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Venting Who else as a young teen went on YouTube and searched “how to get a girl to like me” or something under those lines.



George Bush Did The Holocaust
May 29, 2018
Looking back on it, I used to spend hours daily on searching how to get a girl to like me or how to get a girlfriend. I was so bluepilled, but my nature knew why I was constantly getting rejected. I had tried being funny ( I made foids laugh with ease), I had tried being a gentleman and I had tried being charismatic in every way possible and I STILL LOST TO A CHAD THAT WOULD JUST SAY SOMETHING LIKE “hey” LIKE WTF. Fucking foids.
Yes I did that and found TheRedPill.


Ran into a bunch of redpilled bullshit about personality.
Even at a young age I found it weird how the redpillers never mentioned appearance.
na but as a kid I did google "sex with <my name>" once. Also would get off on writing female classmate's names in DS pictochat
no i already knew it was over
I did.. I must’ve been like 12.. the exact words in the article I read were “girls want an awesome guy” and I remember thinking “wtf do I have to do to be awesome? I’m the opposite of awesome. My life is so mundane and boring”

The article said absolutely nothing about being tall and good looking.
I did.. I must’ve been like 12.. the exact words in the article I read were “girls want an awesome guy” and I remember thinking “wtf do I have to do to be awesome? I’m the opposite of awesome. My life is so mundane and boring”

The article said absolutely nothing about being tall and good looking.

Typical (((mainstream))) article about getting a gf tbhtbh
Only to laugh at it. I "knew" at the time that women liked interesting men. I dint know that they liked attractive, interesting men.
My teen years were before YouTube.
I did this in my mid 20's, before that I was absolutely clueless of any black or red pills.
My teen years were before YouTube.
Same, maybe that's why I didn't do it sooner.
I did at 19. Found Pua, then misc > trp > sluthate > lookism > mgtow > incels.is.
Yes. Found trp first.
I remember typing this into google at 19. Little did I know,
Obviously. I downloaded tons of books about getting a gf and followed them religiously for years. So much time wasted.
Looking back on it, I used to spend hours daily on searching how to get a girl to like me or how to get a girlfriend. I was so bluepilled, but my nature knew why I was constantly getting rejected. I had tried being funny ( I made foids laugh with ease), I had tried being a gentleman and I had tried being charismatic in every way possible and I STILL LOST TO A CHAD THAT WOULD JUST SAY SOMETHING LIKE “hey” LIKE WTF. Fucking foids.
If you can make a woman genuinely laugh you are halfway into her pants. You should focus on and improve your skills in this area.

Everyone loves a funny guy.
Fucking pieces of shit lied to us
If you can make a woman genuinely laugh you are halfway into her pants. You should focus on and improve your skills in this area.

Everyone loves a funny guy.
Nah I’m too physically repulsive. Looking at me makes their stomachs turn.
I tried it but didnt work obviously
Nah I’m too physically repulsive. Looking at me makes their stomachs turn.
If that were true, they wouldn’t be laughing. Truly ugly men are rejected socially even when they are funny.
Every single search always ended up with just be kuntfedent. Like what the fuck is that supposed to mean?
Every single search always ended up with just be kuntfedent. Like what the fuck is that supposed to mean?
“Just be cOnFidenTz bro” :bluepill::bluepill::bluepill:
I did pua for a short time,it was weird as fuck
with the creeped out women
I wrote exactly that, but on Google. Then found out about PUA and my 500+ unsuccessful approaches journey was bound to begin.
Youtube wasn't around when I was a young teen...modems made weird sounds and there were just chat rooms and newsgroups and a few websites.
I bought books, searched the internet until i saw PUA is all about selling false hope.

PUA is like those "quantum healing" techniques that sell hope.

I was 18 when it came out and around 19 when I really got an account and started watching YT so I guess I don't really fall under this umbrella as much as the younger users here but I do remember being 18/19 and in college and couldn't get a girl to even look at me to save my life. I used to browse on YT all night after work and classes and watch PUA videos and "Pranks" that were funny so you could get a girl to kiss you. That type of stuff
>how to get a girl to kiss you
>how to ask a girl on a date
>how to tell if a girl likes you
>how to tell if a girl wants to have sex
>how to have fun
>how to get invited to a party
>funny jokes to tell girls

>male dancing videos
>how to dance
>how to dance with a girl
(I used to overhear girls always wanted to dance so I would practice in my room at like midnight on my dance moves. used to think I'd get a "chance" and just wow these girls and they would all want to ride my dick after watching me dance LOL i was such a fucking spazz)

Looking back I just don't know why I tried so hard. I mean I know why but god it just is so cringey looking back on my life. If it amounted to something it would be a funny nostalgic memory but now I'm still a virgin and all that was meaningless. I feel so ashamed.
Implying I still don’t do that
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Yeah and I got hit by a ton of blue pilled crap
Me, I used to look up those how to get a gf guides and read asks on yahoo and similar forums. I also read about other peoples relationships so I can see what it's like to have someone you're close to and fantasize about being in a relationship, now I've grown to hate seeing, reading or hearing about happy couples because it reminds me of the beautry I'll never experience.
I used to read everything on this PUA site called girlschase.com
next 3 years of my life, i really thought the answer was 'JUST BE CONFIDENT BRO' 'WORK ON YOUR FUNDAMENTALS'
I remember a girl in my class straight up told me she cant date me coz i wasn't 'cute enuff for her':feelsrope::feelsrope: but I still kept thinking 'looks dont matter' and It was something about the way i talk/approached her
-just be funny
-dress well
-say jokes
-dont be serious
-take a shower often
And more stupid stuffs

All lies :feelsbadman:
na but as a kid I did google "sex with <my name>" once. Also would get off on writing female classmate's names in DS pictochat
DS pictochat was the shit as kid
I did. This search took me years. I bought a lot of books on how to seduce women. I bought coach Corry Wayne's book, Mr Locario, playersupreme, I even bought a book on how to be a pimp lol nothing worked. That led to my becoming redpilled around 2014-2015 and then finally the blackpill in 2017.
I did. This search took me years. I bought a lot of books on how to seduce women. I bought coach Corry Wayne's book, Mr Locario, playersupreme, I even bought a book on how to be a pimp lol nothing worked. That led to my becoming redpilled around 2014-2015 and then finally the blackpill in 2017.
Ain’t nobody say pimping was easy.:feelskek:
Yes indeed. I was such a spastic that I used to ask fucking Yahoo Answers on how to get a gf and pick up girls, obviously met only with bluepill-bs written by other stupid teens. By this time (14-16y/o) I was ultra bluepilled. I even believed in soulmates jfl.

Later I stumbled over the redpill which never made any sense to me, seemed so contraintuitive and they were always trying to sell something. Finally around age 19 I saw the tinder experiments posted and ended up blackpilled. This actually improved my mental health because things finally made sense. I started fucking hookers around this time and had my first visit to SEA about a year later after understanding JBW.
I used to watch PUA crap wondering why it worked less than 10% as well as advertised. Then it hit me. It's all about looks.
Yes indeed. I was such a spastic that I used to ask fucking Yahoo Answers on how to get a gf and pick up girls, obviously met only with bluepill-bs written by other stupid teens. By this time (14-16y/o) I was ultra bluepilled. I even believed in soulmates jfl.

Later I stumbled over the redpill which never made any sense to me, seemed so contraintuitive and they were always trying to sell something. Finally around age 19 I saw the tinder experiments posted and ended up blackpilled. This actually improved my mental health because things finally made sense. I started fucking hookers around this time and had my first visit to SEA about a year later after understanding JBW.
Had you have any success dating 3rd world Asian chicks after your visit to SEA?
man, i only cracked by the time i was about 21 or so. the result of ultra extreme "i'll be a valued creator/artist some day, then smart intelligent women will just come pouring in WOOHOO" coping.
i think i started reading Heartiste (used to be called Roissy) in like 2008 or so. not that it helped me in any way except prevent me from being a cuck or extreme beta.

I didn't go on the Internet for that but I did ask my Chad friend how to get laid and he said, "I could write the book! Tell her that she's pretty, tell her that she's smart..."

Problem is, these days, girls have tons of orbiters already telling them that stuff.
orbiters probably get filtered out as noise anyway, so chad saying it is like the first time for her. just be chad and say beta horseshit.

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