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Blackpill White people (nationalists) aren't entitled to being the only people in their countries (UK/USA etc. etc.) Martinez Perspective is high key stupid

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Yo, whatever our ancestor did heres what I have to say

Well ~uh look BLM for example. They loot burn murder... and then they demand politicians reparations and it's all just a big extortion racket for white people.

And you know race is not just a skin color; I i were to paint my face black you could easily tell i'm a white man...

Well ~uh look, Whites and non-whites are like oil and water... They don't mix!

And so what prevents us simply from separating the country in HALF?

Whites can have their part of the country... and non-whites can have theirs! So we will no longer able to oppress each others! putas.

Whats the problem?

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YOU LOOOSE :feelshaha:
It’s more than that, white peopke would have to get their hands off the loot that they take from other countries. BLM which you think loot is nothing compared to the looting white people have done for hundreds of years. Take France for example. 30 percent of French lightbulbs are powered by niger uranium. Mind u 90 percent of Niger has no electricity, u see where I’m going with this right? I can show you hundreds of other examples of this btw. They separate their half and also take their hands off every single poc country their involved in. America would disagree with this as it will quickly turn into a shithole. Don’t forget how shit medieval Europe was my guy. Exploration is what benefited the western world so much at the expense of other races. Take a history class, Europe was utter shit pre-exploration. There’s always a winner and loser. In a race 1st place is the winner, 2nd place and third place who end up on the podium are still losers. Whites will have their own part of the country but then collect resources from other countries lmao. Don’t act dumb like this again, it’s annoying.
I’m for migration. If a million blackcels and indiancels come to Europe and USA I’ll be happy about it
I do agree with migration

I'm not really pro immigration though; as you immigrate to foreign countries your own country comes to an end

If everyone immigrated from third world especially yes, they'll be having a better life and all but they're own country will lose people and doctors and educated people

You don't have to 'serve' "your people" though; these are just the risks of immigration
It’s more than that, white peopke would have to get their hands off the loot that they take from other countries. BLM which you think loot is nothing compared to the looting white people have done for hundreds of years. Take France for example. 30 percent of French lightbulbs are powered by niger uranium. Mind u 90 percent of Niger has no electricity, u see where I’m going with this right? I can show you hundreds of other examples of this btw. They separate their half and also take their hands off every single poc country their involved in. America would disagree with this as it will quickly turn into a shithole. Don’t forget how shit medieval Europe was my guy. Exploration is what benefited the western world so much at the expense of other races. Take a history class, Europe was utter shit pre-exploration. There’s always a winner and loser. In a race 1st place is the winner, 2nd place and third place who end up on the podium are still losers. Whites will have their own part of the country but then collect resources from other countries lmao. Don’t act dumb like this again, it’s annoying.
America is originally native American (check the name), anyway, so if anything white nationalists deserve the continent as much as the POC they hate - which is either yes ("we all live here now!") or no ("we're not native to this land!"). you cant have your own cake and eat it too. im glad to see America turned several shades darker

. Europe, OTOH, i can understand.
It’s more than that, white peopke would have to get their hands off the loot that they take from other countries. BLM which you think loot is nothing compared to the looting white people have done for hundreds of years. Take France for example. 30 percent of French lightbulbs are powered by niger uranium. Mind u 90 percent of Niger has no electricity, u see where I’m going with this right? I can show you hundreds of other examples of this btw. They separate their half and also take their hands off every single poc country their involved in. America would disagree with this as it will quickly turn into a shithole. Don’t forget how shit medieval Europe was my guy. Exploration is what benefited the western world so much at the expense of other races. Take a history class, Europe was utter shit pre-exploration. There’s always a winner and loser. In a race 1st place is the winner, 2nd place and third place who end up on the podium are still losers. Whites will have their own part of the country but then collect resources from other countries lmao. Don’t act dumb like this again, it’s annoying.
im pretty sure most of modern European (and American) wealth is built off the bennies they extracted from Africa and Asia. the British Empire helped turned London for example into the financial powerhouse you see today: lots of international institutions, etc, banking, shipping and whatnot stil have a lot of leftover British influence from the colonial days - it wouldn't be the same otherwise, without colonization.

and contrary to some nonsense belief, colonialism actually benefitted the colonizers - why else would have it have lasted as long as it did, or does (it's just called "neo-colonialism" now, with wealthy bankers in New York or Brussels threatening sanctions or the imposition of austerity if X African country doesn't pay their debt or thousands of tons in said raw materials) - and even the local, non-colonizing population of the host country.

most western-used products are made by starving chinese kids in sweatshops anyway with raw material taken from even-more-starved African kids in cobalt mines or some such crap. of course the west takes all the credit by saying "designed in California/USA/Germany" or some such nonsense.
Ancestral claims to land only became important after it became taboo to just steal someone's land. Before World War I most land acquisition was done through conquest, but as people's opinions on Russia today show that such acquisitions aren't socially acceptable anymore.
Brown skin detected, opinion rejected
you cant have your own cake and eat it too. im glad to see America turned several shades darker
Based. White nationalists don’t see how hypocritical they can be. I’ll forever be for immigration. Ask me this 50 years in the future, I’ll still be pro immigration.
This forum is the best case against Europeans having high IQ :feelskek:
In other words “gibs me dat welfare and dem white womenz!”
White people literally invaded America and genocided the Natives, dragged Blacks from West Africa all the way to America against their will, invaded and genocided the Native Austrailians, then have the audacity to say "Stay out of Europe niggers" :lul::lul::lul:
White people literally invaded America and genocided the Natives, dragged Blacks from West Africa all the way to America against their will, invaded and genocided the Native Austrailians, then have the audacity to say "Stay out of Europe niggers" :lul::lul::lul:
JFL I laugh everytime I see stormfrontcels and white nationalists that say stupid shit like that. “JUST GO BACK TO UR COUNTRY” while not only stealing from all those places but still participating in neo-colonialism. “Let me just take all this persons resources and I’m wondering why they decide to come to my country”:feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman:
JFL I laugh everytime I see stormfrontcels and white nationalists that say stupid shit like that. “JUST GO BACK TO UR COUNTRY” while not only stealing from all those places but still participating in neo-colonialism. “Let me just take all this persons resources and I’m wondering why they decide to come to my country”:feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman:
When stormfrontcels/white nationalists start acting like white people are victims in any way, or act like they have any type of moral authority over other races, it's just hilarious and makes them look retarded. They should just stick to the "white people conquered the world by invading peaceful civilizations and bringing guns to a sword fight, so therefore we are the superior race!!!111" bullshit :feelsohh:
I don't hate other races. But I do think that their cultures are shit. And I don't want any more of them here. I'm mixed, so I know that middle eastern culture is shit.
The world would be better if everyone would assimilate to western culture. And I don't mean modern globohomo by that.

South Africa was better under Apartheid. Not because blacks are dumb and whites genetically superior (like racists believe), but because white culture is superior to african culture.
You can have your opinion with culture, that's fine I don't support multiculturalism either, but I also don't support the western ideas, I have my own ideas of culture and how people should be living.

There is some truth to peoples' cultures being repulsive, this is about heritage and race, not culture.
Isn't funny how only white people complain about this shit?

"Go back to your own country! Whites have lived here."

These absolute morons can turn around and say "Oh I don't support invasion in Asia or Africa" but what they don't get is, it doesn't matter whether or not you support this shit; this country belongs to no one.

No one owns a country, it's all an illusion, just because you've lived here longer doesn't make it your country, so look, yes Australians always do this, Americans to a lesser extent but they do this too "Muh innocent indigenous folks" and I don't support or condone what happened to them but white people and all kinds of people really, need to understand just because they lived longer doesn't mean they deserve it more. If a war happened okay good, now just try your best to provide for them and protect them for they're in a bad situation but don't say it's their country.

Ironically no other race says this. I wonder why..

People like Martinez Perspective on Bitchute this is the fucking reason I don't like that dog racist piece of shit. I can say "Oh I didn't escort you out of Asia" but this is just not a deal, he doesn't understand the fundamentals.

Someone living longer doesn't equate to it being justified for them to escort others out; it's not that some people deserve less or some deserve the same, none of them really deserve this shit, this isn't a competition where the longest win.

I can bend the rules any day from "Longest ancestor here wins" to "Longest time ancestors spend as slaves wins" and now what? Now black people deserve it to themselves? No one deserves it, we pretty much just exist, trying to fulfill our needs and what good is it escorting others out wishing death on others? Did you work for the roads? Did you abolish slavery? Does anything make you eligible? Will you doing anything change? No, because you're twisting the rules and you need to realize I can too, you're obsessing over this non-existent game in your head where the longest reigning survives. It's ridiculous.

So yeah, all in all; possessions don't exist, you don't own any country, you don't have a right to escort people you don't deserve that right just because you're white and that's basically my stance on this.

It's a pretty stupid thing to say but whatever, better late than never.
I agree with this.
The whites have lost their claim of Europe when they decided to invade and conquer other nations. Shitskins only want to come to pigskin nations because their nations were ravaged by their conquest (also realizing Europeans nations were superior). If the pigs would have stayed in their lands they wouldn’t have to deal with the skitskins they seethe about daily.
I agree with this.
The whites have lost their claim of Europe when they decided to invade and conquer other nations. Shitskins only want to come to pigskin nations because their nations were ravaged by their conquest (also realizing Europeans nations were superior). If the pigs would have stayed in their lands they wouldn’t have to deal with the skitskins they seethe about daily.
Literally a strawman
How is that a strawman?
Whites never had a "claim of Europe" they never owned it; irrespective of whether or not they invaded other countries

Possessions are flawed to begin with, no one actually owns any land, it's just a concept put into action in the minds of human beings by capitalism
Whites never had a "claim of Europe" they never owned it; irrespective of whether or not they invaded other countries
Possessions are flawed to begin with, no one actually owns any land, it's just a concept put into action in the minds of human beings by capitalism
If you mean individuals then you are wrong.
People can buy houses/ lands and have written documents to show their ownership of said land.

If you mean groups of people ie. ethnic, religious, etc. then I disagree,
I believe all peoples native to a given land has a right to it.

Europeans had owned europe
-They are native to that land
-Built the nations in that continent.
-Created the laws and how their societies should be ran.
it belonged to them.

same could be said for any other group of people I’m not a whitenat.

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