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who are the bigger copers, mgtow or cucktears?


  • mgtow

    Votes: 9 45.0%
  • cucktears

    Votes: 11 55.0%

  • Total voters
hehe xd

hehe xd

Jan 4, 2018

literally think fems will chase them
believe in TRP crap
respect fems (fucking lol)
hate incels
prob incels in denial


beta whiteknights
literally projecting their insecurities
will do anything for femoid attention online
bully others of their kind to feel superior
post in IT
MGTOWs are the true copers. I dont there is any bigger group of copers out there.
nausea said:

the general narrative of the mgtow sub is that they respect and like women, just cant be bothered with their crap

nausea said:

where did my rape thread go
hey, I saw one of your posts on cucktears... are you one of them?!
i dont care much for mgtow they are just mostly delusional volcel chads and normies but at least theres some things incels and mgtow can agree on.

Cucktears are the biggest copers, their "looks dont matter bro" and their bluepilled shit they always spew will always top the level of retardation and coping.
are the majority of cucktears men or women?

i dont care much for mgtow they are just mostly delusional volcel chads and normies  but at least theres some things incels and mgtow can agree on.

Cucktears are the biggest copers, their "looks dont matter bro" and their bluepilled shit they always spew will always top the level of retardation and coping.

MGTOW's are not chads.

MGTOW's are betas who got sucked till the soul for females who kicked them after getting bored or getting hit by chad.

And they pretend they are in a real good condition, happy being alone and went voluntarily their own way.
KilluminoidBR said:

i dont care much for mgtow they are just mostly delusional volcel chads and normies but at least theres some things incels and mgtow can agree on.
Cucktears are the biggest copers, their "looks dont matter bro" and their bluepilled shit they always spew will always top the level of retardation and coping.
MGTOW's are not chads.
MGTOW's are betas who got sucked till the soul for females who kicked them after getting bored or getting hit by chad.
And they pretend they are in a real good condition, happy being alone and went voluntarily their own way.

Yeah they cope really hard, if you are so happy you wouldnt come to reddit and make posts about how femoids are shit.
Couple of random thoughts:

- Don't judge a community by its Reddit sub. 

- MGTOW =/= r/mgtow 

- Most of the good writers have either left Reddit or about to leave now anyway. What's left are liberals, a few anti-Islam liberals, and a few "Democrats are the real rapists"-types. 

- MGTOW used to have some of the best antifeminist writers out there; even more importantly: they (and some parts of the new atheists) were the only antifeminist group whose antifeminism was NOT motivated by some right-wing ideology, about religion, the birth rate or traditional gender roles. 

- MGTOW was great for not being so gynocentric. With incels, it's often like in a gynocentric cult that worships women as these goddesses who alone can give mere mortal men's lives meanings. The meaning of life then is to find approval in the eyes of one of these goddesses. And if a woman doesn't approve of a man, he can just as well kill himself, because finding anything other in life than a cheesy Hollywood teen romance is akin to the HERESY of "cope." 

- MGTOW is now dead. They have either become part of the alt-right or pretty much stopped writing, either disappeared or only post harmless memes about single men spreading their arms in front of majestic wheat fields. 

- The few MGTOW left are cowards who tend to simply avoid and censor all other political discussions. They are fence sitters, and neither the left nor the right, neither liberals nor conservatives really like fence sitters. So people eventually stay away and rather go to 4/8chan or wherever. The ones who stay are the ones who are fine with just posting some silly little meme pictures every now and then. (Maybe being banned from reddit was the best that could happen to the incel community, because otherwise the incels would have ended just like that, with harmless little memes 24/7 about roast beef and Brazilian models.) 

- There isn't really this ONE good community left anywhere. All have their good and their bad sides, their pros and cons.

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