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White nationalists, so this your guy? This guy?

Reminder that that user is the same homo BBC fag who openly advocated for incels to become trannies and faggots, argued for literal multiple pages on why it was perfectly holesum and valid to do so, and then got banned + inexplicably let back for some reason. :feelskek:
Never happened and you keep spreading these false rumors. Projection maybe
1. You're the one who mentioned BBC
2. Clearly, you're projecting your fantasies.
Notice how it's the only thing you focused on and responded to out of everything I said? Tunnel vision when it comes to black penises.
JBW is about getting pussy for just being white not about mogging ethnics because there are mixed ethnics who mog whites. JBW is debunked because this white normie can't get a fat shebon.
It's just because he is in the west, and foids are brainwashed by BBC myth which makes them go for dark triad blacks or mutts sometimes, he still mogs purely due to being white with light colored eyes in the SMV human hierarchy
JFL. White nationalist copers on suicide watch.

Child molesters on suicide watch
Lmao has he ever taken a DNA test? :feelskek:
Yeah he's about 80 percent European with the rest being Native American and some Sub Saharan African iirc. As white as you can get for a Mexican.
Richard Spencer is very likely just controlled opposition; I dont respect him & lost any of the respect I might have had for him years ago. He is just simply virtue-signaling in a way like @wereq said in order to try & "fix his image" since him being outspoken about his beliefs caused his life to go to shit. Anyone who thinks we have "free speech" in America is deluded.

altright fags on this website are retarded as fuck

imagine selecting by race and calling yourself incel at the same time.

Look I hate niggers as much as the next guy, but if a black foid wanted to fuck me I wouldn't say no because of my race allegiance JFL, well tbh im a slav so im subhuman anyway but anyway... It's literally in the name. Involuntary nigga, you niggers understand what that means? Selecting by race doesn't sound very fucking involuntary to me.

But what am I saying this for, 99% of this website are a bunch of fakecel retard nigger zoomers fuck all of you anyway
The thread was deleted. Ask the mods to restore it bro, then we'll see. :feelshmm:
I never advocated for all incels to become gay/trans. If I did I'd still be banned. You definitely misread the post when it was up
I never advocated for all incels to become gay/trans. If I did I'd still be banned. You definitely misread the post when it was up
Acting like becoming a faggot and chopping off your dick is in any way a viable strategy for ascension should've gotten you booted for good regardless. If only I could read the actual thread though. :feelshmm:
What can I say, we're more horny. Plus they probably counted 12-17 year olds as children, which they aren't because they have periods which is nature telling them they're ready for sex.
So you admit being a pedophile, Woah :feelswhat:
Acting like becoming a faggot and chopping off your dick is in any way a viable strategy for ascension should've gotten you booted for good regardless. If only I could read the actual thread though. :feelshmm:
I agree, that's why I never said any of that
Says the agecuck. But you're pro-choice as well and support BLM
I hate niggers and think they are trash, Cope harder slaveboy


Go back to the zoo where you and your kind belongs

What 40 less IQ than whites does to a nigga you 60 IQ coalman
Notice how it's the only thing you focused on and responded to out of everything I said? Tunnel vision when it comes to black penises.
1. you mentioned it first here & half of the post was about BBC
All white nationalist will get ass raped by BBC gayrones if they step a foot into a majority black city
View attachment 919250
Hell, all they need to do is step foot into direct sunlight to get burned to death.

Black power
View attachment 919251
2. This also:

Reminder that that user is the same homo BBC fag who openly advocated for incels to become trannies and faggots, argued for literal multiple pages on why it was perfectly holesum and valid to do so, and then got banned + inexplicably let back for some reason. :feelskek:
But you're a nigger, so I dont expect much from you :feelsjuice:.
1. you mentioned it first here & half of the post was about BBC

2. This also:

But you're a nigger, so I dont expect much from you :feelsjuice:.
the browns on here make like 50 posts a day talking about how they hate whites and then cry to mods that those whites don't like them
Imagine giving a shit about humanity that turned you away and wants to weed you out.
Perhaps because a change in systems would prevent future Inceldom?
Besides, if all under 6' get weeded out, then those 6' would be the new manlets. If all sub-8s get weeded out, the 8 will become the new truecel.
Eugenics does not necessarily always mean killing off the undesirable; it simply would be breeding desirable human traits that would make populations have better IQs, lifespans, etc.
It's just in the nature of women.
Women would be under control in this system; an actual patriarchy would be enforced.
Imagine wanting Chad to get his Stacy. How cucked can you get? I
Better than Chad getting Becky or even Female tier foids.
want to watch Chads and Stacys be lowered into woodchippers feet first. Fuck 'em.
As do I(in Minecraft) but I am just speaking from a pragmatic objective stance.
To the mod who moved this to the lounge, he literally talks about incels in the video. Incels are the topic, so this thread is not offtopic.
Nobody cares about Richard Spencer dude this isn’t 2017. This faggot is irrelevant, washed up and nobody ever cared about him. He was a meme that the media used that’s it
Spencer hasn't been relevant for like 5 years bud.

altright fags on this website are retarded as fuck

imagine selecting by race and calling yourself incel at the same time.

Look I hate niggers as much as the next guy, but if a black foid wanted to fuck me I wouldn't say no because of my race allegiance JFL, well tbh im a slav so im subhuman anyway but anyway... It's literally in the name. Involuntary nigga, you niggers understand what that means? Selecting by race doesn't sound very fucking involuntary to me.

But what am I saying this for, 99% of this website are a bunch of fakecel retard nigger zoomers fuck all of you anyway
>Altright bad
>I hate niggers

Imagine being this retarded. Because fucking some sheboon out of desperation means that you should want your country invaded by niggers.
It was really funny seeing the alt-right implode in the late 2010s. Such a contrarian ideology cannot survive. All the notable members of the community, if not convicts, have moved on to a different grift.
The comments on the vid are kekfuel :lul: He wanted tall blue-eyed Chads to support his movement but got white incels instead
Yeah I've seen this. He's a traitor cuck. Basically his life got destroyed upon becoming outspoken about his White nationalist views, so now this is his way of "atoning" and backtracking in order to win back favor in the eyes of the public.

Nick Fuentes is my guy.
It was really funny seeing the alt-right implode in the late 2010s. Such a contrarian ideology cannot survive. All the notable members of the community, if not convicts, have moved on to a different grift.
2018-2019 was wild
Reminder that that user is the same homo BBC fag who openly advocated for incels to become trannies and faggots, argued for literal multiple pages on why it was perfectly holesum and valid to do so, and then got banned + inexplicably let back for some reason. :feelskek:
Congrats for having your users' lists on must read content
Reminder that that user is the same homo BBC fag who openly advocated for incels to become trannies and faggots, argued for literal multiple pages on why it was perfectly holesum and valid to do so, and then got banned + inexplicably let back for some reason. :feelskek:
That's funny because he's almost always right about political stuff especially nowadays with Trump

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