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RageFuel While they don't make it to Top3, the fourth group of people I hate the most after niggers, faggots and jews are canadians



United Nations employee
Feb 23, 2022
While I was kid I used to think that canada is the country like America, but even more friendly and so on

I couldn't understand the one-liner hate messages that were directed to canadians in Hollywood movies

Then I grew up

Canadians are the most bland, cowardly, fake and repulsive people I have ever seen. There's something so viscerally filthy about their existence, at the point it's literally demonic. They're like computer generated, minimalistic, corporate products that are made only to exist with no other purpose. Like Colgate, LinkedIn, Tesla cars, Ken dolls or Belgium

There's not much words to describe them, as there isn't that much about canadians to begin with. I'm not even talking about how they are the exact blueprint globohomo soycuck redditor nation, even tho they posess unreasonable canola oil production and they had the most redditors per capita in one city, plus are infested with niggers and chinks and for all these claims I will link later if I care enough to find them

the tiktok video is deleted, but heres the other ones

There's already a stiff competition on highest ESG rating, to see which country is the most willing to suck off jewish shareholders, and it might as well be Britain, Australia, Germany, Sweden or New Zealand for all I know.

What I'm talking about is that Canadians have no culture.

Despite having the third biggest area by square whatever units you want to use and about 34 million inhabitants, it's rare to hear about them.

I can't name a single monument, landmark or university I know in canada. Despite being protected by amerifags they still can't develop enough to have something on their own, much less a personality.

Name one their song, historic relevance or important figure, other than Justin Trudeau, who is only known for being a faggot

They don't even have their own language and they're still a colony to England, as I found out when the British Queen died, and canadians started talking about how they wish to step away from the monarchy and don't want to address Charles as their new King and print him on their currency, which if you speak other countries language and print their leaders on your cash, then what kind of sovereignity do you even have at that point..

Getting back to the point of symbiotic relationship with America as they have huge land border, I don't even think they would support America if some other country became the new superpower as many shills claim, if Russia China or fucking meme India would become by 20something. They would slither to whoever has the biggest authority because they are traitors as it was appearant in cuckvid scamdemic.

I mostly heard about canadians complaining how their neighbours would snitch on them for not taking the jew juice and blasphemy on the Holy Science number charts

They can't be trusted. Atleast Australians while being mostly ZOGbot compliant country has about 0.1% of based inhabitants as I know from twitter. only canadian dissidents are Juden Peterstein and there are already way too many threads both here and on twitter discussing how much of a cucklord he is

Luckily God has given me the strength to recognise canadian phenotype and react accordingly. while they look (to untrained eye) human they are not, and I will not try to associate with these shapeshifting crocodilians in any capacity

P.S. all canadian pornstars look disgusting
Based. Muh 'Canadian' culture doesn't matter to any ethnic here, no one gives a shit about poutine/maple syrup/the 'Canadian' accent. Literally just soyfag pop culture shit. :yes:
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While I was kid I used to think that canada is the country like America, but even more friendly and so on

I couldn't understand the one-liner hate messages that were directed to canadians in Hollywood movies

Then I grew up

Canadians are the most bland, cowardly, fake and repulsive people I have ever seen. There's something so viscerally filthy about their existence, at the point it's literally demonic. They're like computer generated, minimalistic, corporate products that are made only to exist with no other purpose. Like Colgate, LinkedIn, Tesla cars, Ken dolls or Belgium

There's not much words to describe them, as there isn't that much about canadians to begin with. I'm not even talking about how they are the exact blueprint globohomo soycuck redditor nation, even tho they posess unreasonable canola oil production and they had the most redditors per capita in one city, plus are infested with niggers and chinks and for all these claims I will link later if I care enough to find them

the tiktok video is deleted, but heres the other ones

There's already a stiff competition on highest ESG rating, to see which country is the most willing to suck off jewish shareholders, and it might as well be Britain, Australia, Germany, Sweden or New Zealand for all I know.

What I'm talking about is that Canadians have no culture.

Despite having the third biggest area by square whatever units you want to use and about 34 million inhabitants, it's rare to hear about them.

I can't name a single monument, landmark or university I know in canada. Despite being protected by amerifags they still can't develop enough to have something on their own, much less a personality.

Name one their song, historic relevance or important figure, other than Justin Trudeau, who is only known for being a faggot

They don't even have their own language and they're still a colony to England, as I found out when the British Queen died, and canadians started talking about how they wish to step away from the monarchy and don't want to address Charles as their new King and print him on their currency, which if you speak other countries language and print their leaders on your cash, then what kind of sovereignity do you even have at that point..

Getting back to the point of symbiotic relationship with America as they have huge land border, I don't even think they would support America if some other country became the new superpower as many shills claim, if Russia China or fucking meme India would become by 20something. They would slither to whoever has the biggest authority because they are traitors as it was appearant in cuckvid scamdemic.

I mostly heard about canadians complaining how their neighbours would snitch on them for not taking the jew juice and blasphemy on the Holy Science number charts

They can't be trusted. Atleast Australians while being mostly ZOGbot compliant country has about 0.1% of based inhabitants as I know from twitter. only canadian dissidents are Juden Peterstein and there are already way too many threads both here and on twitter discussing how much of a cucklord he is

Luckily God has given me the strength to recognise canadian phenotype and react accordingly. while they look (to untrained eye) human they are not, and I will not try to associate with these shapeshifting crocodilians in any capacity

P.S. all canadian pornstars look disgusting
@PLA1092 on suiwatch
Dont like canadians eh? How aboot that bud?
Dont like canadians eh? How aboot that bud?
Atleast Australicels and Britcucks have the accent and grammar that makes them sound dangerous when angry. canadians don't
Atleast Australicels and Britcucks have the accent and grammar that makes them sound dangerous when angry. canadians don't
Have u ever been 2 canada? They dont speak in any accent its just general north american english. Im pretty sure a big angry canadian can sound quite dangerous. Thats as far as ill go defending Canada tho cause otherwise it sucks.
Bro thinks he’s @TheDarkEnigma
I know Toronto as a landmark in Canada because of what our saint pbuh did

Euthanasia in Canada!
Literally the most soy cuck country is the entire world. Vote for the left.
@30klhlvwizard @Pancakecel

Somehow cucknada manage to out do bongland in their woke leftist bullshit, a new level has been achieved
Somehow cucknada manage to out do bongland in their woke leftist bullshit, a new level has been achieved
Cucknada is over
It's in in even worse situation than America at this point

@30klhlvwizard @Murder Mario
100% a Nigger did it and the victim was White

@Murder Mario @Pancakecel @wereq
It was a Sandnigger who did it , I just watched the video right now

@30klhlvwizard @Murder Mario @wereq @Pancakecel
Imagine DRAKE being the most well known person in your country's history
Ontario and Vancouver deserve to be wiped off the map. For the sanity of Canadians.
Based. Muh 'Canadian' culture doesn't matter to any ethnic here, no one gives a shit about poutine/maple syrup/the 'Canadian' accent. Literally just soyfag pop culture shit. :yes:
insane Canada has far more people than many small euro nations. Yet is known for literally nothing except high housing prices and faggotry
yay, made it into the top 3
Canadians are disgusting. I thought they were nice growing up but realized they are weird as fuck and the most extreme level of NPC anyone could be.
I wanted to say the same thing, but I'm not native in english, nor do I have enough of a vocabulary, to express that sentiment as concise, as you did
I learned this later on, when I saw Trudeau make copies of official statements in french, but they also were enslaved by Francia and still suffer from being french
I also hate canadians like @PLA1092
Canada >> USA

Like the USA is any better JFL. The schizo rant all because Canadians are boring and polite. They are as cultureless as any were else in the 21st century Anglo-Sphere. Nothing uniquely bad about Canada
is better than the cringe American Anti-SJW culture which achieved Absolutely nothing.
insane Canada has far more people than many small euro nations. Yet is known for literally nothing except high housing prices and faggotry
They have a higher white percentage population than America which will become the new Brazil if they are lucky. Small euro nations are more similar to Canada than whatever the hell the US is these days.
Rather live in Canada than bongland (as long as I can get high speed broadband).
There's a lot of bullying there in schools. It probably has to do with the inexistant spine and massive leftism of its inhabitants.
I'm in Canada and where I live it's fucking Indian people everywhere. There are no Canadians anymore. Everywhere I go, I see nothing but Indian people now. The white people are gone. I hear people speaking punjabi everywhere I go. Canada is dead.
I absolutely hate Canadians sadly I'm stuck living there right now it's utter hell. Canada is basically what if Portland was a country. I will also say I'm a slav and only slavs immigrants who fled during the end of communism or Balkan wars are based here and almost all of them hate it and I've known a few poles who went back.
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