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Serious White Countries allowing immigration is the biggest mistake they have ever done in history

It's created a lot of problems, that's for sure.

Can't we all just get along? (you get the reference?)
Yeah. The single biggest mistake ever in history was enslaving black Africans. I have no idea why our ancestors bothered. Irish people would have worked harder for meager pay and been better value than trying to keep slaves.

Immigration is the death of the west. Just look at what happened in Uganda and Kenya when the whites and Indians got kicked out. Or what happened in South Africa and Rhodesia since black rule.
Yeah. The single biggest mistake ever in history was enslaving black Africans. I have no idea why our ancestors bothered. Irish people would have worked harder for meager pay and been better value than trying to keep slaves.

Immigration is the death of the west. Just look at what happened in Uganda and Kenya when the whites and Indians got kicked out. Or what happened in South Africa and Rhodesia since black rule.
Not really. The biggest mistake was overseas colonization of the world by whites. Whitey should have just stayed in its own country and the world would have been a much more peaceful and sane place now.

Everything thats happened in cucked western society is their ancestors fault...no one else's. If your american double shame..should have left the natives alone...go on holiday there twice a year but there was no need to take over their lands and genocide them. I hope every white mans daughter eventually gets BBCucked...that will teach them to act as God over other peoples.
The borders were opened between the 60's and 70's because the capitalists wanted to import cheap labor and drive down wages. After all, this was the first time in history in which a part of the world had a thing called "the middle-class" and even the working class was doing increasingly good. For the capitalists it's obviously the better the more people are competing for a job: the more people there are competing, the more they are willing to work for lower wages. Same is true with housing which is fucking expensive. But the more people compete for an apartment, the more the landlords can demand you to pay.

And since capital is now being monopolized in the hands of a very few people, racism, nationalism and sharp religious distinctions are not wanted anymore. In the past, they were used as ideologies to make the stupid sheep behave, so the idiots had some racism and nationalism fed. Now these timers are over and racism has become the ultimate sin, up to a point where making any distinction between citizen and non-citizen is considered rayciss.

The good thing, though, is that racist right-wingers will finally be washed away like a face drawn in sand at the beach. Racist right-wingers have fed this MONSTER for so long, they were largely responsible for creating this capitalist monster, this Orwellian nightmare....... they were perfectly fine with a surveillance state as long as only non-whites were surveilled. They were perfectly fine with rape hysteria, as long as only non-whites were lynched for being raped. They were perfectly fine with people being exploited, as long as only we were exploited. They have LITERALLY defended capitalism and the interests of the capitalists with their blood and the blood of their children (as US soldiers, for instance) and now that the Frankenstein is completed and capitalism comes to its LOGICAL conlusion: monopolism, they are not needed anymore and they will be thrown away into the dustbin of history.

Fucking racist right-wing assholes WILL be "replaced", no matter how many edgy frogs they post on 4chan.
Disagree, I love ethnic women, they are so nice unlike the spoiled brat white women. Also more ethnics = more ethnic women who like white guys. Increases the chance of breaking out my inceldom because white Chads still usually go for white women.

I live in what everyone considers an ethnic crap hole, where more then half are non white. But I actually dont mind it, I like it.
Yeah. The single biggest mistake ever in history was enslaving black Africans. I have no idea why our ancestors bothered. Irish people would have worked harder for meager pay and been better value than trying to keep slaves.

Immigration is the death of the west. Just look at what happened in Uganda and Kenya when the whites and Indians got kicked out. Or what happened in South Africa and Rhodesia since black rule.
The Jews want to see us dead and rotting.
Not really. The biggest mistake was overseas colonization of the world by whites. Whitey should have just stayed in its own country and the world would have been a much more peaceful and sane place now.

Everything thats happened in cucked western society is their ancestors fault...no one else's. If your american double shame..should have left the natives alone...go on holiday there twice a year but there was no need to take over their lands and genocide them. I hope every white mans daughter eventually gets BBCucked...that will teach them to act as God over other peoples.

Probably should have no shared our technology. Whites introduced the wheel, the plow, 2 story buildings and written language as well as farming to much of the world. Especially in Africa but also in Australia and put a stop to practices like widow burning. When the pioneers came to Rhdoesia they put a stop to the war between the Matabele and Mashona. The peace they enforced lasted for 90 years until Mugabe broke it. Whites are also the ones who put an end to slavery.

If Capitalism is so bad why did the Soviet Union have to build a wall to keep its people in? Why has the Soviet Union been dead and gone for a quarter of a century? Why is China now a quasi capitalist country going from a basket case to the worlds second economy in a generation? Why is Cuba making market reforms?

To be honest i care little for what ethnics do in their own homelands but these are our homelands and if it takes a genocide to remove the cancer then so be it.
Its a consequence of their colonial past. Whites have raped and plundered weaker countries for centuries. Whats happening now is only restoring the balance.
It's not white guilt, it's the trendification of humanitarianism which has allowed dissenters to be piranha'd for reasons which most mankind would deem as right. But there are greys. Which humanitarianism shouldn't be given freely. Look at the muslims, blacks, etc. Giving humanitarian headway to them without limitation or intellecctual scrutiny would bring an end to any civilization.

Humanitarianism is the leading force on the highway of human behavioral etiquette, and with the momentum/ velocity its narrative it has gained, it can't really be stopped until people wake the fuck up, or, if something bad has happened to the point of a nuclear explosion from Islam. But the SJW feminists might try to obscure corrective action against everything, and since they take the humanitarian stance then people will get piranha'd as there is a ton of superficially morally correct stances to take in undoing the far-sighted's corrective strategies.

Also women are superficially sentimental and are designed to be nourishing with the least amount of critical thinking as possible.
You will never get anywhere with women having the vote on a large scale. Outliers of women are vastly intelligent but the vast many of them are naturally leftist. Especially when it's trendified.
Giving women and queers rights and allowing Jews to exist destroyed western civilization.
Simultaneously high IQ and low IQ thread at the same time
High IQ post from the Tellem-Tyrone. I agree with this 100%.

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