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Experiment Which pill would you choose to apply to you?

Which pill would you choose to apply to you?

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Had it with these cucks!
Jan 6, 2018
If you had to pick a pill to haunt you for the rest of your life, which one of these would it be?
driver's licensepill for obvious reasons lol
Drivers license cels are fakecels
Over if you cannot drive
If you're a chad you don't need to drive. Foids will take you wherever you want to go.
Uber will take me wherever I want to go also
You have to be rich to use that every day, chads can get chauffeured for free.
Heightpill. Cause i'm 5'6 but don't really care about my height. yeah it affects me in many ways, but it's something that will never change. So i am mostly used to it now
Drivers license. I'd give up my drivers license today just to become Chad. Chad can even put on his profile that he decided not to drive to cut back on ozone emissions. Then he would get an endless supply of liberal arts hoes on tinder.
Drivers license. I'd give up my drivers license today just to become Chad. Chad can even put on his profile that he decided not to drive to cut back on ozone emissions. Then he would get an endless supply of liberal arts hoes on tinder.
Tesla iq.
Face is the most important physical trait
High iq. I rather be a chad without a license than an non-chad with one.

This is an appeal to Chad therefore not a valid argument because Chad can do a lot of things and get away with it. He is even allowed to kill. Also, having a driver licence goes beyond females, but for some reason, people here are struggling to get behind of it.
Also your poll says:
Which pill would you choose to apply to you?

Not having it will not turn you magically into a Chad. So, pleae stay reasonable here. But I do get form where you are coming from. Not having a driver licence and being Chad is the best option here. But that does not mean, that not being able to drive is a good thing, in fact it actually sucks.

Also, let me guess. most of the people who went for driver licence, do actually have a driver licence. Quite ironic.

b-but having a nice car will get you laid

Nobody here claimed that in the first place.

@LastGerman look at this guy

I am actually tired of it.
This is an appeal to Chad therefore not a valid argument because Chad can do a lot of things and get away with it. He is even allowed to kill. Also, having a driver licence goes beyond females, but for some reason, people here are struggling to get behind of it.
Also your poll says:
Which pill would you choose to apply to you?

Not having it will not turn you magically into a Chad. So, pleae stay reasonable here. But I do get form where you are coming from. Not having a driver licence and being Chad is the best option here. But that does not mean, that not being able to drive is a good thing, in fact it actually sucks.

Also, let me guess. most of the people who went for driver licence, do actually have a driver licence. Quite ironic.
The closest I've got to not having a license was getting it suspended for three years. It was very depressing, and I felt like I was a caged animal. I couldn't take the torture for more than a few days and began to drive illegally, fuck their cucked laws, I won't let them make me suffer. Thankfully I was never caught during those three years, but I was nervous every time I went out for a drive. It wouldn't have been so bad if I was a chad and had foid chauffers lined up for me, but since we're not chads I can see how bad it can be.
The closest I've got to not having a license was getting it suspended for three years. It was very depressing, and I felt like I was a caged animal. I couldn't take the torture for more than a few days and began to drive illegally, fuck their cucked laws, I won't let them make me suffer. Thankfully I was never caught during those three years, but I was nervous every time I went out for a drive.

Now imagine you will never drive again, not even illegaly because you are so bad at driving, that you get nervous when you are behind a steering wheel.

It wouldn't have been so bad if I was a chad and had foid chauffers lined up for me, but since we're not chads I can see how bad it can be.

I know from where you are coming from but once again, why do people here support female driving? Why would you allow such thing in the first place? You would give your life into the hands of a female. Like I said, allowing female driving is cucked.

He was obviously exaggerating, most likely even trolling at some point. I still liked some of his comments though. But i will still argue, that having a driver licence and a nice car might help to at elast some degree. It is at least an indicator that your life is good besides females.
Dickpill. Cause I don't really want Sex tbh.
Now imagine you will never drive again, not even illegaly because you are so bad at driving, that you get nervous when you are behind a steering wheel.
That would make me go insane, especially because I already became used to driving.
I know from where you are coming from but once again, why do people here support female driving? Why would you allow such thing in the first place? You would give your life into the hands of a female. Like I said, allowing female driving is cucked.
If it was up to me I wouldn't allow them.
Dickpill. Cause I don't really want Sex tbh.
High iq. You can get off by rejecting foids and insulting them in order to make them rope.
3 of these will haunt me forever anyways not like ill get a new face anytime soon
3 of these will haunt me forever anyways not like ill get a new face anytime soon
Being unfortunate enough to have the triple threat is brutal in these cucked times.
it's not about getting laid, it's about being able to do a basic function as a grown man
But it won't be the reason you're incel most of the time.
it's not about inceldom, it's about being a functioning human being, imagine on top of being a virgin you're also a looser
It's like having a disability these days, but just because you don't have a license doesn't mean you're a loser.
i do have one, it's just what lastgerman want man, it's what he need to feel fulfilled
There was a foid with no arms who had a license, I don't know how he can drive worse than her.
tied between face / dick pill tbh
autism i guess, he also didn't get his abitur wich is like high school diploma in gerlany (i didn't too)
That kind of autism is a very rare problem I've never heard of before bro.
Face, but... I'm not 6' so maybe height. I never want a driver's license so that doesn't haunt me as I seriously don't want a fucking car.
I can't rate my own dick.
the high school degree ?
That is understandable, but I never heard of autism that interferes with your ability to drive.
maybe he's just bad at it, and it's also expensive in germany and there's a lot tests to pass, for example in algeria we only pass 3 exams, and even tho i failed one (parking) i just gived a 10$ bill to the supervisor and he marked me as passed
Lastgerman told me he had no problem passing the written part, he said he only fails in driving.
dickpill, just for the fact that I would be able to get a car and lisence tbh. I firmly unironically believe in the driverse lisence pill although imo it applies to more social situations then sexual (I can't meet up with incel bros if I can't drive and am too autistic to figure out public transportation)
dickpill, just for the fact that I would be able to get a car and lisence tbh. I firmly unironically believe in the driverse lisence pill although imo it applies to more social situations then sexual (I can't meet up with incel bros if I can't drive and am too autistic to figure out public transportation)
I agree, it makes things a lot easier. But usually it won't be the reason you're an incel, especially with dating apps.
i hope he get it one day
Me too bro.
Framepill or mental pill.
Western women are truly repulsed by men of intelligence and integrity;
they may go for Chad while he's not appearing that way but there is a deep ethnic hatred on their part.
DLpill since it has no effect on anything at all.
I thought you had to be a high tier normie for it to help you ascend, but maybe normie is enough too.
well yeah 6-7 range is what I meant tbh. 5s are mostly incels
well yeah 6-7 range is what I meant tbh. 5s are mostly incels
If you're a 6 then you can't have any other flaws, including not having a driver's license, in order to ascend with a normal looking foid.
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If you're a 6 then you can't have any other flaws, including not having a driver's license, in order to ascend with a normal looking foid.

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