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Which group of racist / nationalist incels are the biggest copers?

  • Thread starter Teutonic Knight
  • Start date

Which racistcels/nationalistcels are the biggest copers?

  • White nationalists/supremacists/neoNazis

    Votes: 46 46.0%
  • Black nationalists

    Votes: 16 16.0%
  • Asian nationalists/racists

    Votes: 10 10.0%
  • Indian nationalists

    Votes: 15 15.0%
  • Jihadis

    Votes: 7 7.0%
  • Slavic nationalists

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Chicano/mestizo nationalists/"brown pride" / Latin American nationalism

    Votes: 5 5.0%

  • Total voters
I mean alt-right and people who they worship in general. Jordan Peterson for example.

Also if you visit any white racist site you'll get bombarded by pictures of "muh white women".

One of the spiritual fathers of WN David Lane formed this as his 14 words mantra: "Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the earth"

JFL @ WNs, they're the biggest cucks out there.

I see racism as something inherently feminine anyway. As opposed to universalist religions like Christianity and Islam, which promote masculinity and brotherhood of men. Theocracy > ethnic state any day.
Unironically thinking JP is alt right
The same guy who sucks jew dick
The same guy who over and over again cucks and says IT'S NOT ABOUT RACE etc. etc.[/QUOTE]

Jordan peterson is just a milquetoast right wing guy who says some "edgy" things like "FREE SPEECH CAN HURT YOUR FEELINGS HURRR"
How the fuck is JP alt right? Jean Francois Gariepy is alt right Jordan Peterson and his cult are just leeches.
Marx was only half-Jewish, he had no loyalty to the Jews. He was influenced by Anglo and German philosophy like Hegel. He had absolutely zero connection whatsoever to Judaism. He was as Western as they come. Communism is like the most Western ideology ever.

"Communism = Jewish" is a massive cope.
that's why every communist movement in history is always led by jews. Stop counter coping. You sound like a jew and I'm a hapa and have no particular affinity for white men myself but I know when they are getting screwed and you are full of shit. Every marxist theorist in america was jewish all the people pushing marxism into media are jewish, jews control the media and marxist hollywood. Everything you are saying is pure bullshit. Communism isn't "jewish" because they won't partake in actual communism. Communism is just what jews prescribe to the goyim as the ideal way of life(so they can control them).
Marx was only half-Jewish, he had no loyalty to the Jews. He was influenced by Anglo and German philosophy like Hegel. He had absolutely zero connection whatsoever to Judaism. He was as Western as they come. Communism is like the most Western ideology ever.

"Communism = Jewish" is a massive cope.
that's why every communist movement in history is always led by jews. Stop counter coping. You sound like a jew and I'm a hapa and have no particular affinity for white men myself but I know when they are getting screwed and you are full of shit. Every marxist theorist in america was jewish all the people pushing marxism into media are jewish, jews control the media and marxist hollywood. Everything you are saying is pure bullshit. Communism isn't "jewish" because they won't partake in actual communism. Communism is just what jews prescribe to the goyim as the ideal way of life(so they can control them).
They're all cucks. There is nothing worth defending
that's why every communist movement in history is always led by jews. Stop counter coping. You sound like a jew and I'm a hapa and have no particular affinity for white men myself but I know when they are getting screwed and you are full of shit. Every marxist theorist in america was jewish all the people pushing marxism into media are jewish, jews control the media and marxist hollywood. Everything you are saying is pure bullshit. Communism isn't "jewish" because they won't partake in actual communism. Communism is just what jews prescribe to the goyim as the ideal way of life(so they can control them).

European Jews are just attracted to secular ideologies which are anti-Christian. The same reason why they promoted capitalism on the other end.

Also, there were a lot of successful commie movements with no Jewish presence like Spanish communist party, Yugoslav communist party and so on. Also the Asian communists, African communists, North Korea etc.

The European and American Jews were just given an opportunity by the white people to do certain things. They're all Westerners after all.
Marx was a Jew? LOL you're coping hard. He was a white Westerner. Since when are Jews not white? They hold an integral position in the West which worships the ground they walk on. The Jews depend on the West and vice versa.

I honestly don't care too much about the Juden, so I'll leave that one to any of the dozens of people who want to weigh in on it (@DeformAspergerCel, @ElliotRodgerHere). But that's patently ridiculous. The Ashkenazim are genetically distinct from European populations and have largely pursued their own interests to the exclusion of their "fellow" Europeans.

You're picking fights with "White nationalism", now attempt to ascribe philosemitism to "the Right". Somehow, you are confusing Stormnazler supremes with Evangelical Cuckservatism. What exactly are you arguing against?

I love how white racist copers always put all the blame on "the Jew" to find excuses for how pathetic Western "civilization" is.

"Racist". Spends how long denouncing liberalism and then goes on to gorge himself on its fruits. The whole idea of "racism" is contingent on a nation-state framework in the first place, contingent itself on liberalism.

You're from Poland or Hungary right? You think because you dislike life in your homogenous country that it's a good idea succumb to the worship of the exotic and put all your hope in some uppity muds. You read their incoherent cope posts about JBW and think "yeah, he's on my side in the universal brotherhood of ugly men. We don't need racism to divide us. Liberalism sux and is degenerate - basically everyone is an interchangeable unit to whom inherent and equal value can be ascribed as a citizen of an ethnopluralistic society and that's totally different from liberalism". Astonishing that you see their behavior and want to cast your lot in here. Be sure that people will be a lot more hostile and easier to sic against you when they're phenotypically distinct and 80 IQ.

Don't be naïve. I also saw no reason to be "racist" back when I lived in a small 100% White town. You come to realize the nature of things after realizing how greedy and intransigent ethnicrybabies are. Many, many "ethnics" here come across as mercenaries of feminism riled up by propaganda and the promise of gibs.

The whiteknighting as it exists is a Western thing, I come from Eastern Europe where it was never present in history and is something new and foreign (but unfortunately adopted now). Whiteknighting comes from concepts of courtly love, noblesse oblige and other particularly Western concepts. Western men have been programmed to act certain way from centuries. They have been turned into loyal servants of the regime, loyal peasants for the elite and the state, respecting aristocracy and women as the "aristocratic gender".

Liberalism comes from Western philosophical currents which existed way before modern technological advances, they just speed them up but the West was going towards degeneracy fast from humanism and the so-called renaissance on.

The West is garbage and always has been, except for the brief era when it was liberated by Christianity, a universalist religion originating outside of the West, but the West unfortunately turned back to its pagan roots and started praising degenerate Romans and Greeks.

I don't disagree with all of this, but you're still ascribing a lot of things to the wrong places. Faustian Europe is Christian Europe, Faustian Christianity is distinct from Magian/Semitic Christianity, Classical Greece and Pagan Rome were fundamentally different from Christian and Post-Christian Europe. The universalist impulse (egalitarianism) and aristocratic practice (priesthood) of Faustian Christianity is visible in Socialism and modern world-improvement schemes. Paganism (why not mention Hinduism here?) is totally unrelated to anything about the modern West aside from sexual deviancy.

The notions of courtship (present in non-European settled cultures too) and noblesse oblige are not the causes of white knighting, they are the particular Faustian expressions of a tendency common to all men. You ignored this point in the last post.
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I mean alt-right and people who they worship in general. Jordan Peterson for example.

Also if you visit any white racist site you'll get bombarded by pictures of "muh white women".

One of the spiritual fathers of WN David Lane formed this as his 14 words mantra: "Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the earth"

JFL @ WNs, they're the biggest cucks out there.

I see racism as something inherently feminine anyway. As opposed to universalist religions like Christianity and Islam, which promote masculinity and brotherhood of men. Theocracy > ethnic state any day.
yes bro, it's effeminate to not want to import foreign men to fuck women of your own race as you cheer and celebrate the wonderful diversity on the sidelines, and that can also overthrow you and your demographical dominance in your territory once numerous enough :feelstastyman:

Also, JFL at saying christianity promotes masculinity. Is there anything more effeminate than the doctrine "turn the other cheek"?

Tribal alliances based on common denominators such as race are what created and gave rise to civilization, and one can easily see that where ever the erosion of racial identity occurs, whether it's in ancient Egypt, or in modern day america, destruction and the breakdown of society and morality lays in its wake. This is of course not the only reason that societies degenerate, deteriorate and collapse, another important aspect is of course the woman question. A nation or tribe that doesn't thot patrol its thots, and suppress degeneracy in whatever form it manifests, is also headed for destruction. Ideally, one would seek to create an ideology that incorporates both these facets into one, which is what National Socialism and various fascist movements come close to doing, and islam only accomplishes in one respect
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"Racist". Spends how long denouncing liberalism and then goes on to gorge himself on its fruits. The whole idea of "racism" is contingent on a nation-state framework in the first place, contingent itself on liberalism.

I fail to see what you want to say here. Racism is product of liberalism. It's perfectly logical to denounce both liberalism and racism.

You're from Poland or Hungary right? You think because you dislike you life in your homogenous country that it's a good idea succumb to the worship of the exotic and put all your hope in some uppity muds. You read their incoherent cope posts about JBW and think "yeah, he's on my side in the universal brotherhood of ugly men. We don't need racism to divide us. Liberalism sux and is degenerate - basically everyone is an interchangeable unit to whom inherent and equal value can be ascribed as a citizen of an ethnopluralistic society and that's totally different from liberalism". Astonishing that you see their behavior and want to cast your lot in here. Be sure that people will be a lot more hostile and easier to sic against you when they're phenotypically distinct and 80 IQ.

You don't understand from which positions I come from and it would be too long to describe them because these are just too complex issues. I definitely don't worship the exotic. Those exotic cultures eventually succumbed to the West and were too weak to defend themselves. I only have some sympathies towards Islam and that's it. The thing is that the way things are right now, the West is the enemy. My problem isn't with some third world countries and their people and I have zero reasons to hate them and they will not migrate here so why should I even care? People finding excuses for the West are coping.

The notions of courtship (present in non-European settled cultures too) and noblesse oblige are not the causes of white knighting, they are the particular Faustian expressions of a tendency common to all men. You ignored this point in the last post.

It's much more complex because Western whiteknighting is related to worship of the State and its Elite. It comes from European version of feudalism which was very specific and which entrenced the elites as "the betters" while the peasants had to worship the ground they walked on. Now these elites instructed these submissive Western men to worship women and they're doing it without any resistance. And yeah, a lot of Western things are a degenerated and perverted form of Christianity nowadays, but it doesn't make them Christian.
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I honestly don't care too much about the Juden, so I'll leave that one to any of the dozens of people who want to weigh in on it (@DeformAspergerCel, @ElliotRodgerHere). But that's patently ridiculous. The Ashkenazim are genetically distinct from European populations and have largely pursued their own interests to the exclusion of their "fellow" Europeans.
I don't really have much to add aside from what you said. It's absurd, and also slightly amusing that what I assume to be a traditionalist christian appears to have an impulse to defend Jews, considering Jews vehemently hate Christians and have done so ever since Christ's crucifixion
I fail to see what you want to say here. Racism is product of liberalism. It's perfectly logical to denounce both liberalism and racism.

"Racism" as a concept is the product of liberalism. In-group preference and tribalism is perfectly healthy and inherent to human populations. If you want to (attempt, probably incompletely) to overcome yours, go ahead, but don't expect everyone else will.

You don't understand from which positions I come from and it would be too long to describe them because these are just too complex issues. I definitely don't worship the exotic. Those exotic cultures eventually succumbed to the West and were too weak to defend themselves. I only have some sympathies towards Islam and that's it. The thing is that the way things are right now, the West is the enemy. My problem isn't with some third world countries and their people and I have zero reasons to hate them. People finding excuses for the West are coping.

Yeah, everything is complex and ramifies into innumerable threads. You should be able to sever the relevant portion and present it here though.

Yes, "the West" is open to a good deal of criticism just as anything is. This doesn't legitimize the incoherent complaints of the ethnicoping fellaheen who are complicit in the multicultural chimera of the modern West and serve it as they chase gibs. All their agitation against "WNs" and "stormcels" is a bid for ascendancy in the inverted hierarchy of the egalitarian West, where the biggest victims get the highest status for "overcoming obstacles". This is why they have no place inveighing against "the West" when they're the primary beneficiaries of its senility. This point is totally secondary and not exactly related to the point I came here to raise, but I would argue that this is merely symptomatic of temporally-delimited cultural decline and is not an innate defect in the Faustian soul. It's the same principle as when "my pipo :D" sacked the complacent Romans, or when the Persian Empire caved to decadent cosmopolitanism.

It's much more complex because Western whiteknighting is related to worship of the State and its Elite. It comes from European version of feudalism which was very specific and which entrenced the elites as "the betters" while the peasants had to worship the ground they walked on. And yeah, a lot of Western things are a degenerated and perverted form of Christianity nowadays, but it doesn't make them Christian.

Caste system in India, mandate of heaven in dynastic China, the examples are endless. Europeans are not uniquely servile; if anything, it's the opposite.

And yes, I agree that modern universalist philosophy, while an outgrowth of Christian ethos, is not Christian in itself. Similar to the new "West" being only a profane shadow of its earlier self.
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"Racism" as a concept is the product of liberalism. In-group preference and tribalism is perfectly healthy and inherent to human populations. If you want to (attempt, probably incompletely) to overcome yours, go ahead, but don't expect everyone else will.

The thing is, my tribalistic loyalty to "white race" and the West would make no sense. I'm of Slavic ancestry, living in Eastern Europe. We were never part of any white race imperialism, in fact when the white race controlled the world we were viewed as some sort of exotic white niggers who are supposed to serve better whites (Germanics). Culturally, we were on the very margins of the West, often under the yoke of Oriental empires. We got brutally Westernized by communism after 1917/1945 which eradicated traditional way of living and imposed foreign ideological norms, including feminism, but before that, we were hardly Western. Personally, my looks are clearly distinct from white Westerners, I look very Asiatic and my inceldom is related to it because I have these feminine asiatic features that a lot of hapas complain about. Our countries are chaotic shitholes which is why we don't have the multi-culti SJW thing you have in the West. The mentality of our people is still quite different from the hardcore Westerners. Even if the West goes down, it probably won't affect us that much (for better or for worse) because we'll just continue to live in apathy.

"Ethnics" complaining in the West are not on my radar to be honest and I'm not really like them other than disliking the West. I don't live in the "proper" West (Eastern Europe is still Westernized but it's still quite different from Western Europe) as it is right now and I have no intention moving there. If anything, my tribal loyalties should be to anti-Western anti-EU Slavs. But the thing is, Slavic nationalism (I even put it in the poll because I see it as something different than WN) is a major cope as well because at this point, there is absolutely nothing worthy to "protect" anymore. When your own tribe betrays you, it's hard to feel loyalty towards it. I guess if I lived in a multiethnic society and my ethnic group was specifically targeted, I would have loyalty out of pragmatism, but no one targets me due to my ethnicity and our nationalism basically consists of white-knighting others (people who have it good in this society) and praising some glorified mythological history of the past, which is just major coping. It's also very feminist because you have to praise "muh Slavic women" which are in even worse state than white Western women IMO and just wait to get out of here to get with men with whatever other ethnicity that is richer (or just fuck local Chads who have no loyalty to anything).
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Why would an incel be a nationalist?It's more retarded than MGTOW.
I'd say Indian ones. But thats mainly because I am mostly exposed Indian nationalists and their cope over being enslaved by muslims and brits together for around a millenia should be seen to be believed.
Also there is difference between Indian nationalism(which is more a meme civic identity based nationalism like Europhiles or 'American' nationalists) and Hindu nationalism which can be considered to be white nationalism/nazism for curries.
Why would an incel be a nationalist?It's more retarded than MGTOW.
This. Our problems are boyond national lines.
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I don't really have much to add aside from what you said. It's absurd, and also slightly amusing that what I assume to be a traditionalist christian appears to have an impulse to defend Jews, considering Jews vehemently hate Christians and have done so ever since Christ's crucifixion

I don't need imaginary reasons to be against Judaism. Blaming Jews for everything is just some ridiculous cope and excuse for our own sins.
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I'd also say black nationalists.
I'd say Indian ones. But thats mainly because I am mostly exposed Indian nationalists and their cope over being enslaved by muslims and brits together for around a millenia should be seen to be believed.
Also there is difference between Indian nationalism(which is more a meme civic identity based nationalism like Europhiles or 'American' nationalists) and Hindu nationalism which can be considered to be white nationalism/nazism for curries.

I don't know anything about Indian nationalism, but do they really believe India is some great nation? LOL what a massive cope
I don't understand this slavic vs white distinction, if you are gonna do that you might as well do mediterranean vs germanic (meds are arguably closer to arabs in terms of looks) distinction as well, unless you are one of those "slavs arent white" people
I don't understand this slavic vs white distinction, if you are gonna do that you might as well do mediterranean vs germanic distinction as well, unless you are one of those "slavs arent white" people

Slavic/Eastern European nationalists are different because they still cling onto their ethnic nationalisms (rather than racial one) whether it's pan-Slavism or a specific Slavic nationalism (Serbian nationalism, Croat nationalism, Polish nationalism, Russian nationalism, Ukrainian nationalism etc.) or non-Slavic nationalisms like Hungarian nationalism which is quite strong.

These countries are still almost 100% "white" so WN ideas are a bit different. They do exist, but in a different form. Some of them are also anti-Western and don't give a shit about Western whites like for example Russian or Serbian nationalists.

The situation in Western and Eastern Europe is just a bit different. Eastern Euros are different kind of copers.

Meanwhile Mediterraneans and Germanics are all just overrun with non-white migrants so WN/white racism is their priority.
Alt right tradcucks
I don't understand this slavic vs white distinction, if you are gonna do that you might as well do mediterranean vs germanic (meds are arguably closer to arabs in terms of looks) distinction as well, unless you are one of those "slavs arent white" people
It mostly stems from angry western Europeans who get butthurt when eastern Euros mention muslim immigrants and how western Europe is becoming non-white and cucked. Western Europeans known Eastern Europeans are white, they're just angry.

Western Eurocucks also don't want to be associated with poorer eastern European countries. They want European/white to mean rich/wealthy and developed. They don't want some "poor" Polefags or Romanians representing Europe or the white race. Once an eastern European country becomes wealthy enough or first world (Estonia, Slovenia, Czech Republic) they become white or at least western Euros accept them as white.
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It mostly stems from angry western Europeans who get butthurt when eastern Euros mention muslim immigrants and how western Europe is becoming non-white and cucked. Western Europeans known Eastern Europeans are white, they're just angry.

Western Euros know that Eastern Euros are such poor examples of white race that if they (Western Euros) are extinct, the Eastern Euros will just completely embarrass the white race and its legacy. They just want to preemptively disown us and I don't blame them. Imagine a world where a bunch of Slavs in tracksuits will have to carry the torch for the great legacy of the white race after Western Euros get racially mixed to oblivion.

It's so bad for us Slavs that we can't even do the JBW game. We don't really get much of the usual benefits of being white. That's why we're coping with our own ethnic nationalisms like those Serbian war songs on YouTube.
a bunch of Slavs in tracksuits
This is a huge meme. Russian bydloniggers do not represent eastern Europeans.

Eastern Europe is becoming first world and some eastern EU states are already wealthy and first world. It's inevitable. Communism ruins any nation. Eastern Germany was also a shithole after communism.
soycuck alt-right NAWALT redpillers
I've yet to encounter any racists that aren't white here.
I don't really have much to add aside from what you said. It's absurd, and also slightly amusing that what I assume to be a traditionalist christian appears to have an impulse to defend Jews, considering Jews vehemently hate Christians and have done so ever since Christ's crucifixion
Christcucks support zionism/jews because their pastors told them to. If/when white nationalists ever take control of their countries the (((christians))) need to be dealt with harshly.
I don't need imaginary reasons to be against Judaism. Blaming Jews for everything is just some ridiculous cope and excuse for our own sins.
What a load of horse shit. Holding jews accountable for their crimes does not equal blaming jews for everything especially considering the fact that there are more than enough tangible reasons to be against judaism.


  • christians for israel.png
    christians for israel.png
    172.9 KB · Views: 34
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asian/hapa nationalists especially those who try to suck up to white nationalists
Christcucks support zionism/jews because their pastors told them to. If/when white nationalists ever take control of their countries the (((christians))) need to be dealt with harshly.
That wasn't Hitler's view. I know and understand full well that the leading elements of the NSDAP wanted a long term transition from christianity to something a bit more indo European, but the long term transition was just that, long term. I think it would be ill advised to shun potentially useful allies on the basis of religion when the uniting banner should be our shared blood and ancestry. We're not gonna get anywhere by rounding up and massacring Christians. White people, particularly germanics, need time to heal from Christianity. Gradual transition is key when one is dealing with something as fundamental as religion
It's hard to be more of a coper than the "we wuz kangz" type of people that claim Europeans were the leaders in science only because African taught them and that melanin is a tool to absorb cosmic wisdom
I don't know anything about Indian nationalism, but do they really believe India is some great nation? LOL what a massive cope
They believe Vedic India is 10000 year old and the cradle of civilization and Indian sciences and philosophy superior to anything else in the world until muzzies and brits came.

Not really.

Looking at the map, it' actually the opposite you claim, Central Europe has one of the biggest rise in birth rate, and it rise quickly in Poland, thanks to pro natalists policies.

Polish women also prefer to have more babies than women in UK, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Holland. Because they know, that woman, natural role is to be a mother. Natural Law prevails! In the West, women are the biggest victims of the criminal, Marxist-Liberal system.

In UK, "Catholic Polish women" have the highest fertility rate, higher than Muslim women. So, such a feature, like "Conservative mentality", respect to Familiy virtues is very important. In America, Conseservative-Protestant Families have sometimes, even 5 children or more. I can call them "backbone of America".

WE are nations of egoists who do not want to have children, they consider them as useless. Now they have to pay for it.
In case of Poland, as I said, it is not a problem of Polish people but economic-social conditions. Polish women in Britain have the biggest fertility rate in the whole society.

If Poland were as rich as Germany, it would have a fertility rate much higher than 2. Just like Catholic Ireland, a rich country but with traditional, at least for now, people.

Morality, is the key to everything.

So, as you see most non ex-Soviet Union states have much lower corruption rate. I read somewhere that Italy has biggest corruption problems than Poland.

What I consider Central-Eastern Europe is primary the Visegrad Group:

As you can see the corruption rate is just slightly higher than in most WE, and is now declining fastly, due to governments anti-corruption programs and actions.
Not only that but Hungarians leave their countries for Austria etc. Because living conditions are so poor. And refugees want to go to Germany, Sweden where is life conditions are better
Not only that but Hungarians leave their countries for Austria etc. Because living conditions are so poor. And refugees want to go to Germany, Sweden where is life conditions are better
Exactly, it is a reality of EU membership. And, in Eastern Poland. A lot of pseudo-investments, funded by EU funds, which give no opportunities. But they are very good symbol of "local politicians care" about the aborines. Of course, there are some positive, examples, I could give 2 from my home city. But generally speaking, there is a lot of inefficiency in the spending. EU funds have brought wealth to Poland, Romania, Hungary, mostly to these 
people who operate in the sectors, related to them. A lot of mini-firms, have been created, only due to these "help". Normally, such "firms" would be pointless in the civilised, market-dominated economy.

Eastern Europe despite the decades of socialism and its pathologies, embrace Euro-socialism. For me, the only positive sign is that I make a fun of this. I laugh all the time, when I read about contemporary, economic-social reality in ex-communist countries. Eastern Europe is no more "normal" than Western Europe, to be frank.

Sadly, liberalization and atheisation of Polish society, make Poles less Conservative and less oriented on Nationalism.

Czech Republic, just like Hungary, happily is somewhere between the Western and Eastern European, pathologies.

Personally I have respect to only 2 ministers in the PiS government, to Ziobro and to Błaszczak (former minister of interior, now national defense minister). I do not like Macierewicz for his paranoidal theories related to so called "Smoleńsk case". But both Ziobro and Błaszczak are presenting good, Conservative point of view. Rest of government is laughable, especially foreign minister Waszczykowski and former economy minister, now first minister Morawiewiecki. 
The latter wants to import Chinese workers, due to alleged "shortages in workforce". I read, couple of days ago, that private contractors and so called "work agencies" want to import cheap workforce from Bangladesh and Nepal. Ukrainian workers are already too costly, they started demanding higher wages. In situation when whole Polish economy is one of the least competitive in Europe, importation of workforce from Asia is a symptom of treason. Poland does not need to accept any "refugees". Our businessmen will import enough Asians, Arabs, Africans or even Martians, if necessary.

Conclusion is very sad. No matter, who holds power in Warsaw, Poland as a country and a Nation has died. It is the highest time to emigrate.
Black Nationalists are the most delusion because "we wuz kangz"
Ethnics are pissed huh
I remember pissing off a lot of guys for saying JBW is law in a thread. So I'll go with the AMR fags.

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