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Who fucks over their race more? White women or asian women?

Who is the bigger traitor to their own race?

  • White women

    Votes: 60 46.5%
  • Asian women

    Votes: 62 48.1%
  • Curry women

    Votes: 7 5.4%

  • Total voters


Dec 28, 2017
Basically, who betrays their own men, sides with invaders, votes away rights, etc. and does it more than any other group?

I vote for white women, tbh. They've voted themselves into getting unlimited free shit in america.
Tbh asian women rather fuck an omega white guy than a top 1% gook. Can confirm
Asians, no contest, anyone who says Curries or Whites is copeing in some kind of weird way
asians are evil mostly when they're abroad, that's when they try to larp as some kind of uber white woman, mimicking and amplifying all their flaws
white women are the same evil shit everywhere they go
Whites because there are more asian foids on this planets than white ones.
Whites because there are more asian foids on this planets than white ones.
the good ol' "just have much less children than the opposing tribes" strategy, always a winner
White women, they prefer to date & mate outside of their race. They also like to fuck dogs.
5 years ago I'd have said asians, but lately white (and (((white people like me)))) foids moreso to virtue signal, though for all that virtue signalling they still don't mate outside their race as much as asian foids do, it's just a performance they do for instagram likes. I don't know anything about curry foids, but I've never met a curry couple who met in the US, only immigrants who met in India before moving. I work with several curries and they're all bluepilledcels.
White women, they prefer to date & mate outside of their race. They also like to fuck dogs.
And they eat the dogs. Atleast in some Asian countries like China and South Korea.
And they eat the dogs. Atleast in some Asian countries like China and South Korea.
Thats only if you're referring to Chinese noodlewhores but if you're talking about white foids that immigrate to China & South Korea that would be a different story altogether. The white women would introduce the noodlewhores how great dog dick feels.
Thats only if you're referring to Chinese noodlewhores but if you're talking about white foids that immigrate to China & South Korea that would be a different story altogether. The white women would introduce the noodlewhores how great dog dick feels.
Yes i meant asian foids, i haven't slept enough tonight.
Noodlewhores of course. AFWM way outnumbers AMWF, although some members here have raised pretty good points about the liberalism/SJW-ness of white foids.

Both Asian and White women treat the good looking guys good and treat the ugly guys poorly. Being ignored is far better than negative reactions. It all depends on the guys looks.
Western asians for sure.

Atleast most white women date within their race (check statistics) whereas these asians have the highest interracial dating percentage.
White women, they prefer to date & mate outside of their race. They also like to fuck dogs.

Originally voted for Asian then saw this.

Yeah white foids.
I know French girls copulated with Nazis but I don't have a a sufficient knowledge of history to make an accurate informed decision.
Whites, sure they're all whores regardless of race that reject their own men & go for chads of other races but whites promote brining in shit to their countries that brings the crime rate up & they're privileged as fuck with endless orbiters while pushing feminism non stop.

All around well poisoners.
White, indisputably

Asian women are pretty bad too, but they just don't come close to what white foids have done to their own people
Asian women are the worst. A white foid can have a white bf it is not the case for asian whores.
White. Asian women i can somehow understand since white men are better looking. White women betray their own race even though its probably the highest genetic quality race.

Abd lets not mention the fact that white women are more likely to fuck dogs.
White women, they fuck only with chads, even the ugly ones are the most entitled whores in the world. At least asian foids can settle with average or even incel males , white foids even landwhales are sooo entitled... And they are the most privilege "human beeing" in the world. They fuck with dogs and don't give a shit about their race dying.
White women are the worst.
White women are the biggest whores because they are considered the prettiest by most people and so they have endless options to choose from therefore unlimited ego
white. theres already a billion chinese and hundreds of imllions jap/kor/sea, asians arent going extinct any time soon, whites are going extinct rapidly, therefore white women fuck it more
White foids, 100% no doubt. There's no shortage of blacks and asians, so whites are the biggest traitors
White foids are by far the biggest race traitors.
I'm hoping that the white race will die out soon ngl, it basically means that everyone will die tbh
Sexually it's asian women, overall it's white women.
Why is white women in this list, those go for white chads mostly. Stop coping with the BBC myth its already debunked.
White, it is an objective fact.
White foids invented feminism.
White foids are constantly lusting for ethnic thug BBCs.
white foids don't want black children but they want bbc there is a difference
Shitskin nigger cope.
I'm hoping that the white race will die out soon ngl, it basically means that everyone will die tbh
If the White race die out you will be kowtowing to your ricecel overlords.
Etnic foids only racemix in the west, in their own countries they try to keep their families happy and marry someone of their own race. But the major reason for why I think white ones are the worst is because they are destroying their own countries for the sake of getting some rapefugee dick. If that isn't fucking over you race, I don't know what is.
I don't expect some foid in China or Japan to become the most powerful person in national politics and then just flood her country with niggers and muslims. But it happened in Europe.
Shitskin nigger cope.
White women maybe don't racemix as much, but stuff like voting for leftist parties, feminism, bad private behavior like slutting around, divorce, single motherhood, growing old and infertile without getting into a long-term relationship and not learning how to be a proper housewife is much more harmful, than a couple of percentage points more of interracial relationships.

I get that an individual woman can't really do much against the wider social problems, but the same is true for men. Like at some point we have to be accountable for our actions. 40+ Roasties can't blame men that they never settled down, have no kids and will die alone. Like sure, if we lived in a traditional society, that would probably not have happened on that scale, but we all face the same challenges.
White women go out of their way to hurt and fuck over their own men as well as date outside of their race.
In all honesty though, this is a contest with no real winners - men getting fucked over by women benefits no one of value.
White women are the reason why the white race is slowly dying.
Cope if you think it’s white women. Back when I was in denial and joined dating sites, the vast majority of white foids specified they only wanted white partners. White women see non-white men as repulsive and of low economic prospect, unless he’s a Tyrone athlete.
In any western country, it seems half of Asian foids are with a man of another race (mostly white).
Asian, no question.
asian foids

curry foids are equally as ugly as their male counterparts so they are less likely to mix

white foids specifically go for white males and will go for a white nerd over an ethnic chad

asian foids are horny for white dick, literally asian gigastacy will go for white low tier normie if he has blonde hair and blue eyes
but the male to female ratio in these countries are bad

there are more males in those countries than females
'Asian Americans of both genders who are U.S.-raised are much more likely to be married to Whites than their non-U.S.-raised counterparts. A 1998 Washington Post article states 36% of young Asian Pacific American men born in the United States married White women, and 45% of U.S.-born Asian Pacific American women took White husbands during the year of publication.[17]'

both male and female Asian pacific Americans born in the states have high rate of interacial marriages, preferably with a white European American, but that was back in 1998, a lot may have changed in 20 years.

in China, of the Chinese foids who marry , 99%+ of the time , it would be with another Chinese man, the population is 99%+ Chinese.

in the States, 70% of the population is considered White European(many have African Negroid and Asiatic Mongoloid DNA in them).
and of the white foids that marry, 93% of the time it will be with another predominantly white European American.
Asians, no contest, anyone who says Curries or Whites is copeing in some kind of weird way

Dude the Asian and White bar are almost equal in the poll, that makes no fucking sense, what kind of idiots are voting, what asian men face is not even comparable to what any other race faces

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