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Blackpill Which nationality you wished you were born as ?



utter failurecel who fails at everything
Nov 22, 2022
Kinda wish I was french ngl. Beautiful language, culture, a lot of contributions to the world. They have colonized a lot of other nations meanwhile mine got colonized non-stop.

I wish I was proud of my own country but unfortunately I can't be because compared to what a lot of other countries have done mine lays insignificant.

Most of us have the "slave" mentality too because our ancestors were too weak and constantly got conquered. It's a shame being born in a country that you're not proud of.

Being proud of something your ancestors have done is probably a cope, but it also gives you self-confidence knowing you belong to once a great nation that contributed shit ton to the entire world and englightened millions of people with their literature, knowledge.

I love France I don't know why but their history appeals the most to me as I said their language is incredible truly a great nation to be proud of being born into. :cryfeels:
Russian or german
I would like to be born Swedish or Norwegian. They have a cool appearance and their countries were a paradise on earth before the period of mass migration there in the 2010s-2020s of people from the third world. Even the prisons there look like a Russian five-star hotel.
German or British Upper class or Amercian White Anglo-Saxon.
Norwegian, Finnish or maybe Baltic
For me it's either french , german or nord doesnt matter which country.
French generally have a shit cuisine, culture and are overall inferior to the british tbh. Ofc modern day brits are next level degens but british history, culture and influence mogs hard
Kinda wish I was french ngl. Beautiful language, culture, a lot of contributions to the world. They have colonized a lot of other nations meanwhile mine got colonized non-stop.

I wish I was proud of my own country but unfortunately I can't be because compared to what a lot of other countries have done mine lays insignificant.

Most of us have the "slave" mentality too because our ancestors were too weak and constantly got conquered. It's a shame being born in a country that you're not proud of.

Being proud of something your ancestors have done is probably a cope, but it also gives you self-confidence knowing you belong to once a great nation that contributed shit ton to the entire world and englightened millions of people with their literature, knowledge.

I love France I don't know why but their history appeals the most to me as I said their language is incredible truly a great nation to be proud of being born into. :cryfeels:
I would like to be born Swedish or Norwegian. They have a cool appearance and their countries were a paradise on earth before the period of mass migration there in the 2010s-2020s of people from the third world. Even the prisons there look like a Russian five-star hotel.
They lived in huts before the Romans came. They are culturally and historically insignificant next to countries in western europe.
American or Chinese. Nothing beats living in a superpower.
Kinda wish I was french ngl. Beautiful language, culture, a lot of contributions to the world. They have colonized a lot of other nations meanwhile mine got colonized non-stop.

I wish I was proud of my own country but unfortunately I can't be because compared to what a lot of other countries have done mine lays insignificant.

Most of us have the "slave" mentality too because our ancestors were too weak and constantly got conquered. It's a shame being born in a country that you're not proud of.

Being proud of something your ancestors have done is probably a cope, but it also gives you self-confidence knowing you belong to once a great nation that contributed shit ton to the entire world and englightened millions of people with their literature, knowledge.

I love France I don't know why but their history appeals the most to me as I said their language is incredible truly a great nation to be proud of being born into. :cryfeels:
They lived in huts before the Romans came. They are culturally and historically insignificant next to countries in western europe.
that's true however they are still moggers. It's not about culture but how successful they are now and the fact they have the most desirable phenotype.
American or Chinese. Nothing beats living in a superpower.
being chinese is probably a death sentence, china is an incel central at least present day China they started rotting before any of us too.
American or Chinese. Nothing beats living in a superpower.
US does have higher wages than europe but the QoL in the US is bad. It is almost impossible to own a house in the city center everything is overpriced, many US cities are also unsafe. New Orleans and St. Louis are some of the most violent cities in the world, education and healthcare system is also extremely inefficient and very expensive, in general it is a capitalist shithole. Maybe US before globohomo
They lived in huts before the Romans came. They are culturally and historically insignificant next to countries in western europe.
Perhaps, but they have built some of the richest states in the world with a welfare system. As far as I know, Norway has the highest GDP per capita after Luxembourg and Ireland. And Swedish women look like angels.
US does have higher wages than europe but the QoL in the US is bad. It is almost impossible to own a house in the city center everything is overpriced, many US cities are also unsafe. New Orleans and St. Louis are some of the most violent cities in the world, education and healthcare system is also extremely inefficient and very expensive, in general it is a capitalist shithole. Maybe US before globohomo
The US is a shithole and bad unless you're an actual CHAD or a Tyrone , chances of being born as one are very low I wouldn't risk it at all.
that's true however they are still moggers. It's not about culture but how successful they are now and the fact they have the most desirable phenotype.
Most nordics don't look like dolph lundgren lookalikes. They are just tall and blonde otherwise they have weak bones and generally lanky frames. The most desirable phenotype would again be british like Henry Cavill, Jason Lewis types. Brits have many things to be proud about but they are unfortunately low class inbred subhumans these days.
Most nordics don't look like dolph lundgren lookalikes. They are just tall and blonde otherwise they have weak bones and generally lanky frames. The most desirable phenotype would again be british like Henry Cavill, Jason Lewis types. Brits have many things to be proud about but they are unfortunately low class inbred subhumans these days.
being tall, blonde and having blue eyes is enough imo.
They lived in huts before the Romans came. They are culturally and historically insignificant next to countries in western europe.
I am more than sure that today a Norwegian or a Swede lives better than an Italian. Although some are descendants of the German barbarians, and others are descendants of the greatest Roman Empire.
Perhaps, but they have built some of the richest states in the world with a welfare system. As far as I know, Norway has the highest GDP per capita after Luxembourg and Ireland. And Swedish women look like angels.
True tbh it's hard to pick any single country in europe because the ones that have great history like france and england are getting cucked currently. Spain maybe. They have rich history, high wages, good neetbux, great food and the many spanish guys are decent looking.
that's not true
Name a single famous invention that came out of the nordic countries. Outside of dynamite and paperclip there are none. On the other hand the US, Germany and england arw single handedly are responsible for all the modern day inventions. Not just science. They have also dominated literature, arts and music too
I wish I was a Brit. Or a Finn
True tbh it's hard to pick any single country in europe because the ones that have great history like france and england are getting cucked currently. Spain maybe. They have rich history, high wages, good neetbux, great food and the many spanish guys are decent looking.
I have always been a Germanophile, I have always admired the German elite of the Russian Empire, which consisted of Baltic Germans, Finnish Swedes, and emigrant Germans. Many great figures of the Russian Empire were Swedes or had Swedish ancestry. One of the leaders of the anti-communist white army, Baron Peter Wrangel, was a descendant of a Swede who was captured during the Northern War and joined the service in Russia. One of the best commanders of the 20th century, Count Carl Gustav Mannerheim, was a Swede and was able to save his country from becoming a communist garbage dump. The Swedes are a great nation.
Kinda wish I was french ngl. Beautiful language, culture, a lot of contributions to the world. They have colonized a lot of other nations meanwhile mine got colonized non-stop.

I wish I was proud of my own country but unfortunately I can't be because compared to what a lot of other countries have done mine lays insignificant.

Most of us have the "slave" mentality too because our ancestors were too weak and constantly got conquered. It's a shame being born in a country that you're not proud of.

Being proud of something your ancestors have done is probably a cope, but it also gives you self-confidence knowing you belong to once a great nation that contributed shit ton to the entire world and englightened millions of people with their literature, knowledge.

I love France I don't know why but their history appeals the most to me as I said their language is incredible truly a great nation to be proud of being born into. :cryfeels:
French too.
Name a single famous invention that came out of the nordic countries. Outside of dynamite and paperclip there are none. On the other hand the US, Germany and england arw single handedly are responsible for all the modern day inventions. Not just science. They have also dominantated literature, arts and music.
that's not history though, that's just production, and it's unfair given that all of Scandinavia has ~30 million people while Germany has 80 million.
because if you look at history Scandinavia has been important to the course of western civilization throughout its existance
A Chaddarian from a rich and well educated famiy.
that's not history though, that's just production, and it's unfair given that all of Scandinavia has ~30 million people while Germany has 80 million.
because if you look at history Scandinavia has been important to the course of western civilization throughout its existance
What exactly has Scandinavia contributed tho? No wars, No colonies, No monuments, No architecture, No influence, No culture, No cuisine, No scientific breakthroughs, No famous personalities. Only vikings and Ikea have been somewhat relevant through out history. Also population is a cope. Even if we isolate a few cities in England and parts of rhineland in germany you'll find them having greater influence than all the countries in Scandinavia combined
What exactly has Scandinavia contributed tho? No wars, No colonies, No monuments, No architecture, No influence, No culture, No cuisine, No scientific breakthroughs, No famous personalities.
All these people and achievements are irrelevant and pale in comparison to what western euros have achieved. Hardly anyone knows these people or acknowledges these achievements outside of people from these countries. While everyone knows who invented the printing press, the light bulb, who queen Victoria, Elizabeth, Napoleon Bonepart is etc etc.
Wouldn't you want to be born in a tall country? I mean 5'7 in super power is shit life
Average height in a place is irrelevant if you're a short incel there anyway.

being chinese is probably a death sentence, china is an incel central at least present day China they started rotting before any of us too.
Am already an incel though, but that way I'd be an incel who knows that the world is obediently listening to his leaders instead of not giving a fuck what we think.

US does have higher wages than europe but the QoL in the US is bad. It is almost impossible to own a house in the city center everything is overpriced, many US cities are also unsafe. New Orleans and St. Louis are some of the most violent cities in the world, education and healthcare system is also extremely inefficient and very expensive, in general it is a capitalist shithole. Maybe US before globohomo
Yes, but as an American you can always choose a less-expensive place and relocate there while keeping your high wage.
The Swedes were great colonizers, wherever they ruled there were rich and beautiful countries. Norway and Finland have been Swedish colonies for a long time and they are extremely successful. Even Estonia, which the Swedes controlled for some time, is ahead of Lithuania and Latvia in all indicators.
All these people and achievements are irrelevant and pale in comparison to what western euros have achieved. Hardly anyone knows these people or acknowledges these achievements outside of people from these countries. While everyone knows who invented the printing press, the light bulb, who queen Victoria, Elizabeth, Napoleon Bonepart is etc etc.
Hardly anyone knows these people or acknowledges these achievements outside of people from these countries. While everyone knows who invented the printing press, the light bulb, who queen Victoria, Elizabeth is etc etc.
if you don't think most people don't learn about Erik the Red and the first voyages to the New World in school i have some bad news, and people like Gustavus Adolphus and Karl XII are well-known to just about anyone with a passing interest in military history - especially as the 30 years war was the largest European conflict at the time and Sweden had an extremely important role. same can be said for Rurik, who is the founding father of Russia, and Rollo, who similarly is the founder of Normandy. it doesn't matter if they've never reached the same prominence as the West, they still were influential in the course of western history - Rollo and Normandy and subsequently William in England, Gustavus preventing a total Habsburg takeover of Germany, Rurik indirectly creating the Russian Empire, Harald Hardrada defeating Arabs encroaching Byzantium, that sort of stuff. it doesn't diminish their accomplishments if they are less known. Aurelian reunited Rome and have it 200 more years in its lifespan almost singlehandedly and most people can't name him
Swiss (German) or Austrian
German, Norwegian, Swedish or Midwestern American.
Somali if I had to choose
Norwegian or Swiss
Blonde ue eyes Norwegian

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