White race was always the top race of the planet not currently
Citation needed, also when I said this I wasn't referring to a change in the past, but more of a change in the future, the white race is basically being bred out of existence in these times, in the next 1000 years or so white people will likely be a rarity, most people will be mixed, so you need to calm your chops a bit because you're a little to passionate about this and you sound like a race obsessed white nationalist from /pol.
I always find it weird when whites speak as though they aren't currently "going extinct". You know just how ridiculous black americans look with all the "We Wuz Kangs" shit, that's how ridiculous whites look when they say the shit you are saying now, yeah blacks were kings aaaaaand then we were enslaved and made a complete fool of and are now at the bottom of the ladder, and yeah whites are the top race aaaaaand in modern times they are getting cucked, their women are breeding interracially a lot, they are being outbred intra-racially as ehtnics have more children on average and are becoming minorities in their own countries.
You sound as ridiculous as the "We Wuz Kangs" blacks, frantically latching on to a "greatness" that no longer really exists.
The last "hold out" on humanity becoming "completely mixed"
WILL BE ASIANS NOT WHITES, WHITES HAVE ALREADY FAILED. You left the "draw bridge" down for too long and your enemies alraedy have your stronghold over run,
And women don't think, they see. No matter what kind of shit you'd tell them about Chico Lachowski they would still be attracted to him.
Didn't even know who the hell that was till today
average white normie vs average black normie. Jfl if you think that someone need to tell woman that the upper one is more attractive.
Ironically in this case I'd actually say the black guy is more attractive, you should have chosen and uglier black guy if you wanted to make a point. Depends on the "goal" though, if a woman was looking for a guy to marry and settle down with I could easily see her choosing the white guy, because white men are percieved as "higher status" and more likely to have money, but if it was just a woman looking to get her brains fucked out I can't imagine she'd choose the white guy over the black guy, because not only are black men perceived as being "better in bed" and "more well endowed", but the image for the white guy just shows his upper body, you can see the entire frame of the black guy, you can more better gauge his size and musculature, the white guy could just be a tall lanklet.
Oh and I find it very ironic that an incel of all people is taking so much pride in something like race, seeing as you'll never likely even reproduce lol. Its like - "Yeah I love my people, go whites" but none of them are going to fuck you, so why do you even care, why are you so attached to your race that has already abandoned you?