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Experiment Whitecels, are you "white" or are you White?

Are you white and if you consider yourself white be honest with yourself. Are you really white?

  • I'm white and I look undeniably white

    Votes: 54 68.4%
  • I'm "white", but I have some ethnic features or don't look undeniably white

    Votes: 14 17.7%
  • I'm not white

    Votes: 7 8.9%
  • I'm clearly mixed race (white + something else)

    Votes: 4 5.1%

  • Total voters


babyfaced subhuman
Apr 16, 2018
Lets see just how many "white"cels here are truly white.
I think a lot of whitecels here aren't really white or at least not in the classical sense of the word.

True white:
Live in a majority white place/area, no known non-white ancestors, obvious white features, white skin (not dark, olive or naturally tan.)
By white features I mean you look undeniably white overall. You can have brown eyes and brown hair for example, but you need to look undeniably white to normies.

Think of someone like Ryan Reynolds, Ben Barnes or even Michael Cera. All of them have dark brown eyes and brown hair, but they all look undeniably white. Michael Cera is pushing it and he's an ugly jew with brown eyes and hair, but white skin. Still, 99.9% of normies consider him white.
Be honest with yourself, would you look out of place in a small central German or French town with no ethnics?

Skin that has a subtle non-white look to it even during winter, aka natural tan (skin is not peach or slightly pink during winter.) White skin tans differently, it turns slightly orange or red.
"Whites" also have some ethnic features. It can be hard to describe these features, but some are obvious ethnic eye shape, eyebrows, facial hair (too dark or thic, curly), very dark curly hair (not wavy) etc.

I added mixed race and non-white options. Only choose the mixed race option if you know what the other mix is and you're not just guessing aka some greek guessing he has north african or middle eastern admixture because he looks a little ethnic.
Only pick mixed race if you know one or many of your ancestors are non-white and you clearly look mixed.

Non-white option is there for ethniccels who want to vote in this poll for whatever reason.
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I'm asain/hawaiian/ german mixed n managed to get shit features from both.... while my sisters... blah cruel cruel genetics
Second option.
I look undeniably white and all my family is white as far as I know.
I've got black hair, dark eyes, and thick eyebrows so probably the second one, but realistically depends on how much of a /pol/fag you are tbh.
Proud to be true white
I added mixed race too. Only choose this option if you know what the other mix is and you're not just guessing for example some greek guessing he has north african or middle eastern admixture because he looks a little ethnic.

For example, if you are a Greek and you look ethnic, but all of your family is Greek, pick the "white" option. If you're black or chinese, obviously pick the non-white option. If you're a mixed Brazilian (your mom is white, dad looks ethnic), pick mixed race.
Only pick mixed race if you know one or many of your ancestors are non-white and you clearly look mixed.
I've got black hair, dark eyes, and thick eyebrows so probably the second one, but realistically depends on how much of a /pol/fag you are tbh.[/QUOTE
It has nothing to do with being a polfag. Think of it this way. Would you look out of place in an ethnic Austrian town with no non-whites, jews etc.? Would anyone ask you where you're from or assume you're not ethnic Austrian based on the way you look?

Also, think about it the way a blackpilled incel would. Are you really white? Forget about muh tradition, Europe, culture etc. Look at yourself in the mirror and be honest with yourself.
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No known non-white ancestors. Brown hair and brown eyes tho.
I look undeniably white but I have some kinda don't.
Definitely "white". I have curly rough and dark brown hair/facial hair, non angular and quite flat facial structure overall, and a large nose(mostly in terms of overall size, but I also have more prominent nostrils than most whites). The only thing that gives me pause is that my skin is undeniably white. Tbh I look more jewish or middle eastern than I do germanic, I'm clearly mixed in some way.

I look different than the whites I live around.
I think I look undeniably white but with brown hair and eyes. Supposedly I'm some percentage Lebanese but that could be wrong because my mom gets a lot wrong. I hope it's wrong.
I'm white, like I explained in Mainlander's thread I am mostly French, with some German, irish, and spanish thrown in. I've never thought I could be anything other than possibly jewish because I have a wierd shaped nose and green eyes
Very white with blue eyes and dirty blonde hair
Here's what i am:

I look white a fat white guy for the most part. Being a mexican gave me manletism though
48% Ashkenazi Jew + 30% northern european + 10% sub-saharan african black man.

if not for my nose i would look white tbh ngl
I am caucasoid but not white,I mean I'm not european. this defination on my signature explains how I do look like.
I am caucasoid but not white,I mean I'm not european. this defination on my signature explains how I do look like.

"Short-headed, high-skulled type native to the steppes of Central Asia. Medium tall, often with slender bodies, Light brown skin,an oval head and high mid face, and narrow eye lid fissure. Hairiness strong, eyebrows sometimes united "
"Short-headed, high-skulled type native to the steppes of Central Asia. Medium tall, often with slender bodies, Light brown skin,an oval head and high mid face, and narrow eye lid fissure. Hairiness strong, eyebrows sometimes united "
tbh here is a real defination of a chad "Pinkish pale skin. Straight to wavy, golden blonde, sometimes red or light brown hair. (Grey-)blue eyes. Tall, ectomorph or mildly mesomorph with wide shoulders and narrow hips (even in women), meso- sometimes brachyskelic. Mesocephalic, dolichocephalic at times, mildly chamaecranic with a curved occiput. Hyperleptorrhine, straight or mildly convex, high-bridged nose. Face high and narrow with marked features, mildly sloping forehead, thin lips, sturdy chin. "
Im from Spain. Very few people from here are purely white. Most of us are whites mixed with arabs who came a lot of years ago to conquer us.
Also, I got curly dark hair and brown eyes so its clear I am not purely white.
Honestly, if you're not white, I don't care if you live or die
Honestly, if you're not white, I don't care if you live or die
There are plenty of people here that agree with you so if you're in Good company @KilluminoidBR
"white" skin is worthless with ethnic features like dark hair/eyes imo
You don't think you might still be able to get the White halo?
It probably depends on your location, as well as your facial structure. Fair skin might halo you on it's own in SEA, but in the west that's reserved for Chad and Chadlite wasps.
You don't think you might still be able to get the White halo?
It probably depends on your location, as well as your facial structure. Fair skin might halo you on it's own in SEA, but in the west that's reserved for Chad and Chadlite wasps.
yeah this basically idk about SEA but for every whitecel in the west there is a full chadlite white man also in the west
I'm of an ethnic background that is often considered non-white but I have fair skin and i'm generally white passing, especially after surgery.

Still have some deathnik features like my super long midface.

So yeah, "white" but not white sums it up nicely.
Livin in 99% white country, but because its EE i identify as ethnic.
very white skin with very dark hair and eyes, the women i like the most are the ones that look exactly like me, i'm not that much into aryan shit, i like the idea of big tribes of people who look very similar having their own territory for themselves, i.e robust dark haired whites here in eastern europe
i know that there's some that say a huge ice age will come and everyone will be blonde and blue eyed to adapt but i don't really believe in it, i think darker featured whites will do just fine in this area
Having naturally tanned skin as a white person is aesthetically preferable to being fair skinned in 21st century society (in the West). The pale guys weren’t getting laid at my school.
I am half black half white im a piano.
I'm of an ethnic background that is often considered non-white but I have fair skin and i'm generally white passing, especially after surgery.

Still have some deathnik features like my super long midface.

So yeah, "white" but not white sums it up nicely.
I never knew you were ethnic, what ethnicity ?
I'm 'white' but if I want to I can be black
Just as I suspected, almost half of whitecels here don't even look truly white. Even if JBW worked, it literally can't apply to almost half of whitecels here because JBW is light features (blue eyes or light hair), white skin.
I took the DNA test, otherwise Ancestry and 23 and Me. No Non-White ancestors. I just submitted a My Heritage DNA test. Let's see the results.
blonde with blue eyes


my low melanin grey eyes didnt save me
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I took the DNA test, otherwise Ancestry and 23 and Me. No Non-White ancestors. I just submitted a My Heritage DNA test. Let's see the results.
It's all about what you look like. Normies and noodlewhores don't care if you're 10% african or 20% middle eastern as long as you have light features.
There are southern Europeans, even central Europeans who are 100% European, but look slightly ethnic.
Many Americans are 15% black, 5% Indian, 25% jewish etc. and still have blue eyes and blonde hair.
It's not "just be white" because white doesn't meany much these day, it's JLW or just look white.
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We're all super white in Scotland due to it being dark for half of the year an when it's light it's still cloudy. If we get 2 weeks of uninterrupted sunshine in the summer them it's a good year. Usually it's wet an windy all year round.
There are very few people who identify as white who don't look undeniably white. Only exception I can think of offhand are biracial people (50/50 white and another race) who identify as fully white, but they're just nuts anyway. Oh and Sicilians and some Spanish and such.
yes bro i am white bro ded srs bro
We're all super white in Scotland due to it being dark for half of the year an when it's light it's still cloudy. If we get 2 weeks of uninterrupted sunshine in the summer them it's a good year. Usually it's wet an windy all year round.
Based Scotcel. Also more likely to rope.
I'm definitely undeniably white. I have no known non-white ancestors, and most of my heritage is German and Polish.

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