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Who was the Uglyist Guy to post his Picture on Incels?



Nov 12, 2017
Who is the ugliest truecel to post his pic?
Don't remember.

But most folks, even Incels, sugarcoat it when a truly ugly dude posts a pic. I remember a PM or two from ugly dudes who wanted rating.
existentialhack said:
Don't remember.

But most folks, even Incels, sugarcoat it when a truly ugly dude posts a pic. I remember a PM or two from ugly dudes who wanted rating.

What PSL rating would you give Dylan Klebold?
Very few truecels actually posted their face. The only retards that post their face are fakecels that want to troll or gather attention. I think Yellowops2cel was a truecel, especially since he's an asian american
some black 16 year old, i think the average hand was bigger than his whole skull
modus_coperandi said:
What PSL rating would you give Dylan Klebold?

Somewhere around a 2.5, you?

He's about as ugly as you can get without being deformed. All he had going for him was being tall and clear skin. He had kind of a nice, non-threatening (kek) face, but I'm probably projecting that based on what I read about him.

existentialhack said:
Somewhere around a 2.5, you?

He's about as ugly as you can get without being deformed. All he had going for him was being tall and clear skin. He had kind of a nice, non-threatening (kek) face, but I'm probably projecting that based on what I read about him.

Below 3 too I guess. Eric mogged him hard.
CopingGymcel said:
I hope you're not serious  :( Now I feel bad.
I am. I'm a truly hideous creature. 
Gymcelling in school did nothing for me other than make people stop me calling by nicknames because I got scarily swolen.

Children in public spaces often tell the worst things about my face to their parents. Such is the life of a truecel.
modus_coperandi said:
Below 3 too I guess. Eric mogged him hard.

Yeah. Eric was on the shorter side though, I think.
Alex_Bones said:
I am. I'm a truly hideous creature. 
Gymcelling in school did nothing for me other than make people stop me calling by nicknames because I got scarily swolen.

Children in public spaces often tell the worst things about my face to their parents. Such is the life of a truecel.

I am truly sorry, mein fellow incel. May your next life be kinder.
I also think that the ugliest one was Londonguy.
Sparky said:
STblackops2cel, Jsanza and others all mog Londonguy

Even his morph looks weird and feminine, not a slayer at all. He’s one of the truestcels to ever exist.
amincel said:
It would be me

Holy shit, that whole time I thought you had a monkey mask on but then I zoomed it, I'm sorry man.
Weren't people who posted their pics on r/incels generally average-looking normies? Pretty sure they just wanted attention
except knajjd, he could trap and make all the high school girlies wet with his prettyboy looks
Those who post their face are usually 4+ and looking for validation. Truecels don't need confirmation and they know they won't get positive validation. They know they would be mocked if they put their photo online. This is why you never see truecels, even though many post here.
alsalsk said:
Holy shit, that whole time I thought you had a monkey mask on but then I zoomed it, I'm sorry man.

ya i know, im also 5'5" its very sad
who is londonguy? someone post a pic
Sparky said:
STblackops2cel, Jsanza and others all mog Londonguy

Stblackops2cel never used PSLI, /r/incels or any incel sites.  At least there's no evidence that he did.  Just a bunch of incels reposting his pic.
Sparky said:
I was just using him as an example of someone who was prominent among the incel community. Sorry for the confusion 

Just out of curiosity, did he post his pic to amiugly or truerateme?

Someone posted his pics to /amiugly/, but his original pics were from a Romanian gaming forum or something.
Sparky said:
I always thought amiugly was bluepilled af

Only towards ugly and average people. They can't really do the same blue pill shit towards extremely ugly people, because then it becomes way too obvious.
StemCel137 said:
some black 16 year old, i think the average hand was bigger than his whole skull

You're one of the best looking guys I've seen on incels.is or r/incels so far. If I had your face, jeez, I'd feel so blessed. I'd have a gf right now. :@ :dodgy:
FACEandLMS said:
You're one of the best looking guys I've seen on incels.is or r/incels so far. If I had your face, jeez, I'd feel so blessed. I'd have a gf right now. :@ :dodgy:

5´8 manlet high in norhtern germany + ethnic :). basically playing on hard mode
None of them.  Everytime someone posted a pic they ended up being a 5-7/10 failed normie.
There was a guy with a skinny, blackops2cel-esque face and a lazy eye who posted about two months ago.
ordinaryotaku said:
There was a guy with a skinny, blackops2cel-esque face and a lazy eye who posted about two months ago.

Fuck that actually describes me except my face is bloated.
Sparky said:

I had a feeling it was that guy you're talking about. I know a guy who went to my high school who looks exactly like that, except with normal eyes. He's also a manlet. Coming to think of it... everybody always loved him because of his personality, but I had never seen him with a girl. The blackpill was there in front of my eyes and I didn't swallow it because I was too bluepilled at the time. Holy shit.
Sparky said:
Honestly, Londonguy should replace stblackops2cel as our mascot

Definitely. I mean, think about it... there's a lot of currycels, blackcels and ricecels here. The cucktears keep thinking we're white supremacists, jfl.
Sparky said:
I don’t think it’s fair that whites are viewed as the most attractive race; but intrisic attraction and morality are mutually exclusive. I bet the guys on cucktears would also not date someone based on their race but would masquerade their reasons for rejecting them with something else so they can take the moral high ground.

I don't think whites are the most attractive race, to me that's mixed race people. And that's very true, they would definitely find a way to excuse their racism.
Sparky said:
Depends on the mix to be honest 

I reckon Nordic mixed with med could create a turbochad.

I’m mixed myself but it’s half British, half Arab

Black/white mix is the best. I have yet to see an ugly black/white person
Sparky said:
Depends on the mix to be honest 

I reckon Nordic mixed with med could create a turbochad.

I’m mixed myself but it’s half British, half Arab

I have seen non-white mixed race people and they still look hot. I mean, look at Tyson Beckford. He's black/Asian. Half British/Arab is a nice combo, similar to Zayn Malik's girlfriend, Gigi Hadid. She's not that good looking if you ask me, he's dating under. Any pics of yourself floating around? I can't imagine mixed people being incels.
Sparky said:
Only really good thing that came out of the white/Arab mix for me was having green eyes, long, dark eyelashes and dark eyebrows.

On the downside the average height in Iraq (where my dad is from) is 5”5. I’m currently 5”7 but mk-677 should bring me up to at least 5”9 as i’m still young enough for it to make me grow taller

Also got slightly close set eyes (typical Arab feature) which aren’t noticeable now but MK-677 will likely widen my zygos (I have high set cheekbones) so that it will be noticeable. Might end up needing a box osteotomy

Sounds like you've got some serious eye halo going on. You must be mentalcel. :-/
Sparky said:
It’s the manletism and Zyros tier frame. But I guess I am a mentalcel as well due to being diagnosed with autism but I work so hard on trying to conceal it.

There's hope for you. :p  It's over for me though. :-/
Sparky said:
I’ve been told by the 3 users that I PM’d my pic to that I could looksmax to at least a PSL 7. I don’t know if it’ll be enough considering my autism, it’s not to do with weird tendencies as I spent ages trying to learn what is socially acceptable. It’s more to do with body language and at this point, it’s probably easier to looksmax then rectify it

PM me your pics, I'll give you a good, accurate rating.

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