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Experiment Which part of life is the most brutal for incels?

What’s the most brutal time of life for incels?

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>bluepillers: 92
Lmao hi cucktears

Anyways I'd say college is the worst. We're fed this lie that high school is just some anomalous hell but then we get to college and find that it's just as bad if not worse. What should be the best time of our lives is instead the prime blackpilling phase.
30's for me have been hell
>bluepillers: 92
Lmao hi cucktears

Anyways I'd say college is the worst. We're fed this lie that high school is just some anomalous hell but then we get to college and find that it's just as bad if not worse. What should be the best time of our lives is instead the prime blackpilling phase.
IKR. People keep saying “dOn’T WoRRy. HiGh ScHooL SuCkS bUt EvErYtHiNg GeTs BeTtEr iN CoLLeGe”. They think the hierarchy in society ends after high school even though the hierarchy is just as severe in college.

elementary school>high school>college
Highschool tbh. Missing teen love is the most potent ropefuel there is. Seeing your classmates getting into new relationships, exploring each others sexuality as you just rot there... Brutal tbh.
Agreed. The rejection in high school was brutal.

But collage was brutal too. Because the foids were more polite (sneaky and deceptive) about the rejections.
Agreed. The rejection in high school was brutal.

But collage was brutal too. Because the foids were more polite (sneaky and deceptive) about the rejections.
And also college kids are more sexually actively and college girls dress sluttier
college is bunch of foids, normies flexing their sexuality. Total ragefuel for me
I'd say either college where you are surrounded by people having sex and social lives in the prime of their lives and your not or 50+ when you have no friends or family, and you're just wagecucking, completely alone with no prospects of improvement and you're waiting to die.
I'd say either college where you are surrounded by people having sex and social lives in the prime of their lives and your not or 50+ when you have no friends or family, and you're just wagecucking, completely alone with no prospects of improvement and you're waiting to die.
College sounds worse than the latter
forum with mostly under 26 year olds. i dont think you know how much worse it will get.
Middle school is fucking brutal. That's when you know...
16-22 All u see in school are happy couples and hot thots
30s and above if you're neet and haven't developed meaningful social bonds. Probably mid 20s if you're a wageslave.
The older you get, the worst it gets. When you hit your mid 20s, you stop deluding yourself that things will get better in the future or that you're just a late bloomer. Your already low SMV starts to plummet even more as you age. The Norwood Reaper comes to collect his dues, any notion of growing just a little bit more is dead and buried at this point and your unhealthy living starts to catch up to you. The cold realization that you will die alone and forgotten after a life of solitude and wageslavery starts to kick in. Hope dies and real despair begins.
40s seems like the answer, though 30s is also a good choice. In high school and college, it's easy to cope with hobbies and the idea that you may one day in the future get lucky. Same thing should feasibly apply to guys in their mid-late 20s as well but to a lesser extent. Once you hit the mid-30s though, the ageing + inceldom must be unbearable, so much so that by the time your 50 you're basically a corpse LARPing as a human.
I’d say when men are middle aged, men’s sex drive decreases and sex isn’t something they crave as much anymore
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However you can use anonymity to your advantage, it's easier to avoid bullying.
At least bullying gives you attention. Way better than isolation
when was your life happy?

I’m wondering what could happen if I transfer. Makes me hope I can ascend
I transferred, and it didn't work. Everyone had formed their friend groups in their first two years and aren't willing to meet new people. Also I was living at home too, which was the worst part.
Isolation sucks. Trust me
I've been completely isolated for the past 3 years, I know. But i still prefer it over bullying
Middle/High school
that's when the blackpilling begins
high school is when you realize the true nature of foids, because that's when they mature
Middle/High school
that's when the blackpilling begins
I’d say college is when it’s the worst because in high school, virginity is less stigmatized and in college, everyone is having sex
I’d say college is when it’s the worst because in high school, virginity is less stigmatized and in college, everyone is having sex
that's a fair point actually
All of it. But mostly high school and college.
27--29 is the worst. You know your 20's are pretty much done and you're ugly as fuck and can't afford surgery. At this point suicide is not an "if" but a "when".
I’d say 23 and on is the most brutal. You missed teen love in middle school and highschool. You missed getting a partner with a low body count in college. Now all your peers are graduated and are out making money and will be settling down in a few years. They had their fun from the start of puberty all the way through college, a good decade of experience and you had 0.

All that’s left is working to survive and dealing with the daily strife and drama of life, with zero fun experiences to look back on. You are fucked, your youth, your formative years are gone. Adulthood and the responsibilities are all that remains.
I’d say 23 and on is the most brutal. You missed teen love in middle school and highschool. You missed getting a partner with a low body count in college. Now all your peers are graduated and are out making money and will be settling down in a few years. They had their fun from the start of puberty all the way through college, a good decade of experience and you had 0.

All that’s left is working to survive and dealing with the daily strife and drama of life, with zero fun experiences to look back on. You are fucked, your youth, your formative years are gone. Adulthood and the responsibilities are all that remains.
In college we all already knew we were doomed
I’d say 23 and on is the most brutal. You missed teen love in middle school and highschool. You missed getting a partner with a low body count in college. Now all your peers are graduated and are out making money and will be settling down in a few years. They had their fun from the start of puberty all the way through college, a good decade of experience and you had 0.

All that’s left is working to survive and dealing with the daily strife and drama of life, with zero fun experiences to look back on. You are fucked, your youth, your formative years are gone. Adulthood and the responsibilities are all that remains.
That's why we should all go NEET, make money doing something easy from home, rope, or do something else. I'm not going to suffer the rest of my life while I have no good memories of youth and normies have wives and children. Burn this soyciety to the ground, crush their bones into powder and snort lines of slain chad bones off of naked JB backs in the Death Dungeon.
23-26 because its the age when you are expected to have at least been in some relationships. When you are 18-22 you can still get away with it as you are still young, although after 20 you are pushing it a bit. Beyond that its still brutal but slightly less as you are accepting your situation more, and build more tolerance to others reactions to it.
23-26 because its the age when you are expected to have at least been in some relationships. When you are 18-22 you can still get away with it as you are still young, although after 20 you are pushing it a bit. Beyond that its still brutal but slightly less as you are accepting your situation more, and build more tolerance to others reactions to it.
Good point

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