Their "struggles" are self-imposed. That's really it. Foids complain there are no good men when they're single, then get in a relationshit with a guy who is an asshole so he treats her poorly or cheats on her himself. Or if they do get into relationshits with men who are not assholes, they complain they're "too nice," if not cheating on them. Then either way they're single again and complain about there being no good men, and will get sympathy from other women and men alike. Rinse and repeat.
Anywhere women are at all times, no matter if they are good-looking, average, below average or ugly, no matter their social class, race, nationality/immigrant status, or age there are countless men with flawless personalities who would be completely devoted/committed to them and willing to provide for them that would line up for a chance to be with them. And I'm not even talking about men who are ugly, overweight, etc. Average-looking, decent guys. Needless to say, such men are single but do not identify as "incels," assuming they've even heard of that, and they probably have never heard of this website.
This is why men are demonized so much, why there's so much rhetoric dating/social issues are due to "men being bad," "men being bad to women" it's projection on their part that covers this. If people are focusing on the notion really men's fault or men are the problem, it deflects from confronting this.
My argument here is not even to make women worse than they are, it's just it all comes down to their biology and their standards are based on that, it's just sexual selection. Even if they never plan to have children, they retardedly insist on certain physical/personality traits in men, to such an extreme they'll forgo the chance to be with men who are great people who are at least decent-looking and literally throw away their lives by being with one pseudo-Chad after another just because of these instincts and the cheap thrills associated "it makes the sex more exciting!" (even this is dubious and should be questioned) Women will literally forgo being with wealthy chads for a chance at a broke tyrone, so their chasing of cheap thrills rooted in their instincts (like for "danger" in this case, because they're also so often racist) will even outweigh their desire to be provided for by someone wealthy.
There's no rationale on my part to either "hate women" or not "hate women." I don't hate the female sex in any other species of mammals, so logically I see no reason to hate the female sex in the human species. For most of the time humans have been on earth, there was no civilization and so the way we lived and mated wasn't different or more complex than any other animal. From a bird's eye perspective, these are all really just recent socially constructed problems. But of course, the factors of civilization interpolate with eugenics, because humans still must compete to survive. Just with more bullshit, abstract intermediaries in the way of this happening directly. And women are eugenicists, which apparently only us on this website are willing to confront.
What I can't stand is how
dishonest society is about this. The blatant lies, pretense and hypocrisy and how people like me with no hatred to women or anyone are demonized so much just for being willing to acknowledge and speak on these things. Of course women encourage this, but many men who enable them do, too. While redpill people are incomporably more willing to be honest and controversial,
I already explained the redpill and bluepill both encourage this and for the same reasons.