Dude, I legit haven't seen a guy who's more potentially unattractive than Blackops2cel in all the posts here. Most guys are somewhat average and yes that combined with never even trying will result in nothing ever happening, don't expect femoids to drop out of the sky, are you as daft as ER, seriously?
What I have heard most people say is "me so ugly". Boy, if we could replace "me" with "yo momma" in each of those laments, we'd get some classy yo momma jokes right here. And then most pull up these decent pictures. I mean, not Chad tier but still, this ain't no troglodyte den, not as much as many people would like to point out, reality just doesn't fit this narrative.
I've got scars on my face and crooked teeth and I'm balding and I'm 30. And I approach girls and I get rejected, and, guess what, the world doesn't end, the earth doesn't split open and doesn't eat me. Actually, I care less and less and less about oh the humiliation of being rejected.
Maybe some of you guys need more balls, not more face. Ballcell, now that's something for the glossary.