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RageFuel White Nationalists on this forum make no sense to me

The thing is, people will overlook all war crimes or just not know about them, and then say the worst people in history is Nazi Germany, when that's not correct, Imperial Japan was far more wild, I am not a Nazi and additionaly there is no reason for me to lie, that's just what I think.

That got me thinking about war crimes, there's probably a list of all sorts of things that were done by countries and such, why is Germany only remembered? Seems unfair.

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I remember seeing these cucks seething in a thread where a currycel beat up a mayowhore. These cucks are just like reddiors
They would rather side and simp for white foids over an ethnicel

They like putting other races down like bro if your race is so superior then get off this forum and go slay lmao.

Half of these cunts are just jewish bots spreading racist propaganda.
I'm a "white nationalist" because i'd rather be an incel in a racially homogeneous society over an incel in multicultistan. I don't really have anything against ethnicels for the most part. Some of my favorite users here are non-white
It's not about the superiority of one race over another, i just don't want to live in Shitskinstan
@PersonalityChad does it count as being a fakecel?
I guess so.
This guy accused me of being a fakecel chad so I played along with him
I'm a "white nationalist" because i'd rather be an incel in a racially homogeneous society over an incel in multicultistan. I don't really have anything against ethnicels for the most part. Some of my favorite users here are non-white


I guess so.

That’s fine.

I feel like new gens like Xenomorph need to take their white nationalist asses to 4chan.

We are anti foid here. Not anti ethnic.
He bitches and moans about white nationalists choosing to support white foids over fellow cels then turns around and smugly brags and belittles fellow cels in other thread the picosecond he gets laid the very same day :lul:
Can't make this shit up, all racial stereotypes apply to you pooskin jew.
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No they aren’t. Most ethnicels have internalized racism.

For example, if a mayo raped a poojeeta, i’d celebrate itZ

But if a pajeet raped a mayowhore stacy, simps like @Xenomorph woukd defend them with their heart.
There's far more ethnics going at each other throats on here than the opposite. Most ethnics have a strong in group preference. Whites have the least in group preference out of all racial groups.



I don't think xenomorph would defend White femoids who get raped by ethnics. Don't but words into his mouth. I personally don't support either since rape just gives femoids a fault sense of victimhood & shows low impulsivity.

I'm a "white nationalist" because i'd rather be an incel in a racially homogeneous society over an incel in multicultistan. I don't really have anything against ethnicels for the most part. Some of my favorite users here are non-white
I am a East Asian and have no antipathy toward other races, but I agree with this. I think multiculturalism has failed. Look at Europe and America. In Europe, social conflict occurred due to immigration, and in USA, there is still racial conflict. The West eliminated ethno-nationalism after World War II, but now we see that was a big mistake.
I think multiculturalism has failed. Look at Europe and America. In Europe, social conflict occurred due to immigration, and in USA, there is still racial conflict. The West eliminated ethno-nationalism after World War II, but now we see that was a big mistake.
That's right, well said.
But black nationalists, Indian nationalists & Asian nationalists on here make sense to you? Most of the race obsession & race threads on here are from users who aren't even White.
False sense of belonging, a sub5 will do anything especially when young to get the favor of the in group bias, hell back in my highschool days there was a sub5 chubby manlet with white curly hair that hung out with local ex bandidos members, I guess they used him for amusement and booze last I heard he had a mental breakdown.

The guy pulled a knife on me once so it was amusing to hear how life humbled him, no whyte race for your face unfortunately.
Used to think same about
White nationalism and Polish one kinda, but let's be real most race obssesed here are mostly ( ? ) non whites and in general they would absolutely HATE me as being BLOND BLUE EYED guy + low iq, low empathy in general compared to Poles, so no thanks i don't want to live around ethnics.

Used to have ethnic ''friend'' which i won't name it, he didn't gave damm about it me really, when i still cared for him for sometime, but now recently i taken another pill about being cold mofo and not caring about anyone especially people of not your own race.

Everyone looks for their own really, you say that white nationalists simp for white women, while constantly see same from black, asian, arab, indian nationalist simpining for their foids, everyone looks for their own, like i said

IT infiltrator, what do you think? @DarkStar
I wouldn't mind niggers or pakis if they would stay in the shite hole countries they came from. everybody should stay in there own nation simple as that, but I will always despise JEWS no compromising on the vile KIKE
Plus if ethnics are openly aloud to hate whites then my hatred for them is justified
They would rather side and simp for white foids over an ethnicel

They like putting other races down like bro if your race is so superior then get off this forum and go slay lmao.

Half of these cunts are just jewish bots spreading racist propaganda.
This is gonna be controversial but all racial talk is counterproductive to our aims as brocels. All of it. Including: Ethniccels who circlejerk constantly and seethe about white men and take it out on their fellow white truecels
Whitecels on /pol/ who cope with white nationalism when their own race looks down upon them as filthy outcasts.
Ethniccels who pedestalize white women
Tradcopers who assert that their women are pure while white women are degenerate

All of this just detracts from the true enemy, which is ofcourse the inernational WOMAN who pushes forward her agenda of male servitude, and eugenics

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