nah. I initially thought this but reading a bit more r/hapas, , and changed my view. the problem is a lot of them look full asian, or at least look asian
enough to be treated as such. Therein lies the problem. And it's really a gendered problem in that it pretty much only applies to hapa males, since low SMV for asians mainly applies to them. elucidates some of the pathways to maladjustment that often takes place when you have a WM otherwise-incel neonazi dad w/ yellow-fever despite thinking of Asian males as gooks: what happens when this couple has a son who looks distinctively asian?
The best case scenario for these couples if they reproduce is that the dad is not racist against male Asians and/or if they have a son he doesn't look too Asian. But another pathway to shit-life town is if the hapa son becomes acutely aware of the different treatment he receives by society vs his white dad (and vs his Asian mom!). He may be tormented by this.... THIS pathway is what arguably partially contributed to ER's psychology: rich hapa-son who could get ANYTHING EASILY -- because of wealth -- but NOT pussy, cuz he was hapa (unlike his dad). In the black community we have something similar called the "Tragic Mulatto," which was a biracial/quadroon person torn by which community to identify with (used to be a bigger deal back in the days of Jim Crow).
Another phenomenon that the hapa-psychology might explain is this shit: <--- WTF WHO THE FUCK WANTS TO BECOME A GIRL!?!!! LMFAO... I didn't understand this thread and I thought these incels were prob confused fags/trannies until I saw a KNOWN HAPA poster post in it.. I can see how a male hapa might look at the treatment female hapas (or their mom) get (Asian females are WORSHIPPED and fetishized endlessly) and think, "shit, I wish I was female"
Feel bad for incel hapas tbh. This shit is made worse by Asian females WHO OPENLY DO ANYTHING for White Cock:
sieg hiel eh?
On that note: JBW + AF --> white cel = vol cel