debunk me, and thus I decided to research more to refute those anti-israeli bigots.
That research slowly led me to uncover the true face of the jew, how they are behind everything bad in the world for the last 200-300 years AT LEAST, and are responsible fro our great modern society of degeneracy and sodomy.
I was never the same.
These days I support everything that is anti-Israel, anti-jew and anti-globohomo.

Of course people are too ignorant, credulous and misinformed to bother to do their own diligence and discover for themselves that the original sin in the middle east was the usurpation of Arabic land by the UK and the subsequent granting of that land to jew who had no right to be there. Everything that has happened subsequently is merely a proximate and causal result of that inexorable historical truth.
Balfur Declaration is an abomination, the UK had no right to give the Holy Land to these parasites.
The only even remotely legitimate homeland the jew has is Madagascar
BTW, I too fantasize about having been born about a hundred years ago and then serving as an officer either in the SS guarding the extermination camps or superintending the activities of the Einsatzgruppen. I would have raped, defiled and beaten to death many jew whores in much the same way as Amon Goeth (my SS officer hero from Schindlers List) treated his jew slaves.
I wouldn't have done that if only because I would have sought to exterminate as many jews as possible. The LESS jews there are in the world, the better it is. Places like Poland and the rest of Eastern Europe, as well as the Baltics and the Netherlands, should be grateful for the germans for having cleansed them of the eternal jew.
Its a pity reacherous partisans interfered and made it so the infestation in places like Denmark was allowed to flee.
Unfortunately Hamas is probably funded by Israel themselves so they have a justification to continue occupying Palestine.
Balfur Declaration is an abomination, the UK had no right to give the Holy Land to these parasites.
The only even remotely legitimate homeland the jew has is Madagascar

I wouldn't have done that if only because I would have sought to exterminate as many jews as possible. The LESS jews there are in the world, the better it is. Places like Poland and the rest of Eastern Europe, as well as the Baltics and the Netherlands, should be grateful for the germans for having cleansed them of the eternal jew.
Its a pity reacherous partisans interfered and made it so the infestation in places like Denmark was allowed to flee.

Yeah exactly right on the first point. Its as though the jews are staking a claim that dates back to pre-historical and mythical times which is in accordance with their own contrived conception of their self-serving religious texts and thereby ignoring the axiomatic and universally recognized legal principle of adverse possession which renders their claim both moot and preposterous on its face. Imagine the current inhabitants of the city of Rome attempting to assert their rightful dominion over the entire western and central Medeterreanian along with most of western Europe. In principle this is indistinguishable from what they jews have been allowed to get away with.

Raping and inflicting torture and abuse on jew whores is not only the rightful prerogative of an SS-Hauptsturmfuhrer and kommandant of a KZ but likewise a just and fitting punishment for a lifetime of sexual depravity, moral degeneracy and general promiscuity. But I do agree with the misalignment of values inherent to the eastern occupied territories and how the forces of nationalism conspired to make unholy alliances between the jewish saviors and so-called patriots. The jews are downright Machiavellian in devising means by which to exploit the power, credulity and resources of the world in furtherance of their own diabolical objectives.
Extremely based post with actual facts fellow brocel
Well just understand that when it comes to the israel Palestinian dichotomy, the promiscuous whores will always be the jews and the based Jihad Brothers in Incel arms will always be the Muslims. From that axiomatic fact alone, you should know which side to stand with.

no, they are still just a bunch of savages
I was a neoconservative who hated degeneracy, and here in my country being Anti-Israel is a leftist position, for all the wrong (anti-colonialism, anti-white, anti-western) reasons.
I obviously hated the Left, as they promoted degeneracy and every social ill that has ever existed, and thus when I would see someone criticizing Israel, I would then assume they were leftists.
I unironically had a folder full of those cringe pro-Israel facebook political cartoons

But based people would obviously debunk me, and thus I decided to research more to refute those anti-israeli bigots.
That research slowly led me to uncover the true face of the jew, how they are behind everything bad in the world for the last 200-300 years AT LEAST, and are responsible fro our great modern society of degeneracy and sodomy.
I was never the same.
These days I support everything that is anti-Israel, anti-jew and anti-globohomo.
Very interesting. This kind of change of mind gives righteousness to the the anti-israel side. As someone who changed side, you have accepted both perspectives and chose the rightful one.
Incels should support every force that goes against the AngloZionist world order. This includes but is not limited to:

- Hamas and Hezbollah
- Taliban
- Russia
- Mass immigration into Anglo countries and their NATO vassals (this excludes Hungary who have a based leader and maybe Croatia).
You don't want jock redneck culture back trust.

I offer a way to destroy it and help nerd incels.
Thank you brother. Blessings of Allah be upon you this day. Inshallah.
You're welcome brother, May Allah bless you and all the Muslims reading this post too. Alhamdulilah
Extremely based post with actual facts fellow brocel
Thank you my brother and may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon your this day. Inshallah.
no, they are still just a bunch of savages
In the words of "V" from V for Vendetta, "what they did to me was monstrous and as such, they've created a monster". When you dehumanize a people by dispossessing them of their homeland, treating them like wild animals, imprisoning and beating them without due process, then you brutalize them and make them bestial. I support the Palestinians in all things and may Allah Bless Holy Hamas.
That's a lot of words for "Jew bad".

But you niggas need to make your point SOUND more nuanced then it actually is...
There is no reason, at all, why I should support Arab terrorists, who are otherwise diametrically opposed to the interests of white people.
There is no reason, at all, why I should support Arab terrorists, who are otherwise diametrically opposed to the interests of white people.
Wrong. Palestinian Arabs like Islamic Jihad, the PLO, Hamas and Hezbollah all embrace a far more conservative, reactionary and traditionalist conception of the world which is antithetical to the debauchery, moral degeneracy and sexual promiscuity that is advocated by and extolled as virtuous in the west. This is a battle for the hearts and minds of the people of the earth. Would you rather live in immoral, licentious depravity where stacy and chad flaunt their promiscuous sexuality in the face of all brother incels or, would you prefer to live in the Holy lands of Dar al Islam, where foid whores are properly brought to swift justice in accordance with Allah's Will and have their hands and heads cut off for any insolent behavior or slutty promiscuity? If you are a true incel, the question answers itself.
I do not support Hamas because my government said they are a terrorist organization. I must do what my government says. :D
I do not support Hamas because my government said they are a terrorist organization. I must do what my government says. :D
Fuck the government and btw, if you're a USAcel, like I am, you have every right to at least EXPRESS your support for any group, regardless of whether it has been labeled as a terrorist organization by the State Department. The Nazi Party was adjudged to be a criminal organization during the course of the Nuremburg Trials but many people in the US openly display their love and support for Nazi ideology by conspicuously flaunting swastikas banners, portraits of Hitler and other paraphernalia. Freedom of speech protects offensive speech including so-called "hate speech", unless it includes threats of a particularized nature. So again, I proudly support my Islamic Brothers in Arms and their Blessed war against the jew oppressors.
Fuck the jews, race of parasites.

High IQ post, i'd like to learn more about islam tho, like, wasn't abraham a jew?

I don't follow christianity since jesus said: "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel" Matthew 15 24, he literally says he was only sent to save the jews, why the fuck so many people follow christianity then? Since it was supposed to be a jew-exclusive reform.

He also called non jews dogs: "It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs" Matthew 15 26
and you are saying its not?
The Nazis weren't criminals, they were our saviours. They tried to save the world from the jewish hell we have been living in for 80 years.
This is an incel forum. Everything about it is edgy, gtfo
idiot pretending like nazis didnt murder just ordinary civilians for fun or bcs they were "enemies of the state". I just dont know what jews got to do with incels and quite frankly tired of these jew/nigger obssesed schizophrenics on this forum. For example in my country there is hardly any jews and im still a fucking incel
Salafism is based
and you are saying its not?
No, I am stating an incontrovertible historical fact as it is demonstrative of the larger point I was making which pertained to freedom of speech and the permissiveness of the constitutional law in our country towards that which can be regarded even as hate speech. Learn to read in context and to reconcile my conclusions with the facts I am adducing in furtherance of a particular point.
Fuck the jews, race of parasites.

High IQ post, i'd like to learn more about islam tho, like, wasn't abraham a jew?

I don't follow christianity since jesus said: "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel" Matthew 15 24, he literally says he was only sent to save the jews, why the fuck so many people follow christianity then? Since it was supposed to be a jew-exclusive reform.

He also called non jews dogs: "It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs" Matthew 15 26
Each of the three major monotheisms is essentially a plagiarism of that which preceded it since Islam incorporates and must presuppose the truth of Christianity (Christ is regarded as a Prophet amongst Muslims) while Christianity must take on the moral liabilities inherent in the Old Testament which is full of immoral nonsense and all manner of depraved idiocy. I've never found religious texts to be particularly sensible or even intellectually coherent but they do offer a viable and pragmatic set of ethical guidelines which can then be used to structure ones life or indeed, ones entire society, as is routinely done in the more conservative Muslim nations. Islam offers a practical validation of Blackpill ideology by mandating that foids be kept subordinate to the overlordship of men and that they be punished mercilessly for any sexual impropriety or promiscuity. Look at the morality police in Saudi Arabia or the Taliban in Afghanistan. They have the great honor of enforcing the Sharia on behalf of Allah and thereby cutting off hands and heads of promiscuous whores who dare defy Gods laws.
Absolutely. You have assimilated a much broader point then the one that I am making here but in so doing, you see the forest from the proverbial trees my friend. That is exactly the sort of conceptual and interpretive framework I have for the issue myself in that it is the newfangled, progressive, liberalized western cultures that are arrayed against the conservative, reactionary and traditionalist forces in this world. One seeks to promote sexual deviance, repudiation of Gods laws, subjective morality and whorish freedom for foids while the other seeks the maintenance of order through power, reverence for Gods laws, rule of patriarchy and severe punishment of whorish behavior.
Hezbollah is shia. I can islamically marry a Jewess but I cannot marry a 12er shiite. I side with Islam in Palestine and everywhere in the world, regardless of any man-made originations.
Hezbollah is shia. I can islamically marry a Jewess but I cannot marry a 12er shiite. I side with Islam in Palestine and everywhere in the world, regardless of any man-made originations.
man-made organisations*
Based. The joos created feminism and Tinder. Fuck em.
Hezbollah is shia. I can islamically marry a Jewess but I cannot marry a 12er shiite. I side with Islam in Palestine and everywhere in the world, regardless of any man-made originations.
Inshallah my Brother. Islam is the perfect theology for incels as it is perfectly complimentary to the ideology of the Blackpill and it mandates the brutal but just enforcement of the Sharia on foids to ensure they are subordinated to the rulership of men at all times and in all places. May Allah give our brothers the strength to spread the one true faith to the ends of the earth so that foidkind may finally be relegated to its rightful condition of slavery.
i hope all muslims and jew end up killing each other that’s the best outcome
No. Islam is perfectly complimentary and symmetrical to the ideology of the Blackpill. It mandates the subjugation, subordination and virtual enslavement of all foids in accordance with the precepts of holy Sharia law. All Muslim majority countries which take their faith seriously are the most perfect manifestations of pure patriarchy you will see anywhere on earth and in history since perhaps medieval Europe. For this reason alone, all incels should be required to either implicitly or tacitly support and embrace the principles of Islam. May Allah guide you to this higher truth, brocel.
Based. The joos created feminism and Tinder. Fuck em.
Exactly. May Hamas, in conjunction with the Blessed nuclear scientists of Iran complete the Final Solution to the worlds jewish problem.
low iq, low effort and entirely presumptuous and ignorant post. Have you seen my post history and my own illustrious record as a leader of men on this site? How dare you make such a disgusting an unprecedentedly stupid insinuation? Furthermore, everything I've stated is historically and geopolitically accurate. I've been a student of this conflict for many years now and have always supported the right to Palestinian self-determination.
Anyone who is an enemy of the kikes is my ally
You’re right islam is based and i agree with sharia law and the rules in islam but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s a made up religion and that there is no proof for gods existence.
I agree with you on the last point. I find all religion to be fatuous in its claims, bereft of any tangible evidentiary support and almost always intellectually incomprehensible. I was an atheist for most of my life but recently discovered the moral value which Islam can provide in addition to its general social/cultural expediency for our movement as incels. Religion isn't merely a means by which to get closer to God but it is also a way of structuring your value system so that it is compatible with the advancement of your ideals. It seems to me that Islam has tremendous utility in the context of this second consideration.
Anyone who is an enemy of the kikes is my ally
Well said brocel. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, so said the great Machiavelli himself. As such, the enemies of the jews and the enemies of all promiscuous and whorish foids are by definition the allies of all incels. Incidentally, our Islamic Brothers in Jihad arms have nearly equal contempt for both jews and whore which they perceive as mutually debasing and defiling the laws of Allah with their degenerate conduct. Inshallah brother.
I don't mind that arab-muslims take control of the whole territory of Palestine and rule it as they wish, as long as they allow the christians to visit the Holy Sepuchre of Jerusalem and the Nativity Church in Bethlehem.

I have deep respect for muslims and their prophet Muhammad, may peace be upon him, but they must understand that we the christians need to make a pilgrimage to the holy places where the son of our Lord was born and was crucifixied at least once in our lives.
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